My Fair Captain (27 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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For several seconds, Aiden stood there staring at the closed door with a goofy grin on his face. He should have told Nate he loved him. Holding the sword up again, he read the engraved words
Love, Nate
Nate really love him? What if he just asked Nate if he could go with him? He didn’t want to leave his family, but… Nothing but his art had ever made him feel this way before. He couldn’t lie to himself any longer. Losing Nate would hurt.

Laying his sword on the bed, he rushed to get dressed. He needed to talk to Nate. Unsure what good it would do, if any, Aiden had to know what Nate’s plans were. He needed to know if Nate was ever going to come back to stay. “Jeffers, cancel my breakfast. I’ll go down and get it.”

“Yes, milord.”

When he had everything on, he realized he had a problem. He couldn’t tie his cravat.
Well, he could probably tie it, but it wouldn’t be fit for public. Could he sneak downstairs? Nah, if Cony caught him…

And there were probably visitors since his brothers went to a ball last night. Hanging the starched white cloth around his neck, he opened the


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bedroom door and went through the sitting area. Noticing the other bedroom door—the one that Trouble was occupying—was cracked open, Aiden peeked inside.

Trouble stood next to the valet’s room with his ear pressed to the door.

Rolling his eyes, Aiden pushed the door open, ready to let the kid know it wasn’t polite to eavesdrop. “Tro—”

Trouble’s finger flew to his mouth, his eyes wide. Shaking his head, he motioned for Aiden to come to him.

Aiden frowned. What in the Galaxy could possible be interesting about Benson? And it had to be Benson Trouble was spying on because this bedroom had been meant for Aiden, and Benson had been given the valet’s room.

When Aiden reached Trouble, the younger man pointed to the door.

Aiden put his ear against it, although he didn’t need to. He could clearly hear Benson arguing with someone.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Benson hissed.

Trouble’s lips curled, a sort of “huh?” expression.

Aiden was fairly certain his face matched. “Who is he talking to?”

Aiden mouthed.

“Caldwell,” Trouble mouthed back.

“Give me that message I saw you writing!” Caldwell said.

Aiden and Trouble stayed there, their ears stuck to the door, staring at each other. Was it some sort of lover’s quarrel? Or was it something more? One of them should go find Nate, but Aiden couldn’t move. As soon as he did he was liable to miss something. He was really going to have to talk to Father about having Jeffers record things in the bedrooms. As it was he was pretty much just a voice-activated call button. And calling out to Jeffers to fetch someone would give them away. “Go get Nate,” he whispered.

Shaking his head, Trouble pointed at him and mouthed, “You.”


My Fair Captain

Aiden rolled his eyes. No way was he leaving Nate’s son here with only a door between him and them. He grabbed the teen’s arm and tugged. They were both going to have to go.

Trouble shook his head, glaring.

A series of thuds and grunts sounded on the other side of the door.

Something crashed softly onto the carpeted floor. It wasn’t loud enough to alert someone unless they were listening for it, but it was definitely the sounds of a struggle.

Freezing, Aiden and Trouble stared at the door. It got quiet.

They both took off for the exit.

Aiden grabbed the knob of the door leading to the hallway.

The door they’d just vacated crashed open. “Ah, ah, ah. Let go of the door, Your Highness.”

Aiden had no intention of letting go of the door, until he heard a murmur. Turning, he came face-to-face with Trouble.

Caldwell had Trouble around the neck with a fragger to his temple.

He crooked his finger at Aiden. Aiden looked around for anything to help them get out of this situation. He spotted Benson on the floor in the other room. Aiden could only see Benson’s lower abdomen and legs from where he stood, but it was enough to tell Benson wasn’t going to be coming to their rescue. Already a puddle of blood pooled and spread out around the valet.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Aiden moved. He wasn’t about to piss the man off when he had a fragger against Trouble’s skull.

When he got close, Caldwell shoved Trouble and grabbed Aiden, placing the pistol to his head.

Trouble stumbled and caught himself on the door, turning to face them. He looked past them toward the valet’s room and gasped.


