My Life As a Medium (6 page)

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Authors: Betty Shine

BOOK: My Life As a Medium
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A few years later a woman came for a sitting and I told her that there was a young girl, Sara, who said she was her daughter. The woman held her head in her hands for a few moments. When she looked up, she said, ‘I have been praying that she would contact me. What does she have to say?’

‘She is telling me that she brought your attention to a newspaper article about me,’ I replied, laughing. ‘Why should she want to do that?

‘I don’t know,’ Sara’s mother said, ‘but she’s right. Someone had left their paper on the train and I was attracted to your photograph and read the article. It was then that I decided to visit you.’

‘Your daughter tells me that you have always wondered whether she suffered when she was killed in the car crash. Is that right?’

‘Yes. That thought is always with me.’

‘She wants you to know that she did not suffer at all.’ I paused. ‘That’s strange, she’s thanking me for easing her path and for being there when she needed me.’

The mother frowned. ‘How could you have helped her?’

I explained about the activities of the rescue service. She found it hard to understand – and so did I! But this was only the beginning. There were to be many similar messages given to me in the future. That particular sitting continued for an hour, bringing mother and daughter together for the first time in two years.

At this point in time I was beginning to feel frustrated with many aspects of my life, not least the inability to find time for myself. I was now working twelve hours a day, six days a week. I tried not to work on Sunday.

Family and friends were urging me to take it easy, but what could I do when there were so many people needing help and guidance? There was already a four-week waiting list. If I cut down on my working hours that list would grow longer, and I feared for the health of some of my patients. I made the decision to reduce the hour-long appointments to half an hour.

Now, in 1975, I was in the third year of my healing and mediumship.


My mediumship was tested continually whilst I was healing. At first there was the smell of ether, so strong at times that it affected everyone visiting my home. Most of my patients claimed that it made them feel light-headed. Although I hated it, I found that in a peculiar way – it also comforted me. I felt that someone was trying to impress upon me that I was being guided. This was also confirmed by my medium friend.

‘For our spirit friends,’ he told me, ‘it is the simplest way of letting you know that a surgeon wishes to work through you.’

‘How long do you think it will last?’ I asked.

‘However long it takes to convince you,’ he replied. On the rare occasions that we met I tried to persuade him to become my mentor, but he was adamant.

‘You do not need me,’ he said. ‘I know that you have the finest spirit teachers available to you, because I have never seen anyone surrounded by so much power. All you have to do is listen and learn.’ He leaned forward and touched my hand. ‘You see, my
dear, all I am is what my spirit helpers allow me to be. I am not a healer. I couldn’t heal anyone. I am just a medium, and use that talent to help where I can.’

From the beginning I had felt a presence whilst healing, and occasionally caught a glimpse of spirit hands touching the patient. The first time it happened I thought my mind was playing tricks with me. The following day, when the hands appeared again I could also see the lower part of the arms. Eventually I was able to see the whole spirit entity but, unlike many mediums who have specific people working through them, I seemed to have been contacted by a variety of personalities. I wondered if they were trying to find someone who suited my own psyche. It was very easy to distinguish between them; as their minds linked with mine their differing personalities were immediately obvious because they affected my own behaviour. One or two of the doctors had a sense of humour not unlike my own, while another would be very sombre and so the healing would be very quiet. The spirit doctor who carried out the manipulations of limbs was very excitable, and gave me the impression that he was, perhaps, slightly eccentric. I found it all absolutely fascinating.

I have mentioned in a previous book,
Mind Magic,
the time when Louis Pasteur manifested three times and informed me that he was going to help me with the healing, and of how I visited the library to find a photograph that would confirm that it was indeed that great doctor. The incredible healing that took
place after this visitation was further confirmation.

I have always had a theory that if one keeps a picture in one’s mind of a particular person then, eventually, that image will be played back to us. I was absolutely determined that this was not going to happen to me, mainly because I was seeking the truth.

I know the manifestation of Louis Pasteur was real, because I had not thought about him since leaving school. Although my patients often asked the name of the spirit doctor who worked through me, I was loath to mention a name as famous as that of Pasteur, so my reply was that I did not know. I was given a photograph of him by a close friend, but hid it in a drawer because I did not want his image to encroach upon my mind. I knew he would understand.

From time to time other spirit doctors have come through and given me their names, but for some reason I have never bothered to write them down. The names themselves did not mean anything to me; it was their achievements that inspired me.

