Mossy Glenn Ranch 3 -Saddles and Memories (9 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Mossy Glenn Ranch 3 -Saddles and Memories
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“The first night?” Andy asked.

Salt nodded. “Yup, I was dumb and horny so I went back the next night. Got a few drinks in me ahead of time to bolster my courage, because it sure seemed like those guys getting whaled on the night before were enjoying it. Made my dick hard seeing it, too. I knew I didn’t want to be the one doing the hitting.” Salt hitched up a shoulder. It was embarrassing how dumb he’d been. “So I was feeling good when I got there. More outgoing, I guess, with the way alcohol makes you feel ten feet tall sometimes. I wasn’t drunk, or don’t think I was. Might have been more intoxicated than I realised, looking back on it now. Anyway. This big old bear came up to me and told me to kneel. I did, since everyone seemed to be looking at me then. Figured I’d be kneeling either willingly or not in seconds, so I went down and he proceeded to fuck my mouth right there in front of everyone without so much as a ‘Do you wanna’. And before you ask, I did. Want to.”

So badly that he’d been mortified by his need.

“There’s no shame in wanting to submit.” Andy tipped his chin up, as if he was daring Salt to argue. “Nothing wrong with enjoying pain and being tied up, fucked hard.”

“No, I know that,” Salt agreed. “I was shocked at how much I liked it. What I didn’t like was that he kept calling me names. I just don’t get off on that kind of humiliation, I guess. I couldn’t get his dick out of my mouth to tell him to shut the fuck up, either. When he pulled out, he came on my face and told me to get on my hands and knees so his buddies could fuck me.”

“No,” Andy said, eyes rounding.

Salt nodded. “That’s what I said, and surprisingly, he listened to that. Seemed he’d been so hard for me—his words—he’d forgotten to talk about safe words and such. We were both fools, but he was supposed to be the experienced Dom. Turns out he was just a wannabe, and I don’t want a Dom.”

“Was that all?” Andy asked, frowning at him. “Why do I sense more?”

“Because I was drunk and stupid,” Salt said blandly. “I let the wannabe talk me into a private room, where he tied me up and tried to cane me.”

“Fuck.” Andy stood up and Salt waved him back down.

“No, I told him I wanted to try it, and I wanted him to fuck me. Pretty fucking stupid, and let me tell you, a cane fucking hurts.” Lord, Salt’s ass ached with the memory of it, still. “Two hits with it and I was out of my mind with pain. He left off caning me, and started pushing lube up my ass. At that point, I didn’t care if he fucked me, I just wanted it all over with, and I refused to say my safe word because I thought I’d come off as a pussy. That was the longest half hour of my life. Thought he’d never come.”

Andy sat back down. He looked like he wanted to say something, and Salt had a fairly good idea of what it was. “Go on, tell me I was stupid and I should have used my safe word.”

“He shouldn’t have done anything with you, knowing you’d been drinking,” Andy began, but Salt waved a hand to cut him off.

“He might not have known. I was drinking vodka, and I’m a pretty undetectable drunk if you don’t know me.” Salt wasn’t a sloppy drunk at all. “Now, I do think he shouldn’t have been calling himself a Dom. Everything I’ve read up on that shit since then tells me he should have been aware of the fact I didn’t enjoy anything he did to me. Then again, maybe I’m reading the wrong stuff.”

Andy crossed his arms over his chest. “You like me being rough with you.”

“A hell of a lot,” Salt admitted. “Surprised me, but you weren’t brutal, you know. And maybe because I know you a little, it was different.”

“I’m not a Dom,” Andy said firmly.

“I don’t want a Dom.” Salt was pretty sure he’d already said as much. “I guess I like the rough sometimes, though. I also don’t think I’m going to want to bottom every time, so if that’s a problem…”

“It’s not. I prefer to top, but sometimes I like a cock up my ass, too.” Andy looked at him intently and Salt grunted. He had really liked getting fucked, so as long as he could occasionally swap positions, he was fine with that.

“Are we done negotiating?” Andy finally enquired.

Salt cocked his head. “Was that what we were doing?”

Andy bobbed his head. “Sure. It’d suck to find out we weren’t as compatible in the sack as we’d thought we were.”

“Yeah, I reckon it would.” Salt fidgeted with his wrist. He hadn’t even bothered finding his shirt, he realised.

“Anything else before I drag you into the shower and suck your dick?”

