Read My Immortal Online

Authors: Storm Savage

Tags: #Gay, #Shapeshifter, #GLBT, #Vampire, #Paranormal, #erotic Romance

My Immortal (7 page)

BOOK: My Immortal
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“Talon! Stop!” Kohl shouted upon seeing the fangs. He prayed he hadn’t arrived too late.

The man hesitated long enough to loosen his hold on the smaller guy, who wriggled free and took off like a shot. He seemed unharmed.
Please, please, tell me I’m not too late.
Kohl’s throat went dry. Talon stared with intense black eyes, his gaze swallowing the few feet between them.

“Kohl?” he muttered.

They walked toward each other. Mixed emotion shadowed Talon’s face. Kohl saw the conflict and hunger amidst the hope and desire. He didn’t hesitate to take the man into a warm embrace when they closed the gap between them. Talon practically fell into his arms, breathing a sigh of open relief.

“Are you okay?” Kohl asked, stroking his silky hair.

“I’m hungry.”

Kohl drew back just enough to search those captivating dark depths. “How did you break the plane between worlds?”

“You reached out for me, told me to come to you. I was able to escape the void, but the stain of darkness still rages inside. I feel it like a monster clawing to get out.”

Kohl hugged him again. “You need to believe without a doubt that I love you.”

Talon nodded against his shoulder.

“C’mon, let me take you home and show you just how much I do.”


Kohl stepped back, looking him over. “Damn…you are fucking gorgeous. And I love the clothes.”

A light smiled touched Talon’s lips. He lowered those lush lashes. “I wanted to look good for our first official meeting.”

“You look amazing. I want to eat you right here.”

Talon gazed at him in open adoration. “You are more handsome in the mortal realm than I ever dreamed possible. Everything I saw while trapped in the void was like looking through cloudy glass.”

“My car is not far away. Wait until Alaric meets you. He will be drooling for sure.”

“You live with Alaric, the Shasta Eagle?” Talon stopped walking.

“Yeah…shit, is that going to upset you?” Kohl didn’t take time to consider how this sweet man might feel about the one who’d buried the Bloodstone.

Talon shook his head. “No, he is not to blame. Actually, he has been my guardian since I fell from grace.”

“I know. Alaric let me read the journals, and he told me about his part in everything.”

“And he does not wish to claim me as his mate?” Worry hung on Talon’s soft voice.

“No. You belong to me. Alaric said that Shasta Shifters cannot mate with each other, as it would destroy their DNA. You are all mine, sweet thing…
immortal.” Kohl placed a gentle kiss on the man’s unbelievably sexy lips. “Alaric has been watching out for me, too, all these years, hoping I’d be the one to uncover the Bloodstone. We seem meant to be.”

“I will pleasure you in ways you’ve never known.” Talon’s demeanor shifted from tense to seductive as he rubbed his body against Kohl’s.

“I can’t believe we’re finally together.” Kohl sighed happily. “I was so worried about you after last night.”

Talon stared back, open gratitude sparking in his eyes. “Take me home now…please, my mate.”


Kohl could barely concentrate on driving as they headed back to his house. Excitement bubbled inside. His body tingled every time Talon spoke. The man’s scent wafted over him periodically, making his cock ache for his lover’s touch.

He swung into the drive, threw the car into park, and jumped out. Talon’s mood had lightened during the ride home. Kohl noticed a spring in his step as he followed from behind, gawking at the man’s nice ass and legs poured into skintight black denim. Talon was downright gorgeous and built to the max with a pretty face that screamed
kiss me all over

“Would you like breakfast or something? You said you’re hungry.” Kohl closed the door behind them.

“My hunger is of another kind, something I want out of my soul. I was about to drink that man’s blood before you stopped me. I’d have been lost forever.”

“What will it take to make that stop?”

“I need to feel your love in the mortal realm. Once I am certain that you accept me as your soul mate to love for eternity, then my shifter form will be redeemed. My only hope was to find true love, the only thing that can destroy the vampire’s curse and drive away the bloodlust.”

Kohl stepped toward him. “I do love you, Talon. But I understand.” He took his hand and led him up the steps and into his bedroom. “Sorry about the basic décor. I’ve been single for a long time.”

“Don’t worry.” Talon flashed him an adorable smile. “We can splash it with color later. Right now, I just want to feel you in every way possible.”

Kohl groaned with need. “And I want to taste you.” He pushed him down on the bed.