I came to the conclusion, after several years, that there were many brilliant doctors helping me, but Pasteur was definitely at the helm, holding everything and everybody together.

However, in my third year I was left wondering who on earth all these people were. It was made clear to me when I began to take note of the patients and their specific ailments that the spirit doctors were specialists in their own field. Since then I always ask for ‘the best you’ve got’ at the beginning of a healing
session – and I know that my wish will be granted. I was also determined, at this stage, not to study medical textbooks. Apart from the fact that they can be extremely depressing, I do believe that ‘a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing’. Imagine my surprise, then, when a medical diagnosis was given to me. Many of my patients were delighted, because they had been visiting their doctors for years without any lasting cure. Most of the diagnoses were eventually confirmed by medical specialists, but a number of my patients had vowed, before visiting me, that they would never again put their lives in the hands of doctors. Although I never agreed with this decision I could sympathize. I had been there myself, having to date been given two terminal prognoses which had eventually turned out to be common problems that could be cured by vitamin and mineral therapy. But, one must not lose sight of the fact that we could be putting our lives at risk by not taking the best of both worlds.

Jimmy’s story is typical of this.

He was in his twenties, and was suffering from a dragging pain in the left side of his groin. The diagnosis I received was that it was a hernia and could be cured with healing.

After the first two sessions the pain disappeared, and he was delighted. But as he was about to leave my spirit doctor told me that he also had a small benign lump in the groin and that this should be removed medically. Jimmy’s
face crumpled when I passed this message on. ‘I’m not going to any bloody doctor!’ he cried. ‘The last one I saw nearly killed my mother by giving her the wrong prescription.’

I spent some time reassuring him. ‘Look,’ I said, ‘I would not have been given this message if it would put you in any kind of danger.’

‘Why can’t your spirit doctors get rid of it?’ he asked.

‘I have no idea, but I do trust them,’ I replied.

I persuaded him to visit his doctor eventually, who was not only surprised by the absence of the hernia but was amazed that Jimmy should be aware of the lump in the groin. It was so small that the doctor could barely locate it himself.

Jimmy had the lump removed, and it was benign, but the reason why it was necessary for him to have it removed medically and not spiritually became obvious when he was found to be in the first stages of diabetes.

I received another diagnosis for Irene, a woman in her late forties.

She had asked for healing for severe headaches. During the healing I was told that she had an aneurysm and that she needed immediate surgery and intensive healing after the event.

I was in a dilemma. I felt that I could not give her the diagnosis, but did suggest that she should see a specialist. She took my advice and after many tests my diagnosis was confirmed.

She came to see me two months later, and during that healing session a voice told me that Irene was going to be alright now. I passed this message on, and she laughed.

‘I believe them!’ she said. ‘They have saved my life.’ But she did tell me later that, although she had recovered, she had been convinced that the same thing was going to happen again. I am pleased to say that she was wrong, and my informant was right. I was to see her many times in the following years for her ‘top-up’, as she used to call it, and she never suffered from headaches again.

There were times, however, when the spirit doctors were adamant that my patient should not receive medical treatment. One such person was Peggy.

Peggy had been overcome by the power of the healing energies, and had gone into a deep sleep whilst having treatment. My hands were placed lightly on her stomach when I felt a presence behind me and a hand pressing on my shoulder. Then a voice said, ‘Tell her the operation will not be necessary.’ Peggy had told me that she had been advised to have a hysterectomy as she had fibroids in the womb. The voice continued, ‘Take your hands away.’ As I removed my hands they were replaced by a spinning vortex of energy which remained for approximately five minutes.

While this was taking place I heard whispering in the corner of the room. I could not see anyone, but the whispering continued for several minutes. During this time I felt as though I was levitating, although my feet were planted firmly on the floor. When I had finished healing I left to answer the telephone, and when I returned the room was filled with a haze of blue energy.

Peggy was awake now.

‘I’ve been to the most beautiful place!’ she told me. ‘The colours were out of this world.’

I laughed, and told her that she had indeed been out of this world. I then gave her the whole story. She was thrilled, and delighted that she would not have to go through the trauma of an operation. But before she left I advised her to visit her gynaecologist for a check-up.

I had a telephone call from her the following week. She was shrieking with laughter.

