My Fair Captain (30 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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The captain’s ready room was subdued, masculine and blessedly quiet. It reminded Aiden a bit of his parents’ study. It even had a big oak desk, which Trouble sat on the edge of. Father and Cony took seats in a couple of armchairs and Nate sat with Aiden on a big navy blue leather couch.

Nate put his arm over the back of the couch and Aiden couldn’t help but snuggle into his side. This might be the last he saw of Nate for some while. Kissing Aiden’s forehead, Nate dropped his arm onto Aiden’s shoulder. “Did the two of you learn anything when you were being held captive on the ship?”

“From what we heard, it sounded like Braxton stole the weapons for money to buy some sort of plans to turn around and sell them for more capital. Only he didn’t plan on turning over the money for the plans, he was going to steal them, sell them and get richer.” Aiden shrugged.


My Fair Captain

“Apparently, kidnapping me and Trouble was an afterthought to get even more cash.”

Trouble nodded and took up the tale. “Braxton knew we would figure him out from Aiden’s sketches. He wanted to leave Regelence. Caldwell was in on it and so was the captain. I don’t know whether Benson was or not, but he knew what Caldwell was up to. He’s the one who kept taking Aiden’s screens.”

Nate and Cony exchanged a look, but neither said anything.

“Was there any mention of Englor?” Steven asked.

Aiden frowned. Englor was Nate’s home planet. “No. Why?”

“We found a note on Benson addressed to IN Colonel Hollister of Englor’s Royal Marine corp.”

“What did it say?” Trouble cocked his head. “Do you think Englor had something to do with all this?”

Nate shook his head. “I don’t know. The note indicated otherwise.

Benson was obviously investigating the situation and reporting back to the colonel. It appears that we aren’t the only ones trying to figure out what is going on. Benson said they would buy schematics, but he didn’t indicate what they were for or who was selling them to Braxton. He did hint that it was someone pretty high up in the government. In his missive, Benson told the colonel that the whole scheme was bigger than it appeared, but again he didn’t give specifics.”

Cony sat perfectly still, his expression giving nothing of his emotions away. Father appeared very contemplative. He patted Cony’s leg. “What are you thinking, Raleigh?”

Looking around at everyone in the room, Cony shook his head. “I believe Benson was right. I think Braxton was a pawn.” He stared right at Nate. “Why does the name Hollister sound familiar?”

Running his hand through Aiden’s hair and over his neck, Nate sighed. “Because Hollister is the surname of Englor’s royal family.

Colonel Simon Hollister is the heir apparent to the throne of Englor.”


J.L. Langley

Chapter Seventeen

Nate was dying to go check on his boy again and make certain he was all right. Raleigh had stopped him at the door to his cabin and asked if they could have Trouble’s DNA tested. Right after Nate had made the appropriate arrangements with medical, Admiral Jenkins called to discuss what happened and to ask Nate again about the admiral promotion. He’d made certain that Nate knew he could move fleet headquarters anywhere he wanted. He hinted heavily at Regelence. Nate was even more confused. He had a really bad feeling about all of this, but right now, all he wanted to do was see Aiden. Nate knew how close he’d come to losing Aiden today.

Opening the hatch leading to his bedroom, he found Aiden leaning against the bulkhead, staring out the porthole. He was so lost in thought he didn’t even notice Nate coming in.

Nate liked the way Aiden looked in his room. It was dark and masculine, much like the ready room. It wasn’t luxurious like their suite in the castle. It was plain and simple, decorated in a nautical theme. His elegant prince looked good in this setting. Of course, his boy looked good anywhere, but this room was Nate’s, and he liked having Aiden in it.

The hatch slid closed, drawing Aiden’s attention. He turned, his face a bit paler than usual, probably from the hellish day he’d had. “I want to go with you.”

Nate stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn’t expected that. Hell, it was a question Nate didn’t have an answer for, but desperately wanted an answer to. He was beginning to think that Aiden was in danger wherever he was.


My Fair Captain

Aiden paced around the bed, clearly agitated. “I want to stay here on the Lady Anna.”

Nate crossed to the bed and sat, patting it and looking up at Aiden.

“Come sit down.”

“No.” Shaking his head almost frantically, Aiden bit his bottom lip.

