
Read Kingsholt Online

Authors: Susan Holliday

BOOK: Kingsholt
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First published by Our Street Books, 2015

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Text copyright: Susan Holliday 2014

ISBN: 978 1 78279 976 4

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014956730

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For Jess with love


…the Vikings were a frightening sight in their pointed helmets and fierce armour. They threw burning straw into the wooden outbuildings, pulled down the living quarters and stripped the church of its treasures. They slaughtered the monks and feasted in the midst of the carnage. They left at dusk, throwing burning torches into the fields and shouting their songs of victory. The next day the few monks who escaped crept back from the woods to bury the dead. They dug a pit and placed their bodies in the mass grave. Some were clothed in their blood stained rough woollen garments, others were naked. They said prayers and threw earth over their bodies. They forbad anyone to open up the pit…

from The Chronicle of Kingsholt 1890

Chapter One

Sam dribbled the football down the narrow corridor and towards the envelope that lay askew on the front door mat. As he picked up the letter his heart beat faster than he liked to admit. It was Chloe’s writing all right, but more ragged than it used to be, as if she’d gone backwards since she was twelve.
Something has happened,
he thought.

He looked inside and drew out two pieces of paper torn from an old exercise book. Was his cousin plunged into dire poverty or something? Or was she just not bothering? He unfolded the letter slowly, half afraid of what he would read.

Kingsholt Monks Lane, Devon

Dear Sam,

Sorry I haven’t replied for ages and sorry I missed your thirteenth birthday. I hope we’re still speaking! Wait for the long whinge! I simply don’t like being here. Can’t put my finger on it but that’s how it is. Funny feelings.

Sam pulled a face. What did she mean,
funny feelings?

He went back to the letter.

First there’s my new school. The kids hate me because I haven’t got a Devon accent and because I’ve inherited a mansion, even if it’s crumbling. There’s one girl who’s a right bully and the others copy – you know how it is.

At home things aren’t much better. As you know it’s nearly two years since Uncle George was found dead in the woods and Dad and Mum are still trying to work it out. Mum’s vague as usual and spends half her time doing up our old house for letting, while a nice lady called Leela helps out here. She has a son called Tyler, about twelve, like me, but he’s really big and strong. He has a dog and a
cow, of all things and I think he’s a bit strange. Dad’s never around – we’re just that much too far out for him to get to work easily, so he often stays away in the company flat. That leaves Aidan to look after everything. He first met Uncle George on a retreat at Lindisfarne or something. Uncle George asked him to help turn Kingsholt into a sort of Christian Centre for no-go kids. Some chance!

(Three days later)

Sorry about the gap. I’ve been in what you might call nowhere land. Can’t explain it really. Anyway, back to my letter. Where was I? That’s right! Aidan. I think he’s a bit of a dark horse and for some reason he’s crazy about King Alfred. You know, the one who burned the cakes. He spends hours and hours in the library and when he comes out he looks really remote, as if he’s living in another world. He’s talking about building a chapel in the wood or something but he must be crazy – there’s no money about at all.

It’s like being in the Dark Ages. Nothing works and animals are all over the place. There’s sheep, goats and a bird hospital that was started by Uncle George. Tell you more when I see you. Love to Auntie Jane.

Love, Chloe.

Sam folded up the letter and put it back into the envelope.

It’s 1985, he thought, and my cousin says she’s in the Dark Ages. It’s unbelievable.

He walked over to the window. All right, Cheriton Street, Balham wasn’t the most inspiring place and their house was pretty small, but wasn’t it better to spend the summer here, than in a crumbling mansion in the middle of nowhere? Besides, this wasn’t the Chloe he used to know. She’d always been cheerful and he’d even once, fool that he was, written a poem about her. He must have been out of his mind. Anyway that was ages ago.

Maybe he should show the letter to Mum. She was the only one around who knew Chloe as well as he did. Perhaps she
might understand what was going on.

At six-thirty, his mother came swinging through the door calling, ‘Hi, Sam! Here I am!’ It was her cheery way of saying, I’m sorry I’m later than ever.

She rushed into the small, warm kitchen, pink from hurrying, and dumped her shopping bag on the table. Sam towered over her, pulling a face, and she smiled.

‘You’ve definitely grown today, Sam. You’re a tall one for thirteen. And you’re not the only one. The girls at school are like Amazons!’

She scrabbled into her shopping bag. ‘Fish and chips tonight. They say fish is good for your brains!’

She shared out the meal on two plain white plates. ‘I forgot to tell you, I was helping with the church garden after school. You’ve no idea how quickly the weeds move in.’

The meal was rapidly restoring Sam’s natural good nature. ‘Talking of moving in,’ he said, dashing vinegar over his battered cod, ‘I had this letter from Chloe. Months of silence and then

Mum put on her gold rimmed glasses. ‘Well, at least you’ve got a letter.’