Salt’s eyes just about popped right out of their sockets as lust fired up bright and hot in his veins. “No, nothing else.” He had questions about Andy’s past, but he’d ask them later, or another time, maybe. He wasn’t sure what the rules really were, what the boundaries were between them. For now, he’d settle for the offer of ecstasy in Andy’s wicked grin. “You gonna take my boots off for me again?”

“Naked or dressed?” Andy asked, touching the waistband of his underwear.

“Like you really need me to answer that?” Salt leered just a little, hoping he didn’t look like a total fool.

Andy’s sweet laughter rang out.
Sweet? No, no, no. Don’t go there. He’s not mine to keep, and we don’t know each other very well anyway.

“Let me just shuck my underwear then. You do know you never put your shirt back on, right?”

Salt tipped his nose up haughtily. “I was trying to make sure you didn’t want me to leave.”

“I didn’t, you know,” Andy said quietly. “I really didn’t. It freaked me out.”

“Well, don’t be freaked out. I’m a stud, and you can’t help yourself.” Salt winked and pointed at Andy when he laughed again. “Now cut that out before you wound my pride.”

“You’re something else,” Andy told him. Andy stood up and pulled his underwear off. He twirled them on one finger and moved his hips in such a way that his softened cock swung from side to side.

Salt was torn between laughing or sliding right out of his chair and crawling over to suck that swinging shaft. He settled for raising one booted foot up. “Come on, show me what you got.”

By the time Andy had straddled each leg and pulled off Salt’s boots and socks, Salt’s cock was hard enough to be used as a hammer. He stood and let Andy divest him of his pants and briefs. It was strange, letting someone else strip him, but Salt decided he liked it, especially when Andy fisted his cock and licked the tip.

“Oh, yeah,” Salt sighed. “Do that much more and I’m gonna come before we get in the shower.”

“That’s all right. Motel showers are notoriously tiny.” Andy was already on his knees. He raised Salt’s balls up and suckled on them.

Salt swayed on his feet, his knees going a little weak as Andy gently thumbed over his frenulum. “Andy,” he rasped, settling his hands on Andy’s shoulders.

Andy hummed inquisitively and kept lapping at his balls. Salt had to put a hand on the table to hold himself up, then he gave up even that and sat back in the chair. Andy kept right on his balls, kept touching his cock so perfectly.

Salt spread his legs. His ass was definitely sore, his hole making him wince as he wiggled. Andy hefted Salt’s nuts up and licked behind them, moaning happily. Damn, but the man did like licking him. Worked out well since Salt was enjoying the hell out of being licked.

The prod of a fingertip at his anus brought a hunger to the surface that Salt wasn’t really expecting. As tender as that area was, he wouldn’t have thought it’d feel good being touched there again, but the burn was slight and Andy didn’t just shove that digit up there. He merely teased around and around Salt’s rim while sucking on his ball sac.

Salt ran a hand through Andy’s hair. It was softer than Salt had expected, and cool to the touch. His other hand cupped Andy’s neck, just wanting to touch him. Andy left off Salt’s balls and licked up the length of his cock.

The feel of that wet, hot tongue dragging over his cockhead was incredible. Salt gasped and struggled to keep his eyes open. Andy looked up at him through thick black lashes. The pleasure he saw in Andy’s eyes surprised Salt. It was obvious from that, along with the sounds Andy was making, that he was enjoying what he was doing, possibly as much as Salt was enjoying it.

When Andy sucked him in almost to the base, Salt’s eyes crossed before he slammed his eyelids shut as he shouted. The tight constriction of Andy’s throat muscles was too much. Salt bucked and Andy bobbed up and down before taking him in deep again.

The teasing pressure around his rim combined with having his dick buried in Andy’s throat was a winning combination. Salt grunted as he came, his entire body flushing hot then cold, his extremities tingling as he shot his load into Andy’s mouth.

He could become addicted to having blow jobs like that, Salt decided a few minutes later when he could think again. Andy kept nuzzling his balls once Salt had to ask him to leave off licking his cock. Andy seemed content to stay down there licking at him. Salt opened his eyes and glanced down. He saw the white gobs of spunk on the carpet and figured Andy must have tugged himself off.

Showering was going to have to wait a few more minutes. Salt was too content to move, besides which, Andy seemed to be in some sort of lick-Salt-until-he-was-hard-again zone. Salt was game. It’d take a while, but it wasn’t like he was going to rush out of the motel room again.

