My Exception (My Escort #2) (10 page)

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Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

BOOK: My Exception (My Escort #2)
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Chapter Eighteen


fter Hayden’s goodbyes, I walked through my old home. My mother’s two-storey home reminded me of a modern cottage. It brought back so many memories. There was now a noticeable brown stain on the white carpet of the hall. When I questioned where it had come from, Megan gave me a warning glare. Apparently Christian had “accidently” created that and they couldn’t get it out. Mother did not seem too impressed but still laughed it off.

I walked through the lounge room through to the kitchen. On the right side of the stairs were an office room, laundry room, and the boy’s room, which they shared. They were good and hadn’t yet started demanding their own rooms.

Mom showed me her new rosebushes in the backyard, watering them as the first glasses of wine came out. After a few more, well, we were in hysterics. The time flew by ridiculously fast.

Later, I stumbled to the double bed in the guestroom, embarrassed by my low tolerance of alcohol. I thought I would have done better considering the amount Michelle and I used to drink before she announced her pregnancy. I checked my phone. I’d received three missed calls from Damon and two messages. The last stated, ‘I hope you have a good night, my beautiful Angel Puff. We will talk tomorrow. I love you. And don’t be too charmed by being back home. You must return to your sexy god of a boyfriend, so keep that in mind. Or I will track you down and return you here myself.’ There was a little emoticon of a mischievous grin. I couldn’t help but laugh at the stupidity of it. Damon hardly text, let alone send emoticons. I didn’t even know how to use them. I tried calling him, but he must have already been asleep. It was already 1.08 a.m. I replied back, ‘I love you and I could never forget about my sexy, obnoxious, kidnapper of a boyfriend.’

It was nice to be home, refreshing even. I pulled the blankets over me as the chill of night rolled over me. How I would’ve loved Damon to come and hold me from behind right now. I wanted him to be here, answering the many questions Mom and Megan had for him. Although it couldn’t be helped, I knew they were slightly disappointed as well.


A light slap on the cheek struck me awake. I felt like I jumped out of my skin in alarm. My eyes flashed open as Ethan and Christian roughly jumped on me.

“Yea, get her. Show no mercy,” Megan said with a grin on her face as she stood in the doorway. Although she was smiling, I noticed the aspirin and glass of water she clutched. I too had a slight hangover. She tightened her aqua bathrobe, her blonde hair loosely spilling over her shoulders. I thought Megan was beautiful. We were polar opposites in looks. I had an hourglass, womanly figure, whereas Megan had an athlete’s body. Mostly straight up and down. Toned as well. Her complexion was slightly paler than mine; our Latino background was more evident in my tone and hair. She still had rosy, chubby cheeks, where I had more of an oval-shaped face.

“Alright you two, go help Grandma make some toast,” Megan said, ushering them away. With a disappointed moan and a quick kiss on my cheek they both fled the room.

“Here.” Megan offered her glass of water and another aspirin. “We have a fair bit to still organise in the backyard and to cook. Drink this so you’re useful.”

“You look like you are in worst shape than me,” I smiled, accepting it and downing it in an instant. “How’s Mom?”

“Bouncing off the walls, cooking, the usual. To this day I am still surprised that woman isn’t an alcoholic. Neither of us could drink her under the table. Her tolerance is unbeatable,” she said with a smile.

“Isn’t that just the truth,” I agreed.

“C’mon, stop stalling and get out of bed,” she demanded, snatching her glass of water back and walking out of my room. Rubbing my eyes, I followed.

The bell for the front door was ringing. Megan had answered it before I got down the stairs. I tightened my black cardigan around my sleeveless blue top and grey sweat pants, yawning. I could only imagine the state my hair would be in. After yawning so hard that I had to close my eyes, I reopened them to be greeted by Hayden, who was standing at the front door with a black suit on. He was about four hours early, and I remembered then he’d promised to help yesterday before leaving.

“Since you came early, come on in and make yourself useful,” Megan said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him in behind her. Bemused, I gave him a small wave as he was dragged behind Megan. I didn’t remember them being that close. But I guess that was my sister for you, always making the most out of the numbers she had around her. And oh, did she love being bossy.

My attention was aroused by the enticing smell of coffee, bacon, and eggs in the kitchen. I walked in to find Megan pouring juice for the boys, who sat patiently at the wooden table. My mother was working busily at the stove.

