Atlantis Redeemed

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Authors: Alyssa Day

BOOK: Atlantis Redeemed
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“Alyssa Day’s Warriors of Poseidon series is fascinating, thrilling, and deeply romantic. The perfect blend of fabulous world-building and sexy romantic adventure.”

New York Times
bestselling author Jayne Castle
—Fresh Fiction
“Alyssa Day works her own brand of sexy sorcery in this fabulous new paranormal series. Warriors and witches have never been so hot!”

New York Times
bestselling author Teresa Medeiros
“Day utilizes a nice blend of action, character building, and sexy sensuality in all her books. A terrific escape from reality.”

Romantic Times
“I have been patiently awaiting Alexios’s story and let me tell you, it was well worth the wait. Ms. Day just has a way with these sexy warriors that leaves me breathless.”

The Romance Readers Connection
“There were tears, there was laughter, there were moments my heart soared, and there were moments my heart feared for what was to come . . . I know what I will be doing on the next release day of a Warriors of Poseidon novel!”

Leontine’s Book Realm
“Day is back and better than ever . . . She doesn’t skimp on the action, but this story also delves into the psychological, giving the characters real depth. Power and passion unleashed make for outstanding reading!”

Romantic Times
(top pick)
“Action-packed adventure filled with magic and romance . . . Superb job of world-building that will leave you stunned with the richness of detail. The characters of Atlantis are sexy, intelligent, and fascinating. I absolutely loved it and cannot wait for more!”

Romance Junkies continued . . .
“This character-driven tale will grab the reader’s imagination from page one and hold it in thrall until the end. Imperfect, valiant heroes and the complicated women who love them are the highlights of the series, and this story lifts everything up to the next level . . . An epic thrill ride that should not be missed.”

Romance Reviews Today
(perfect 10 review)
“Impossible to put down—I found myself riveted from beginning to end.”

Joyfully Reviewed
“Alyssa Day’s Atlantis is flat-out amazing—her sexy and heroic characters make me want to beg for more! I love the complex world she’s created!”
—National bestselling author Alexis Morgan
“The legend comes to life. Alyssa Day’s superb writing, fascinating characters, and edge-of-your-seat story bring the legend of Atlantis to life. I cannot wait until the next installment.”
—Award-winning author Colby Hodge
“Alyssa Day creates an amazing and astonishing world in
Atlantis Rising
you’ll want to visit again and again.
Atlantis Rising
is romantic, sexy, and utterly compelling. I loved it!”

New York Times
bestselling author Christine Feehan
“The Poseidon Warriors are HOT!! Can I have one?”

New York Times
bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks
“Alyssa Day’s characters grab you and take you on a whirlwind adventure. I haven’t been so captivated by characters or story in a long time. Enjoy the ride!”

New York Times
bestselling author Susan Squires
“Alyssa Day has penned a white-hot winner!”

New York Times
bestselling author Gena Showalter
“Wow! Alyssa Day writes a marvelous paranormal romance set on Earth.”

USA Today
bestselling author Susan Kearney
“Inventive and electrifying. An exhilarating new series!”

Romantic Times
“Alyssa Day roars onto the paranormal scene with this tense and magnetic read.”

Romance Junkies
“Fascinating and intriguing . . . Fantastic reinvention of Atlantis.”

Huntress Book Reviews
“Breathtaking paranormal romance.”

Fresh Fiction
“Wow! What a spectacular series opener . . . The love scenes are sizzling hot.”
“The world-building is superb . . . The Warriors of Poseidon are a sexy, chivalrous, and dangerous team [who] create an atmosphere of testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife; the interaction between this brawny bunch is priceless.”

ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“A cast of sexy but tormented alpha heroes.”
—The Romance Reader
Atlantis Rising
High Prince Conlan’s Story
Atlantis Awakening
Lord Vengeance’s Story
“Shifter’s Lady” from
Ethan’s Story
“Wild Hearts in Atlantis” from
Wild Thing
Bastien’s Story
Atlantis Unleashed
Lord Justice’s Story
Atlantis Unmasked
Alexios’s Story
Atlantis Redeemed
Brennan’s Story
Don’t miss
Atlantis Betrayed
, Christophe’s story,
coming soon from Berkley Sensation!
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / March 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Alesia Holliday.
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eISBN : 978-1-101-18589-6
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This one is for the fantastic Berkley gang:
To Cindy Hwang, Leslie Gelbman, Susan Allison,
Leis Pederson, George Long, Don Rieck,
Sharon Gamboa, and everyone at Berkley—
for working so hard to make my books better
and put them in the hands of readers.
And, always, to Judd.
To Steve Axelrod, who sometimes just shakes his head and sighs, but sometimes sends me cases of champagne (
New York Times
! Yay, us!), and Lori Antonson and Elsie Turoci, for running the business end of my career so beautifully.
To Suzi Thompson, for her wonderful help with the forums, and to everyone who hangs out there, for the fun conversations.
To the werearmadillos (seriously, don’t ask): Cindy Holby, Michelle Cunnah, Barbara Ferrer, Eileen Rendahl, Serena Robar, and Marianne Mancusi, for moral support, celebrations, and a safe place to vent the steam that comes with working in such a crazy business.
To Computer Boy and Princess, who make every single day of my life a whole lot more fun. I was just kidding about wishing I’d had pet rocks instead of kids.
Dear Readers,
Scientific discoveries are often far more fantastical than any fiction we authors can dream up—but sometimes we “discover” a breakthrough first! When I was finishing this book, imagine my surprise when an article in the March 25, 2009, issue of
The Journal of Neuroscience
reported on how brain activity can predict people’s choices. Since my whole premise behind the vampire enthrallment of shape-shifters and humans was based on altered brain activity, as Tiernan briefly explained in
Atlantis Unleashed
, it was rather eerie to see my fictional science echoed in reality!

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