His boy was nervous.

“I haven’t managed to rid you of your rebellious streak, have I, boy?”

He didn’t want to either. He liked Aiden just the way he was. But he didn’t like Aiden being upset. It was bound to get worse with what Nate was finding out, but he was going to do his best to make things as easy on his family as possible. “I don’t want to put you in danger.” Nate dropped his head into his hands and groaned. “I had planned on making you stay on Regelence until I could retire next year, but now I’m not sure what to do. I’ve been offered a promotion to Admiral. I don’t know if I’m going to take it or not. If I do, my headquarters can be most anywhere.”

“What are you talking about?” Aiden sounded confused, like this was news to him. It shouldn’t. Nate knew damned well he’d told Aiden he didn’t think a ship was a place to raise a family.

“Boy. Sit.” He tugged, giving Aiden no choice but to sit. He needed to see Aiden’s face. “What’s on your mind?”

Aiden looked confused. His face was a mix of emotions, like he couldn’t make up his mind. “You never planned on leaving me.”

“What?” Nate scowled. Aiden thought he was going to abandon him?

“Where did you get that idea?”

Aiden laughed. It was a joyous sound and it scared the hell out of Nate because he had no idea what it was about. Aiden must still be suffering from the blow to the head.

Grabbing his face in both hands, Nate made Aiden focus on him.

“Boy, look at me.”

Aiden laughed harder. “I’m fine.” He pushed Nate’s hands away and dove at him, knocking him backwards on the bed. “I love you, Nate.”

“I love you too. Are you telling me you thought I was going to leave you?” Nate pushed Aiden up, making him straddle Nate’s hips.


J.L. Langley

Aiden nodded. “You love being a captain. You love the Lady Anna and the IN.”

For several seconds Nate just lay there staring up at him. He didn’t know what to say. They were really going to have to work on their communication skills. Finally, he shook his head, reached up, grabbed Aiden’s neck and pulled him down, kissing him. His hands rubbed up and down Aiden’s back. He took his time, licking the seam of Aiden’s lips, asking for entrance.

When Aiden opened, Nate traced his lips and his teeth. He slowly pushed in, finding Aiden’s tongue as hands slid up the back of Aiden’s shirt, caressing. He rolled them over, breaking their kiss. “I do, but I love you more.”

“That’s good. Because I was trying to be understanding and not come between you and your dream, but I’m not above begging.”

“And you’ve proven that repeatedly, boy.” Nate caught Aiden’s chin, making sure he had his undivided attention. “I don’t know what is going to happen yet, boy. But I promise you whatever happens, I have no intention on deserting you.”

Aiden wrapped his hands around Nate’s neck, nuzzling their faces together. “I’m going to hold you to th—”

“Captain, we are about to dock at the Regelence Space Station. There is a shuttle waiting to take you and your guests down to the planet.”

Anna’s calm melodious voice echoed through the cabin.

He was going to miss that voice. Nate closed his eyes and took a deep breath, silently saying goodbye to Anna, his first love. Even if he came back onboard, it would never be the same. Opening his eyes, he glanced at his new love and his life. “Let’s go home, boy.”

* * * * *

Planet Regelence: Townsend Castle.

Nate stared at the stunning painting of Muffin and the Regelence Roses with a smile on his face. Pride swelled inside him. Aiden’s art was


My Fair Captain

worth sharing with the galaxy. It was something worth preserving, just like the man himself. Something Nate would die defending, if need be.

“Nate.” Raleigh came in wearing a sword strapped to his waist, making the smile melt from Nate’s face. Raleigh hadn’t worn a sword inside the castle since Nate had arrived. Sitting behind the desk, he steepled his hands. “Steven is on his— There he is now.”

“Jeffers, close the door and give us privacy, please.” Steven strode into the room, crossing to the desk. Dressed much the same as Raleigh in starched pristine white neckcloth, light-colored waistcoat, dark trousers and boots and a scabbard with sword, Steven looked every inch the gentleman except for the strained expression he wore. “Raleigh, Nate.” He dipped his head and perched himself on the front of the desk.

“Shall we get started?”

“Steven, you make a better door than a window.” Raleigh didn’t wait for a response. He got up, came around the desk and sat on it next to Steven.