“Hurry Clover, come and get it before it’s all gone,” my mother called. “Hayden sit down, you need your fill as well. We have a good few hours ahead of us to organise this party. I am, after all, twenty-one again,” my mother smiled as she began to serve some bacon onto the plates. I poured the hot coffee into three mugs, passing one to Megan and Hayden, and then taking a cup for myself. Ah, to be home.

Chapter Nineteen


he coffee went down well but waking up properly took a lot longer than we thought. After a slow start, we completely transformed the entire backyard. My mother had organised tables and chairs enough to fit fifty people. In the center was a long table. A black cloth over it made it look very elegant, despite the fact it was usually locked away in the shed. It was heaving with the monstrous amounts of food my mother had cooked.

She had even hired out a small bouncy castle for the children who were to attend the party. As usual the party didn’t seem to focus around my mother at all, but she never organised them like that. She had arranged a party that catered for everyone in the most homely way. It was what made her happiest, so my sister and I learnt at a young age to let her get on with it and even let her cook for herself. I think the most miserable birthday she ever had was the one where Megan and I catered for everyone. Mom liked to cook, so from there on we knew we were to only be the helping hands. My mother had always been like this. My father use to grumble at the amount of parties we often had. But to keep Mom happy, he would always oblige.

“I remember coming to one of your mother’s events once, it is as extravagant as ever,” Hayden said with a wicked smile as he came and stood next to me, crossing his arms. Already guests had started arriving and it felt like within minutes children were running all over the place.

“You look very beautiful today,” Hayden said, looking over the simple knee-length black dress I wore with a feather necklace. I looked over myself. I hadn’t put too much effort into my hair, pinning it up with only a few tendrils framing my face. I didn’t have enough time to straighten it after we prepared for the party.

“Well, thanks,” I said, nudging him. “You pull up all right yourself.”

“Always. It is the one thing I am most known for,” Hayden returned with a devilish smile. My sister’s voice interrupted as she came walking over. She was swaying sassily as she always did. Her long flowing orange skirt quickly grabbed admiring glances. It looked great against her white sleeveless shirt and slightly olive skin tone.

“How did I just know you were talking crap all the way from over there simply by recognising that cocky smile of yours?” Megan directed at Hayden.

He raised his hands in a defensive manner. “Me, I would never,” he teased, rolling his tongue in his cheek.

“Clover,” I heard my mother’s voice call. “Someone is here to see you.”

I frowned, unsure of who would be here to see me. I hadn’t really any friends that I kept in touch with since leaving university.

My mother walked forward with a very warm smile. I gasped in surprise as I saw who followed. “Damon,” I whispered. I ran up to him giddily and he opened his arms for a hug. I pressed my lips against his, feeling like a happy child.

“You look so beautiful,” he said, kissing my knuckles. “I’m sorry I am late. Michelle was able to rearrange the date of her business trip to next week, so I came as soon as I could track down this.” He offered me a small bag. “Sorry I didn’t have time to wrap it. I bought this bag at a corner shop up the road.”

I looked into the bag realising instantly that it was the necklace I had been waiting for. “You got the necklace!” I beamed, wrapping my arms around him again and kissing him. “Thank you so much.”

I spun around to Megan and my mother, proud and excited. “Mom, Megan, I would like you to meet Damon Brogardt, my boyfriend,” I said with a red glow flushing through my cheeks. I felt as if this were the first boyfriend I had ever brought home.

“It is lovely to meet you both. I apologise for being late,” Damon said, grabbing my mother’s hand and raising it to his lips. “You look stunning for a woman who has just turned forty.”

Smooth talker
. I wanted to punch him in the arm. He knew it was my mother’s fifty-second birthday, yet his charismatic self could never be tamed. My mother flushed red as she smiled shyly.

“Wow, aren’t you a charmer!” Megan giggled. She walked up to Damon, surprising him with a hug. “You are a part of the family now so don’t feel awkward, let us know if you need anything during your stay.”

“I will, thank you so much,” Damon smiled. He grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers.

He turned to Hayden. “Thank you for bringing her down, Hayden,” Damon nodded in respect. Hayden nodded in return.

“Mom, this is yours,” I said, offering her the small birthday bag.

“You both shouldn’t have,” my mother said with a shy smile, accepting the gift. She opened the bag, pulling out the very fine gold necklace that contained a heart-shaped ruby encased in small diamonds. Her eyes darted to mine. I knew she recognised it. Looking back at the necklace, she smiled emotionally. “Thank you to you both,” she quietly said.

