Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

My Savior Forever (11 page)

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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We lay there together, Jesse laying
half on top of me. He is breathing heavy into my neck. “Baby,
you’re incredible! I am the luckiest man on this earth,” he says
into my neck.

I rest my head onto his and sigh. “I
love you, Jesse. I’m the lucky one.” He looks up as I move my head
back and he kisses me hard on my lips.

He gets up and starts walking to the
bathroom, “Don’t move. I want my place back as soon as I clean us
up.” I hear him running the water in the sink. In a couple of
minutes he comes and sits next to me with a wash cloth. “Open those
legs for me, baby,” he says to me.

I do what he asks. Wow! Does that feel
good! He places the warm wash cloth on my vagina and rubs softly up
and down cleaning me up. OHHHHH! I feel so spoiled. I could so get
used to this. “Hmmmm, that feels great, babe,” I moan.

He finishes cleaning me and proceeds
to clean his cock. Once done he throws the washcloth on the floor
over by the bathroom door. He crawls into bed and pulls me into his
arms. I lay my head on his chest, my right leg over his and I start
rubbing circles on his chest. The last thing I remember before I
went into my blissful sleep is him kissing the top of my head and
whispering, “I love you, Cassie. I always will. You have saved me


I awake the next morning yawning and
stretching. Hmmm, my ribs aren’t as sore, maybe it’s the workout I
am getting. Laughing to myself, I just realized I haven’t had any
nightmares the last couple of nights either.

I look to my left and Jesse isn’t
there. I turn over to his pillow and sniff. It smells of my Jesse.
Yum! I could bottle that scent, sell it and make a fortune! Shaking
my head, nah, I want to keep that for myself.

I get up and go to the bathroom and
look at myself in the mirror. There is definitely an afterglow
about me this morning. My cheeks are tinted pink. I have kissed
lips and oh, my God I have sex hair. I quickly get my brush and
start working on it. Dangit! I need a trim so badly!

I get dressed and make my way
downstairs. I can hear Jesse and Allie talking in the kitchen. I
walk in to Jesse cooking breakfast while Allie sits at the table.
She has her hair piled up on top of her head. Her left leg is
crossed over her right, swinging it as she talks. She grabs a piece
of bacon from the plate on the table and says, “I love her, Jesse.
She is beautiful, sweet, and genuine. I could just go on and on and

“Please go ahead,” I say with a big
grin on my face.

Allie sits up straight and drops her
bacon onto her plate. “Oh, um, Cassie. Morning!” She says smiling.
Walking over to Jesse, I am laughing now. He bends down, while
cooking eggs in the skillet, and I kiss him on the cheek while
patting his back. I walk over and sit across from Allie, grabbing a
piece of bacon and stuffing it in my mouth, looking at her smiling
the whole time.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.
Please, continue,” I say with my mouth full. Allie smirks at me
playfully and continues to eat. “I was just telling Jesse how much
I am enjoying my time here. I might not want to leave.” She

Jesse walks over with a bowl of
scrambled eggs, toast, jelly and sausage. He places them on the
table and sits next to me. He leans over and gives me a very
welcome good morning kiss. Allie clears her throat. Ok, maybe we
kissed a little longer than the usual good morning kiss.

“Even though I thoroughly enjoyed the
night time activities I heard last night, can you guys please at
least refrain a little in front of me?” She says with a grin. Oops!
I didn’t realize we had been that loud last night.

I turn a million shades of red when I
look at her.

“Aw, don’t be embarrassed, Cassie. I’m
so happy for you and Jesse, truly I am!” She says, “I love you
being a new addition to our family and now I have the sister I
always wanted.” Her smile is contagious.

“So, what are you girls going to do
today? I have to head into town and get a few supplies.” Jesse
looks at me from the corner of his eyes. “Do either of you need

I look at him and mouth ‘What?’ and he
shrugs. What is that all about? We both tell Jesse we’re fine and
don’t need anything.

