My Only Regret (Twisted Fate Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: My Only Regret (Twisted Fate Book 1)
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Since I'd returned home we had taken things slowly, not wanting to rush anything. We hadn’t been together sexually since that night at the bar and my body was painfully aware that it had missed his touch.

“Jesse, I want to be with you. I need to have you against me, inside me, I need to feel all of you,” I begged. He groaned in response and stood with me in his arms. He carried me inside and looked to me, as if asking where to go. “The bedroom,” I insisted.

He placed me carefully on the bed and slowly approached me. For the first time since I'd met him he seemed unsure of how to proceed. So I led the way, placing my hands on his stomach and grabbing the hem of his shirt. He placed his hands flat on either side of my shoulders and patiently waited for me to take my time. My fingers delicately explored his body. I started at his shoulders and traced my way down the tattoo covering his side. I flattened my palm against the hardened abdominal muscles, feathering light kisses over each defined line with light strokes of my fingertips. My hands slowly reached around and snaked their way between the waist of his sweatpants and the bare skin of his ass. My breathing was slow and steady as I welcomed the rush of excitement that began to take over me as I made contact with his skin. I squeezed firmly and pulled him against me as I lifted my face to the waiting lips that were now hovering mere inches above my own. The kiss was hard, gentleness nowhere to be found. I tore frantically at his clothing, careful not to break the connection that sealed us. My mouth remained firmly planted on his, as if depending on the life he was breathing back into me.

He traced a hand slowly down my side and I arched into his touch as his fingers played along the edge of my breast. I covered his hand with my own and brought it to rest over a hardened peak. It was all the assurance he needed to move forward. I watched as he carefully removed every stitch of fabric remaining between us. He wrapped my legs around his waist and filled me until I had taken every inch. I grabbed his shoulders and held on for dear life, wondering how I had gone so long without this pleasure. He rocked into me, gently at first, until my body relaxed and gave way to the freedom that came from him being buried deep within me. I moved against him until we found a rhythm that fit us both. I kissed him again, feeling safer with his lips over mine. My tongue mingled with his as he penetrated the very center of my being. I moaned words of pleasure against his mouth and felt myself freely falling over the edge of ecstasy as my orgasm overtook me. Jesse declared his love for me loudly and he went rigid as he spilled himself inside me.


et’s renew our wedding vows.” Jesse declared, plopping down next to me on the sofa. I pushed my glasses atop my head and looked up from the work I had been doing on the computer.

“That would be nice." I drew my brows together in wonder. "What brought this on?”

“I want my family to witness it this time,” he laced his fingers with mine and I set my laptop aside. “I want to make this one special, with only family and close friends. We could invite your mom if you like.”

“I haven’t spoken to her in over a year,” I fidgeted with his thumb. “I guess I should see how she’s doing. When do you envision this wedding taking place?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “How about this weekend?”

“Jesse!" I smacked my hand against his firm stomach. "I can’t plan something that quickly, a girl needs time for something like this. We rushed it the first time. Besides, I have an idea where I would like it to take place and it needs to be a bit warmer outside before that can happen.” I continued to rub nervously over his thumb.

“What place is this?” he asked, putting a stop to my fidgeting by placing his hand over mine.

“Your parent’s backyard, it would be perfect. We could get married in April, I’ll only be five months along, I could still fit in a dress by then.”

“That’s perfect, baby,” he smiled and stroked over my knee. “You’ll look beautiful in your dress, you always look beautiful." He kissed my temple and continued reminiscing. “I think my parents home would be perfect. You know, I've been thinking a lot about our first time together, it was pretty spectacular. You were so sexy in those tight ass jeans with your hair falling down over your breasts. I remember how good you felt in my hands. Just touching you made my heart beat faster. It still does,” he whispered in my ear. I opened my neck to him, giving him easier access, as he planted wet kisses across my shoulder and down my back. He pulled my hair out of the way, kissing the back of my neck, and as I leaned back I felt his arousal pressing into my hip.

“I remember that night very clearly. I’ll never forget the way your hands felt on my skin. The way your lips felt on mine, the look in your eyes, you were so gentle with me, and everything felt so right.” I turned my body around and straddled his lap. “You knew just what to do to make my body respond. You still do. You know me even better now. The things you do to me now, whoa, I can’t even begin to describe how good you make me feel,” I declared, pressing my center against him.