Chapter Eight

Parting wasn’t a bad thing, Andy reassured himself as he opened the door to his apartment. Leaving Salt behind had nothing to do with the weird melancholy state he was in. If he was feeling more down than melancholy, well, that was merely a result of coming back to an empty place. Ever since Ty had moved out, the apartment seemed to scream with loneliness.

Andy scoffed at his fanciful thinking and shut the door behind him. He turned on the light and winced as the brightness assaulted his eyes. The living room was clean, something that still seemed wrong after the past year and a half. For the longest time there’d been messes all over. He used to bitch about them when he’d been tired and had to pick them up. Now he missed the chaos that, in memory, represented love and family.

“Shit, I’m just in a mood, aren’t I?” His voice rang out in the empty apartment and Andy pressed his lips together. That was too pathetic for him to allow to happen again. The silence that followed his words only emphasised how very alone he was.

Andy sighed and shucked off his boots. He put them in the closet then settled his briefcase in there too. He’d deal with paperwork and sale orders later, after he’d showered and relaxed for a while.

There were no messages on his answering machine, no surprise. Hardly anyone ever called his landline nowadays. Andy wiped a layer of dust off the machine then turned on a few more lights as he walked through his apartment.

It was a spacious enough place, with three bedrooms and two baths. Probably too big for him now, but Andy had lived there for years and he liked the stability of staying there. Everything else might have changed, but this, at least, was still home.

Usually he plopped down and vegetated in front of the TV for a few hours after a week-long sales trip, but Andy found himself too restless to do so despite being tired. God, but he felt as worn as his favourite pair of jeans. Just as thin, too, like he was close to tearing in a few spots where he’d been rubbed more often than he could tolerate.

Scrubbing his hands over his face, Andy tried to push himself out of the strange funk he was in. It wasn’t just coming home to such an empty place—he’d done that many times since Destry had passed away. Maybe he was going through a middle-aged crisis. Was thirty-seven considered middle-aged?

Andy considered it and thought that maybe it was. After all, the average lifespan for a man was around seventy-six years last he’d heard.

Now I’m depressing the hell out of myself.
Who wanted to think that nearly half their life was gone and all they had to show for it was a start-up business and a big, empty apartment? And he knew full well that there were no guarantees anyone would live to be old. Destry sure hadn’t.

Andy rubbed his temples, wishing he could rub the thoughts away. He closed his eyes and let himself think of the first thing that made him happy. Salt’s lean, tough body appeared in his memory. The sound of Salt’s deep, gruff voice rang in his ears. Andy’s heart fluttered and for a moment he feared he was having some kind of heart attack.

When there was no pain and a sweet shimmer of arousal settled over him, Andy chuckled at himself. His morose thoughts on middle-age were making him paranoid. He wasn’t so old that he didn’t get horny thinking about the fantastic fuck he’d shared with Salt before leaving. And Salt? For an older man, he had incredible recovery time.

Warmth stole over Andy as blood rushed to his groin. His cock hardened and he forgot about being moody as he ran a hand down to cup his shaft through his jeans. As good as it felt to give himself a little squeeze, it was nothing compared to the way Salt had touched him.

Still, it was a hell of a lot better than worrying about how alone he was. Andy opened his pants right where he stood. He took his cock out and gave it a few strokes. That felt better, definitely. Not like someone else doing it, but not anything to bitch about, either.

Closing his eyes, he began a steady, rough stroke. Dry as his hand was, jerking off was kind of painful. He needed that to distract him from all the bullshit in his head, though.

Andy leaned against the wall and masturbated as he pictured Salt. The man’s ass was tiny, tight, so perfect around Andy’s dick.
What would it be like to come inside of Salt? To fuck him without a condom on?
Andy had never had that. How could he when he’d only had quick hook-ups and carelessness wasn’t something he could afford?

But he tried to imagine it—the tight, hot, wet grip of Salt’s ass around him. Those inner walls would ripple and work his length, would drive Andy out of his mind with bliss…

The dry, almost abusive way he was jerking off suddenly seemed an insult to the fantasy he was having. Andy gentled his grip and opened his eyes. He wasn’t far from the bathroom, and he kept lube in there. Lotion, too.

It didn’t take more than a few steps for him to have the lotion in hand. Andy pumped out a decent amount then rubbed his hands together, not wanting to give himself a shock from the coolness of the stuff. When he began stroking his cock again, he moaned and let himself fall right back into the streaming reel of him and Salt together, nothing between them but skin and lust.

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