My Scandinavian Lover (3 page)

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Authors: Bella Donnis

BOOK: My Scandinavian Lover
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“So – I see you two seem to be getting on like a house on fire.” He said sliding closer along the bench. “You don’t happen to know if she’s single do you?” That man’s poor wife.

“Excuse me one minute, I’m just off to the bathroom.” Jayne stood, thankful to be away from that creep.

As she walked along the gangway, the adrenaline pumped through her causing a burst of pleasant feelings to course through her body. There were mutual feelings of attraction going on between Jayne and Astrid and any former animosity or envy that may have existed had now given way to sheer lust and a sexual craving she had not sensed in a long time. Astrid would be permitted to do anything she wanted to Jayne and she prayed it would happen tonight.

Nerves pulsing through her body, Jayne pushed the door open to find Astrid perched on the wash basin, her slender legs dangling over the side. Perfection – It lay right in front. “Hi.”

“Hi you.” Astrid leaned back on the countertop, thrusting her boobs outwards seductively. Big blue eyes stared directly, intense at Jayne. “So – What are you going to do to me?” For the first time, she looked like an innocent and sexually inexperienced girl. A girl who needed teaching a few lessons – In pleasure.

“Jump down from there.” Jayne relished taking a lead and loved the surge of power that flowed through her.

Astrid hopped down from the countertop, heels clattering on the tiles and she slipped. Jayne reacted fast and caught onto her body in the early stages of her forward inertia. Their arms wrapped round each other’s shoulders, their faces – lips inches apart.

Astrid laughed, flicking hair from her face. “I guess there goes the illusion.”

“You are everything I love in a woman. The illusion is still there!” Jayne watched the smile turn serious and moved errant strands of silky blonde hair from Stacy’s face. Her fingers grazed Astrid’s delicate jaw before moving her face toward Astrid’s wide, red lips. She held it there, inches apart and stared into her blue eyes, then down again to her lips. Rose petals filled the small space between them and Jayne lost herself in the aroma. She closed her eyes and slowly brought her lips to connect with Astrid’s. The taste of wine was crisp in her mouth, their tongues connected and explored the other. Jayne brushed a hand through blonde locks and felt Astrid’s hands run down her own body.

“Wait – Not here, babe! I want you in my bed tonight!” Jayne continued taking charge of the situation. “Let’s make our apologies and get a taxi.”

sounds like a plan.”

“You go and I’ll follow in a minute, babe.” She examined Astrid’s perfect hourglass figure from behind as she opened the door and left the bathroom.

Well that could not have gone any better. It was on! Sex lay ahead tonight. Thankfully, Jayne’s flat was merely a ten minute ride away. That would be sure to be one frustrating cab ride but once home, Astrid was getting locked in her bedroom and that door was not opening until morning and possibly beyond.

She straightened her hair in the mirror and noticed the big grin stretched across her face. If anything would give them away to the rest of the party back at the table, it was sure to be that. Oh well – At that moment, she didn’t give a damn what anybody else knew.

As Jayne strode back to the table, she noticed Astrid was not there. Where was she? Panicked, she looked about the room. Then she spotted Astrid’s long legs and black sequined dress stood by the bar.

With two men.




“So, we can’t get you both another drink?” The shorter of the two tall guys with heavy stubble asked.

“No, you’re alright – We were just about to say goodbye to our friends and leave.” Astrid told the two men who had the waiter bring the wine over earlier.

“What? So soon? But it’s still early.” The clean shaven of the two tall men said.

“Well we have other plans.” Jayne told them, annoyed and frustrated this shenanigans was postponing having a naked Goddess in her bed. She took Astrid’s hand and motioned to the door.

“Aye hang on their love, hang on.” Stubble said, putting his hand on Astrid’s arm.

“Yes?” Jayne asked, intervening.

“Well, what did you think of the wine we bought you both? That was fifty quid a bottle!”

“Thanks a lot for that, it was tasty, dry and crisp.” Astrid told them, “but we’re not for sale. You’ll have to try harder than that.”

“So that’s it? You’re not giving us even a few minutes of your time?” Smooth asked, sounding quite desperate now.

“Nope, sorry.” Jayne said pulling Astrid away. “You’ll have to do better than that boys.”

“We weren’t talking to you anyway. It’s pretty fucking obvious you’ve never had a man in your entire life.”

