My Lucky Catch (University Park #6) (17 page)

BOOK: My Lucky Catch (University Park #6)
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I shrugged. “I have no idea what my sister’s trying to do. I can only vouch for my actions.”

“Is it working?” He inclined his head in my direction.

“Um, slowly,” I reluctantly admitted. “By the way, I told her you knew about us.”

“You did?” He straightened, and a look of shock framed his face. “Then I think it’s only fair Lexi knows. I don’t like hiding things from her.”

“I know, man.” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “I want to be the one to tell her, so hang tight, and I promise, I’ll have a talk with her this weekend.”

“Alright.” Collin seemed content with my response. “Are you driving?”

“Yeah.” I grabbed my keys.

“And Forbes?”

“He left to pick up Jordan. He’ll meet us at the restaurant.”

“Okay, then we’d better go.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m sure Lexi and Delaney are waiting for us.”

“If I know Delaney, she’s probably still getting ready.” I flipped off the light and locked the door behind us.

I drove to Charter Hall and parked in the loading zone. I sent Delaney a text and told her we were outside. Collin got out of the car and went inside to get Lexi, like a true gentleman. I probably should’ve done the same, but I didn’t want Lexi thinking anything, so I told him I’d wait since I was parked illegally.

We took off down University Drive toward West 7
Street. The area was packed with people since the weather was nice for a fall evening. It took me a while to find parking in the garage, but I wasn’t worried about getting a table. Forbes sent me a text saying he and Jordan were already seated and waiting for us.

I sat across from Collin, and Delaney sat next to me. I didn’t think anything of it, until I realized we were side by side like everyone else. Based on the way Lexi was eyeing us, I had a feeling Collin had told her something. I tried my best to keep my actions neutral so she didn’t suspect anything. I really wanted to talk to her in private first.

We tore up the spread of sushi rolls and sashimi and then headed to the bowling alley, which was one block away. The doors to the bowling alley were propped open, and loud music bellowed to the street.

“Sounds like a full house tonight,” I told the security guard at the door.

“Not yet, but I’m sure it will be.”

We took the stairs to the top level where the bowling lanes were. On the opposite side of the lanes were a huge bar, pool tables, and small dance floor. Neon lights lit up the space making it feel lively and ready for action.

“Hi.” The girl behind the counter smiled. “Need a lane tonight?”

“Yeah. There’s six of us.”

“Okay.” She punched a few buttons on the screen of the register. “How many games?”

I turned to Forbes. “How long do we want to play?”

“Two games?” He shrugged.

“That works for me. Collin?”

“That will be fine.” He handed me two twenties, and Forbes and I paid for the lanes. Everyone told the attendant behind the counter their shoes size, and she laid the shoes on the counter. “I’ve set up lane one for you guys.”

“Appreciate it.” I handed Delaney her shoes and grabbed mine. Lexi shot me a quick glance, and I sensed that she was hot on our trail.

“Thank you.” Delaney grabbed her shoes and motioned for us to follow her. “Come on, let’s go.”

I kept a safe distance, trying to keep Lexi’s suspicions to a minimum. “I want to go first.” Delaney typed her name into the scoring console, then mine. That made it totally obvious that we were there together.

“We can go last.” Collin told Delaney as he sat on the couch to change his shoes.

“Okay,” Delaney shrugged. Turning to Jordan she said, “I guess that means you and Forbes are in the middle.”

“That’s fine.” Jordan struggled to pull off her boots.

“Here, doll, let me help you.” Forbes rushed to her side, like a lovesick puppy dog. In one quick tug, he slipped off her boot. He picked up her other leg and did the same. I did a double take when he kissed the top of her foot. I couldn’t wait to get Forbes back for making fun of Delaney and me.

“Stop, pumpkin.” Jordan giggled as he trailed kisses up her calf.

“Hey,” I walked through the aisle, cutting in between them, “there’ll be none of that tonight.”

“Get out of here, man.” Forbes pushed me, and I sidestepped, breaking my fall.

I looked around at the TV’s hanging on the walls. “The game is starting. I’ll ask if they can turn it on.” I jogged to the front desk.

“Hey, PHU’s football game is on. Can you find the station and turn it on?”

“Sure.” The guy behind the counter nodded. “What lane are you at?”

“Um, lane one.”

He reached under the counter and grabbed a remote, pointing at the TV.

