Mustang Sally (15 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“I understand.” He smiled. “I wasn’t very strong. Until I saw more. Learned more. The things they wanted from me, I simply couldn’t go along with. It wasn’t a choice. And I had you as my role model. You made me believe it was possible to opt out.”

how I felt.” She stared up at him. “I’m so glad you came.”

“Me too. And I can’t tell you how much it pleases me to give you the last of your freedom.” He handed her a thick envelope. “You would have gotten it annulled if I hadn’t responded soon, I know. Besides, the compliance with early marriage protocols were suspect at best in our community. You could have fought and won. But I hope this makes your life just a little easier.”

“That’s all I can ask. And I’m glad I can do the same for you.” She didn’t question her instincts when she leaned over and hugged him. “You’re going to make someone a fine husband, Phillip.”

“Maybe now I can concentrate on finding the right woman.” He nodded as he rose, dusting off his expensive pants.

, she hadn’t even considered that. Her coveralls suffered no damage from the natural surface.

“Would you mind if Bryce takes you back to your car?” She glanced up at the windows to the great room of their apartment. A shadow near one made her sure there was a reason the hairs on her nape stood up.

“Not at all.” He touched her cheek. “Be happy, Salome.”

“I’m going to try my best. Have Bryce give you one of my business cards. I have yours. Keep in touch?” She smiled when he nodded.

“You’ll just have to make sure your guys don’t rip my head off. Deal?” He grinned.

“Deal.” She leapt in the air, pumping her fist as she took off for home and the people who made it special.

Please don’t let me have ruined it all.

Eli, Alanso, I’m coming for you.

Chapter Eleven

Eli stared into the garden, sickness climbing his esophagus when Sally hugged her
“I can’t believe she told my dad and not me that she was fucking married.”

“Cobra, don’t deck me.” Kaige took a step out of arm’s reach before he admitted, “I kind of get her logic. You haven’t always let her fight her own battles.”

“That was before.” He gritted his teeth, hating that the fucker made sense.

“And you’d have done what differently this time, son?” Tom wasn’t afraid. He approached and laid his hand on Eli’s shoulder. Eli welcomed the infusion of strength from his dad. “I’d bet my house you’d have piled in that Cobra of yours with Alanso and driven for days straight to the ass-end of Utah, muscles blazing.”

“Maybe.” He rubbed his temples. “I still can’t believe they’d do that to a kid!”

Alanso stepped near, ducking under the arm Eli flung around his shoulder. He barely managed to chime in, probably because of the bear hug from his best friend and boss. “It pisses me off the most that she considered anything about that mess valid.
, it’s not like what we proposed would hold water in court. It’s about the commitment behind the label.
what counts. The spirit behind the promise never existed for her before. I think it does now.”

“Unless her refusal was about more than some dumb paperwork.” Eli laid his cheek on Alanso’s crown.

“It wasn’t.” Tom spoke with authority.

Better than Tom’s hearsay affirmation, Sally stepped through the door they’d left ajar—in case she or Bryce hollered for help—and met his gaze directly. “It wasn’t.”

The largest of their gang snuck in behind her and took his place in the crowd of concerned mechanics.

She displayed a sheaf of papers. “I’m sorry this didn’t happen sooner. I never meant to hurt you. Any of you.”

Eli wasn’t sure he trusted himself to speak. So he swallowed hard and nodded instead.

“I have some good news.” Sally clutched the documents to her chest and lowered her head. She sidled closer, as if afraid they would reject her. Like that was ever a possibility. “Eli. Alanso. I’m officially available. I’m divorced. I’m so sorry if sleeping with me…before…compromised your values. I didn’t consider it real. It wasn’t from my heart. Nothing like what I have with you two. You know that, right?”

“Was that even a worry in your mind?” Alanso tipped his head as he observed her fingers tapping on the folder she held in a death grip.

“I’d say that’s a yes.” Eli rubbed at his chest, aching for them all.

Sally inhaled deep enough she might have floated away under less heavy circumstances. “I think I can finally leave all that shit behind me. If you can…”

Her enormous grin lit up his world.

“Dad?” Eli didn’t take his gaze from the woman of his dreams. “I love you, but would you mind going home?”