“Isn’t going to be of any help to you. We are going to take a trip, boys.” Caldwell placed the fragger inside his coat and waved it at Aiden, making it clear that he still had the weapon trained on Aiden.


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Jeffers wasn’t likely to contact someone on their behalf if he didn’t see a gun. Trouble, apparently, realized it too. He gave Aiden a look, glanced at the door, then did it again. He looked lost.

Aiden gave him a wobbly smile. “Open the door.” Nate would expect him to take care of Trouble, and probably vice versa. At any rate, if they could stick together they’d have a better chance.

“Basement, gentlemen. And don’t forget what I have.” Caldwell caught Aiden’s arm, tugging him back, making sure he was right in front of him.

Trouble opened the door and led the way, continuing to look back at Aiden and Caldwell every so often.

They made it all the way to the basement without encountering another person. How? Aiden had no idea, but it figured. A castle full of people and where were they when you needed them? If he got out of this alive he was going to see that better security was implemented, personal privacy be damned. “Why did you kill Benson?”

“To settle an argument with him. And unless the two of you want to join him, you best do as I say.” Caldwell stopped at the entrance to the door housing Jeffers’ Maintenance Room. “Open the door.”

Did Caldwell know it would register Aiden’s identity? Aiden had no clue how Payton got inside without using his own code and thumbprint, but Aiden couldn’t do it.

“Your Highness,” Caldwell gritted out, nudging him in the back with the gun.

After pushing in his access code, Aiden scanned his thumb. The door opened.

Trouble must have known what it meant as well. He caught Aiden’s gaze, his eyes twinkling.

Maybe they could leave Father and Cony a hint.

* * * * *


My Fair Captain

“Any idea who took Aiden’s sketchscreens?”

Nate glanced up at Raleigh and shook his head. “No. I’ve looked at the videos of all the castle exits around the time of Jeffers’ last download.

The only thing that left the castle was garbage. I’m assuming someone threw them in the trash.”

“Bloody hell.” Raleigh grunted and sat in the chair across from the desk. “Bugger.”

Nate arched a brow. In the time he’d been here, he hadn’t heard Raleigh use that kind of language. He could certainly understand it though. The idea of a conspirator among them didn’t sit right with him either, especially given the attack on Aiden.

Raleigh grimaced. “Sorry. I just hate having a traitor in my house.

And whoever keeps getting rid of Aiden’s screens…”

He’d thought the same thing. “What I want to know is why they haven’t attempted to get the files off of Jeffers. That would make more sense. They have to know that eventually we will get suspicious of all the missing sketchscreens and check the sketches to see what it is they don’t want us to see. It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

is the point.”

“What do you mean?” Nate frowned.

“Unless they want us to look at the sketches.” Raleigh frowned and ran his hands down his face. “Why would someone want us to see the ship, if they were responsible for stealing the crates?”

“Guilty conscience?”

“Why not come to me and beg my mercy?”

Nate chuckled. “Do you have any?”

Raleigh grinned. “Only where my kids are concerned.”

“Exactly. And in this case, given that it is an IN investigation, they’d be at
mercy. My forgiving nature isn’t something I’m known for.”

“I’ve heard.” Raleigh sighed. “I take it there is no word from Admiral Jenkins on the man who attacked Aiden?”


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“Not yet. I’m planning another trip to the docks to see what I can learn.”

Raleigh looked away as if he were thinking. He sat quietly for several seconds.

Nate was beginning to think Raleigh was done with their conversation when Raleigh cleared his throat. “You will not take Aiden with you this time.” He arched a brow and caught Nate’s gaze in a level stare.

Staring right back, Nate silently bristled. He hadn’t planned on taking Aiden, but he’d be damned if Raleigh or anyone else dictated what he and Aiden did. The sooner Raleigh understood that the better. “I hadn’t planned on it. But if he wants to go, I will not tell him he can’t. He’s quite capable of making his own decisions. He is not a child.”

“I am concerned about his safety.”

“So am I.” Nate sighed. He appreciated where Raleigh was coming from. Nate would feel the same way if he were in Raleigh’s position.

Galaxy knew he’d be concerned about Trouble. “The sooner you understand that the better off we’ll be. I’m not going to intentionally put Aiden in danger, but I will not have you dictating our actions.”