“Is that right?” he groaned, licking his lips as I leaned forward.

“Uh huh,” I whispered. “I can't tell you, but I can show you.” I pressed against his mouth and sucked his lower lip, nibbling it gently before shoving my tongue into his mouth, staking claim. His hands pulled at my T-shirt, dragging it over my head. I leaned back, making it easier for him to help me out of the boxer shorts I had put on after our run. I wrestled with his gym shorts and shirt before he flipped me on my knees. I lowered my head to the floor and let out a soft moan as he placed a hand between my legs.

“You're so ready for me baby.” He inserted two fingers inside and moved them slowly. I pressed my hips against him and a guttural sound escaped my throat. I rocked back and forth over his hand as he sped up his movements. His thumb found my swollen nub and rubbed quickly until my muscles clenched tightly around his fingers. He pulled them out, leaving me empty and wanting more, and inserted them one by one into his mouth. "You taste incredible, as always." His voice growled deeply before replacing the void with his firm erection.

In this position he had direct contact with every nerve already on high alert from what he'd just done to me. He moved quickly in and out, grunting low through clenched teeth. I resumed rolling my hips back against him as he slid easily in and out of my soaked core.

“Shit baby, I’m so close,” he announced. I bucked wildly as he continued thrusting from behind. We found our release together and collapsed on the floor, gasping for breath.

He planted kisses all over my face as I continued to come down from two orgasms. “I think you broke me that time,” I laughed. “My oh my Mr. Montgomery, what kind of spell have you put on me?” I asked, dreamily.

“Nothing worse than what you’ve done to me,” he mumbled through delicate kisses. “You own me.”

“Ditto,” I chuckled. “I need a nap.” Jesse pulled a blanket over us and we snuggled on the floor. “Promise me you’ll never leave me. I don’t think I could survive without you again,” I whispered.

“I’m not going anywhere, Rhyann,” he promised, as he pulled me tight against his body. “Get some rest baby.” He kissed my hair and soon I fell asleep to the rise and fall of his chest against my back.

he doorbell woke me from a deep sleep. I stretched fully and realized that I was in our bed. I distinctly remembered falling asleep on the living room floor earlier that afternoon. I looked around for the clock and noted that it was after five, no wonder my stomach had been growling. I threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top before heading downstairs.

“When does he want to reschedule?” I heard Jesse ask.

“Nate says the venues are asking us to be there within the next few weeks. We’re ready to go, all you have to do is say the word and we can take off. Do you think Rhyann will be okay to travel?” Tyler asked.

I entered the room before Jesse could respond. “I'm good to go.” I looked over at Jesse, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. I want to go with you. I don't want to be apart from you again.”

“Then I guess we’re heading out, but I have one condition. I want to talk to David about Mel joining us. I think it would be great for you to have your best friend with you on your first time out.”

“Oh wow, Jesse, that's a terrific idea. Do you think David will be okay with that?”

“Are you kidding me? The guy is head over heels in love. They live together now, you remember what it was like before we got married,” he winked.

“Hey, don’t knock marriage sex. I’ve been having it for years and it beats dating sex by a long shot,” proclaimed Tyler. “Just ask Stefani.”

“No thanks!” Jesse and I both replied, laughing.

“He’s got a point,” Jesse said, wrapping an arm around my waist. “What we did this afternoon makes all the sex I had before marriage look like amateur hour.” He dipped me back for a mind-blowing kiss just to prove his point.

“Ew, I did not need to know that little brother. Now I have to go home and have sex with my wife just to get that picture out of my head.” He shook his head and walked toward the door. “Catch you two later.”

“Give Stefani our love,” I yelled, before kissing my husband once more. “So, when do we leave?”

“Let me call Nate and find out,” he picked up his phone and started dialing. “Thanks babe. This means a lot.”

