My Exception (My Escort #2) (7 page)

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Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

BOOK: My Exception (My Escort #2)
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Chapter Twelve


found myself distracted as I made the final reservations that I would soon email to Damon. I was working on a presentation about the costs involved for the trip to Fiji. It had to be approved by the CEO.

A light knock on my office door startled me. I looked up at Michelle who waved at me politely. She closed the door behind her, taking the leather seat across from me. “How is your proposal coming along?” she asked, taking my notepad and looking at some of the expenditures I had written down.

“Cost effective as always,” I said with a smile. “How is everything going?”

“I was hoping you might be able to tell me…” she said, putting the notepad back down and crossing her legs. “I was informed yesterday that security cameras were down for a lengthy amount of time on the photographers’ level, authorised by Mr. Damon Brogardt himself.”

Red streaked across my cheeks as I put my head down in shame. “Michelle, I…”

When I looked up, I was startled to see that she was trying not to laugh. “It’s okay, Clover. I can’t say I’ve always behaved one hundred percent professional during my time as CEO. Although I did just lecture him:
never again
,” she said sternly. She sounded more like an older sister than my boss.

Unsure what to say, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

The mischievous glint in Michelle’s eye dulled as her expression turned serious. “Is Damon really okay with the change over? He seems to be slightly on edge lately. I’m sure no one else has noticed, except maybe you.” Her blue eyes were intense. She and Damon held the same strong presence. And now that I knew she was pregnant, it explained that extra glow she seemed to have as of late.

I sighed heavily, trying to think of how to answer her. “I don’t know; he hasn’t really spoken about it to me. He said he is happy to take over for you and he is excited to become an uncle. But I’ve noticed he’s been on edge lately as well.” I thought about this morning when Damon held me so possessively. My mind flickered back over the exchange in the elevator between him and Hayden. I couldn’t shake the memory of the masculine energy sparking between them as I stood silent in the elevator. I needed to ask. “Michelle. It might be none of my business, but does Hayden Zilch and Damon know each other personally?”

“No, not that I know of. Why do you ask that?” A spark seemed to appear in her eye again as she smiled knowingly and nodded her head. “Ah, I see.”

“What do you mean?”

She gave me a small smile. “Clover, you are the first woman to grab my brother’s heart in a very, very long time. He is utterly smitten with you. I could imagine that maybe my brother might get a little bit jealous. He never did like sharing toys when we were younger. I used to have to beat him to a pulp.” We both laughed at that image. I couldn’t imagine fighting with Megan. My sister and I hardly ever fought. In fact, we were very protective of one another.

“Well then,” she grimaced. “I suppose he won’t like it much when I inform him Mr. Zilch will be heading to Fiji with you.”

“Sorry?” I said, frowning.

“Mr. Zilch is a very busy man with his own business to attend to, and he still needs to focus on Zilch Enterprises. He isn’t here full time, as per contractual agreement. He is just here for this fortnight, as it is a quiet period within his company. His main office is in Ithaca, so it is easier for a lot of his clients to reach him here in Manhattan anyway. I don’t understand why he hasn’t yet moved his main office. Anyway, coincidently the time of month you are going to Fiji is when two of his players will be playing Rugby League over there, so with this in consideration he will be travelling with you. Because all his expenses are paid already, he asked if he could feature a special edition sports column for his first piece, which would work well with your piece about Fiji. Only thing is, we will need to print this Fiji piece straight away as soon as you get back instead of the piece you just wrote on Singapore. That one will be printed the following month. The season over there will have ended by the next monthly edition, so we really need to keep it relevant. On top of that, he has also organised exclusive interviews with the players for our online articles. Of course, mentioning Zilch Enterprises as well. It is lucky that we were able to get a sports columnist that has a lot of influence already in the field.”

I sat there for a moment, blankly looking at Michelle, not too sure what to say. Hayden said he had done well for himself in his profession, but I didn’t realise the extent of his success. “I see,” was all I managed to say. “So, why did he decide to take on extra work?”

“This is what he said, verbatim: ‘my personal assistant bullied me into it,’” she said with a laugh. I thought of his personal assistant who he said often lectured him. “But also he is a clever man. This gains him notable exposure as well. He will be referenced as an expert in the industry. It’s a win-win for both of us. He is a rather fine gain considering we never really delved into sports writing. Depending on his six-month trial, if all goes well, we may start a monthly magazine on its own, mostly targeting men. So, for now, we are still trialling this to see if this addition increases sales.”

“Very smart,” I said, considering this. Clever as always. She had basically set it all up before Damon took over.

“I thought so too,” she smiled. “It’s all confidential, so don’t speak of it to anyone. We don’t want anything leaking to the press until we make that call. Oh, I brought you something too.” She shuffled through her bag, which was filled with pens, diaries, three phones, and other office equipment. She pulled out a small envelope, offering it to me.

“What’s this?” I asked, taking it.

“Just hurry up and open it,” she gushed with excitement. I looked at her suspiciously then opened the back of the unsealed envelope. I lifted the black and white image, surprised by it. There in my hands was the scans of Michelle and Phillip’s unborn child. I looked at her, a tear pricking at my eye. I was surprised that she would offer this to me.

“I couldn’t possibly—”

“Pfft, please. You are practically family now,” she said with a smile as she gathered her handbag, not giving me a chance to hand it back. “Also, Damon told me you won’t accept a dress he bought you or something like that. Please don’t feel guilty about accepting it. Damon hardly spends his money, this small gesture makes him happy. You being happy makes him… well, this is the happiest I’ve ever seen him. Don’t deny him that,” she smiled before slipping out of my office.