“Does this mean you will not be taking him back to your ship with you?”

Nate wasn’t ready for this discussion. He had to run it all by Aiden first. He wasn’t about to talk to Raleigh about the offer for promotion to admiral, but he knew he wasn’t going to endanger Aiden by taking him on the Lady Anna. He could give Raleigh that if nothing else.

“I will not take him on the ship.”

Raleigh visibly relaxed and gave Nate a crisp nod. “Thank you.”

“The decision wasn’t made for you, but you’re welcome.”

“Nevertheless, I’m grateful. And this brings up another topic I’ve been wanting to discuss with you.”

“Oh?” Nate leaned back in the computer chair and crossed his hands over his stomach. So help him, if Raleigh brought up his relationship with Aiden again, Nate was going to strangle the man.


My Fair Captain

“Your son.”

What had the kid gotten into this time? “Trouble?”

Raleigh nodded. “Have you noticed the birthmark under his arm?”

Nate blinked, taken aback. Jaw clenching, he narrowed his eyes at Raleigh.

Eyebrows pulling together, Raleigh sat forward. “Then you haven’t seen it?”

Scowling, Nate sat taller in the chair. “What I want to know is how did you?”

“I spotted it when I came to find you a couple days ago. Jeremy was in your room, half dressed.”

When had Raleigh come to find him? Where was Nate at the time?

“When was this?”
, that had come out surly, but Jeremy was none of Raleigh’s concern.

“When you went shopping with my boys. I saw the video of Aiden leaving your room the day before.” Raleigh snarled his lip ever so slightly.

“I came to confront you about it.”

That explained a lot about Raleigh’s attitude toward him concerning Aiden. Nate relaxed a little, realizing where the man was coming from.

“Nothing happened, Raleigh.”

Nodding, Raleigh sat back. “It doesn’t matter now.”

“Just the same. I’m telling you nothing happened.”

Raleigh dipped his head in acknowledgment. “Your son is Regelen.”

Nate blinked. “Come again?” He practically growled the last bit.

“The birthmark. All artificially procreated babies are born with that particular birthmark under their right arm.”

Nate felt like someone had knocked the air out of him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this. Jeremy was his son, and nothing was going to change that. If anyone thought different…

Raleigh’s gaze drifted. “He reminds me of a couple I used to know.

Patrick was very outgoing and personable, very much like Trouble.” A


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barely perceptible smile flitted across his lips. “He was an IN Lieutenant.

Marcus, though? Very serious and smart. He—”

“Your Highness, Lord Deverell, there is a transmission from Admiral Jenkins. Do you wish to receive it?” Jeffers asked.

“Yes.” Nate sat forward, looking at the monitor, his mind shifting back to the case. He and Raleigh would definitely be discussing Trouble later, but now…

Raleigh came around the desk, pulling a chair over to sit beside Nate.

Carl came on the screen seconds later. “Ah, Nate, Raleigh, hello.”

“Hello.” Nate tried not to grumble, but he wanted the man to get to the point. Surely he’d had plenty of time to look up Felix Chapman in the IN computers.

“Good morning, Admiral.” Raleigh was once again his demure, almost distant self.

“Gentlemen, I’m afraid I was not able to discover much about your attacker. He is a thirty-year-old Regelen with no criminal record. I didn’t find a current residence for him. But I did find out something interesting.

The Marchioness is not his ship. It’s registered to a Chadwick Manche—”

The screen went blank and the lights flickered but stayed on.

Everything got utterly still and quiet. What the…?

Raleigh stood. “Jeffers?”

There was no answer. The entire household shut down.

Someone had turned Jeffers off. Why were the princes turning Jeffers off again? They all knew Aiden had been attacked.
They wouldn’t have done it.

Raleigh raced to the door. “I’ve got to go find Steven and the boys.”

Nate was right on his heels. He ran past Raleigh, who was yelling for the king, and started up the stairs.

“Nate, if you find any of the boys keep them with you and meet me back here,” Raleigh called after him.

Nate didn’t stop running until he got to his and Aiden’s suite.

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