“You’ve called me worse, Raleigh.” Steven looked at Nate. “Now, the reason I called this meeting is to go over what we’ve discovered.”

Nate nodded. “I’ve got some news for the both of you too.” The sooner he got this out in the open the better he’d feel. As it stood, he felt edgy.

Sadly, that wasn’t likely to change. He needed to ensure his boy’s and his son’s safety and he had a long fight in front of him to obtain that.

“Oh, well then, you go first, Nate,” Steven said.

Nate nodded. The best thing would be to just lay it out there and see how they responded. “The IN wants to make me Aries Fleet Admiral.”

Steven’s eyes widened, but that was the only change in his appearance.

Raleigh nodded like it didn’t surprise him. “And?”

“I believe they are trying to manipulate me into moving the Aries Fleet headquarters here. And I’d like your input. I had actually planned on finishing out my last year as a captain and retiring here on Regelence. I’d thought about starting a family and trying to give Trouble a more stable home life. But it looks like the IN is deeply involved with Braxton and


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whatever is happening on Englor, and I want my family safe. Aiden and my son are my main concerns. Because of who Aiden is to the two of you and Regelence, he, myself and any children we have can always be used as pawns. And I refuse to let that happen.”

Raleigh sat forward, challenging him. “And what do you plan on doing about it?”

Crossing to stand in front of Steven, Nate knelt and bowed his head, showing his respect. It was so quiet in the room that Nate became ultra aware of his own breathing. He’d never done this, not even for his own king, but to protect and provide for his family… He hoped Steven and Raleigh both knew what a huge step this was for him. Offering his complete allegiance and unquestioned loyalty to someone was not an easy thing for him.

The metallic hiss of the blade leaving its protective sheath made Nate hold his breath. He didn’t expect to be struck, but old habits died hard.

Steven’s shiny black boots came into view. “You honor my house, Nate, and I will gladly accept your oath.” The flat part of the sword touched Nate’s right shoulder. “You, being chosen to be one of the honorable company of the most noble order of The Black Rose, shall promise and swear by the Sacred Band of Thebes, that wittingly or unwittingly you shall not break any statute of the said order, or any articles in them contained. The same being agreeable and not repugnant to the laws of the IN, and the laws of Regelence as far forth as you belong, so help you.”

Nate raised his gaze.
He’d offered fealty and Steven had chosen to honor him with knighthood. “I do.”

Steven brought the sword up and tapped him on the other shoulder.

“Now rise, Sir Nathaniel.”

As soon as Nate got to his feet and Steven replaced his sword, Steven pulled Nate into a hug, pounding him on the back. “I know you well enough to know you are not a man to give his loyalty easily.”

“I love your son and I won’t see him or the things he holds dear destroyed.”


My Fair Captain

Dipping his head, Steven stepped back.

Nate hadn’t seen Raleigh move, but he stood slightly behind Steven ready to take his place.

Offering his hand, Nate bowed his head, showing his respect to the king-consort as well.

Raleigh clasped his hand and pulled him into a back-pounding hug just as Steven had done. “Thank you, Nate. I want you to know that he has only knighted someone once and I was that person.”

Nate stared. This was truly an honor.

“My father always said knights were for times of trouble and war. I have a feeling, unfortunately, both are upon us.”

The hair on the back of Nate’s arms stood up, the words were so significant.

Moving back to the desk, Raleigh took a seat on the edge of it. “This situation is going to get very ugly when and if what we’ve uncovered gets out.”

“Yes. Which is what this discussion is about. I know I’m not the only one here that is questioning the IN’s commitment to our protection and best interest, but until we know exactly what
going on we need to keep it to ourselves.”

Steven nodded his agreement and leaned back on the desk between Raleigh’s legs. “We will be making some drastic changes. This is what I wanted to speak to you about. We can no longer afford to trust the IN.

Not only are radical changes in security going to have to take place, but we need to figure out what is going on.”

“If I become an admiral…it would be an excellent way for us to keep tabs on the IN.”

“I do like the way you think, Nate.” Raleigh rested his chin on Steven’s shoulder and grinned.

“Of course you would.” Steven snorted, bringing his hand up to rest on Raleigh’s cheek. “It sounds exactly like something you would do.”

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