Mosby's 2014 Nursing Drug Reference (372 page)

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somatropin (Rx)


Genotropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, Norditropin Flexpro, Nutropin, Nutropin AQ, Omnitrope, Saizen, Serostim, Tev-Tropin, Zorbtive

Func. class.:
Pituitary hormone

Chem. class.:
Growth hormone

Do not confuse:


Stimulates growth; somatropin is similar to natural growth hormone; both preparations were developed with the use of recombinant DNA


Pituitary growth hormone deficiency (hypopituitary dwarfism), children with human growth hormone deficiency/growth failure, AIDS wasting syndrome, cachexia, adults with somatropin deficiency syndrome (SDS), short stature in Noonan syndrome, SHOX deficiency, Turner’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome


Hypersensitivity to benzyl alcohol, creosol; closed epiphyses, intracranial lesions, acute respiratory failure, Prader-Willi syndrome with obesity, trauma

Pregnancy (C), breastfeeding, newborn, geriatric patients, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, prolonged treatment in adults, scoliosis, sleep apnea, chemotherapy, respiratory disease, glycerin hypersensitivity (with formulations that contain these products)


• Child:
0.16-0.24 mg/kg/wk divided into 6 or 7 daily inj, give in abdomen, thigh, buttocks

• Adult:
0.04-0.08 mg/kg/wk divided into 6-7 daily doses


• Adult:
0.006 international units/kg/day, max 0.0125 units/kg/day

• Child:
0.18 mg/kg divided into equal doses either on 3 alternate days or 6×/wk, max weekly dose 0.3 mg/kg

Nutropin/nutropin AQ (growth hormone deficiency)

• Child:
0.3 mg/kg/wk


• Adult:
at bedtime >55 kg, 6 mg; 45-55 kg, 5 mg; 35-45 kg, 4 mg


• Child:
0.024-0.034 mg/kg 6-7×/wk


• Child:
0.18-0.3 mg/kg/wk divided into 6 or 7 equal daily inj

Replacement of GH in GH deficiency

• Adult:
(Saizen) 0.005 mg/kg/day; may increase after 4 wk to max 0.01 mg/kg/day

Available forms:
Powder for inj (lyophilized) 1.5 mg (4 international units/ml), 4 mg (12 international units/vial), 5 mg (13 international units/vial), 5 mg (15 international units/vial) rDNA origin, 5.8 mg (15 international units/ml), 6 mg (18 international units/ml), 8 mg (24 international units/vial), 10 mg (26 international units/vial); inj 10 mg (30 international units/vial), 5 mg/1.5 ml, 10 mg/1.5 ml, 15 mg/1.5 ml


Give IM or subcut, do not use IV

Discontinue therapy if final height is achieved or epiphyseal fusion occurs

Visually inspect parenteral products for particulate matter and discoloration

Reconstitution and storage

No reconstitution needed; before use, swirl the contents of the vial with a gentle rotary motion, do not shake; the solution should be clear

Store unopened vials refrigerated, do not freeze, protect from light; once opened, the vial may be stored refrigerated ≤14 days


This product is supplied as a powder, filled in a two-chamber cartridge with the active substance in the front chamber and the diluent in the rear chamber; the product is available in a 5-mg cartridge (green tip) and a 12-mg cartridge (purple tip); the 5- and 12-mg cartridges may be used with the Genotropin Pen or the Genotropin Mixer; genotropin is also available, in various doses ranging from 0.2 mg to 2 mg, in single use, auto-mix devices called Genotropin Miniquicks

Store cartridges refrigerated before reconstitution, do not freeze; protect from light; a reconstitution device supplied by the manufacturer is used to mix the powder and the diluent; after the powder and diluent are mixed, gently tip the cartridge upside down a few times until powder is completely dissolved;
do not shake;
this can cause denaturation of the protein; if the solution is cloudy, do not use; following reconstitution, the 5-mg cartridge contains a 5 mg/ml solution and the 12 mg cartridge contains a 12 mg/ml solution; the 5-mg and 12-mg cartridges contain overfill; the cartridges contain diluent with preservative (m-cresol) and may be stored refrigerated ≤28 days after reconstitution; do not use the 5-mg and 12-mg cartridges in patients with m-cresol hypersensitivity

Genotropin Minquicks:
After dispensing but before reconstitution, store at ≤77 degrees ≤3 months; a reconstitution device supplied by the manufacturer is used to mix the powder and diluent; ten different strengths are available that each deliver a fixed volume of 0.25 ml; this product contains a diluent with no preservative, refrigerate after reconstitution and use within 24 hr; use the reconstituted solution only once and discard any remaining solution


