More With You (21 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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I love my big brother. He’s always there no matter what even if he lives three hours away.

I wiggle out of his arms and grab a slice of pizza. I don’t want their time here laced with sadness. I only get them for two short days, and I want to enjoy that time.

“All right, Allie.  Spill the deets on the wedding.  What do you have planned for my visit?” I ask my best friend.

Just like I hoped it would, this forged the conversation ahead, and wedding planning is in full swing.  Allie busts out her wedding binder and we go over the details of cake tasting, dress shopping, and food tasting.  I focus all of my attention on her and her special day.  I feel like I’m missing so much even though I talk to her every day.  It’s just not the same. 

After we polish off two large pizzas and an order of breadsticks, we are all full and ready for bed. I insist that Aiden take my bed, but he refuses. Liam and Allison lock themselves in Liam’s old room. I can’t help but smile. Although temporary, our group is back together where we belong.



I’m lying here in the living room of our old condo, Hailey’s condo, on the futon that was hers for when she would stay over.  The blankets and the pillows smell like her.  I’m surrounded by her.  Hailey is in my room, in my bed.  Well, my old room and my old bed, but it’s fucking with me knowing that she’s there, surrounded by me.  As if that is not enough to keep me awake, every time I close my eyes, I see that Miles character with his arm around her. 

It took more will than I knew I could summon to leave her alone with him in the foyer earlier tonight.  I was so excited to see her, to spend time with her, but after seeing them together, I kept my distance.  The girls spent the majority of the night talking wedding details while Liam and I watched ESPN.  That’s really all we had the energy for anyway.  Training camp is hard work, and then the drive up here.  I’m tired as hell, but I can’t sleep because all I see is him, with his hands on her.

Eventually, exhaustion takes over and I fall into a restless sleep. 

I woke up this morning to find Hailey and Allison already out and about.  Liam is sitting on the couch watching television eating pop tarts. 

“Thought you were going to sleep all damn day,” he says, shoving in the last bite of his breakfast.

“What time is it?”

“Ten.  The girls went to get a massage and manicures.  You and I are gonna head over to mom and dad’s to help set up for the party.  Allie and Hales will meet us there later,” he tells me.

“All right, man, let me grab a shower.”

“Pack your clothes for the party, who knows what mom will have us doing.” He tries to act annoyed, but I can hear the softness in his voice. 

I rush through a shower and pack up my clothes for tonight’s festivities. It’s not formal, but clean clothes after working all day will be nice. Just as I’m zipping up my bag, Liam yells “heads up” and chucks a pack of pop tarts at me. “I made breakfast,” he says with a smile.

As soon as we pull into the driveway at his parents’ house, his mom is waiting for us on the porch with a clipboard in her hand.

“Shit, look at her. She’s going to be a slave driver today,” Liam groans.

“Well, we better get started then,” I say, climbing out of my Tahoe.

I greet Mrs. MacCoy with a hug, as does Liam.  She immediately starts going over what still needs to be done.  “I’m so glad you guys are here.  The crew is almost finished setting up the tent.  Your father is on his way back with tables and chairs; those will need to be set up.” She looks at her list. “We still need to hang the lights in the tent and bring fire wood to the pit just outside the tent.  We have two large coolers that need to be stocked with ice and beverages, but not until later, I don’t want the ice to melt before people even get here.  The caterer will be here at five to set up and begin grilling.  Your father and I wanted to enjoy the party instead of spending out time cooking,” she says as we stand there and try to take in everything she’s telling us.

“Mom, take a breath,” Liam laughs. “We got this, okay? This is supposed to be just a small gathering to celebrate Allie and me. Everything is going to be great.” He tries to calm her.

“Oh, and we need to set up a table for the DJ. Don’t forget to remind your father when you help him set up,” she says, completely ignoring Liam’s little speech to calm down.

Liam sweeps in and lifts her up in the air, giving her a huge hug. “Mom, I love you. This is going to be amazing. Relax,” he tells her.

“Put me down. I have work to do,” she scolds him, laughing.

Mr. MacCoy pulls in and we immediately get to work setting up the tables and chairs before we tackle the rest of her list.  I keep checking my watch, wondering when the girls are going to get here.  Liam has talked to Allie a couple of times.  They are at the condo getting ready and will be here by five thirty.  I’m willing time to move faster.

We finally finish our “to-do list,” with just enough time to shower and change.  As I enter the kitchen, I hear voices and I know the girls have arrived.  I clear the bottom step and look up.  What I see stops me in my tracks.  Hailey.  She’s dressed in a white sundress, her hair is loose and flowing down her back, and she’s wearing pink flip flops.  Her freshly painted pink toes draw my attention.  Who am I kidding?  Everything about her draws my attention. 

I realize I’m standing there, staring at her like an idiot.  I will my feet to carry me into the room and take a seat at the table beside Allison.  She leans into my shoulder as a hello, but never breaks her conversation with Mrs. MacCoy.  I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through my e-mails.  There is nothing there that can’t wait, but I need a distraction before I embarrass myself.

My distraction works, I’m only brought out of my trance when Liam taps me on the shoulder. I look up and realize that he and I are the only ones left in the kitchen. “Where did they go?” I ask.

He laughs. “Dude, you were in the zone. People are starting to get here, so they went outside. Come on, this new guy, Miles, and two others are here, and I need to go check them out,” he says, walking out the back door.