“Here Mom, let me put it on,” Megan said.

Ethan’s scream suddenly shattered the heart-warming moment. We all raced around to the bouncy castle. Ethan was on the ground beside it, screaming and holding his arm. My cousin, Paulene, was trying to help him up.

“Ethan,” Megan panicked, racing to him. His arm was swelling and he was wailing in pain. “It looks like he has broken it.”

“I‘ll drive you to the hospital,” Hayden offered.

“Let me help you put him in the car,” Damon said.

“Mom, you stay here. Clover, look after Mom,” Megan instructed forcefully before leaving through the kitchen behind Hayden and Damon. The guests who had arrived made way for them and minutes later only Damon returned. I rubbed Mom’s arms in reassurance.

“It’s okay, Mom. Megan had a broken arm too once, remember? He will be okay,” I said. I knew Megan would prefer it to be said in that carefree tone. She would want Mom to enjoy her birthday.

“He will be alright. They have taken him to the hospital now. Let the doctors do what they do best,” Damon said with a reassuring smile. “I broke my arm once falling off a horse.” I never knew that about him.

“We don’t know if it is definitely broken yet either, he might have just fallen awkwardly.”

“It will be okay,” Damon reassured us, his expression so open and warm that in that moment I couldn’t believe anything else.

Chapter Twenty


he party eventually picked up again. My mother was able to perk herself up and interact calmly with the guests. That was something my sister and I had learnt from my beautiful mother: even when everything falls apart, you must always entertain the guests and carry on.

Three hours later, Hayden, Megan, and Ethan returned. Megan put Ethan to bed in her room upstairs and came down after Hayden, who grabbed a drink from the fridge and downed it. He looked rather pale. My sister followed suit and grabbed a glass of wine.

Damon and I both greeted them in the kitchen as my mother didn’t yet realise that they had returned. “How is he?” I asked worriedly.

“He will be okay,” Megan said, sounding drained. “I will check up on him again in a minute and stay up there with him. He’s broken his arm. He will be a bit tender for a while.” She looked at Hayden for a moment, a small smile spreading on her lips as she took another sip. “Not as bad as this one though.”

Hayden gave her a sharp side-glance, taking another sip. He did look rather under the weather; his skin was pasty white.

“Looks like big shot sports manager over here can’t handle the look of disfigured bones or hospital wards,” Megan teased, nudging him with her shoulder. Hayden looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t.

“That’s right,” I said, remembering. “You pass out at the smell of blood as well, don’t you?” I mused. Again Hayden said nothing.

“The doctors at one point were more concerned about him falling on top of me than Ethan’s arm,” Megan said with laughter.

“It wasn’t even that bad,” Hayden sulked. “I just lost my footing is all.” He looked down at his beer in disappointment. “Yea this isn’t going down too well. I might have to call it quits for today, sorry.”

“Don’t be a baby,” Megan teased. “Come on, you can check up on Ethan with me and have a rest in there. Mom hasn’t even cut the cake yet, you can recover by then.” Megan grabbed his ear and started pulling him towards the stairs. Much to my surprise, Hayden didn’t argue. Both Damon and I watched on from behind in bewilderment.

“Has your sister and Hayden always been that close?” Damon asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, uncertain of where this familiarity between the two had come from.

“Not that I can remember,” I said honestly. “I’m surprised Hayden is tolerating Megan’s brutality.”

“Well, maybe brutality runs in the family,” Damon taunted.

“Ha ha, very funny Mr. Brogardt,” I said, stomping on his foot.

“You are different here, in a good way. Around your family you’re fully relaxed,” he observed, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

Turning my head enough so I could see him clearly, I gave him a small kiss on the lips. “I suppose I am. I really am glad you came.”

“So am I.” He held me firmer around my waist as he gave me another kiss. “Now I believe it has been a very long time since you have seen your family. I think some introductions are to be made.”

“Why, so you can charm the crowd, you peacock?”

“No, so I can make such an impression on everyone that if you ever consider leaving me, they will all advise you not do it. I can’t help it if I am naturally charming, my diva princess,” he said with a cocky smile.

I wrinkled my nose. “Diva princess?” I repeated, raising my eyebrow at his inventive pet name.

“The name just sparkles, doesn’t it?” he teased as we walked towards where some of my family stood.

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