Read My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 2) Online
Authors: J. Naomi Ay
In the meantime, the two poufs finished
with each other and since neither of them were able to do the dastardly deed
with me, they must have decided it would be enough for them merely to spray
their leavings on me. YUCK! Just about this time, the bedroom door flew open
and more men came rushing in. At the lead was an older, huge white haired guy
and he was screaming his head off. He immediately wrapped me in the bedspread
and untied me and then carried me like a baby. I was taken back out into the
snow soaked hallways, down a long corridor and into another set of rooms.
These rooms were empty and cold and the furniture was all covered with dust
covers so obviously nobody was living there. The man took me to the bathroom
and showed me the shower and the towels and then he left.
The bathroom was gorgeous. The taps were
gold, the countertops and shower were granite, but damn it, the water was like
a lukewarm trickle. The soap smelled like lavender and I used the whole bar.
I showered for a very long time and I realized that this was my opportunity to
get out of here. So, leaving the shower water on so anyone listening would
think I was still in it, I got out and looked around. There was a bathrobe
hanging on the wall. It was black silk with gold piping and there was a gold
coat of arms on the left breast. I put it on even though it was way too big
for me, obviously belonging to a man, and Shelly, it smelled a little bit like
Ron's cigarettes and aftershave and I thought I must be going crazy and
imagining this. I looked through the drawers in the vanity hoping to find a
razor or some sort of weapon but all I found was a beautiful gold hairbrush, a
tooth brush, and a black ribbon just like all the ribbons Ron ties his hair
back with. Okay, even someone as stupid as me could put two and two together
and conclude that this was not random, that I was here because they
specifically came for me and I needed to get the hell out of here.
Adjacent to the shower area was what I
suspect was meant as a giant bath tub but looked more like a small swimming
pool. There were doors leading out to a balcony so I exited through them and
discovered that I was above a beach. It was still snowing and even though we
were on the shore, the sand was covered with a foot of snow. The breakers were
crashing and there was nothing but whiteness as far as I could see. Already I
was freezing with my wet hair and in only this bathrobe but I couldn’t stay. I
wouldn’t stay. I resolved to run where ever I could run to and somehow get
back to my ship.
I climbed down the side of the building.
It was easier than it sounds even in the snow because the building was stacked
stones of marble and they were odd shapes and sizes and made easy handholds and
footholds. The last ten feet I jumped and landed in the powder. Then I ran,
hugging the side of the building in case anyone was watching for me.
I ran for about a mile and then rounded
the far end of the building. There were a lot of people there, homeless tramps
huddling around fires in tin drums. There were giant holes in the side of the
building that were even in this weather draining water that must have been
pooling up on the roof. My feet had gone numb and my teeth were chattering so
I joined a woman and a small child at one of the drums. She was wearing a few
worn coats and the child had cardboard shoes. I pointed at my robe and
indicated my legs and feet. She motioned for me to follow and I did. A few
steps into the adjacent woods, there were dead bodies. One was a woman about
the same size as me and no one had taken her clothing. I stripped the dead
woman's pants, shirt and shoes and then handed my robe to my guide. I hope she
put it around the child.
I was marginally warmer and slightly drier
and my toes could wiggle again. I walked because it was dark and the snow was
thick and I didn’t know where I was going.
It was a short distance to a city. I
hadn’t eaten since before we docked on 43, however many hours ago that was. I
was desperately thirsty and tried to drink the dirty snow. I spent the night
in an alley huddled against a building, underneath a sheet of cardboard I was
lucky enough to find.
In the morning the snow had stopped but
was slippery as hell and I fell more than once in these worn out shoes with
holes in the soles. At some point, I found a soup kitchen and I stood in line
with hundreds of others for a small bowl of clear broth and a hunk of cheese.
The snow here was filthy, black from the soot with worse stains in other colors
from other sources. I couldn’t bring myself to melt it and drink though I knew
I was becoming dehydrated. I developed a cough in my chest and my clothing was
soaked through and I was shivering. Later I would be wracked with fever. I
don't even know where I went or how I went over the next few days.
I wandered. I hallucinated because at one
point I looked up at a building I could have sworn I saw Ron gazing down at
me. I remember sitting in an alley thinking I was done for as it started to
snow again and then the next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was light
streaming into a room and one of those wonderful creations that Jerry is mad
about beeping over my head. I had an IV and a cath but I was covered in warm
blankets. I was so congested I didn't think I'd ever breath through my nose
again. My chest ached but I could think again and I was ravenously hungry. I
watched the snow outside my window and marveled out loud how content I was
despite feeling so sick.
Two men came into my room along with my
breakfast tray. One was the same heavy man who had rescued me from the poufs
and the other was a man about my age who looked very much like the older one.
The younger one turned on the vid and rang someone and the next thing I knew I
was staring at Thad, your Thad.
“Hi Katie,” he said. “Are you okay?”
“I'm in a hospital, Thad!”
“I know you are,” he laughed, which I'm
sorry to say, just made me want to slap him. “You're in our Old Mishnah
Medical Centre. This is Berkan and Captain Loman. Berkan runs our Rehnorian
company. Captain Loman is his dad and he will make sure nothing happens to you
again. You're safe now, understand?”
I nodded and tried to smile at the
“You can stay there as long as you like or
Berkan will put you on an SdK spaceplane and have you taken back to your ship
tomorrow if you'd rather recuperate there.”
