Mortuus Virgo (8 page)

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Authors: Kevin Ashman

BOOK: Mortuus Virgo
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‘I like you’ Virgin,’ he said eventually, ‘For the first time in an age my ears detect no ulterior motive and your candour refreshes me, I would hear more.’

Her eyes closed briefly as she nodded her head in acceptance.
‘So, Virgin,’ he said, ‘Now the level between has been agreed I would seek your view on a political situation that irks me.’
‘If the Goddess has blessed me with the knowledge sire then I will convey my view with truth and candour.’
Nero stood up and walked around Rubria with his hands behind his back.

‘Bearing in mind your extraordinary person and henceforth privileged position, I shall accept no less. Therefore, Rubria, Priestess of Vesta, ask your Goddess this,’ He turned to look back at her, his head tilted to one side, ‘Should I make my horse a Senator?’


Several hours later the High Priestess and Rubria sat in an antechamber of the Vestal Temple partaking of their evening meal. The citrus fruit segments were the perfect antidote for the rich slabs of meat and Garum sauce they had just finished and though the meal was delicious Rubria was still getting used to the higher quality of life she enjoyed as a Priestess than an Acolyte.

‘So how did it go?’ asked the Priestess eventually.
Rubria took a deep breath.
‘To be honest, Holy Mother, I am not quite sure what to say. The conversation ranged from the ordinary to the ridiculous.’
‘Do you think he has lost his mind?’

‘Oh no. I think that despite the bizarre nature of some of his edicts he knows exactly what he wants and what he is doing. He harbours a deep distrust of the Senate and sees them as an obstacle that must be overcome in order to achieve his plans.’

‘And did he expand on those plans?’
‘No, Mother.’
‘He did not mention anything about his proposed golden palace.’

‘Not really, except to say he had plans for Rome that would eclipse all other rulers that have gone before him, kings and Emperors.’

‘But you think you can gain his trust?’
‘I believe I have started on the road but have a long way to go.’
‘Let’s hope so, the state of mind he is in who knows what fate lies in store for our order. Does he want to see you again?’
‘Yes, Mother, on the morrow.’

‘Okay,’ she said, ‘You will be excused your vigil at the flames but be careful, let us not forget this is the man who took the life of his own mother when he saw no more use for her.’

‘The Goddess will protect me,’ said Rubria.
The high Priestess smiled.
‘You may retire,’ she said and Rubria stood to leave.
‘Oh, one more thing, Rubria,’ she said, ‘Did he mention the Palladia?’
‘No, Mother, said Rubria, ‘I believe that at the moment, the secrets are safe!’




Chapter 8


London 2010


‘First of all,’ said India, ‘I need you to understand the great changes that were going on across the world at the time. As you probably know, the Earth has undergone many ice ages throughout her history and undoubtedly will again. These ice ages are interspersed with warmer interglacial periods that are themselves divided by interstadial periods of cold and warmth lasting a few years to several thousand. You could say that the planet is in one of these interstadial periods right now and the next ice age is just around the corner, geologically speaking. Ten thousand years ago we were still in the closing throes of a particularly long ice age. The planet had been gripped by the cold for over a hundred thousand years but at last the climate got warmer.’

‘The world was covered in ice?’ asked Brandon

‘No not the world, that’s a common misconception. The ice at the poles was much thicker, along with most of the northern hemisphere but from the Alps southwards, the weather was much milder and this was where humanity retreated to avoid the cold. However, even here there would have been glaciers in the mountains.’

‘What has all this to do with Isis?’

‘I’ll get to that, bear with me, this is important. Around that time humanity was spread far and wide throughout the area. Evidence is coming to light of many different cultures that were fairly advanced, especially in the east. Archaeologists have found pottery, arrows and even burials from that age suggesting a level of civilisation and trade. It seems it was a hunter gatherer society and smaller tribes would have been in abundance throughout the warmer continents. The rainforests were wider spread and even the Sahara was green with trees and scrubland covering the whole area. But though there was an abundance of people there seemed to be little, if any cohesion between smaller groups. At the time a particular fertile area would have been the black sea valley, a huge, natural basin covering over 169,000 square miles, almost twice the size of Great Britain today. It would have been fertile, had a warm climate with good hunting and plenty of fresh drinking water from the lake, an ideal location for human habitation.

‘Wait a minute,’ said Brandon, ‘The Black Sea is salt water. I know, I’ve been there on holiday.’

‘Your right,’ she said ‘It is, but it wasn’t always so. Anyway, this land was probably populated with thousands of individual tribes and clans, all living independent of each other, and though there was plenty of trading going on, you could say the time was right for someone with a vision to exploit the situation.’

‘No not Isis, she came a couple of thousand years later, this person was called Assur.’
‘How do you know?’

‘Fair point,’ said India, ‘We can’t be sure but there are many fables and stories passed down through many cultures that hint at his existence. For now, let’s just accept that Assur was a real person sometime after the end of the ice age. Anyway, according to Pagan beliefs Assur saw an opportunity to bind the many different groups together in one great tribe around the lake. Legend has it; he coordinated the sharing of resources, leading the indigenous people away from their reliance on hunter gathering and into agriculture. History shows us right across the world that once a civilisation accepts and masters farming, whether livestock or crops then with the support of a suitable climate, that society flourishes. Well this was perfect timing for Assur. The landscape was ideal; the lands fertile, the climate warm and a steady rainfall ensured the growing conditions were perfect. No one knows where he came from but we can imagine he was of eastern descent due to the knowledge he possessed.’