Oh how smooth Mr. Smooth turned out to be. Jayne rolled her eyes, sniggered to herself and squeezed Astrid’s hand. They strode toward the door, putting that unpleasantness behind them and then Abdul appeared in the periphery with outstretched arms, swaying as he walked.

“Girls – Ladies. Where you off to? It’s Friday night and it’s still early.” Abdul said, alcohol thick on his breath. He glanced across from Jayne and took a sustained look at Astrid’s cleavage.

“Oh Abdul – Can you say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Bateman for us. Things could get a little unpleasant if we stick around so we’ll see you all back at the office on Monday.” Jayne said to preoccupied eyes.

“What? I’m not having this!” He manoeuvred himself between the two girls, linking elbows and marched them toward the bar. “Friday fucking night? I don’t think so! I am not taking no for an answer.”

“You’re a real cheeky one aren’t you Abdul!” Astrid said, sassing the man.

“Thanks!” Abdul said taking his eyes away from Astrid’s boobs for long enough to make eye contact with the barman. “Three shots of JD please mate.”

“Abdul, we really were about to leave.” Jayne said while looking over at the twins round the other end of the bar, relieved they were now ogling other women.

“Not hearing it love.” He put up a hand as if to block her words then turned back to Astrid. “So where’s your fella tonight then?”

Very smooth. Astrid looked as though she contemplated not answering the question. “I don’t have a ‘fella’ Abdul.”

“What? A gorgeous bird like you without a fella – What on earth is going on? We’ll have to do something about that won’t we.” He put an arm round her, pulling her into him.

“Well where’s your wife tonight Abdul?” Jayne asked, the makings of anger building in her on seeing the displeasure on Astrid’s face.

“Who? Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Astrid blanched from the stench of his breath.

“Ok, Abdul it’s been a good night, but we have to go!” Astrid pulled away from his arm.

The barman laid three shots down, uncomfortable from the minor altercation.

“Here we go girls – JD – the cause of and cure to many of life’s problems.” He chuckled to himself, handing a glass each to the girls.

“Abdul – You’re not listening! We are leaving – Say goodbye – We will see you on Monday.” Jayne linked her arm around Astrid’s and tried to move.

“Yeah? Well I wasn’t talking to you anyway – Fucking dyke! You’re leaving in a week anyway, so why don’t you just fuck off!” He downed his shot, returned the glass and tried to yank Astrid from Jayne’s grasp.

A row of sequins came loose from Astrid’s dress, whisky spilled down her front. “Look what you’ve done!” She slapped him hard across the face and he reeled backwards against the bar.

“What is going on here?” Mr and Mrs Bateman stood behind the trio having just made their way from the table.

Abdul recovered and straightened up, “I was just having a little fun Mrs B – Completely innocent here.” He held up his palms in a defensive gesture.

“Well that’s not what it looked like from where I was sitting. Up to your old tricks again I see Abdul. Karen told me all about what you tried to do to her.” Go Mrs Bateman, show him what happens to serial creeps. “I think we need to have a little chat Abdul. Over there at the table.” She pointed to the corner where Angela and her boyfriend stood putting their jackets on.

“Shit!” He mumbled under his breath.




The taxi pulled away from Bar Francois. Jayne was relieved to be getting away from that place - and with her prize too. The sexual tension which had built throughout the night was in no way doused by not being able to drag Astrid away while it still simmered and bubbled. If anything, witnessing the lame pickup attempts by a succession of half men turned Jayne on even more. Astrid was stunning! Men wanted her – But it would be a woman taking her home tonight.

Astrid placed a hand on Jayne’s knee. “What was that about you leaving Carter & Co? It’s not true is it?”

“I’m afraid it is. I handed my notice in today. I’ll be leaving in a week.” She put her hand on top of Astrid’s.

“Why?” The disappointment – hurt even was evident in her voice.

“Because I don’t believe I have it in myself to make it in advertising. My confidence has taken a bit of a knock recently.”

“What do you mean your confidence?” Astrid seemed shocked by the revelation.

“There’s only so many knock backs a girl can take before she has to admit defeat.”

“I find that
hard to believe. You seem totally together! With some of the crap I’ve seen you put up with in the one day I’ve known you. You just laugh it off. I admire you greatly for that.”