Before reconstitution, store refrigerated

Reconstitute each 5-mg vial with 1.5–5 ml of the supplied diluent (contains m-cresol as a preservative) or bacteriostatic water for injection (contains benzoyl alcohol as a preservative); sterile water for injection may be used for patients with a hypersensitivity to m-cresol and benzoyl alcohol; direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; if the solution is cloudy, do not use; small, colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins; vials reconstituted with the diluent or bacteriostatic water are stable for 14 days when stored refrigerated; for vials reconstituted with sterile water, use the vial only once and discard the unused portion; if not used immediately, refrigerate and use within 24 hr; avoid freezing reconstituted solutions

Reconstitute cartridges using
the supplied diluent syringe; the cartridges are designed for use only with the Humatrope injection device; once reconstituted, the cartridges are stable for up to 28 days when stored refrigerated; store the injection device without the needle attached; avoid freezing reconstituted solutions


Do not use reconstituted solution if it is cloudy or contains particulate matter

Before use, store refrigerated

Reconstitution of the cartridges is not required; the cartridge is intended for use only with the NordiPen injector; a prefilled, disposable pen, NordiFlex Pen injector, is also available; each cartridge size (5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg per 1.5-ml cartridge) has a color-coded corresponding pen, which is graduated to deliver an appropriate dose based on the solution’s concentration; NordiPen and NordiFlex Pen allow administration of a minimum 0.25-mg dose to a maximum 4.5-mg dose, depending on cartridge concentrations; follow directions provided in NordiPen injector instruction booklet

After a cartridge has been inserted into the NordiPen injector or once a NordiFlex pen is in use, the pen should be stored refrigerated and used within 4 wk; alternatively, the 5-mg and 10-mg cartridges may be stored in the pen at room temperature, no higher than 77 degrees, for up to 3 wk; NovoFine needles are recommended for administration; wipe the stopper of the pen cartridge with rubbing alcohol


Before reconstitution, store refrigerated

Reconstitute each 5-mg vial with 1–5 ml bacteriostatic water for injection (benzyl alcohol preserved) and each 10-mg vial with 1–10 ml of bacteriostatic water for injection (benzyl alcohol preserved); if using for newborns, reconstitute with sterile water for injection; direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; if the solution is cloudy after reconstitution or refrigeration, do not use; small, colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins

Solutions reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for injection are stable for 14 days refrigerated

Solutions reconstituted with sterile water for injection should be used immediately and only once; discard any unused portions; avoid freezing reconstituted solutions

Nutropin AQ:

Does not require reconstitution; solution should be clear; small, colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins; allow vial or pen cartridge to come to room temperature, and gently swirl; if solution is cloudy, do not use

Before inserting needle, wipe the vial septum with rubbing alcohol or antiseptic solution to prevent contamination by microorganisms that may be introduced by repeated needle insertions; administer using sterile disposable syringes and needles; use syringes with small enough volume that the prescribed dose may be drawn from the vial with reasonable accuracy

Pen cartridge:
Two strengths are available, 10 mg and 20 mg; intended for use only with Nutropin AQ Pen; each pen and cartridge are color coded to ensure accurate placement of the 10-mg or 20-mg cartridge into the appropriate pen; do not use the 20-mg cartridge in the pen intended for the 10-mg cartridge, and vice versa; wipe septum of pen cartridge with rubbing alcohol or antiseptic solution to prevent contamination by microorganisms that may be introduced by repeated needle insertions; administer using sterile, disposable needles; follow the directions provided in the Nutropin AQ Pen Instructions for Use; the Nutropin AQ 10 pen allows administration of a minimum 0.1-mg dose to a maximum 4-mg dose, in 0.1-mg increments; the Nutropin AQ 20 pen allows administration of a minimum 0.2-mg dose to a maximum 8-mg dose, in 0.2-mg increments

Prefilled device:
A prefilled multidose, dial-a-dose device is available in 3 strengths; administer using disposable needles; follow the directions provided in the Nutropin AQ NuSpin Instructions for Use; the Nutropin AQ Nuspin 5 allows administration of a minimum dose of 0.05 mg to a maximum dose of 1.75 mg, in increments of 0.05 mg; the Nutropin
AQ Nuspin 10 allows administration of a minimum dose of 0.1 mg to a maximum dose of 3.5 mg, in increments of 0.1 mg; the Nutropin AQ Nuspin 20 allows administration of a minimum dose of 0.2 mg to a maximum dose of 7 mg, in increments of 0.2 mg

After initial use, vials, cartridges, and prefilled devices are stable for 28 days refrigerated; avoid freezing; vials, cartridges, and prefilled devices are light sensitive; protect from light


Before reconstitution, store vials refrigerated; store in the carton; Omnitrope is sensitive to light