‘Why?’ interrupted Brandon.

‘The far east was far further advanced than the middle east and had been farming for heaven knows how long, but wherever he came from, he had the secret of agriculture with him. Well, you can imagine, all of a sudden word must have spread like wildfire throughout the populace that there was a tribe near the lake that never went hungry without any need to hunt. It must have sounded like heaven and tribes flooded to join him. He must have been quite a charismatic man but with luck and climate on his side, he managed to spread the word and quickly became a great leader. The story goes that he had a brother called Set and one day while he was out on a journey in the desert, in a fit of jealousy Set murdered him and took his place as leader but though he was gone, his legacy was solid and over hundreds of years the Black Sea basin was cleared to become a fertile haven of agricultural excellence. Society flourished and Assur became legendary as a God, the father of civilisation.’

‘Interesting,’ said Brandon, ‘I had no idea. How come this isn’t taught in schools?’

‘Don’t forget, until recently the creation theory was the only authorised version of history and this would have been seen as heresy, besides, a lot of this is still only theory but Middle East archaeology is one of the hottest areas of discovery at the moment with new findings happening on an almost daily basis.’

‘So how is this relevant to us then?’ he asked.

‘Well, this is where it takes an interesting turn,’ she said, ‘Assur was long dead and it would seem that for thousands of years the area thrived and was at peace as everyone farmed and traded. However, like most eras, times changed and there appears to have been an extended period of conflict between the tribes surrounding the lake. No doubt leaders rose and fell with none making much of an impact until one day; perhaps thousands of years after the death of Assur, a woman arrived on the scene. She was apparently a very clever woman and was known as twice wise. Her name was Aset or Isis to you and me.’

‘And I suppose she bonded them back together?’ suggested Brandon.

‘Not at first as though the mother figure was revered in most civilisations she was still a woman and any self respecting male leader couldn’t allow any woman to just walk in and take control. He would simply challenge her to a duel and take her role no matter how wise she may be.’

‘So what happened?’

‘Well, that’s where her genius shines through. There was no way she could win a fight so she had to win the people’s support by other means. In addition there was another problem, she was pregnant so needed an ally, someone who would demand instant respect from all the warring tribes and she knew exactly who to call on.’

‘But he was dead.’

‘That’s right, and by now he was known as a God amongst the peoples of the basin but she needed his influence and the respect that the people held for him so what she did was she made an astonishing claim. She claimed that she had searched the land, found the individual parts of his body and resurrected him. Not only this, she also claimed she was still a Virgin and that the God Assur had fathered her baby.’

‘And they bought it?’
‘Well, let’s not forget this was a mystical time when people believed in gods, demons and magic, all that sort of mumbo jumbo.’
‘It seems some things never change,’ he murmured.

‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘Whatever the reason the people believed her and she became the epitome of the mother figure and the good times returned once more to the area. She gave birth to Horus, a son and he was proclaimed a saviour who would save the world. Her name was revered across the area and the population flourished.’

‘Wait a minute,’ said Brandon, ‘This is an awful lot of information for something that has no evidence.’

‘Oh the evidence is there if you look hard enough,’ she said, ‘In the legends and the stories that abound throughout the world. Just take the story of Assur. The whole area of the Middle East is touched by his legacy. Modern day Syria is named after him. The lands centred on Iraq were once called Mesopotamia which in itself covered the area once known as Assyria, a derivation of Assur. There were cities called Assur, Gods named Assur, everywhere you turn the name is riddled throughout ancient history but I accept that rumour and hearsay alone not enough. However, when you apply the same rational to Isis, there is evidence aplenty.’


‘Written on in the tombs, temples and pyramids of Egypt for a start,’ she said. ‘Her name and symbols are referred to throughout the Egyptian Empire from its earliest days to modern day Pagan cults. She had temples built to her throughout history including Rome, Greece, Turkey, you name a place and she has probably been worshipped there in some way shape or form. Even Christianity has been touched by her.’

‘The Virgin Mary.’
‘Oh for heaven’s sake,’ he said.

‘You can believe me or not, the choice is yours but if you look at the image of Isis nursing her infant, she usually has the orb of the sun depicted behind her. Look at the famous pictures of the Madonna and child and she has a radiant halo behind her head. Put them together and they are almost exactly the same, yet Isis lived thousands of years before Mary of Nazareth. I’m not saying that Mary never existed, just that those who chronicled the events hundreds of years later may have been influenced by the stories of Isis. Remember, this was the era in which they were living their everyday lives. Paganism was everywhere and every role in life had a different God to pray to. Is it any wonder that they were influenced by what they knew, but that’s not all, think about it, Virgin birth, fathered by a God, or in Mary’s case, God. Gives birth to a saviour who will save the Earth, Who am I talking about, Mary, Isis, both, or are the stories basically based on the same versions of history altered by peoples perception over hundreds of years. Even the bad guy Set has a modern day equivalent in Satan!’

‘Fascinating,’ said Brandon, ‘But I’m not sure I buy it.’

‘No matter,’ said India, ‘We're getting ahead of ourselves, let’s go back a few steps. Forget about the Christianity similarities; let’s go back to the times of Isis and Assur. At least you can accept there is reasonable evidence that they existed, yes?’

‘Okay I’ll run with it.’

‘Good, as I said Isis was very successful and the area flourished. She became bigger than Assur ever was and over the centuries was deified as the Goddess of purity and fertility, a reference to the success of the harvest and the Virgin conception of her child. But as great as she was, her name was known only to those in the valley of the Black Sea.’

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