My Lucky Catch (University Park #6) (18 page)

BOOK: My Lucky Catch (University Park #6)
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Half an hour later, with several beers and mixed drinks consumed, we were laughing and having a good time, with the exception of Lexi. Collin was glued to the TV watching the baseball game and paid her little attention. I felt bad for my sister, but she kept herself content with watching the football game in between turns and trying her best to earn a strike.

The clock on the scoreboard dwindled down as our games neared the end. Jordan and Forbes were only a few points behind us. “Get off your phone, and hurry up!” I reached for Delaney’s phone, but she jerked her hand away. “We only have a few minutes left.”

“Okay, okay. I was just posting some pics of us.” She shoved her phone into the back pocket of her jeans and stumbled to the return rack. At that moment, I knew she had too much to drink. When she grabbed my 12-pound bowling ball, I shook my head.

“She’s gonna do it!” Jordan cheered and then pulled Lexi to watch.

“Don’t fall!” Lexi warned.

“I won’t.” Delaney laughed and waved off her warning, nearly tripping as she approached the lane. “Whoa.” She turned around with a thumbs up signal, but I wasn’t convinced she was okay.

She released the ball, and it shot down the wood, swerving to the left and then straightening as it hit the center.

“I almost got a strike!” Delaney danced around like she had all the time in the world.

“That’s great. Now quit jacking around,” I bit out the words, getting more frustrated by the minute. “You still have another turn. Let’s see if we can all roll before the time is up.”

“All right. All right,” she snapped.

She retrieved the 12-pound ball and hurried to the lane. Positioning herself behind the line, she clutched the ball to her chest, eyeing her target.

One standing pin.

Delaney swung her arm back, and as she stepped forward, her foot slipped and she went airborne. The 12-pounder flew from her hand as she slipped against the slick floor. I dove forward, but it was too late. A loud yelp escaped her mouth as her body crashed to the ground.

“Oh, shit!” I skidded across the floor to her side, hoping she hadn’t hit her head.

“Oh my God!” Lexi screamed, gliding across the floor. “Are you okay?”

Forbes was next to me in a split second. “Is she okay?”

“Did you hurt yourself?” I checked her head, arms, and then her legs, making sure nothing was out of place or broken.

Delaney rubbed her backside, and her face twisted in pain. “I busted my ass, that’s all.”

“What the heck happened?” Collin hovered over us.

“Delaney slipped and fell,” Lexi informed him.

“Better slow down on the drinks, missy,” Forbes teased her as he patted her back.

Collin shook his head and then walked off. While I’m sure he was concerned about her wellbeing, he had little tolerance for people who drank.

With one hand behind her back, supporting her, I helped her stand. When I was positive she wasn’t going to fall, I released her.

“Oh, man!” Delaney cried as she pulled her phone from her back pocket. “My screen shattered.”

“Damn, that’s the second phone you’ve had this year,” I complained, knowing I was going to have to take her tomorrow to get a new one.

“Well, if you wouldn’t have been rushing me, this wouldn’t have happened!” Delaney yelled.

I took a step back, not liking the fact she was accusing me for her mishap. “Don’t blame it on me. You’re the one who had too much to drink.”

With her hands on her hips, Delaney eyed me. “I’m not—”

“I think you dropped your ball.” Riley walked up to me and shoved the ball into my chest.

When did he get here?

I grunted as the ball crushed against me, but managed to keep a straight face. “Whatever.” Ever since Mateo’s surprise birthday party, we’d been at odds with each other, and I was certain it was because of the fact that he wanted what I had.


We stared at each other for a few seconds before I placed the ball on the return ramp. Riley’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t say anything. Fisting my hands, I took a few deep breaths, trying to keep calm. I didn’t want to fight him, but I didn’t appreciate him shoving a 12-pound cement ball into my chest. I was ready to punch the prick in the throat, but I knew better.

Riley smirked, as if telling me he knew I wouldn’t do anything.

