Mustang Sally (10 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Mustang Sally
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“Actually, the bossman’s loosening up some,” Alanso responded quietly.

She tugged an edge of the shower curtain to peek at him. His tan, sculpted body leaned against the vanity. Thick fingers rubbed his chest, idly toying with the barbell in his nipple as she had the night before. And planned to do again.

“How so?”

“He’s let Kaige open shop every day since you left. So we could have some time together in the mornings.” Alanso cleared his throat.

. Things were changing. Eli had never let someone else drive around here. He’d always worked the full schedule, even when the rest of them took shifts. When he was under the weather he’d still drag his ass out of bed to ensure the garage and the fueling station were opened and closed right.

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust them. She didn’t think so anyway. More like the garage was his life. Could he really be ready to take other things as seriously? To make room for them at the top of his priorities?

If he could do the right thing, she could too. She had to. For all of them.

While Alanso was separated from her, even by the thin plastic barrier, she took the opportunity to say what she hadn’t been able to last night. “I’m happy for you two. No matter what else happens. I’m so glad that you guys worked things out between you.”

“Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “I wasn’t sure we’d ever get here. But you’re part of my equation, Sally. You know that, right?”

“I’m hoping.”

“I mean, who the hell else is going to dance with me?” He always knew when to build her up. “Certainly not double-lefty out there. And we both know talking isn’t his strong suit. I always come to you for a chat. Plus I need you to draw me something. I want a tattoo for us. The three of us.”

“You got it, as long as I can have the same one.” The idea of matching him appealed immensely.

“I’d like that, Salome.” He sighed. “A lot.”

She rinsed her hair as he reminded her of all their commonalities. Those simple pleasures were powerful too. Maybe not caged lightning like the bond she sensed between the guys, but strong in their own quiet, steady way. Smiling, she stepped out of the spray onto the bathmat. “Go ahead. Your turn,

He gripped the counter as if holding himself in place. The Hot Rods tattoo across his fingers distorted slightly beneath the pressure. “
. You’re fucking hot when you talk like that. Hell, when you look at me like that.”

A shiver shook her as water droplets spilled from her breasts and trickled down her skin. “Actually, I’m kind of chilly. Would you hand me a towel? I’ll go grab you a replacement out of the hall closet while you’re in the shower.”

“You could forget about drying off and join me.” Alanso’s stare scorched her as it swept up and down her body.

“I’d love to. But we wouldn’t be quick.”

“Speak for yourself.” He took himself in hand and pumped a few times. “Either way I’m gonna have to take care of this or I won’t be able to walk, never mind crawl around under the low rider I’m working on this morning.”

“I don’t want to let Eli down.” She kissed him on the cheek, thinking of what needed to be done. “I’ll take a rain check. Or two.”

“More like a dozen.” Alanso slapped her ass as she trotted past, snagging the soft, worn terrycloth from a hanger on the wall.

She dried her body quickly, only looking up when her senses began to hum.

“If that isn’t a sight to behold.” Eli shocked her. He’d returned to bed. Reclining, he turned to the side so he could watch the show she’d unintentionally put on. “Are you okay, Sally? You’ve got marks all over. I didn’t realize we were so rough with you. Being with Alanso lately…maybe I forgot about having to be gentle.”

“I could go for one of Kayla’s massages. Or even one of James’s. He’s almost as good as her.” She laughed when Cobra’s sour face made it clear what he thought of the other guy’s hands on her. “But otherwise I’m fine. Amazing, really.”

“Yes, you are.” He accepted her kiss when she leaned over him, bracing herself with a palm on his belly, just above the Hot Rods tattoo that arched across his rock-hard abdomen. He looked as if he might say more right before a clatter echoed from the bathroom.

“Yo, Al? You okay?” he yelled.

They both coiled for action.

“Ah, yeah.” Spanish curses were chased by laughter. “I dropped the soap. Want to come help me find it?”

Cobra’s eyes slitted. His cock twitched against his stomach. She drew a finger along his impressive length from base to tip. “Go ahead, Eli. Play with him. I’d love to watch, but it’s going to take me a couple minutes to dry my hair. You two have the advantage there.”

