More Than Famous (Famous #2) (17 page)

BOOK: More Than Famous (Famous #2)
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"Cade... Cade..." Her mouth was reaching up for mine and she licked my top lip and then sucked my lower one into her mouth, again and again she kissed me and I was starving for more.

"Oh my love... I never want to stop kissing you, Brooklyn."

I rolled onto my back and took her with me. Her knees came to rest on the bed around my hips, and our hungry mouths continued the onslaught on each other.  It was so fucking amazing... utterly incredible.

She moved her body up and down on mine, the delicious friction causing both of us to pant even more.  We were both breathless as she pulled her mouth from mine.

"What do you want?" Her voice was husky with desire.  She licked at my lips and then dragged her open mouth down my chin and jaw to my neck where she sucked on my skin, her open mouth sending delicious shivers racing through my body.  "Tell me what you want."

"I want you, Brook."  She sat up on her knees still straddling my lap, and her hands came down to rub my dick.  Grasping, moving up and down, she applied pressure to the head.  "Ahhh... Jesus, that feels good, love."

"Yes, but
do you want?" She continued to rub my member until I thought I was going to come.  I was panting, my head falling back on the pillows.

Her hands slowed and she bent to kiss me, her lips clinging to mine as she spoke in a whisper. "Do you want more of this?" Her hands went back to their task and her lips continued to tease mine. "Do you want me to go down on you... or do you want to
fuck me
, Cade?"

Holy Hell... I felt my body engorge even more at her words.  The air rushed from my lungs as I sat up and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her pelvis tighter, grinding her into mine.

Her brilliant blue eyes bore into mine as her lips hovered and ghosted mine.  "Tell me what you want... and it's yours."  Her hand was at the side of my face and her thumb drug my lower lip down before I couldn't take another second of the exquisite torture.

"Dear God, you're killing me, babe.  I want... to make love with you, Brook."  My mouth plowed into hers with everything I had as my hands moved her shirt up and off of her body, our mouths parting for only the seconds I needed to throw it aside.

Desire surged through my veins so hot I thought it would burn me alive, as my mouth once again found her nipples and pulled one into my mouth to gently graze it with my teeth.  Her arms wrapped around my head and I felt her mouth in my hair.

"I love you, Cade.  I love you, so much."

I held her around her waist and under her ass as I flipped her on the bed.  I sat back and ripped her panties from her body before pushing my boxers down.  Her eyes roamed over me and came to rest on my erection as I took her hand to pull her up to me again. I lifted her above me as I searched for her opening.

"You're so beautiful... so beautiful," she moaned against my neck as I slid into her body.  She was so hot, slippery wet and it was heaven.    Our mouths resumed the greedy kissing as our bodies moved together. For several minutes we moved together, kissing over and over again, until I could barely take anymore, yet it was never enough.

"Brooklyn.  Jesus... I love you, too.  You're everything.  So perfect. Amazing.  Tell me you belong to me.  Tell me you're mine."

I felt her body clenching at mine, her legs started to tremble and she was moaning my name. I knew her body so well.  I knew she was starting to climax.  I felt so incredible that I could make her body quake and writhe with such incredible pleasure.  I wanted to give and give and give to her.

I rolled over with her and thrust into her harder as my own orgasm started to build.

"Brook… tell me your mine. 
Say it.
"  I needed to hear it.

"Uhhhh.  Uhhh... ” Her pants came in time with my thrusts into her body. “Oh, Cade, you already know. I’m always yours," she cried out against my mouth as she came.  Her tremors and spasms exciting me even more.  Those beautiful, sexy sounds she made drove me to distraction.

"God, Brook... I need you... so... fucking... much," I groaned against her throat as I exploded inside her. Her arms tightened around my body and I kissed the side of her face.  I continued to thrust into her until I was completely spent, the last of the tremors finally subsiding. 

When I opened my eyes, all I could do was stare into her face. That beautiful face, damp with perspiration, eyes heavy with desire and love, lips so luscious that I never wanted to stop kissing them... she was mine.  Always mine and I felt my heart would burst at the knowledge.

I rolled off of her to her side but left my leg over hers and my arms pulled her to me.  I couldn't help myself; I had to touch her, my mouth pressed to her forehead.

"Oh babe.  That was incredible.  As always.”

We were breathing hard as we held each other, both of us softly stroking and touching each other.  I didn't know how long we lay in silence, but just having her near me was enough to make me content.

"Were you reading the diary?"  Her voice was full of emotion, her eyes shimmering and glassy.

"Yes.  It's so beautiful.  I haven't gotten all the way through it, but I treasure every word I've read so far. You're amazing."

"Have you read the last entries?  At the end of the shoot?" 

"Not yet, do you want me to?"

She shook her head against my chest and traced invisible patterns in my skin with her delicate touches as she began to speak.

"I don't know how I'm going to make it, how I'll get through tonight.  I don't think I'll be able to breathe without him.  I can't believe I've wasted so much precious time... I'm so mad at myself, just sick inside.  I don't think I'll be able to say goodbye and I can't lose him... " Her voice broke on the words, and she took a shaky breath before she continued...  "I don't want him to leave thinking he isn't my entire world because that's exactly what he's become.  I'm dying, falling apart and I can’t stop it or change it.  It hurts so fucking much. Jesus, I love him."   She recited off what I assume was the last entry on the night of the wrap party in Portland.  I sucked in my breath and bought her closer to my chest.