I looked down at the baby image once again, overwhelmed by the gesture. It tied a knot in my stomach. She had said I was almost family. I had never felt so accepted in my life. It was such a sudden enveloping sensation that I had to stand for a moment and look out to the passing traffic. Never did I think I would have such a man by my side. I looked over my shoulder at the image of the baby. Who knew what was in store for Damon and me. What I was certain of was that in that moment I was so unbearably happy.

Chapter Thirteen


hen I arrived home that night, my bedroom door had been closed, forcing Pudding to spend his day in the lounge. A small note was stuck to my door.

“I don’t take rejection well.” I noted it was Damon’s elegant handwriting. I smiled at the words. As soon as I opened the door Pudding bolted in, leaping onto my pillow. There was a black zip-up bag on my bed. I raised it and unzipped it to unveil a beautiful red dress. When I further examined the beautiful silky material I noted it’s classical cut. Damon had correctly guessed my measurements. Beside it was a box containing gold heels and two small jewellery boxes. I opened the longest first, revealing two long beautiful shimmering earrings. They were absolutely stunning. In the other was a gold bangle. He had really thought of it all. I then noticed the white envelope Pudding had begun rubbing his whiskers on. I opened it and pulled out the small card.

Small shimmering love hearts and glitter fell to my floor. I looked around in dismay, instantly thinking:
I’ll have to clean that
. I read the message out loud, sensing his amusement in it. “Have fun cleaning that. I love you, Clover.” The last of it came out as a whisper as I beamed with happiness. Maybe I should have never given him my house key.

I tried calling him, but the line was already in use. Obviously he was still awake and working late. He had mentioned when I passed him earlier at work that he wouldn’t be able to make it over tonight. Although I was disheartened to hear it, I completely understood. Instead I sent him a simple text message expressing my appreciation of the gift. If I knew anything about Damon, it was that he was stubborn and wouldn’t allow me to ever give him the gifts back.

I organised for Cassidy to come over the following afternoon before Damon picked me up. She shrieked over the phone in excitement to once again do my hair and make-up. Also, it was my first Saturday off in a while and I hadn’t seen her for ages.

I enjoyed a sleepin and a thorough read of Jane Austen. It had been so long since I was able to pick up a book that I only had older, classical books in my small bookshelf. With that in mind I walked to the book café Damon and I often went through and selected a few books to read, hoping that I would soon have the time to read them.


A knock on my door woke me from my nap. My book was sprawled not so elegantly on the floor. I must have fallen asleep reading it.
Wow, when was the last time I had a daytime nap? What an amazing day
, I thought to myself in delight.

I opened the door to Cassidy, who leapt towards me for a hug.

“I am so excited for this,” she shrieked. She looked around my apartment expectantly.

“He’s not here,” I explained as I walked over to make us coffee. “He’s picking me up at six.”

“Aww,” she whined. “How you mistreat me. Last time I came he was wearing those reading glasses of his, just when I thought he couldn’t be any sexier.”

“I could tell you of many times he has been ‘sexier,’” I said with a sly smile. She simply laughed in response.

“So, where is he taking you and what am I working with?” she asked, keeping an eye out in case Pudding ambushed her. Already the fat cat had hidden somewhere. He didn’t like Cassidy and her loudness.

“Um, I’m not actually too sure where we are going yet. But he bought some things for me, they are on the bed,” I said, flicking my chin towards my room, gesturing for her to have a look. After a moment of silence she dashed back into the room.

“Are you kidding me Clover? It’s all utterly stunning.
I can work with,” she beamed. “What a pretty price tag it must have came with as well.”

“I couldn’t bring myself to ask. How is work?” I asked, offering her a coffee. She tapped on one of my bar stools, insisting that I sit so she could get straight to work. She pulled out her equipment, starting with the hair straighteners. As she waited for them to warm up, she pulled other items out.

“Well Debra darling is getting a divorce. Officially the story goes that it’s because her husband can’t keep up with her work schedule and they grew apart. But it is sooooooo because she is having an affair. But what makes it even more interesting is that one of the journalists told me that apparently her husband has been cheating on her for the last four years with their cleaner. So it’s a pretty messy divorce. However, as only he has witnesses of her cheating, he is taking her for every penny he can get from the divorce.”

echoed in my mind. Debra had made my life a living hell because her husband fancied me, and to find out now that they were both cheating on one another seemed fitting.

“I’m doing okay. Me and that hockey player dude broke up,” Cassidy continued. When one of her relationships didn’t work out, she referred to her former lover only by something he did.
by his name. “Oh my gosh! I heard that Hayden Zilch is writing for
Be True
? Is he as handsome as he was in last year’s ‘Top Fifty Bachelors’ images? Damn, that man knows how to keep himself in shape.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Hayden?” I said, looking up at her. She tugged on my hair lightly to say ‘don’t move’ and began straightening out my curly hair. “I used to go to university with him. He hasn’t changed a bit. He has always been like that.”

“You went to uni with him? No fair Clover, you keep all the hotties to yourself. Do you reckon we could organise a meeting? Like go out for a few drinks or something? I’d love to meet him.” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Well, I suppose I could organise something like that. I mean, it’s not like he is taken or anything. But Cassidy, he is a major player.”

“Please, I can handle boys, and you don’t know how it will go until you try.” Her bouncy curls cascaded over my shoulder as she looked at my side profile up close. “And who knows, I might be the one and only who can tame the utterly gorgeous Hayden Zilch,” she teased with a wink. “I mean, if you were able to tame Damon Brogardt, maybe I might have the same lady luck being around you.”

“Maybe,” I said with a small smile. “But first, you need to concentrate on my hair before you burn it away.” It surprised me how appealing Hayden Zilch was to everyone. I remembered him to be the smug boy from university that every girl wanted. Not much had changed since then — only that he succeeded at absolutely everything he did, apparently.


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