Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)
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“You can’t buy her off with books,

I warn him.

“Of course I can,

he smiles. “And when that stops working, I’ll lock her up if that means keeping her safe. I never claimed she had to like it.”

He locked her up alright. Because not only did that keep her hidden, it kept his fucking ass hidden too.


I was piss drunk.

With Ransom and Pookie sitting across from me going shot for shot, none of us could come up with a better suggestion regarding Cinn’s safety. Like me, they didn’t like it what I had to do but in war it’s rare you fucking liked any of it. When I explained the night’s events they both went off the rails for a minute. Each were shocked anyone would lay their hands on her, let alone attempt to take her from me, in fucking public.

And the bigger bitch was, we had no idea who these motherfuckers were or who they worked for. Considering she knew everyone, this was a problem. Their IDs were fake, cards fake, all of it. So while the liquor flowed through my system, with both men watching, I started making calls. Making each man who answered the call well aware of where I stood. Making it abundantly clear I was ready for war, thirsty for it. One man had the balls to keep me on the line. His name is Shade, that’s it, just Shade. He runs skin, a lot of it. But one thing he doesn’t run is his mouth, he wasn’t into politics or bullshit. He also wasn’t looking to steal my woman. He had his own who was a queen in her own right, albeit a reluctant one. I rattled off the names on the IDs, gave a brief description of appearance. He told me to send it over and he’d check around. I told him I’d do it in the morning. Before hanging up he said, “If it were my woman in danger, not a line I wouldn’t cross to keep her safe. She won’t like it but she doesn’t have to. Lock her down until this blows over, Monarch. Lock her the fuck down.”

“Got shipments coming in the morning,

I offer standing up and was barely able to stop myself from swaying. Not very kingly of me but I did not give a shit. “Make sure they get where they need to be. I’m going to bed.”


Pookie says standing in the door. “Been in the game a long time. You can’t offer her the world she’s always wanted then take it away.”

“I have no choice,

I slur. “Her safety comes first.”

“I’ve never known you to hide,

he argues.

“I’ve never had something to keep hidden.”

Pushing him out of my way, I fumble the door handle. Once I was finally inside I stripped my clothes off to crawl into bed with her. The second my skin touches her I can breathe again. Moving her hair off her neck, with bloodlust still zinging in my veins, I stare at my name inked on her nape. My fucking name.

Tonight was a test. We got lucky. Only this put into play the one thing I swore I would never do. Revoke her freedom. Yes, it was for her safety but I swear to God, I never wanted to see her fight again either. Those few moments she was out of my reach and in the enemies hands will never leave me. Cinn fought hard, fought well. But had there been even one more man or another gun brought into play, shit would have been different. Yeah, I wanted my woman to see shit, do shit. But not if it meant risking her fucking life in the process.

When the war was over we’d get back to that. She’d understand, I know she would. She knows I’m not Savage. She’ll get over behind left out of the fight. Squeezing her tighter, I bury my face in her neck telling myself one thing but knowing it’s bullshit. I do this, take this from her she may never fucking forgive me for it.

“Mo chuisle,

I whisper into her ear. “Know that I am sorry for what I’m about to do. Please don’t fucking hate me for it. Don’t hate me…”

She wouldn’t hate me, I’d make sure of it. So when I passed out, I did it thinking of all the ways I’d spoil her so God damn good she wouldn’t feel caged, she’d feel loved. Books, I’d start with books.

Loyalty, I found out at seventeen was a fucked up trait that ran deep within me. As much as I despised my savior, captor, and jailer, I was the first to step forward and the last to back down. I realized this while eating a bagel, of all things. I was minding my own business, wanting to be left alone when one of Savage’s whores found herself sharing space with me. First and foremost, her being in our living space was a punishable offense. Second, it was enough I had to hear him fucking the unsuspecting slave but having one stare at me the next morning pissed me off.


she asks and I said nothing. I continued to eat my bagel while returning her stare. She was taken with me as she should be and wanted to get close. “I asked if there’s coffee, kid.”

“You don’t belong here,

was all I said.

“After last night, the least I deserve is coffee,

she says pulling up a chair. “Does he always sleep this late? I need to get the money he promised and go.”

“The least of your problems is caffeine and payment,

I warn her. “Either make a run for it or be there when he wakes up. Your call.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Standing up and pouring myself a cup I spell it out. “You aren’t going home. You were sampled,

I shrug. “So either you’re about to be sold or become a missing person. Neither matters to me because you’re clearly not very bright and deserve what’s coming to you.”

Not believing me she chuckles and asks, “Who’s Cinn?”

“I am.”