“Thanks.” I tapped the counter with my palm and headed back to the group.

The TV to the left of us switched from a hockey game to the football game. PHU’s quarterback, Raven Davenport, flashed on the screen. I had recently done a few training sessions with him, Josh Marshall, and Shawn Jackson, who were also PHU football players. I noticed my sister watching TV, and it seemed odd, because she had never had an interest in football, only baseball. Then again, the football team was on a winning streak so the entire university was tuned in.

“So, do you think we can win?” Forbes studied the stats on the screen.

“I think we have a fair chance.” Although, I didn’t have a crystal ball, I’d watched enough sports segments on TV and listened to enough sports radio shows to know the opponent we were facing. “They are known for running the ball, so as long as our defense doesn’t get worn out, I think we can beat them.”

“Yeah, I think so, too.” Forbes crossed his arms, continuing to watch the screen. “As long as Raven has his shit together.”

“Isn’t that right?” I sighed. The sad thing was that the guy happened to be a really good quarterback. He just had issues out the wazoo and was constantly getting in trouble with the law. Not to mention, screwing every girl that said
to him.

“Lexi?” Collin called her attention away from the TV. “Let’s find you a ball.”

She walked to the return ramp and picked up a ten-pound ball.

“That’s too heavy.” Collin shook his head. “You can hurt your wrist. I think you should try something lighter.”

Leave it to my friend to be over cautious. I glanced at Delaney as she searched for the right ball. I liked that she was self-sufficient, unlike Lexi, who required direction. If it weren’t for Collin and myself, I’m not sure how she’d make it. I hated that my parents put that responsibility on my shoulders, as if I didn’t have my own shit to deal with. But she was my sister so I did what I had to do.

Collin handed her a purple and pink ball. “Try this one.”

“Seven pounds?” She gave the ball a funny look. “Looks like a kid’s ball.”

“That’s because it is.” Delaney teased as she sunk her fingers into a nine-pound ball and then pranced her way to the lane. I loved how her ass looked in her skinny jeans, not to mention the nice view from the front. Delaney might have thought she had small boobs, but they fit in my hand just perfectly.

“Just try it,” Collin urged her.

“Don’t listen to her.” Jordan leaned over Lexi’s shoulder. “I use a seven-pound ball, too.”

“Great.” A look of relief framed her face. “We can share this one.” She placed the ball on the rack and then turned her attention back to the TV.

I watched as Delaney hurled the ball down the lane. She stood with her hands clutched to her chest as she waited for the pins to fall. “Strike!” she yelled.

“Yeah, baby!” I gave her a high-five and then popped her on the ass.

Delaney jumped, laughing and pulling on my arm. “Can you believe it? I haven’t bowled in years.”

“Aw, man.” Lexi stomped her foot on the ground, and I turned around.

“Damn.” Forbes threw his hands up in the air.

“What happened?” I asked as I chose my bowling ball.

“Shawn Jackson missed the damn pass,” Forbes said with a headshake.

“That’s a shame. Mistakes like that could cost them the game.” I grabbed my ball and approached the lane. Raising the ball to my chest, I eyed my target. I swung my hand back and then forward with a quick release. The ball spun down the center of the lane, striking all of the pins. “Ten in the pit!” I yelled.

“Way to go.” Delaney exchanged a fist bump with me. “Your turn, Lexi,” she said, getting her attention. For whatever reason, Lexi was still engrossed with the football game while Collin watched a baseball game. It was as if these two were on their own and not on a date.

“Show off.” Lexi eyed me as she walked to the ramp and stuck her fingers into the slots.

“What?” I asked with palms facing upward. “Did I do something wrong?”

Standing in front of the boundary line, Lexi dumped the ball on the hard wood, and it wobbled down the center, and then veered to the right before going into the gutter.

“Darn!” She spun around, obviously pissed that she didn’t hit any pins.

“Stand back, and then walk into the roll.” Jordan demonstrated to Lexi how to roll the ball.

I sat on one of the sofas next to Forbes, watching the football game while glancing at the baseball game on the other screen. “Hey, how many minutes are left in the first half?”

“Two I think, and it’s third down,” Forbes replied.

“We better score on this play.”


“Show her, pumpkin.” Jordan pulled on Forbes arm. “Teach her how to bowl, like you did me.” Jordan tried to sweet-talk him into helping Lexi.