She was right! Maybe Jayne really did possess the tenacity that Mrs Bateman had insinuated she didn’t have. However, to give up would be to prove the contrary. Regardless of any of that – realistically Jayne still needed a proper job and one that did not pay trainee wages. She wanted a life and she simply could not have one while working at Carter & Co.

Anyway, all thoughts of work should be put on the back burner until Monday morning. Right now she had a Goddess to show the kind of pleasure only another woman could give.




Jayne closed the bedroom door and applied the lock. Finally, they were alone. “You’re not escaping my evil clutches madam. I have you now!”

Astrid laughed and pulled at the chain of Jayne’s necklace which had embedded itself in her cleavage. “I’ve wanted to do that all night long. You sure know how to catch the eye of a usually straight girl.”

How straight could she really be if she’d stolen glances at her cleavage all night? “We’ll see how straight you feel after I’m done with you.” Jayne closed the curtains though the summer night sky still brightened the room. “I’m in the mood for turning you inside-out tonight.”

“I’m fully expecting you to show me what all the fuss is about.”

Jayne wasn’t sure if she completely believed the incredible sight of the girl stood before her – in
bedroom. Astrid was everything she could ever dream of. Long, sculpted legs lead to shapely hips. Her slim waist made the curves of her breasts appear almost unreal. A long, slim neck with clear skin that begged to be kissed. Her facial features were truly angelic, framed by long blonde locks that hung free. But Astrid was not the cold, power hungry girl of first impressions. But instead was warm, compassionate and in need of somebody to show her the way. Jayne felt an overwhelming urge to lead, protect and – for lack of a better word – to show her one heck of a good time. “I’m warning you babe, after tonight, you may become a little hooked on me.”

“Your confidence excites me.” For a second, a flash of vulnerability flashed across Astrid’s face. This was unchartered territory for the girl.

Jayne approached her and ran a hand through thick blonde hair, twining it in her fingers. Her other hand caressed the back of her neck and Astrid closed her eyes, breaths slowing down yet becoming deeper. Jayne felt a shiver run up Astrid’s back, her skin alive with sensations.

Jayne stroked her jawline with the outsides of fingers, then brought her face closer to hers. Their lips close, they breathed the same air. Looking between Astrid’s eyes and lips, Jayne readied herself for this beautiful moment, a moment she wanted to draw out for every last possible second. Finally, their lips touched, pressing gently against each other. Jayne ran her tongue along the inside of Astrid’s lips before connecting with her tongue. The sweet taste of wine still lingered and Jayne felt a slight touch of giddiness which could have been the alcohol or this woman’s lips.

Jayne ran her hands down the entire length of Astrid’s body, marvelling at the curves, black sequins bristling as she did.  How would Astrid’s bare skin feel in her hands and against her own flesh?

“I’m taking this dress off.” Jayne found the zip at the back and dragged it, slowly down to the tops of Astrid’s buttocks. She ran her hands up the inside of her back, caressing her skin, feeling her quiver from the first touch in that sensitive area. Jayne pulled down the fastens, revealing Astrid’s bare shoulders. She touched lips to Astrid’s collar bone, kissing the fragile area, feeling her expanding chest and heavy breaths.

“That feels incredible. I love your touch.” Astrid whispered.

Jayne noticed how Astrid reeled from small, light traces from her fingers and she instantly knew that Astrid had never experienced being touched like this before.

Jayne could not wait any longer, she needed to glimpse and embrace the flesh of Astrid’s breasts. The scent of sex filled the air as Jayne pulled down Astrid’s dress, slowly revealing her figure which shone bright from the remnants of the day’s sun. Jayne followed the dress all the way to the floor and Astrid stepped out from it, kicking her heels off as she did. Jayne stood, following the contours of this Goddess’s body with firm presses from ravenous hands.

Jayne took a step back. What else could she do other than admire this body? “You look fucking stunning babe.” She said through exhaled breaths, her eyes fixated upon perfect, clear skin and breasts that needed to escape the confines of their bra. She studied Astrid’s cleavage, deep and lush and noticed nipples hardened and poking through the material.

Aware she was in a trance, Jayne snapped out of it, lifted her dress from the bottom and threw it over her head. She kicked her heels, perhaps a little too hard and they crashed against the wall. “One less barrier between us!”

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