I tell them I will clean up so Allie
goes upstairs to get dressed. Left in the kitchen with Jesse I walk
over to him and ask, “What was that all about? Why did you look at
me that way?”

He puts his arms around me. “I, um,
think I need to get a couple of pregnancy tests. Remember Dr. Moore
says that you should take more tests to make sure you’re not
pregnant. We want to make sure, right?”

I look at him with tears in my eyes.
“Oh, my God, Jesse. What if I am? I could never, ever get rid of
it. I know I couldn’t do that. But, but what about us? What will
happen to us?” I ask, my voice shaking.

He reaches his hand to my cheek and
wipes away the tear that has now fallen down my face. “Baby, shhhh,
it will all be ok. If you are, we will deal with it. I am not going
anywhere. I love you. And if you are pregnant, then I will love the
baby as much as I do you. Shhhh, don’t worry.” He kisses my
forehead and lingers there. I close my eyes and let out a sigh of

A couple of hours later, Jesse leaves
us to go into town, showing us how to arm the alarm and making us
promise to set it when he leaves.

Allie and I spend the time talking and
getting to know each other. She talks about her and Jesse’s
childhood and I talk about getting back to my friends at the

“Um, if you don’t want to talk about
this you don’t have to, but what happened Cassie? Why did those men
have you?” She asks me with a frown.

I look at her. She has such concern in
her eyes. I am starting to love her like a sister and a best
friend. Can I tell her? Will she feel differently about me after
she knows what happened? Do I take that chance?

I take a deep breath and tell her
everything. I don’t leave out any details. I tell her about how
Jesse is my savior and not only did he save me from the men that
kidnapped me but he has saved me from my life of loneliness and
unhappiness. I am crying by the time I am done.

Allie gets up from her spot on the
chair and sits next to me on the couch and envelopes me in a hug,
she is crying too. We sit there crying and hugging for the longest
time. By the time we pull back I am sniffling and

Allie reaches over to the end table
and grabs a couple of Kleenex’s and hands me one. While wiping her
eyes she says, “Oh, Cassie. You have to be the bravest person I
have ever met. I am so sorry that happened to you and the life
you’ve had to endure.”

“Jesse is getting pregnancy tests
because there is still a chance I could be pregnant,” I say while
crying again. “Jesse told me he didn’t care if I was, he would
still love me and the baby.” Now I am bawling.

Allie hugs me again and holds me
tight. “Of course he will and so will I. He loves you,

I am crying harder now. What did I do
to deserve these wonderful people’s love? I never thought I would
have this, that I would feel this. I feel so blessed right

We both pull back from each other and
she wipes some tears off my face with her tissue. “Why don’t you go
upstairs and lie down for a little while? Hmmm? Jesse should be
home pretty soon and if you’re still asleep, I’ll make sure he
comes to you, ok?” She says patting my knee.

“Are you sure you don’t mind? I hate
just leaving you down here alone,” I ask. She shakes her head at
me. “No, of course I don’t mind. Go ahead. I’ll be fine. Jesse
won’t be much longer.”

I nod at her and slowly walk to the
stairs. I turn my head to her. “If you need me, come wake me up.
Promise?” I ask her. She nods at me, “I promise. Now go get some


I am disoriented as I open my eyes to
find Jesse looking at me as he shakes me really hard. “Cassie,
baby, wake up! Honey, shhhh, wake up. It’s just a dream. I’m here
now, shhhh.” He pulls me into his arms and holds me.

I feel really out of it. “Um, what
happened?” I ask.

Jesse pulls away, just slightly, as he
searches my eyes. “You were having a bad dream. Allie told me you
told her everything that happened to you. I think that may have
caused your bad dream. Can you remember anything?”

I shake my head a bit while closing my
eyes. “Um, yeah, it was the same nightmare I was having before. It
felt so real, like it was happening all over again.” I push my face
into his chest while my arms go around him. He places his hand on
the back of my head, stroking my hair over and over.