‘Betty,’ she said, ‘you should have seen his face when he told me there was no trace of any fibroids. I told him about the healing and he just shrugged his shoulders and said, ‘I’ve never believed in healing, but with this evidence I may just change my mind.’ But he added, ‘Don’t quote me on it.’

I wondered how many years it would take for the medical profession to accept that there were many healing alternatives where drugs and surgery could be avoided. One of the simplest is a healthy diet and
the identification of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

A young lady in her twenties visited me for healing. Jane was suffering from asthma, eczema and numerous fleeting aches and pains.

She had been having treatment from her GP for two years, until she had insisted that he refer her to the local hospital for a complete check. They had given her the usual drugs and ointment, but nothing had worked. She was in despair. Then a friend told her about healing. She made an appointment to come and see me.

While I was healing her, I noticed a white energy building up at the end of the couch. As always when this happened I felt excited, and my whole body was tingling. Then Jane sat up.

‘My God!’ she exclaimed. ‘I feel as though I’ve been plugged into an electric socket.’

I persuaded her to lie down again, and explained what was happening. It can sometimes be a little frightening if one is not used to healing energies. Unlike Peggy, Jane was being stimulated so much that she never stopped asking questions and I had to ask her to be quiet for a while. During the silence I heard a voice say, very distinctly, ‘The cat has to go.’ I asked Jane whether she had a cat, and if so, how old it was. She told me that Poppy was just over two and the love of her life. Then she frowned, and said, ‘How did you know that I have a cat?’ I passed on the message, and informed her that she was apparently allergic to cats. Jane burst into tears.

‘I can’t possibly get rid of her, I love her too much,’
she said. When she eventually stopped crying we both sat quietly, working out the timing. It was obvious that her allergies had begun when she had acquired Poppy. It became clear to us both that her pet was the problem. Before she left, Jane asked me to continue with the healing, hoping that it would cure her allergies, and avoid a painful parting from her pet. Two months passed and, although she was a bit better, we both realized that the message I received had been correct.

I decided to meditate and to ask for a solution to the problem. It is a practice I have always used for my own problems, and I am constantly surprised by the unusual methods that are used to solve them. This was to be no exception. An acquaintance of Jane’s had been heartbroken when her own cat died of old age, and having learned through the grapevine of Jane’s predicament, begged her to let her have Poppy. Jane eventually let her beloved pet go, knowing that she would be well looked after. Three weeks later, with further healing, the asthma, eczema and the aches and pains had vanished.

A word of warning though, to anyone suffering from the same complaints. Please do not blame your animal. Every case is different, and there are hundreds of reasons why people suffer with these disturbing ailments. Stress is the main factor, and, of course, we can have an allergic reaction to humans too. So please, love and care for your animals. They too have the potential to heal.

I have given a detailed description in
Mind Waves
about how I was taught to give psychic surgery on the energy counterpart, but the whole story would be a book in itself. During the training period, I became aware of a particularly powerful personality working with me. I think he must have been attracted by my enthusiasm, because when he was around the atmosphere was electric. He pushed me to the limits, and it was this man who was mainly responsible for the eventual fine-tuning of my mediumship. Sometimes the diagnosis he gave me was complicated, and I could feel his irritation when I questioned it. Otherwise, we had a perfect partnership. Once, when I asked his name, he told me that names are of no consequence. It is the quality of the personality that is important. We
think alike. He also told me that continually thinking in terms of ‘self puts the mind into a vacuum which makes it impossible for us to link up with the Universal Mind and the source of all knowledge. In other words, egotists will find themselves perpetually static, unable to think of new ideas or find alternative paths.

I had occasion to doubt a diagnosis many times, and once argued my case quite forcibly. My patient was a man in his fifties, suffering from a persistent backache which prevented him from following his occupation as a builder. A medical specialist had diagnosed a slipped disc and I could see from the energy patterns that this was correct. The diagnosis given by my spirit doctor was a complete energy blockage in the groin. I could not see this, and so I questioned
his opinion. This sparked off a few mental fireworks, which I felt were unjustified at the time. I would have eased the energy from the top of the head, to alleviate pressure on the spine and enable the disc to slip back into position. However, as the operation progressed I could see clearly that my teacher was right and that I had been presumptuous, as most students are. He removed a dark tight ball from deep inside the groin area, and informed me that it was a longstanding energy blockage. Immediately I could see energy rushing around the body like a miniature waterfall. My tutor then said, ‘That’s it,’ and left. He had not touched the back at all.

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