Forbes waved off Jordan. “Hey, Collin.”

“Yeah?” Collin continued to face the TV with the baseball game.

“Show your girl how to hook a ball.”

Looking over his shoulder, Collin made eye contact with Lexi.

“Please?” She clutched the bright ball with both hands.

Collin’s shoulders slumped, and he lumbered toward her. Lexi was so helpless at times, and I understood why my buddy got so frustrated with her. He took the ball from her hands and proceeded to show her how to bowl. Collin and I were alike when it came to sports, although he was better than I was.

“Strike!” Lexi clapped as Collin walked away from the lane. “Way to go!” Lexi threw her arms around him, but he didn’t bother to hug her back. I wasn’t sure he if was still pissed about the mimosa incident or if he had a lot on his mind. I rarely saw them hug in public, and I definitely had never seen them kiss on the lips. Their relationship was purely platonic, unlike my relationship with Delaney. I guess he was saving it for their wedding night.

“Excuse me.” Collin flagged the waitress. “Can you bring us a few drinks?”

“Sure.” A petite girl with pink and blonde hair stopped at our table. “What would like?”

“A water with lemon and one Coke, please.”

She scribbled down their order and then turned to Forbes and me. “What would you like?”

Forbes told her to bring us two beers and two Cokes for the girls. She asked for his ID but didn’t bother to ask for mine. I had my fake ID ready, just in case.

After Jordan and Forbes bowled, Delaney returned to the ramp to get her ball. With her butt aimed right at me, she leaned over, giving her behind a nice shake. If she was trying to entice me, she was doing one helluva job. “Hey, Luke, do you think nine-pounds is too light? Would I do better with a ten-pound ball?”

I watched her pensively before getting up to help her. “Just keep using the nine-pound one.” It took all my effort not to pull her into my arms and kiss her pouty lips. “You’re doing great.”

We continued taking turns on the lanes, and I did my best to keep my eyes glued to the TV, instead of on Delaney. Delaney and I were on top, with Forbes and Jordan following, and Collin and Lexi at the bottom.

“Hey, I’ll be right back.” She hooked her purse on her shoulder. “I’m going to spice up my Coke.”

“Alright.” I smiled at her as she grabbed my sister and towed her to the bathroom. With Collin here and knowing what happened at the restaurant, I doubted she’d be able to convince my sister to mix some liquor in her drink. A few minutes later, Jordan followed behind them. I guess she needed a drink, too.

The waitress brought two more beers and another water for Collin. A few minutes later, the girls returned laughing and gigging. I lifted the bottle of beer to my lips and took a sip.

“I guess I’ll be drinking this one.” Delaney showed me the glass she had taken to the bathroom and then took a drink.

“Sorry, should’ve told you Forbes ordered us another beer.” Her eyes winced, and her mouth looked ready to breath out a stream of fire. “A little strong?” I laughed.

“Yeah, I made it for you.” Delaney licked her lips, and I took a hard swallow. She wasn’t making this easy for me.

“Wanna trade?” I lifted up my bottle of beer.

“Um, no thanks.” She shook her head and slid next to me. “I guess I could order a drink, you know, since I’m twenty-one.” She elbowed me in the ribs, rubbing in the fact that she was older than me.

“I’m sorry my birthday’s not until March. If you want I’ll give you the money, you just have to order it.”

“It’s okay. Save your money. Drinks here are expensive.”

“We can stop and grab a Big Gulp.” I cocked a brow. “Fill it up with that flask you have in your purse.”

“I like that idea.” Her voice lowered. “Later tonight?”

She bit her lower lip, pulling off an erotic look that screamed for me to sneak her to my car and take her right that minute. If my sister and Collin weren’t with us, I would’ve done it in a heartbeat.

“You got it.” I rested my arm behind the couch and leaned forward, whispering in her ear. “I’ll drop you and Lexi off and then pick you up later. Just tell my sister you’re going to Jordan’s or something.”

Her head titled to the side, and she giggled. “I love sneaking out with you.”

“You do?”

Sweet breath spread across my face, and her lips neared mine. “Uh, huh.”

“You like what we do in my car.”

“I sure do.” Her eyes lit up, sparkling a deep blue hue that matched the neon lights behind her. Keeping our relationship under wraps might have been a pain, but sneaking around was actually fun. I couldn’t wait to drop her off and meet her later tonight. Nights like these were the best nights ever.

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