“Work can wait.” He rose, stretching his glorious body and the lean muscles decorating it nearly as prettily as his inked artwork. “You’d better go see my dad if you have something to discuss. I can see it in your eyes, Mustang. No more ghosts. Let’s do this right.”

“Who is this guy?” She grinned up at him. It was either that or bawl at how well he knew her. Did he suspect? “And where have you put my boss?”

“It’s a fresh model year, Mustang.” He beat his chest. “New and improved.”

“I appreciate the offer. I promise I won’t be long. Then I really should get back to my projects. I need some time in my studio.” When she ducked her head, he lifted her chin with two fingers.

“Are you sure you’re all right with everything that’s happened?” He shifted closer, wrapping her in his free arm and resting his forehead on hers. “It’s heavy shit to carry, I know.”

“Yeah.” She drew away to kiss the tip of his nose. “It’s a ton. Of good stuff. But kind of like a hangover after a great party, I’m zoned out. And kind of sore. Need to recover a little, okay?”

“Of course.” He rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “Whatever you need. We’ll try to give it to you.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. Because—”

This time the repetitive clatter made it obvious Alanso was playing soccer with the soap in a desperate bid for attention. They laughed so hard, she lost her train of thought and the moment to ask for more—for everything—passed.

“Go.” Sally waved him toward the bathroom. “I’ll meet you guys down there.”

Rather than waste time walking around the bed, Eli bounded over it, bouncing in the middle of the mattress and making it to the bathroom in two strides. Alanso’s growled, “Fuck yeah,” nearly changed her mind about getting ready for work.

But part of her didn’t care to intrude. This was new for all of them, and the guys should have some time to themselves. Another insidious voice insisted she didn’t deserve them for essentially lying. That mistake had to be fixed. Pronto. She swiped the towel over her body hastily then wrapped it around her hair turban-style.

A groan followed her, filling her imagination with plenty of fodder for the rest of the day. Engrossed in her daydreams, she didn’t hear Kaige and Holden trekking down the hall from their rooms until she rounded the corner and nearly plowed into them.

Her first instinct was to cover herself with her hands. Then she realized how ridiculous that was. She hoped someday to display herself proudly for them. Not just in her nudity but in ecstasy as well.

Alanso and Eli were the stuff of fantasies. But their web of affection extended beyond the three of them. Maybe not in the forever-and-always-soul-mates way, but like Devon, James and Neil with their crew, they were bonded by their common experiences.

In their case, the sharing would only help them build security in a world that hadn’t always treated them kindly. They’d been dealt bad hands, yes. This was the trump card they’d been waiting to play to show life they refused to quit. They could come from nothing and end up having it all.

Salome was sure of it.

If only she could convince the rest of them.

“Whoa.” Holden stared at her for a solid five seconds before slapping a hand over his eyes. Carver politely faced the wall. While their reactions might have eased her mind a month ago, now they deflated some of her elation. “I see someone had a nice night.”

“What the hell did they do to you?” Carver stared at the ceiling. “That’s a lot of love bites for two men and less than twelve hours. Did you sleep at all?”

“Jesus.” Holden discretely adjusted his package.

Okay. So maybe they weren’t completely immune. But as much as she wanted to test the waters, there was work to do and her responsibilities to Eli came first. “Sorry, guys. I didn’t think anyone else was still home. Things are good. No, great. I’ll be downstairs in a couple minutes, promise.”

“Don’t worry, I think our boss likes you,” Carver snarked. He and Holden cracked up as they continued down the hall, shaking their heads.

“Sally…” Holden called out to her though they didn’t turn around.

“Yeah?” Part of her longed to draw them back.

“We’re glad you’re home,” Carver finished for his friend.

“And happy,” Holden added.

“Thanks guys, that means a lot to me.” She struggled to speak.

“See you in a few.” Carver closed the door on their emotions before they got out of control. He was good at coping like that.

The guys raised their hands and kept walking.

They could discuss the rest of the guys’ involvement tonight, right?

They could have.

But they didn’t.