Their hands moved frantically, tearing at buttons, zippers, and clothes until a pile of tangled garments lay on the floor. Kohl crawled onto the bed, bracing his weight over his mate’s hard body. Starting at Talon’s perfect lips, he kissed him deeply, pushing his tongue into the man’s mouth, drawing a moan of pleasure from him. They merged into a heady exchange of intense affection, kissing and touching each other urgently, hungrily.

Kohl worked his way down the most gorgeous body he’d ever seen, leaving a trail of moist kisses over the man’s muscled chest while caressing his long beautiful arms. He sucked one nipple, using his tongue to toy with the nipple ring, making Talon writhe on the bed beneath him. Taking his time, Kohl took turns teasing each nipple, thoroughly enjoying teasing the hard buds and pleasuring his mate.

“Ohhh,” Talon groaned as Kohl licked his way over the rippling abs, then tongued his navel before moving lower to lavish the man’s cock with unbridled desire.

Aggressively, Kohl sucked him off, letting the swollen velvety head pop from his mouth before going down on him again and again. Talon arched his back, thrusting his hips upward to meet Kohl’s seeking mouth.

“I’m gonna come!” Talon cried out. “Ah yeah…”

His long thick cock pulsed between Kohl’s lips, jetting a stream of hot cum down his throat. Kohl swallowed eagerly, tugging at the shaft for more until his mate completed his release, and the wild shuddering subsided.

“I want to please you, now,” Talon breathed out the words. “Drive your awesome dick inside me. Fuck me hard, lover.”

Kohl let out a growl and flipped him over with ease.

Talon positioned his hips for perfect entry. “Rub the head of your cock on my opening, please.”

“Fuck yeah,” Kohl said with a ragged breath. He gripped his shaft in one hand then nudged the tip between Talon’s tight butt cheeks.

“Mm, you feel so good,” Talon purred. “I love the feel of your seed on me, in me. Take me.”

Kohl eased into his mate’s ass with ease, pre-cum giving them a natural lubricant. He wondered how it would feel when Talon drove his magnificent cock into his body. The man groaned loud and long when Kohl’s thick, hard length slid deep inside. And as before, he thrust back on his cock, burying it in his ass.

“Fuck me hard!”

Running one hand up the man’s naturally tan sinewy back, Kohl held his mate steady while pumping him hard. He drove into him repeatedly. Their grunts and heavy breathing combined with the tang of sex filled the small room.

Kohl had never experienced pleasure like this. Talon squeezed his cock tighter with each thrust and kept perfect rhythm with him. Kohl fucked him hard. His balls drew up tight and his cock swelled with the need for release.

Suddenly, his body lurched forward. He wrapped his arms around Talon’s chest as he came—shooting a forceful stream of cum deep into the man’s clenching heat. Kohl remained possessively wrapped around his mate as a wild climax rocked his body. His cock throbbed inside in wild release. He didn’t think he’d ever stop coming. Euphoria washed over him in endless waves.

Placing tender kisses behind Talon’s neck and across his upper back, Kohl held him tightly as they remained joined in this most intimate manner. He never wanted to let him go.

“I love you, Talon, I really love you,” Kohl murmured against his neck. “You make me feel alive…and free.”

Talon arched his neck to catch Kohl’s lips. They exchanged passionate kisses, sucking at each other’s tongues.

“I love you, too, Kohl. You saved me.”

Slowly, Kohl pulled out and eased Talon around. They lay on the bed soaked in sweat, facing each other. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I did not feel the urge to bite you or take your blood while we made love…not even once. My bloodlust is gone.” A shadow of something more flickered in his black eyes. “I have been forbidden to shift until the darkness was purged from my soul.”

“Would you like to give it a try?” Kohl arched a curious brow.

“You won’t mind?”

“Not at all. I accept everything about my new soul mate.”

A broad grin beset his pretty face. He slid off the bed and stretched his arms upward, lengthening that impressive body. Kohl watched in utter wonder as feathers erupted from his mate’s skin and his human limbs made a gradual transition into the wings, legs, and talons of a marvelous eagle. Any doubts that might have lurked in the back of his mind before were gone now.

Talon was as beautiful as an eagle as he was as a man. Kohl felt like the luckiest person alive to be bound to a mate so incredibly beautiful in every conceivable way. The eagle perched on the edge of the bed, staring with hauntingly black eyes, its white-feathered head turning quickly as it looked around the room. Kohl reached out and stroked the feathery down, which felt like silk to touch. He gasped, awestruck by this phenomenon.