“A little young for him, no?

she says checking me out. She could do this all day, I had time, she did not. “At least I’ve got a face to go with the name now.”

“Pretty sure my face is the last beautiful memory you’ll ever have.”

Ignoring that tidbit she picks up a fork and asks, “What’s with the plastic silverware?”

“Because I can’t kill people with it.

Laughter dies in her throat once she sees that I’m serious. “But that doesn’t mean a girl can’t try,

I say before striking. Using every move Monarch had taught me, I had the whore face down on the tile with my knee dug between her shoulder blades. Hearing her screams Savage comes in, sees this, and laughs.

“You started this,

he grins. “Now you finish it.”

“With what?

I argue. “A spork?”

“Hands, Bean,

he says seriously. “Use them.”

So I did.

I broke her neck.

The lust and pride in his eyes was unmistakable. He adored my ruthlessness. He erred in thinking I was acting out of jealously. Because I wasn’t. I knew the dead girl on the tile was the lucky one. She got off easy, I had done her a favor. I, on the other hand, knew what was waiting for me and acted out accordingly.


As the days go by for the most part it’s business as usual. Monarch spends a lot of his time getting the new recruits up to speed. He’s spelled out expectations, the consequences for not meeting those expectations and my role was to sit there and look pretty. This was not hard to do but I didn’t enjoy myself. I didn’t enjoy any of it because I no longer had a voice.

Monarch spoke for both of us now.

Not only that, last night Camo called to invite me over for a spa day and Monarch, while not saying
gave me several bullshit excuses on why it wouldn’t happen. So instead of talking it out with me, he was going to play aloof. Honestly, I expected more from him and was seriously disappointed.

This afternoon, two of my men from the den approached me because they were unclear about the shipment they were to intercept. Considering I had no knowledge of any shipment, I was pissed when I had to direct them to Monarch for orders. Skipping dinner, I sat in my library reading
. The words were in front of me but I absorbed none of it. Sadly, I spent most nights like this now. A book in my hand with Ares at my feet. But tonight, Ares was with Monarch and I was simply left alone.

When Ransom knocked on the door before entering, I was glad for the company. “Got a minute?

he asks taking a seat. Nodding to him, I set my book down to face him. “You okay?”


I smile. It was fake but whatever.

“You sure?”

“Should I not be okay?”

“You haven’t swam,

he points out. “Or drove your truck. No shit with your crew and no input on business. So I’ll ask again, you okay?”


I say once again, this time not smiling. “I’m fine.”

“If I were you, which I’m not. I’d let Monarch know you’re not fine. I’d let him know keeping you cooped up isn’t working for you. I’d also let him know that it isn’t working for him either. But I’d really let him know that you don’t appreciate being kept from talking shit out with Demo.”


I ask sitting up straighter. “What shit with Demo?”

“Ask him about it, Cinn,

he says vaguely. Just then Ares bounds the corner which sends Ransom atop the cushion to avoid being eaten. Monarch calls him back, Ransom leaves the room and Ares launches himself into my lap. The look on Monarch’s face tells me he did not like Ransom sharing space with me. The look I gave back let him know I did not give a shit.

“Should I be asking him or you why you two were alone together?”

“You’ve kept me from speaking with Demo?

I accuse. “Why?”

“So I’ll be speaking with him then,

he says turning away.

“I asked you a question, Monarch. Why are you keeping me from speaking with Demo? Before you answer, let me remind you that as your
, our men can speak with me the same as you. It is what they
do. This includes Ransom.”

“Demo’s bullshit will not become your bullshit,

he says simply.

“How do I know it’s bullshit if I don’t know what it is?”

“Because I know what it is, deemed it bullshit and handled it. You don’t need Demo’s shit and that’s all he has to offer, shit.”

“That’s not for you to say,

I argue.

“I just did.”

“You’re serious?”

“Am I ever not?

he counters.

“I’m going to Camo’s tomorrow,

I announce standing. Ares was thrilled and nestled into my leg. “We’re having our spa day and Ares would love the ride over.”

“Already discussed this, Cinn,

he says annoyed. “Not a good time.”

“It’s the perfect time and I’m going.”

Moving toward me, he stops when we’re toe to toe. Lifting my chin, he says his peace and breaks something inside of me. “You won’t make it to the truck.”

“I’m asking you not to do this to me,

I whisper.

“Already done,

he says backing away. “Get over it.”

Then slamming the door behind him, I let out a growl but Ares

was louder. Sliding out my phone, I quickly realized it’s been tampered with and corrected that problem long enough to call Demo. Ten minutes later, I put it back in my pocket and felt another part of me break when I did. Monarch had not only stolen my freedom, he’d stolen my privacy too.

BOOK: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)
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