Reconstitute the vial with diluent provided using a sterile disposable syringe; swirl the vial gently, but do not shake; if the solution is cloudy after reconstitution, the contents must not be injected; after reconstitution, the 1.5-mg vial may be refrigerated ≤24 hr; the 1.5-mg vial does not contain a preservative and should only be used once; discard any remaining solution; the 5.8-mg vial diluent contains benzoyl alcohol as a preservative; after reconstitution, the contents must be used within 3 wk; after the first injection, store the 5.8-mg vial in the carton, to protect from light, in the refrigerator; avoid freezing

Omnitrope Pen 5 cartridge:
Each 5-mg cartridge must be inserted into the Omnitrope Pen 5 delivery system; follow the directions provided in the Omnitrope Instructions for Use; the cartridge contains benzoyl alcohol as a preservative; after the first use, store refrigerated ≤28 days; protect from light, avoid freezing

Omnitrope Pen 10 cartridge:
Each 10-mg cartridge must be inserted into the Omnitrope Pen 10 delivery system; follow the directions provided in the Omnitrope Instructions for Use; after the first use, store refrigerated ≤28 days; protect from light, avoid freezing


Before reconstitution, store at room temperature

Reconstitute each 5-mg vial with 1–3 ml bacteriostatic water for injection; reconstitute each 8.8-mg vial with 2–3 ml bacteriostatic water for injection (benzoyl alcohol preserved); in patients with hypersensitivity to benzyl alcohol, the vials may be mixed with sterile water for injection; Direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; the solution should be clear; if it is cloudy immediately after reconstitution or refrigeration, do not use; small colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins; after reconstitution, store vials mixed with bacteriostatic water for injection refrigerated and use within 14 days; for vials mixed with sterile water for injection, the solution should be used immediately, and any unused portion should be discarded; avoid freezing

Available in 4 mg and 8.8 mg click.easy cartridges for use in a compatible injection device; a reconstitution device supplied by the manufacturer is used to mix the Saizen with accompanying diluent containing metacresol; cartridges reconstituted with the diluent containing metascresol are stable under refrigeration for ≤21 days; avoid freezing


Before reconstitution, store vials and diluent at room temperature (15–30 degrees C; 59–86 degrees F)

Reconstitute the 5-mg or 6-mg vials with 0.5–1 ml of supplied diluent (sterile water for injection); reconstitute the 4-mg vial with 0.5–1 ml of bacteriostatic water for injection (benzoyl alcohol preserved) and the 8.8-mg vial with 1–2 ml of bacteriostatic water for injection (benzoyl alcohol preserved); direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; the solution should be clear; if it is cloudy immediately after reconstitution
or refrigeration, do not use; small colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins; if reconstituted with sterile water for injection, use within 24 hr; if reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for injection (benzoyl alcohol preserved), the solution is stable for up to 14 days under refrigeration (2–8 degrees C or 36–46 degrees F); avoid freezing

Available in 8.8-mg click.easy cartridges for use in a compatible injection device; a reconstitution device is supplied by the manufacturer and is used to mix the Serostim with accompanying diluent containing metacresol; after reconstitution, cartridges are stable under refrigeration for ≤21 days; avoid freezing

Serostim lq:

Before use, store refrigerated

Available in 6-mg single-use cartridges that do not require reconstitution; administer using sterile disposable syringes and needles

Bring to room temperature before use; discard single-use cartridge after use, even if some drug remains; discard cartridges after the expiration date stated on the product; do not freeze; protect from light


Before reconstitution, store refrigerated

Reconstitute each 5-mg vial with 1–5 ml bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride (benzoyl alcohol preserved) for injection; direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; the solution should be clear; if it is cloudy immediately after reconstitution, do not inject; small, colorless particles may be present after refrigeration, this is not unusual for solutions containing proteins; when administering to newborns, reconstitute with sterile normal saline for injection that is unpreserved

Solution reconstituted with bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride is stable for 14 days when stored refrigerated; solution reconstituted with sterile normal saline should be used only once; discard any remaining solution; avoid freezing


Before dispensing, store vials and diluent refrigerated; after dispensing to patients, may be stored at or below 77 degrees F for up to 3 mo

Reconstitute each 5-mg vial with the entire contents of the accompanying diluent, which contains metacresol as a preservative; if patients are allergic to metacresol, sterile water for injection may be used; direct the liquid against the glass vial wall; swirl vial with a gentle rotary motion until contents are dissolved completely; do not shake; the solution should be clear, if it is cloudy or contains particulate matter immediately after reconstitution or after refrigeration, do not inject; the final concentration of the reconstituted solution is 3.33 mg/ml

After reconstitution with the provided diluent, solutions may be stored refrigerated for up to 14 days; after reconstitution with sterile water for injection, use only one dose of Valtropin per vial and discard the unused portion if not used immediately

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