Several minutes later, Talon shifted back into his luscious male form, a fully erect cock bobbing heavily over the bed. Kohl longed to feel that long thick shaft thrusting into him.

“I am whole again,” Talon said, excitement bubbling in his voice. “Your love for me is truly pure.”

Kohl smiled adoringly at him. “Yes, I am an honest man.”

“I am surprised that a stalwart hunk like you is still single.” Talon crawled back onto the bed, leaning over Kohl.

“I never met the right mate, until now.”

Talon sealed his mouth over Kohl’s, earning a groan of approval in return. Talon straddled his waist and stroked his cock back to arousal. Then his mate positioned himself so that their erections touched. Kohl let out a deep sigh, gazing up into that gorgeous face while they pumped each other’s dicks. His mate took care to be sure that their cocks rubbed together while they jacked one another. Each time Talon’s slickened head rolled over Kohl’s, shockwaves of pleasure ripped through him.

He watched, mesmerized, as Talon dipped his head to let his hot tongue flick over the tip of Kohl’s shaft, groaning each time. Beads of semen oozed down the length and over their hands. Kohl ached for the man in the worst way.

“When will you slide that huge dick into me?”

“Just say the word and I will take you to heaven.” Talon gave him a stirring wink. “Don’t worry, lover, I’ll be very gentle with you Shasta Shifters have talents that mortal men lack. I can pleasure you in the most delectable ways.”


Streaks of light from a setting sun danced across the bed. Kohl held Talon lovingly in his arms. They’d made love all afternoon, tasted each other every way possible and taken turns fucking each other into ecstasy. Kohl didn’t think he could ever get enough of this supernatural creature. His immortal mate was truly gifted.

“I heard Alaric come in a while ago,” Kohl said in a casual tone, brushing damp black strands from his lover’s face. “Would you like to go downstairs and say hello?”

“Yes, and maybe eat, too. I am famished, but not for blood this time.”

“Alaric grills a mean steak.” Kohl said with a wink. “Sound good?”


They eased apart and shared another tender kiss before pulling on their jeans.

“Later, we’ll grab a shower…together.” Kohl cast him a knowing look.

Talon grinned impishly. “I love the way you said that.”

Kohl grabbed his hand, tugging the man to his chest, unable to resist planting another heady kiss on him before leaving the room. They merged into another heated embrace, filling each other’s mouth with tongue. Talon was panting when Kohl released him. Kohl smiled, pleased that he could leave his new mate breathless with just a kiss. He wanted to thrill him as much in return.

“I thought the two of you finally hooked up,” Alaric chortled when they entered the kitchen. “You’ve been rattling the rafters all day.”

“Talon is gifted.”

A wry grin curved Alaric’s lips. “I can imagine. I told you it would be paradise. I’m only a little jealous.” He looked at Talon. “Are you freed of the Bloodstone now? Is the vampire curse gone for good?”

“Yes. Kohl saved me just in time. I almost fell to darkness while I was searching for him.”

“Kohl is a great guy. You will be very happy with him.”

Talon shot a dreamy look at Kohl. “I know. I already am.”

“Wait here,” Kohl told them, then dashed out of the kitchen and to his lab. He wanted to show them the pendant. Maybe Alaric would no longer be fearful of the relic. Kohl grabbed the baggie and its carefully wrapped contents, then hurried back to the kitchen, where the delectable aroma of sizzling steaks already rose from the stove. “Now that we are all together, perhaps you’ll finally look at my rare find.” He grinned at Alaric and winked at Talon.

The two men watched as he ever so delicately unveiled the amulet.

“Do you think you put enough layers on the thing?” Alaric teased.

Talon appeared a little uneasy. Kohl laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re free now.”

“I am somewhat curious over what had me trapped all those years,” he admitted.

Kohl’s mouth dropped open when as the last layer of tissue paper was moved away. “Amazing…this is the third time I have seen this thing change.”

“Wow…” Alaric blew out a breath.

“What happened?” Talon leaned in for a closer view.

“When I first discovered it, the stone was fiery red and there was an eagle fossil inside. Then as my dreams progressed the eagle mysteriously disappeared and the color turned from bright red to deep blood red…” He gazed at Talon in awe. “But I never expected this…the stone now looks like a diamond…the biggest one I’ve ever seen.” Kohl angled it in different directions. Light from the ceiling fixtures glinted off the multi-faceted stone, creating the most brilliant sparkle. “Is this real? Has my relic turned into a diamond?”

BOOK: My Immortal
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