  I hope he keeps his hands to himself.  I can’t take watching them together all night.  Who am I kidding?  The five minutes last night just about sent me over the damn ledge.

I pull myself out of the chair and follow Liam.  I know this night is going to be torture.  I know Miles won’t be able to keep his hands off her.  Hell, if she was mine, I wouldn’t either.  Hales denies that there is anything more than friendship going on there, but she has to know that any red-blooded guy would want her, all of her. 
  This is going to be hard to watch.

I stop at the bottom of the deck where Hailey is introducing everyone.  There is another guy, Kaden, and the girl, Macie, who is with Miles.  They all look to be just friends, until Miles spots me.  He smirks and moves closer to Hales, gently moving her hair off her shoulder.  She looks over and smiles at him, and I can feel my chest crack with pain.  I’m too late.  I’m glad the MacCoy’s stocked up on alcoholic beverages, I have a feeling that’s the only thing that is going to get me through tonight.

Hailey introduces me and I nod my head.  I know it’s a dick move, but that’s all I can manage.  Instead of sticking around, watching her being pawed by him, I walk away.  I find Mrs. MacCoy and see if there is anything she needs me to do.  Maybe if I stay busy, I can hold off on my alcohol consumption and be distracted enough to not have to see them together.

“Aiden, where is everyone?” Mrs. MacCoy asks.

“Hailey is introducing them to her new friends.  I just wanted to see if there was anything you needed done.”

“No, I think we’re all set. You can sit and keep me company for a few minutes if you like,” she says, pulling out the chair beside her.

I smile at her and take a seat. “You know, they really are just friends,” she says softly.

Holy shit!
  Am I that easy to read?  “Who?” I play dumb.  I know she can tell that I’m pretending not to know who she’s talking about. This is not the distraction I was hoping for.

“It will all work out. Just have faith,” she tells me.

Before I can respond, I see a shadow and look up to find all of them.  Hales and her new friends along with Liam and Allie.  Great, just fucking great.

“Oh good, you’re all here.  I want to start the night off with a dance, and since Hales and Aiden are the entire wedding party, I want the two of you out there too,” Mrs. MacCoy says.

I jump up out of my seat and round the table to stand beside Hailey.  Miles is standing close to her, too close.  At least he’s not touching her.  I slip my fingers through hers and she turns to look at me, shock on her face.  “Dance with me, angel,” I say as I gently tug on her hand, pulling her out onto the makeshift dance floor.  Allison and Liam are already there, lost in each other.  I pull Hailey as close to me as I can get her.  I couldn’t care less who sees, this might be my only chance to hold her tonight and I’m taking full advantage.

Hailey immediately rests her head against my chest as we gently sway to the music. My hands are resting on her hips and I pull her tighter. I don’t want to be able to tell where she ends and I begin. I need her snug against me. My heart is beating a thunderous rhythm. I know she has to be able to feel it with the way she’s laying on me. As if she can read my mind, she lifts her head and places her hand on my chest, right over my heart. She looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

“Aiden,” she whispers.

I lean my forehead against hers.  “That’s all for you, angel,” I say softly as I hold her stare.  I’m willing her with my eyes to understand what she means to me.  How much I care about her.  She has to be able to feel it, this connection. 

Hailey is the first to look away as she rests her head back over my heart.  She places both arms around my back and squeezes me tight.  I feel her release a deep breath and relax against me.  She’s just as affected as I am.  I don’t know how much longer I can do this, resist her.

The song ends and I feel a tap on my shoulder. It’s Miles. “Care if I cut in?” he asks, already reaching for Hailey. She quickly steps away from me and joins Miles in the next dance, a slow dance.

I stalk back to the tables, stopping to grab me a couple beers.  Yes, I said a couple.  I’ve lost her.  I may affect her, but she’s found someone else.  I waited too long.  Hence the multiple beers.  I’m definitely going to need liquid courage to get through this night.


Miles cuts in at the end of my dance with Aiden. I sigh with relief. I was about two seconds away from making a fool of myself in front of my entire family. Anymore time wrapped up in his arms with his sweet words, and I was going to throw caution to the wind and make a move. Every time we are together, the electricity between us flows to the point that I can’t think clearly. Aiden is always so tender and sweet. I want, with everything in me, to believe that he wants to be with me. Maybe we’ve both fought it for so long, that we don’t know how to change it.

“I love it when a good plan comes together,” Miles says in my ear. I’m sure to an outsider it looks like he’s whispering tender words into my ear, not the true reality of him gloating that he was right about Aiden. “You should see him. He went straight for the cooler and grabbed a few beers. He does not like you in my arms,” he says as he drops a kiss on my temple.

Holy shit!
  Miles is stepping up his game big time.  “I may need a few of those to get through this night as well.  One minute he is there, sweet and caring, making me think that he does want us, want me.  The next, he’s off throwing back a few beers trying to forget it ever happened.”

“He’s fighting it.  Trust me.  He’s convinced that you and I are an item and that pisses him off.  Keep denying it because that’s the truth.  However, in Aiden’s eyes, I’m holding his girl.  To him, that is the only validation needed to confirm we’re together.” The song ends and Miles bends down to whisper in my ear again. I’m sure the moment looks intimate.  “Trust me,” he whispers, grabbing my hand and leading me off the dance floor.  We stop at the cooler and Miles hands me a beer.  Yep, I am so going to need liquid courage tonight. 

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