Allie comes racing into the bedroom
and skids to a stop right before she hits the bed. “Oh, my God,
Cassie! Are you ok? You were screaming so loud!” She

Still holding me, Jesse looks over at
Allie. “She’s ok, sis. Just a nightmare, she’ll be ok in a bit.”
Allie reaches over and rubs my back. I dig my head deeper into
Jesse’s chest.

Allie whispers, “Its ok Cassie. We
both love you, remember that, we love you and we’re here for you.”
She quietly leaves the room, but I can hear the door

I look up at Jesse. “I’m sorry. I feel
like that’s all you do is take care of me. I don’t mean for you to
have to do that so much.” I sniffle.

He cups my face with his hands. “Don’t
ever feel that way, baby. I will always take care of you. I love
caring for you. I love you. Don’t ever forget that. I think talking
about it today with sis put it all in your head again.” He kisses
my forehead, and I begin to calm down.

“I hate to bring this up but do you
feel like taking one of these tests now? I really think you should
do one today and then maybe take another in a few days. I bought
several. I know the doctor said in a couple of weeks but I want
this to be behind you.” He kisses me softly.

I pull back from him and brush the
hair out of my eyes. “I’m ok. Thanks for getting those for me. I’ll
go take one and be downstairs in a few minutes, ok?” I look at him
with a small smile.

“Ok, but are you sure you don’t want
me to stay up here with you? Moral support?” He asks. I shake my
head. “I think I need to do this on my own. But, thank you.” I give
him a hug and get up from the bed. As I walk towards the bathroom I
look over my shoulder and watch him leave the room.

After taking one of the tests, I lay
it on the counter and decide to take a quick shower. Maybe that
will help me get refreshed. Once I am done and toweled off, I wrap
the towel around my body and begin the tedious process of brushing
out my hair. I look down at the test but nothing is showing yet. I
pick up the box and read the back to see how long it takes. Hmmm
should be any second now.

I hear the bathroom door open slowly
behind me. I look over my shoulder and its Allie peeking

“I’m sorry, I hope you don’t mind. Can
I stay? I just wanted to be with you,” she says smiling. I shake my
head and turn back around and start brushing my hair

“Ouch! Damn that hurt. My hair has
needed a trim for quite a while now,” I say as I snag my hair, yet

Allie looks at me fondly. “Hey, I have
some scissors in my bathroom. I’m always snipping at my hair. May I
trim it for you? I promise I won’t screw it up too bad.”

“Wow that would be great if you’re
sure you don’t mind?” I ask hesitantly. She turns to walk out. “I
don’t mind at all, what are friends for?” She smiles and then

While Allie is gone, I look back down
at the test on the counter. I pick it up to get a better look.
“Negative,” I say aloud. I slump and sigh in relief. There’s still
a small chance I could be pregnant, I know, but I am still relieved
just the same.

Allie comes back into the bathroom,
shutting the door behind her. She looks at me and then down to the
test in my hand. “May I?” She asks. I hand the test to her and next
thing I know she slams into me hard, wrapping her arms around me,
knocking us into the counter.

She pulls back still holding onto my
shoulders. “What? You’re not happy with the result? I thought you
would be jumping up and down,” she says and she studies my

I smile and nod. “I’m happy it’s just
that the doctor said it could be too soon to tell yet. She
suggested I take one in a couple of weeks, but Jesse thought maybe
I could take one every few days.” I shrug.

“Well, negative now is still good news
in my book. Now, let’s see about your hair. I brought some
detangler with me. I’ll put that on first to see if I can get
through your tangles easier. May I?” She says as she reaches for my

Once Allie has gotten all the tangles
out of my hair, she trims it. Perfect! Oh, it feels so much better!
I turn around to her. “Thanks so much Allie. You should be a

She smiles at me and waves me off.
“Oh, that’s nothing. I’ve been cutting Jesse’s hair and mine for
ages. You have beautiful hair, with just enough wave to give it
that extra body. And I love the color!” She smiles at me as she is
fluffing my hair.

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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