“I’m your wife, and your biggest fan. Don’t you forget that Jesse Montgomery.” I tapped him gently on the nose before leaving the room.

fter Jesse had spoken to Nate he informed me we would be leaving in fifteen days. That didn't give me a lot of time to get everything ready. I planned to call Stefani just to see what I would need to buy. Next, he placed a call to David and discussed his idea of having Mel join us on the road. He was totally cool with it, and apparently Mel was super excited. I called her to see for myself.

“Aaahhhh! Can you believe I am going on tour with Twisted Fate? I am so stoked to spend quality time with you. It's been too damn long. I can’t wait to leave. I have to go shopping and call my boss. This is wicked awesome!” she screamed in my ear.

I had my phone on speaker, and as she finished screaming Jesse poked his head around the corner laughing. “I guess she’s excited.”

“Hey Mel, I am thrilled about this too. I really need some time with you, let’s go shopping this weekend for the trip. We’ll do lunch.”

“Sounds good Rhy. Call me tomorrow.”

“Will do, see you later.” I hung up and clapped my hands happily. I was going on tour with my husband and best girl friend. This was going to be a great trip.

t was a Saturday afternoon, and Mel and I had already stopped for a pedicure before going to the mall. It was a rainy day and the place was packed. Loud music rang through the speakers of the hip store we'd wandered into. Mel had insisted that I needed to find the perfect outfit for their opening concert.

"I don’t know about this one, Mel. It fits pretty tight.” I stepped out of the dressing room and modeled it for her. “What do you think?” I asked, chewing the inside of my cheek.

She got up to walk around me, looking me up and down. “It’s good, but still not quite the look I had in mind. Try on the next one.”

“Ugh,” I complained. I hated shopping, especially now that I was pregnant and nothing seemed to fit as well. “I’ve tried on a whole pile and you haven’t liked a single one. What makes this one so special?”

“Because it’s all leather,” she exclaimed, handing me a pair of black leather pants with a short red sweater and black leather jacket. “These will be killer with your black boots.”

“Whoa. I like it already. I hope they fit, I’m getting fatter you know.” I muttered, before heading back into the dressing room.

“What was that sweetie?” Mel called after me.

“Nothing. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“That’s what I thought. You’re not getting fatter, Rhyann, you’re pregnant,” she replied tartly. A few minutes later I stared at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe my own eyes. I opened the dressing room door and Mel’s face dropped to the floor. “Now
is the look I was going for! You look like a fucking rockstar’s wife.” She jumped up and circled me. “Wait a minute, you
a rockstar’s wife!” She squealed, grabbing me by the elbows and jumping up and down. I joined her, finding it hard to believe myself.

“I do look good, don’t I?” I strutted around the dressing area.

“Now we need accessories,” she declared, getting up. “Change out of those and follow me.” I quickly changed, and then paid for the leather plus a few new pieces of lingerie and jewelry Mel had picked out. Bags in hand, we headed off to lunch.

“So, things with David are heating up?” I asked, as she took a sip of wine. We had decided to have lunch at a restaurant located just outside the mall. They were always packed and famous for their Caesar salad.

“They are indeed. Moving in with him turned out to be a great idea. I’m so glad he thought of it,” she giggled. “Seriously though, we have been getting along really well. We have dinner most every night and watch television. I never knew rockstars lived such normal lives. He likes to read to me Rhyann. Can you believe that? He has me lay my head on his lap and he reads me short stories out of these mystery novels that he has lying around the house. Oh, and he loves to take me shopping. The man owns more clothes than I do!”

“Sounds like you found the perfect guy for you.” I reached over and patted her on the hand. “I’m happy for you sweetie. He’s a great guy. I’m glad that he found you. Plus, it means that I get to see more of you. Can you believe that we are going on tour with them? I mean, it’s not a full tour, but still we get to see the whole show from behind the scenes. Have you ever heard him play? He’s got wicked talent.” We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the guys and how much fun it was going to be living on the tour bus for the next few weeks. We parted ways in the afternoon and when I arrived home Jesse was in the studio messing around with his guitar. I walked quietly down the stairs and stopped to sit on the last step and listen. He sang softly, and his voice was rich and deep. The way his fingers moved over the guitar's fret board was mesmerizing. He was so talented. I watched with eagerness and found myself in awe of the reality that he truly was my husband. I was so proud of him. I couldn’t wait to see him perform live again.

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