"I felt the same way, my love.  I didn't know how I was going to say goodbye to the one person that I needed and wanted the most in the world.  I was in hell that night."  My throat thickened as I remembered the pain of that evening and I felt her tears fall on my chest.

"It's silly to cry over it now, since here you are in my arms... but the pain was so unbearable.  Even the memory is so real.  I never want to lose you, Cade. Promise me."

"Oh baby.  I promise. That can
happen, Brooklyn.  I can't survive without you now."

I meant every single word.



asleep in the bed and moved quietly around the room to dress. He looked so peaceful with his hair falling softly across his forehead as he lay sprawled flat on his stomach, his arms stretched above his head. Last night was amazing. I felt stupid at how my mind kept using that word when thinking of him, but that’s what he was. The look on his face when I surprised him filled me with indescribable happiness. This was our roller coaster; super highs, plunging to the deepest depths, and even if it was scary at times I didn’t want to get off. I sighed contentedly as I threw on an old T-shirt and jeans.

The delicious smell of bacon frying permeated the air and I could hear the low sounds of a television coming down the hall as I quietly opened the door to Cade's room. He was planning on taking me to see his apartment later in the day before I had to catch my plane shortly after midnight.  He called it a flat and I reminded myself that I wasn’t in California anymore. Not yet. Two days, one night, then who knew when we'd be able to be together again. These redeye flights helped with the jet lag and also the mobs of fans, but it cut our time together short.

Lillian was in the kitchen making tea when I walked in." Good morning." I smiled at her and sat down at the curved marble bar that arched around the kitchen.

"Morning, darling. Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you. You have a very beautiful home, Lillian. Thank you for helping me with Cade’s surprise."

Her face lit up in a bright smile. "Yes that was precious. He simply adores you Brooklyn. I've never seen him so besotted before." She reached out and patted my hand.

"Well, I think he's pretty special, too.” I hesitated briefly before the next words burst from me. “I love him a lot." I ran my hand through my hair nervously, waiting for her reaction. Lillian nodded, her eyes filling with warm admiration as she gazed across at me.

"Would you like some tea? Or, I have coffee and juice? Caden insists on coffee since he's been spending so much time in America, so I always have it on hand for when he comes home."

I grinned. Cade did like his Starbucks. "Coffee'd be great, thank you."

Lillian had the same color hair as Cade and the same blue eyes. She was calm and genuine and had a wonderful way of making me feel welcome.

"You look sad, Brooklyn, are you alright?" she asked as she brought me the cup. "Cream?"

"No, thank you," I sighed. "I always love seeing Cade, but leaving him just always hurts so much. It's just something that we deal with, but never seems to get any easier." I shrugged and gave her a weak smile.

"Cade struggles with it as well. I hate seeing the two of you so unhappy," she reached out and took a hold of my left hand and examined the engagement ring that I wore, "but on the other hand, you're both so blissful, aren't you?"

I felt my face flush and nodded. Had Cade told his parents about the ring? I still kept it hidden from mine. Even though I was really open with my mother, she would think eighteen too young to be engaged.

"He did a nice job on that, didn't he?" She smiled again, and my breath rushed out in relief.

"Yeah. I… ” I paused, “I wasn't sure if you knew. I don't usually wear it because we have all of those contract restrictions, but it makes him so happy; I thought for these few days, it would be okay."

"He told his father and I that he was going to marry you about half way through the filming.” I gasped and my mouth dropped open at her statement. The shocked expression on my face made her nod gently. “It's quite beautiful, isn’t it? Simple and elegant."

My eyes widened in shock. "Um... he didn't give me the ring until July. The movie wrapped at the beginning of May."

"No matter.” She shrugged. “He told us in March." Her smile was so warm and reached all the way up into her eyes, so much like her son’s.

"But..." I was speechless.

"He said he didn't know how long it would take, but he said you were
written on his soul
. He seemed extremely determined."

"Wow.” I was speechless. “He's just…” I shrugged incredulously. “Incredible." I felt tears prick the back of my eyes and flood my eyes as I blinked them back quickly. "You must be so proud of all he's accomplished. How long has he been playing music? He sort of downplays everything, like he's only mediocre at everything. Sometimes it completely astonishes me that he doesn't get how wonderful he is. Or how beautiful." My mouth lifted in a gentle smile as I let my breath out, "Hmmph."

Lillian's face softened as she looked at me.

"Well, I'm his mum so I have to think he's fabulous. He's been playing piano since he was about four and he got a guitar as a gift from my brother when he was five and taught himself, really. He's always loved music and he has a brilliant ear. He would play for hours and hours, or go into his room and lock himself away with his records."

"Layla was always the more flamboyant of the children. Caden's more introspective, like Oliver, but he does have his sister’s wit."

I nodded as a smile came to my lips, "When he talks about all of you, it's evident how close you all are. I think that's great. My family is very close, as well."

The door at the end of the hall opened and soon Cade padded his way to join us in the kitchen. He was wearing black jeans and a grey T-shirt, his hair seriously messy, but incredibly sexy.

So fucking hot. Jesus.
My body quickened just looking at him and I blushed. I bent my head and scratched the back of my neck, hoping to hide my reaction from his mother.

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