She read it carefully. ‘Odd,’ she said. ‘But it’s none of my business, none at all. It really is up to Dorothy and Jack to do something about the whole set-up. They wouldn’t thank me for interfering. Especially as I’ve hardly heard from them since Uncle George’s funeral. Mind you, writing was never their priority.’ She shook her head. ‘Do you remember what lovely times we used to have by the sea?’

Sam had a vision of green-blue waves and sand and Chloe running along the beach with the sun shining on her thin, brown body, her long fair hair lifting in the wind.

They finished their meal in thoughtful silence, then Sam clattered the plates together and stacked them in the sink. That’s how they always worked since Dad had walked out, four years ago: one day he washed up and Mum cooked, the next day he
cooked and Mum washed up. And sometimes, like today, she brought in fish and chips because it was getting late and she was tired.

‘Ice-cream for seconds,’ she said, bringing out a carton from the fridge and cutting off two large slices.

‘I don’t know if I want to go to Kingsholt in the summer,’ said Sam, ‘I don’t like the sound of it.’

‘Don’t give up on it yet,’ said Mum. ‘It’s a beautiful place, or was on the day of poor Uncle George’s funeral. One of those lovely November days when it still feels like summer.’

‘Was it?’ he asked. That was when he was in bed with flu, and had this vision of Dad in green pyjamas at the bottom of his bed. Or thought he had.

‘I have an old postcard of the mansion somewhere.’

His mother scrabbled in a drawer. ‘Here we are.
some writing on the back.’ She put on her glasses again.

‘Kingsholt is a tall, early Victorian mansion made from local stone, set in a green valley and surrounded by woods and hills. Long ago its hunt balls were famous, its front drive resounded with the life and colour of dogs and horses and brightly dressed huntsmen.’

She looked up and laughed. ‘Not a very politically correct postcard but historically true. I remember seeing a print hanging in the hall. There was your father’s great-grandfather holding the reins of a handsome Irish Hunter and in the background, dogs and huntsmen crowding together before the porch.’

‘I don’t know what Chloe’s groaning about,’ he muttered. ‘It sounds good to me. That doesn’t mean I want to go, of course.’

His mother put away the postcard. ‘After the exams you can sort out what you want to do in the summer. For the moment it’s worth putting all you have into your work.’

‘Come off it, Mum, you’re not at school now.’

Mum smiled. ‘You’ll be pleased to hear, I’m not just a teacher
but a slave as well. Listen to this. I’ve decided to take on
domestic duties, so you can settle down to your end of term revision. You didn’t do so well last term, did you?’

‘But I like cooking,’ Sam teased, ‘and anyway, the exams aren’t important.’

He wandered up to his room and read the letter again. Why should he reply yet when Chloe had taken so long to get her fingers round a biro? He put the letter away in his table drawer and opened his maths book. But he couldn’t concentrate, so he took out his pens and ink and practised his calligraphy. There were only two of them doing it and he didn’t want to let the teacher down. Besides, he enjoyed writing, it soothed him and he was naturally good at it.

He wrote:
Dear Chloe, I hate you, I’m not going to have anything more to do with you.
Then he tore it up and took out the calligraphy exam question:
Make a map of Treasure Island to the following scale.

He had already finished planning the project. He would write in his best italic hand and decorate the map with little drawings of Long John Silver and barrels of rum and a parrot. He would write the title in Roman Capitals.

It was no good. He took Chloe’s letter out of the drawer and read it again. Perhaps it wasn’t her fault she’d turned into a whingey twelve-year-old. But he wouldn’t write back, he thought, not until after the exams. Not because of Mum but because he wouldn’t. And he was not going down there in the summer, that was for sure.

Three weeks later, on a sun-filled Saturday morning, another letter came, or rather, a note. The writing was just as bad, as if Chloe was getting at him for liking calligraphy. When Mum brought it to his room with a slavish bow, he was putting the finishing touches to his map of Treasure Island. When he had carefully washed his pens (Dad had always said you have to look
after your tools) he slumped down on his bed and held Chloe’s cheap, lined paper in his inky hands.

He read carefully

Dear Sam,

Perhaps my other letter didn’t get to you. Or maybe you’ve given me up. Weird things are happening and I do want you to come in the summer. I have a friend here and he’s told me something unbelievable. He says, two years ago, Uncle George killed his daughter, Rosie. He has put up a memorial to her in the wood.

Can we fix the date?

Love Chloe.

Sam swung his legs over the side of the narrow bed and sat there. The letter filled him with a dark foreboding – the sort of feeling he had had when Mum picked up the note his father had left on the mantlepiece, underneath the clock. First Dad walking out then Chloe going off her head! It was too much!

‘Air,’ he thought and walked out.

He strode up the hill to the common and immediately felt different. Perhaps Chloe should come here instead. But it wasn’t on. There wasn’t enough room. He hurried over the common, hoping to come across the gang. But no one was about and his conscience was pricked. They must be revising. It was only two days to the first history paper. Good job he had a photographic memory.

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