Chapter Seven

Sally couldn’t believe it. She’d gotten what she wanted. And it looked like it might be a recurring pleasure.
Holy shit

So why couldn’t she enjoy the ride, pretending—like they had—that everything was cool?

Something ate at her, spoiling her euphoria. Why hadn’t she taken the road block more seriously before? It didn’t seem like it mattered when she was solo, but now…she felt like she was lying to herself and the guys. Had she waited too long to mention it? Would they feel violated? Like she’d intentionally misled them?

Alanso and Holden, at least, were somewhat religious. Maybe some of the other guys less openly. Not in the strict sense or the shove-it-down-your-throat way, but she knew they believed in some form of higher being who organized the chaos around them. Alanso had said many times he thought it was divine intervention that had brought them together when they’d needed each other most. The permanent cross on his back was a quiet statement of his faith.

She loved that he’d never tried to dictate his beliefs. She’d had enough of that bullshit growing up.

What if she’d caused them to transgress? It wasn’t their fault, they hadn’t known, but it might be hers. She couldn’t stand the thought of them hating her. She’d have to tell them. Soon. But maybe she could fix it first. Without entangling them in her mess.

Only one person would understand. Well, maybe the crew ladies would too. She’d considered enlisting their help during her stay, but…this was too personal. Too much.

She needed Tom.

After throwing on her coveralls, she raced across the lawn to Eli’s father’s house. Her dash made it seem as if she were a spy or some action hero in the movies her Hot Rods loved so much. She didn’t want any of the other guys dropping in on her little talk with the only man she’d ever really considered a true father.

So when she raced up to the door, she knocked a little harder than she intended.

In no time, he opened his home to her with a smile, just like he always had. “Sally. Come on in.”

“Tom.” She hugged him hard. What if what she told him changed his mind about her? It seemed kind of farfetched, considering the way he’d stood by their sides despite their unconventional relationship and the evolving bonds they were developing.

But the brainwashing she’d endured as a child still sometimes reared its head.

No one will believe you.

This is the way God wants it to be.

You’ve been chosen for greatness.

Turning down His gift would be unforgiveable.

No wonder she’d left religion to others.

“Hey there, kid. I’m so glad to have you back.” Tom chuckled as he patted her. Until he caught on to her clinging, which lasted a little too long for simple greeting. “Ah, shit. What’s wrong? Are those boys of mine treating you bad? Do I have to go kick some asses? Those young fools don’t know what they’re doing with a lady like you.”

“You’re not that old, Tom.” She smiled against his chest. “But no, it’s not the whippersnappers this time. I’m kind of afraid I fucked up. And I don’t know how to tell them. Or if I should.”

“Well, I find that honesty is generally the best policy.” Tom led her to the bench seat of his rustic table. He’d made the set himself and the gorgeous grain always tempted her to run her fingers along its curves and lines. “Why don’t you fill me in on what’s got your panties in a bunch so I can make a true call, though?”

“Could I maybe get a cup of tea?” She worried her lip.

“Damn, this must be bad, honey.” He squeezed her shoulder as he put the kettle on, then rummaged a chipped cup and saucer from the cabinet. Eli’s mom had been the last tea drinker around these parts before Sally had picked up the habit. Nothing soothed her like the warm, sweet brew.

She rested her head on her crossed arms to try and think of the best way to explain.

A few minutes later, Tom neared. He paused with the teabag half-immersed as he stared at her pale face. “Sally?”

She glanced up at him, blinking back memories.

“I just thought of something. Are you pregnant, honey?” He set the cup down then sank onto the bench beside her, covering her hand with his. “It’s okay if you are. I’m sure the guys will be thrilled. It doesn’t matter who—”

“Jeez. No. Tom, stop.” She waved him off, a little horrified. She hadn’t even gotten that far ahead in her whirlwind thoughts yet. “I’m not knocked up. Nothing happened until last night…”

“Whew!” He scrubbed his free hand over his weathered face. “I mean, it wouldn’t have been a disaster if you were, but I hoped you kids would have more time to yourselves first. To really iron out this thing between you. Okay, okay. I’m good. What

There was no good way to say it.

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