Just let it go. Let it go. He’s not worth it.

Silently, I counted to three, steadying my breaths.

Riley turned around, and as he started to walk off, he stopped and looked at Delaney. “Next time, you might want to help your boyfriend find his ball.” He snickered behind his hand.

“Screw you, Riley,” Delaney snapped.

Riley’s eyes swept over her as a huge grin spread across his face. “We already did, remember?”

Heat swamped my face, and my hands tightened. “Asshole!” I leaped over the return ramp and grabbed a fistful of Riley’s shirt, pulling him back. I swung, landing a punch in the center of his face. Riley bowed, totally surprised from the hit, but he came back at me, throwing a left hook. I blocked Riley’s arm, but he swung again, this time hitting me in the stomach.

“Ugh.” I folded, feeling the beer rise up in my throat.

“Stop!” Delaney yelled.

Before I could return a punch, Collin and Forbes grabbed my arms and pulled me away.

“Come on, guys!” Forbes yelled, trying to stop us from fighting, but my arms were swinging uncontrollably. It sickened me to know Riley had slept with Delaney, and I planned on showing him just how much I didn’t like it.

“Coach is going to be mad.” Collin worked hard to separate us, but we were both throwing punches at each other.

Winston suddenly appeared and latched on to Riley’s arms, jerking him away. “I’ll whip both of your asses if you don’t stop!” The six-foot-three player definitely could do it, too. As Forbes and Collin pulled me back, Riley’s leg flayed in the air, and he landed a kick on the edge of my chin. My head whipped to the side, and I stumbled back, bringing Collin and Forbes down with me. Gripping my face, I nearly landed on Delaney, but managed to miss her by a few inches.

Delaney crouched next to me. “Luke, are you okay?”

“I’m good.” I shoved her away from me as I stood. Thinking about her and Riley together made me sick. Knowing that his hands touched her had me ready to scream. Anyone but him!

“Get off me, Winston, I’m warning you!” Riley yelled as Winston pulled him away. His feet thrashed as he kicked everything he passed, including barstools and chairs.

“Everyone, out of here now!” Two security guards yelled at us, and I knew we had to bail before they called the cops.

“We need to go now.” Forbes rushed past us with Jordan in tow.

I grabbed Delaney’s hand and kicked off my bowling shoes. Delaney did the same and tossed my shoes to me. Slipping them on, I motioned for Collin and Lexi to do the same. We ran out of the bowling alley, leaving Winston and Riley behind. But I didn’t give a shit. Riley could go to jail for all I cared. I busted through the front door and bolted on to the sidewalk. So much for sneaking Delaney out tonight. She was the last person I wanted to see.




Chapter 12




The drive back to the dorm was the longest ever. Every few minutes, I glanced at Luke, but he kept his eyes on the road and his fingers wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. The music was turned up, preventing any of us from hearing anything, that’s if anyone talked, but I think everyone knew better.

I started to inch my hand toward his leg but decided that was probably a bad idea. When Luke was pissed, he wanted to be left alone. I had really screwed up this time, but I reminded myself that I wasn’t his girlfriend and could do whatever I wanted to do. But why was I feeing so guilty? There could only be one reason.

I loved Luke.

But I wasn’t ready to tell him that.

Not yet.

He pulled up to the loading zone at the back of the dorm and threw his car into park. I opened the door, and Lexi got out. I started to get out of the car, but stopped.


When he didn’t respond, I said his name again. “Luke?”

But instead of answering me, he turned up the volume, drowning out my voice. He obviously didn’t want to talk to me. I hooked my purse on my shoulder and got out of the car. The engine reeved up and the tires squealed as Luke took off, smoke billowing from behind the car.

“He’s pissed.” Lexi shook her head.

“I know.” I held my head down in shame, hoping Lexi didn’t ask me anything. I wanted to tell her about us, but if I did, and Luke found out, he’d be even more pissed at me.

