More With You (19 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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There is a knock on the door. “Hey, man, you okay?” Liam asks through the door.

I stand up and pull the door open. Liam’s standing there with his hands in his pockets looking at the floor. “Come on in,” I say, sitting back down on the bed.

Liam enters and sits in the chair in the corner of the room. “How long have you been in love with my sister?” he asks.

At first, I don’t answer, weighing my options.  I think about the ache in my chest that gets heavier every day, the way everything is brighter when she’s around.  I look up at Liam and the look on his face tells me that I can’t lie my way out of it this time anyway.  “I don’t really know when it happened. There isn’t really an exact moment that I realized it,” I tell him honestly.

“Are you going to do something about it?”

His question catches me off guard. He doesn’t sound pissed, just curious.  Fuck it, I’m all in at this point.  “I don’t know.  I’m scared as hell to lose her, man.”

Liam raises his eyebrow. “What do you mean lose her?” he asks.

“What if we get together and things don’t work out.  I can’t imagine us being able to be just friends.  I would never be able to handle another guy with her.  Hell, look at me know.  I’m a fucking mess because she has a guy at her place.  She’s says they’re all just friends, but fuck, what if I’m too late?”

Liam doesn’t answer right away.  He seems to be thinking about how to say what he wants to say.  Or maybe he’s just thinking about how he’s gonna kick my ass.  “I know I struggled for weeks about pursuing Allison.  I knew in my gut that she was special, that she would be different from anyone else.  I fought that because I was scared. Scared that giving up the freedom of being single would somehow ruin things for me.  Man, I was so fucking stupid.  Life with Allison is amazing.  I know that every day for the rest of my life I get to wake up next to her.  I know that if my day sucks, all I have to do is see her and it’s suddenly better.” Liam chuckles.

“What’s so funny?” I ask him.

“I was just thinking about Gran, and her letter to Allie.  The one that inspired her tattoo.  Live and Love Fearless,” Liam says.

I don’t respond, because really, what else is there to say?  I’m letting my fear of losing Hailey completely control what I really want. Her.

“Listen, man.  I can’t think of anyone that I would rather see my baby sister with.  If it’s me that’s keeping you from seeing where things go, then you have my blessing,” he says as he stands up and holds his fist out to me.

We fist bump and he leaves me alone in my room, my head swirling with our conversation. Liam was a big part of the reason as to why I never pursued anything with Hales. He just gave me his blessing. 
Holy shit!
  I never thought that would happen.  Now I just need to decide if I can risk losing her if things don’t work out between us.



I hit end on my cell phone and lay it on the kitchen table.  When I saw the screen light up with Aiden’s name, I came in here for privacy.  I can’t believe he was on his way here.  He really did sound worried about me.

I hear footsteps.  I look up to see Miles enter the kitchen.  He settles into the chair next to mine.  “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, um, that was Aiden.  He was worried about me.  He overheard my conversation with Allison and he was concerned that you and Kaden are here.  He had his keys in hand, almost out the door, when my brother stopped him from leaving.  Liam told him to call me so he could see for himself that I’m okay,” I explain.

“Wow!  Dude has it bad for you, Hales.”

“Yeah, right.  He’s just used to taking on the big brother role.  It gets harder and harder to not let these small things that he does affect me and my feelings for him.  It’s hard for my heart to get the message that we’re not together. He’s just being nice.”

“Whatever you say, girl.  I’m a guy, I know how guys think.  He wants you and he’s fighting it,” he tells me. “So, are you okay?”

“Yes, he wants me to call him before I go to bed, so he knows that ya’ll didn’t kidnap me or anything.”

Miles laughs. “Yep, dude is crushing hard,” he says as he tugs on my arm and pulls me behind him back to the living room.      

The night is fun. I really like hanging out with the three of them.  However, I’m distracted most of the night.  I know they all notice, but not one of them mention it.  We play battle of the sexes and I keep zoning out.  Poor Macie, she has to pick up the slack. Thankfully, we still pull off the win.  We play Bullshit and I laugh so hard I almost piss my pants.  Kaden keeps cheating and Miles is helping him.  Macie just pouts about holding so many cards.  It’s been fun, but I’m tired and ready for them to go.  None of them have been drinking, so they are good to drive.  I just want to call Aiden back.

“Sleepy?” Kaden asks Macie.

“Yeah, I’m ready to go,” she tells him.

Kaden nods his head and starts cleaning up.  Those two should just call a spade a spade and make it official.

“Thanks for having us,” Macie says.  “I had a great time.  I’m just exhausted.” She yawns.

“I get it, trust me.”

“Well, we’re out. The living room is all tidied up.  Make sure you lock the door behind us,” Miles says. 

“Always, thanks for coming, guys.”

I follow them to the door, say goodbye again, and then secure the lock.  I walk through the condo turning off lights.  I’ll get the rest of the mess in the morning.  I grab my cell off the coffee table and head to bed. 

I quickly change for bed, brush my teeth, and climb under the covers.  No matter what the temperature is outside, I have to have a cover to curl up in.  I pick up my cell and hit my speed dial for Aiden.

“Angel,” he says on the first ring.

“Hey. I’m all tucked in safe and sound. Everyone just left a few minutes ago,” I tell him.

I can hear him exhale and I smile. He really was worried. “I’m glad. Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah.  They’re fun to hang out with.  I think you guys would really like them,” I say. Aiden mumbles something under his breath. It sounded like “I doubt it,” but I can’t really tell and I don’t want to ask him. It doesn’t really matter anyway.

“So how is training camp?”

“Good, it’s kicking my ass, but I love it.”