“I want to get the hell off of this horrid
planet,” I said. “Does my captain know where I am?”
“No, but I'll have my dad contact him
immediately and tell him you've been found and will meet them at Spacebase 41.”
“Okay,” I said. “I want to go home as
soon as possible.”
Thad made a face like he was thinking.
“Home. Hmm. That's a difficult concept
to define. Maybe you ought to be a little bit more open to alternate versions
of home. Maybe that planet isn't so bad?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I
cried, wanting to slap him even more.
He started to laugh.
“Ron's in deep shit,” Thad said and the
guy Berkan laughed too while his dad scowled.
After Thad disconnected, Berkan and his
dad continued to stand there in the room with me. They spoke quietly to each
other and stared at me as if I were some great oddity.
“Is this an SdK hospital?” I asked,
getting tired of their staring.
“Yes Madame,” Berkan replied, speaking
“Then I own half of it. Get the hell out
of my room or you're both fired!”
They look at each other and Berkan laughed
some more. I wanted to slap him too.
“We beg your pardon, Madame,” Captain
Loman said and both of them bowed and finally left me in peace.
A short time later, a lady came and sat
with me the rest of the day and that night. I think her name was Fern. I was
really surprised because she was wearing the most beautiful dress. It looked
like it was silk and decorated with seed pearls and gold embroidery. It seemed
so out of place for the hospital but apparently I was the only one who thought
so. Anyway, Fern sat in the chair next to me embroidering something with more
gold thread and chatting about somebody or something and how exciting it all
was like I should have a clue what she was talking about. If I needed anything
she immediately jumped up and ran to get it or helped me get up. She was very
nice though and I never once felt like slapping her.
I guess these Rehnorians weren't all that
bad. In fact, the doctors and nurses were exceptionally polite. Whenever the
nurses came in to check me or give me something to eat, they always curtseyed
and the doctors bowed which I guess goes to show that if you threaten to fire
someone, everyone will walk on eggshells for you after that.
The next day I was taken back to 41 in an
SdK spaceplane. Fern came with me. I didn't realize you guys have your own
spaceplanes too. I had a sleeper suite in the very back and it was beautiful.
It was as nice as a luxury hotel room with a king size bed and a vid and a
console from which I could order anything to eat or drink. Fern kept jumping up
to get me this or that but I think I slept nearly the whole way even though I
tried to stay awake so I could play with the console.
I really wanted to get up and check out
the cockpit but I got dizzy every time I stood up. Caroline and Jerry met me
at 41 and immediately checked me into sickbay where they took care of me for
the next week. Jerry stayed by my bedside nearly every night. Fortunately,
there weren't any other patients in sickbay for him to worry about. Caroline
told me that Elton had been killed by one of the Rehnorians with a light
sword. A little laser doesn't hold a ghost of chance against a light sword. I
was already feeling sick but this made me feel even more horrible because Elton
died because of me.
After a week, I moved back into my cabin.
I was on leave for another week. During that time, Jerry asked me to marry
him. I know this is something he wanted for a long time. It would make
perfect sense, wouldn't it? We live on the same ship, we're both from Earth.
We're a lot alike in many ways and we understand each other. He loves me. I
have a little problem that would need to be resolved before I could marry him
though, something of a personal nature. I told him I need to think about it
and probably find a good gynecologist before I can give him an answer.
I got my Commander bars. I even got a
medal for enduring what I just endured. Funny how Command thought it was
heroism to get myself kidnapped and not raped.
I'm going to be First Officer on my next
cruise. Right now I'm not sure I want a next cruise. In one more week, I will
have finished this contract and be on leave for six months. I'm going home to
Seattle. I will think about Jerry's offer. I will think about Ron because I
always think about him even if he is too busy to think about me.
Love to you and Tim and the kids and my
sincere gratitude to Thad even though I still want to slap him.
My dearest Katie,
P.S. Okay this is the deal. Ron's family
on Rehnor who in my opinion are a bunch of barbaric, savage lunatics gave him
an ultimatum. He had to wait an entire year without contacting you in anyway
shape or form before they would grant him permission to marry you. Why he
needs their permission, that's more complicated. The year is almost over,
honey, and he's coming for you because he just asked me to reserve one of the planes
and a pilot to take him to SB 41 next week.
I don't know how you met or where or when
but I do know that nothing with him is ever simple or straightforward. He
talks about time as if at any point he can just jump between past, present and
future and it really doesn't matter where the beginning is. As confusing as it
seems, you've already begun so honey, take my advice, strap on your seat belt
and go for the ride.
Hugs and kisses, I will see you soon.
Tim, Thad, Gina and I are taking you out to dinner as soon as you are here,
Japanese food okay? Kids want desperately to go swimming at your beach. Can I
tell them you'll invite them soon?
P.P.S. I want to slap Thad too. I
haven't met Berkan yet but from what Thad has told me, I agree he is also a good
candidate for slapping.
P.P.P.S. Actually, the one who deserves
to be slapped right now is Ron and believe me if he was in his office which he
is not, I would just about storm in there and do it. One for me and two for
You are crazy. Go ahead and use the beach
all you want. I'm going home to Earth tomorrow. If Ron's mother doesn't want
me for a daughter-in-law and he can't say no to her than he's not the guy for
me. And don't you start telling me that everything is complicated too!
P.S. I hate sushi.
P.P.S. Slap away. All of those men.