Lexi headed up the stairs to the back door, and I trudged behind her. Taking out her key card, she swiped it through the reader. “He obviously likes you. Otherwise, why would he care who you sleep with?”

I stopped on the fourth step, feeling a huge weight in the center of my chest pull me forward. I didn’t know what to say. I thought about telling her I was going to Jordan’s for the night, just to escape her questions. But how long could I avoid my roommate?

A loud engine roared between the buildings, and I turned to see Luke’s car speeding toward me. My heart started racing, trying to out run the Camaro without even moving an inch. What was I going to do now? I wanted to get in my car and avoid him and his sister. But I could only run for so long.

Luke stopped in front of the stairs. The door opened, and Collin stepped out. “Get in. Now!” Luke yelled.

I swallowed hard and looked at Lexi. “I guess I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah. Don’t wait up for me.”

With one-foot forward, I descended the stairs. My knees shook, and a layer of sweat covered my entire body. I’d never felt so scared in my life. The fear wasn’t from what Luke might tell me, but rather, what I might tell him.

I got in the car and before I could shut the door, he took off. Sliding around the vinyl seat, I struggled to put on my seat belt, but somehow managed to click it. I looked at him, but he didn’t say anything. He just kept driving like a mad man through campus. Instead of turning on to University Drive to go to his apartment, he turned right. I wanted to ask where he was going, but refrained.

I stared out the window as we passed frat row. The car hugged the sharp turns, and I prayed he wouldn’t flip the damn car. My throat was thick with regret, and I kept rehearsing my explanation for what happened. Reality was, I couldn’t explain it to him. I wasn’t ready to. Then again, did I really have to?

Luke pulled into the baseball stadium parking lot and stopped the car near the back. Several of the lights were out since they were expanding the parking spaces and adding a new training facility. Large tractors and dump trucks surrounded us, and I hoped Luke wasn’t going to leave me out there.

He shut off the engine and let out a long sigh. It took him a minute or so to finally look at me. “Why Riley?” He shook his head in disgust. “Anybody but that asshole.”

I tugged on the rubber band around my wrist, vying for words to form in my head. “I don’t know.”

“Yeah, you do.” A loud huff left him. “Don’t play games with me, Delaney.”

Feeling my seatbelt pull tighter against my chest, I released it and inhaled a deep breath. Visions flooded my head, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to evade each and every one of them. But no matter how hard I tried, the images were visible as if they had happened yesterday.

“I’m sorry, Luke,” I said in a low voice. “Really, I am.”

“Are you still fucking him?”

“No.” I wiped away a stray tear and looked at my shaking hands.

His hand landed on my chin, and he jerked my head, forcing me to look at him. “Swear?”

“I promise.” My voice shook, threatening to release a crying spell, which I was trying hard to hold back.

“When did it happen?” His hand lowered from my face, and he shifted in his seat.

I quickly blinked away the tears. “Um, this past summer. May, to be exact.”

“Before school was out?”

“Yeah, after the Sigma Chi party. We had gotten in a fight, and you left mad, remember?”

“Fuck!” His palms slammed against the steering wheel. “I could strangle him!” Short, shallow breaths followed by grunting had me ready to bolt in case he lost it. We’d fought and argued several times, but Luke never threated to hurt me, but tonight, I wasn’t so sure. “Just tell me . . . why?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know, Luke. I just did it.”

“Do you like him?” His voice switched from angry to pleading. “Please tell me you don’t want something with that prick?”

“No!” I emphasized my response. “In fact, I can’t stand him.” Ever since I had dropped my panties for him, he went from enticing to sickening. Everything about him made me want to puke. For some reason, Riley irked me to no end. I think he loved the fact that he got a piece of what Luke had, and that made me sick to my stomach.

“Then, why did you sleep with him?”

“I don’t know, Luke. I just did.” I grabbed my head with both hands, wishing this was all a nightmare, and I’d wake up in a cold sweat.

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