Tom patted his son’s chest then Alanso’s bald head.

He turned, whooped and lifted Sally from the floor to spin her around. “We did it! Why don’t you kids take the rest of the day off? I’ve got the station under control and I’ll call your clients. It’s not every day some of our Hot Rods get engaged.”

“Uhh,” Kaige piped up from across the room. “I didn’t hear her say yes yet.”

“I haven’t asked again.” Eli didn’t take the opportunity to do it right then either. “We’ve got a few matters left to sort out.”

“Right, right.” Tom rolled his eyes. “Sort away. I’ve got you covered.”

The door shut loud enough behind him to make sure they were alone. All eight of them.

“Sally, get your pretty ass over here. Right now.” Eli tried to stay still, relaxed. He was sure he did a shitty job when she hesitated.

“Are you angry?” She set the papers on the table by the door then twisted her fingers together.

“Some.” He didn’t bother to lie. Those days were far behind them. Besides, he knew to his core now. She could handle all of him. All of
and whatever the world tossed at her. The list of things she required from him didn’t include being a force field between her and reality.

She nodded. “I’m so sorry. I should have told you. Your dad tried to convince me to, by the way. I just…”

“You were afraid he’d flip his shit or go off half-cocked.” Alanso came between them. “I’ve been there. In the hiding days. It’s not a nice place to live. I’m sorry that you didn’t feel safe enough to confide in us. In

“I didn’t want to put you in the middle.” Their girl went right to Alanso and hugged him tight. “It wouldn’t have been right.”

“We can discuss that later,” Eli growled at her.

“Uh-oh, he’s got his fuck face on.” Kaige got smacked upside the head by Bryce. Holden and Carver laughed while Roman simply smirked.

Sally looked up from her place in Alanso’s arms and read Eli’s expression. “He’s right. You
have your fuck face on. I love it when you get bossy. All growly and shit.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Eli tried not to bark at them despite his frustration. “But yes, I plan to stake my claim right here, right now. You belong to us. You said so yourself. If you feel differently today then you need to pipe up. Otherwise, it isn’t only me with my fuck face on. We’re all going to remind you who you belong with. Not because you’re forced to stay. No. You
us. And we chose you.”

The Hot Rods stepped closer, encircling his girl with their strength and love.

“No more pacing ourselves. No more taking it slow. Everything I’ve warned them about is off the table. You’re right. You’re a big girl. You’ve got this, don’t you?” He whipped his shirt over his head and was delighted to see her gulp.

“I think so.” She took shallow breaths, excitement flushing her cheeks. “I’d like to try. I’ve wanted you for so long. Eli, Alanso, I love you both. Forever.”

Te amo, mi corazón.
” Alanso let her off the hook right away. Or so she thought. “Now get rid of those clothes before I rip them to shreds. You’re ours. And we want to share you with our brothers.”

Eli had never seen a woman get naked so fast. He groaned as her paint-spattered coveralls hit the floor followed by her T-shirt and underwear. Before he knew what he intended, he’d strode forward, scooped her into his arms and hauled her toward their enormous sectional sofa.

“What are you waiting for?” He scolded the rest of the Hot Rods for their sluggishness. This was not the time to hesitate. Despite her bravado, Sally could balk if they didn’t burn her rational side alive. What woman wouldn’t be a little nervous at the idea of entertaining seven men?

Even though she adored each and every member of their gang.

Alanso took the instruction to heart. The man was buck-naked by the time he reached the couch, a step or two before Eli.

He deposited their woman onto the peninsula chaise that stuck out from the rest of the seating area. The armless sofa allowed them to surround her.

On either side of her, at shoulder height, Eli and Alanso stood. The rest of their friends stripped off denim and work shirts left and right. Each man stepped forward, prepared to make her theirs once and for all, offering part of themselves in return.

When Sally reached for her pussy, Eli snatched her hand away. “Hell no, you’re not touching yourself. You’ve got plenty of guys around to do that for you.”

“I’m so turned on it hurts.” She whimpered and squirmed, trying to press her thighs together.