“I’m really proud of you and Liam. You guys both deserve this,” I say sincerely.

“How about you?  Classes ended today and next week you start clinicals, right?”

“Wow, I’m impressed you remember. Yes, class is over. I passed my final exam, now all I have to do is pass clinicals, and nursing school here I come,” I laugh.

“That’s awesome, Hales.  I’m so fucking proud of you.”

“Thanks,” I whisper.

“Thanks for calling. I would have worried all night.  Get some sleep.”

With that, he hangs up and I lie there staring at the phone.  I don’t know what’s going on.  Things feel different between Aiden and me.  Our relationship has slowly been changing.  I used to think it was all me, but since he’s been gone, he’s been more concerned and protective of me.  I don’t want to get my hopes up, but it feels like he might want more.

I sleep in on Saturday, which is why I’m jolted out of bed at ten o’clock to my cell phone ringing in my ear. 

“Hello?” I mumble into the phone.

“Morning, sunshine,” Allison says, way too damn chipper for a Saturday morning.

“I have so much to tell you. First of all, we’ll be coming home, well to Chapel Hill, next weekend.  Your mom wants to throw a small engagement party.  There really won’t be much time during the season with away games, and since the wedding is right after the Super Bowl, she wants to do it this weekend.  Just close friends and family.  I can’t wait to see you,” she says in a rush.

“That’s a great idea.  Mom mentioned it to me the other day, but she didn’t say when she was thinking.  I think she’s just as excited as you are about the wedding.”

Allison laughs. “I know, right? She and I talk several times a day. Speaking of that, we also have a cake tasting coming up. I’m going to try and plan it for the weekend that you are here in Charlotte visiting. Your mom found a great catering company that will travel to Chapel Hill if that’s where we decide to have the wedding.” Allison takes a breath. “I’m getting married!” she squeals.

I laugh at her excitement. “Yes, and soon you’ll be my sister. You’re the best decision Liam ever made,” I tell her.

“Aww, I love you too, Hales.”

“So when is this shindig going down?”

“It’s Saturday night at seven at your parents’ house.”

“Awesome. What can I do to help?”

“Nothing, your mom is amazing and she has taken care of everything.  I just need my maid of honor and best friend there with a smile,” she says.  “Your mom also told me to have you invite Macie and her brother and his friend.  I forget his name.” She laughs.

“Kaden.  Okay, I’ll see if they have anything going on.  I really would like for you to meet them.  I think you and Macie will hit it off,” I tell her.

“Well then, extend the invitation and we can add them to our family.”

“Done,” I laugh. Allison has no living relatives so we really are her family. Soon we will be for real; she’s going to be my sister! “I’m really excited to see you guys. I miss you like crazy.”

“Us too.  I know Liam and Aiden miss you just as much as I do.  I can’t wait for you to spend the week with us.”

“All right, well, I need to drag my ass to the shower and wash my scrubs for next week. Let me know if anything comes up that I can do. Oh, by the way. Are you guys staying here with me while you are home?” I ask. I chew on my lip waiting for her answer. I want them here. I miss them.

“We really haven’t talked about it. I’ll check with the guys and get back with you,” Allison says.

“Sounds good.  I hope you do.  I really miss you!” We say our goodbyes and I drag myself into the shower with a smile on my face.  My peeps are coming home!



Finally! It’s Friday. This week took for-fucking-ever to pass. I feel like I did when I was younger waiting on Christmas or my birthday. This is better; this is the day I get to see Hales. It’s been three long-ass weeks since I’ve laid eyes on her.

Liam and Allison broke the news to me Sunday night.

“So, we sort of have a favor,” Allison had said.

“What’s up?”

“Well, Liam’s parents are throwing us an engagement party next weekend and we really want you to be there since you are the best man,” she says hopefully.

The first damn thing that popped in my head was Hailey. I get to see Hailey. I should have thought, “Oh, I can swing by and see my parents” or some responsible shit like that. Nope. Not me. My first and only thought was Hales. How much I miss her and how this was going to be one of the longest fucking weeks of my life waiting…wanting.

So, here we are, piled up in my new Tahoe.  Well, new to me.  It’s a used model, low mileage.  No need to go crazy, well, not yet anyway.  Allison started dragging things out to the truck the minute Liam and I got home from camp today.  She is so damn excited for this engagement party. Well, and to see Hailey.  Not only did my mind think of this day nonstop for the past week, but Liam and Allison both talked about it as well.  We’re all excited to see her for three different reasons.  Liam, of course, wants to see his sister and Allison her best friend.  Me, well, I get to see my heart.  The girl that holds it anyway.  I had hoped that time away from her would help me expel these feelings, it’s done the complete fucking opposite.  All I do is think about her.

I replay my talk with Liam, the one where he told me that I have his blessing.  That’s a major obstacle out of the way.  Now, the only obstacle is me.  I want more with her.  I fucking want all of her, but does she want me?  Can I give into this temptation to call her mine and make it work?  Can I honestly risk losing her being a part of my life if things don’t work out?  Hell, can I handle seeing her with some other douche bag? 
  I can’t think about that without getting pissed off.

I shake my head, as if that will clear the image of her with someone else.  I realize that we are finally pulling into the city limits of Chapel Hill.  It hasn’t even been a month, and yet it feels like a lifetime.  Allison had asked us if we wanted to stay with the MacCoy’s or with Hales.  Of course my vote was to stay with Hales, as was Allie’s.  Liam was out voted. Well, not really, we knew we were the majority and didn’t really care what his vote was.  I missed my girl and I plan on spending every fucking spare minute with her this weekend. I need my Hailey fix.

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