“So ask one of them to help you out.” Alanso jumped in, surprising Eli with his lack of restraint. He could get used to this. The feral gleam in the bald man’s eyes turned Eli on even more. If his cock got any harder he’d probably break his zipper.

He stripped as fast as he dared, moaning when she said, “Kaige.”

“Yeah, Mustang?” The inventor slash mechanic dropped to his knees beside her. His dreads bounced as he settled in, letting his fingers trail from her breasts to just above her pussy. She gasped at the initial contact.

“They call you Super Nova for a reason.” She winked. “Show me.”

“Pretty sure it has something to do with my temper. But I’ll see what I can do.” He didn’t waste time. Instead he latched on to her breast with his mouth, worshipping her as he glanced up at Eli then Alanso out of the corner of his eye. It wasn’t easy to translate his question considering his mouthful of tit but Eli managed. “You two still okay?”

Alanso groaned. He watched another man please Sally and his cock grew harder with each pump of his giant heart. “Hell no. That’s so hot, Nova. Sally, you look so pretty. I’m about to have a heart attack.

Eli could relate. They might have to be less than sedate during this first cruise. If the sparks in Sally’s eyes were any indication, she wouldn’t mind all that much.

“You guys going to let Kaige have all the fun?” Cobra prodded the rest of the Hot Rods though he couldn’t fault their wide-eyed stares, which fixed on his lovers and their friends.

“Shit, no.” Holden caved next. He descended on the opposite side of Sally, treating her other breast to similar delights. Both men appeared fascinated with her piercings and the pretty Hot Rods tattoo surrounded by flowers and vines at her hip.

Roman and Carver approached together. The two best friends—one dark, one light—took up a post on either side of Sally’s knees. They spread her apart, running their hands up and down the length of her thighs reverently. The extension of their friendship seemed perfectly natural.

That left Bryce standing between her feet at the foot of the couch.

“Guess you’re the lucky one.” Eli nodded to the big, gentle guy. He was glad the well-mannered Hot Rod would be up first to show Sally how much they all cared for her. For men who’d had rough lives—and maybe doubly so for the girl who’d been brave enough to strike out alone—this bond meant everything.

They would never abandon each other. They never would ostracize someone from their gang. Their individual beliefs were their own, respected even when they conflicted with someone else’s, though that didn’t happen often. In this case, they aligned with one goal. Giving Sally as much pleasure as possible while absorbing some of her ecstasy for themselves. What pleased one of them, impacted them all.

She’d always been their sunshine, even during the darkest of nights.

Knowing now the full magnitude of the dangers and disappointments she’d escaped, Eli held her in even higher esteem. How had she grown into such a loving, accepting, expressive woman after being raised in a stunting environment?

She gave him hope. If she could overcome her past, they all could.

Every last one of the Hot Rods looked desperate to demonstrate the pride they had for her. The respect and desire. It all mingled into a perfect storm of passion.

Bryce sank to his knees. He approached Sally slowly, giving her plenty of chances to object before he reached the apex of her thighs. She didn’t utter a peep. Well, except for the cries and moans carried on the bursts of her unsteady respiration.

The fissure between them diminished until she had to be able to feel Bryce’s breath on her pussy. Their Rebel hovered there, making her dance between all the men supporting her. Each twist in one direction only granted someone better access on her reverse side. When the pleasure he gifted became too much, she shifted into the clutches of another Hot Rod.

Sally cursed at Bryce and tried to force him to eliminate the fraction of an inch separating them, but Eli and Alanso each grabbed one of her hands and pinned them to the cushion above her head as if by tacit understanding.

The motion arched her back and made her small yet perfect tits irresistibly presented to Kaige and Holden. The guys licked and sucked at her nipples, toying with the rings there for their amusement and Sally’s rapture.

Roman and Caver traced the lines of her gorgeous tattoos up her hips, then swept inward to her belly. Though her tan had faded some, Eli had to admit he preferred her totally pale skin, which allowed the bright colors of her artwork to take center stage. He loved how vibrant she was beneath the surface too.

Welcoming, accepting, she became a vessel to collect the attention and admiration the guys lavished on her. She held them together and allowed them to join with each other in a way they’d never dreamed possible. Especially for the guys who hadn’t explored their less-than-ramrod-straight sides…yet.

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