Moonbeams and magic (8 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

Tags: #Fantasy fiction

BOOK: Moonbeams and magic
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She leaned so far forward that she knew he could smell the heady beverage on her breath and the fragrance she had applied after washing off Yana's scent. There was only a forearm's distance between their faces, and their challenging gazes were locked as she murmured, "Let's get one thing straight, Dagan: work is all we'll do together, and only if Tochar teams us up after your meeting with him; so keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself. Better still, find a woman who will be responsive to them. I'm not."

Dagan did not release his grip when she tugged to get loose. He sensed her increase in tension and saw the way her gaze engulfed him. Surely he wasn't mistaken about the

desire glowing in her eyes. "If you're referring to Yana, we met by accident. She needed rescuing from nuisances."

"I'm sure she did, and you were only too eager to help her. Let's drop this topic because you two aren't of interest to me."

"As you can see, Starla, I'm still here and she's gone."

"I doubt that was your idea, so don't try to mislead or charm me. I've met men like you before, so don't think you can blast off with me."

"You're wrong, Starla, you've never met anyone like me, so don't be afraid to get to know me; I'll behave myself during that process." As if to prove his words, he released her hand and leaned back in his chair.

"If you give me trouble, Dagan, Tochar will have to choose between us. If you behave, we'll work together just fine. Good night."

"Good night, Starla, and thanks again for saving my life."

"Just don't make me regret it," she quipped.

Starla passed Sach as she was departing for the landing grid. She halted to talk with him for a few preons. Afterward, while en route to her shuttle, she pondered her crazy feelings for Dagan Latu. Perhaps her strong attraction to him resulted from having his life in her hands and being able to save it, when she had been helpless to do the same for Antarus Hoy following the crash of their spacer three yings ago during an Elite Squad mission. Both injured and their supplies depleted and on the brink of death, she had surrendered to his need for her. Except for anguish over being unable to protect her and fearing she wouldn't survive, he had died a happy man, believing she loved him as much as he loved her. The mission had been a success and she had been rescued, but she had lost her first and only teammate. Then she had been paired with Cypher, an arrangement which suited her just fine and had proven successful.

Since Antarus's death, she had enjoyed evenings with

other men, but none had affected her as Dagan Latu did. What, she mused, was his special and potent appeal if not for her hand in his fate? Perhaps she had spared his life only to be forced to take it on a future deega if it came to a life-or-death battle for escape, or be forced to endure his loss to a annihilator unit or exile to a penal colony after his capture, dependent upon which of his past charges were true and what he did while in Tochar's hire. She must not allow herself to become emotionally involved and ensnared by him. She must keep reminding herself he was a villite, a. man out of her reach.

But what if you could turn him away from his nefarious ways? What if he could be persuaded to help you defeat Tochar? What if he could obtain a pardon for — Don't think such foolish things. Bree-Kayah, that's flying on a dangerous course for you and the entire UFG.

She reached her shuttle, prepared for lift-off, and went to her ship.

Sach joined Dagan. "You look better than you did earlier," he jested.

Dagan leaned back in his seat and smiled. "I feel better, too; trekking through that wasteland was rough. I'm lucky I didn't encounter any of those Skalds; ft-om what I've been told, human flesh is a treat for them."

"At least those mutants stay in the desert and don't trouble us, not since Tochar scared them away fi-om the ftinges with a taste of his weapons. You'll be safe here, because nobody challenges him and those beamers."

"That's good news, since there are more than a few people who would like to get their greedy hands on me, and I'm grounded. I don't like feeling vulnerable to them. I'm eager to fill my pockets and get me a new ship; it feels strange not having a deck beneath my boots and warp drive at my fingertips. With what Tochar pays, that shouldn't take

more than a ying or two, depending on what type I purchase next time. It will definitely have a cloaking device and lots of speed. That run-in at Gavas with a Seki is the closest I've come to getting caught, and it didn't flow over me well. That's the only time the old girl failed me and it wasn't her fault. I think I'm going to enjoy Tochara. It has plenty to offer; so does Tochar. I'd like to keep working for him and living in this haven even after I get a new ship, if that suits him. How long have you been with Tochar?"

"Tochar, Auken, and I have been a team since we were young. We've raided all over the Cosmos. Moig joined us about five yings ago, long before we settled here." Sach tossed down his drink and purchased another one.

"What about Starla Vedris? She and I were just talking, but she isn't very communicative. Or maybe it's me she doesn't like," Dagan chuckled and downed the remainder of his drink.

Sach also chuckled. He wasn't worried about chatting with Dagan, as the man would be silenced the following day if he didn't prove trustworthy. "She'll open up more after you get to know her. She was quiet and private when we met. She's been on her own for so long and staying just a few leaps ahead of capture that she's wary and used to keeping to herself, careful about who she gets close to and trusts. The good thing is that Tochar likes and wants you. He says you're perfect for our special unit."

"What is the 'special unit' and who's in it?" Dagan asked.

Sach explained about his leader's Enforcers and how everyone who lived or traded in the colony paid Tochar for that privilege, for water, and for protection. "Only our team raids for him alone. There were four of us until you came along: me, Auken, Moig, and Starla. You'll learn more tomorrow and during our first raid."

Only four space pirates in the band . . . "Since there are so few of you going on raids, that speaks highly of the unit's skills. It's comforting to learn I'll be working with

people who know how to take care of themselves and back up their teammates." Dagan watched Sach smile in pleasure at his compliment. "I've never met a female pirate before Starla. I've seen women traveling and working with men, but never alone. What's her story?"

"She's grabbed your interest fast and hard, eh?"

Dagan grinned. "She's a beautiful, fascinating, and unique woman."

"You're right, but don't treat her as an easy conquest; she still flies by herself where men are concerned."

"Is there a reason why?"

"Auken thinks it's because she was either hurt by a man or lost one she loved. Probably doesn't want to get close to anybody she could lose again, and we do lead dangerous lives. Or could be she's just very selective. She doesn't talk much, if any, about her past. Seems to live for the deega."

Dagan noticed that Sach was becoming more and more relaxed, perhaps due to the many drinks he was consuming. He continued his questioning. "How long has she been here?"

"About three malees. She was trying to escape a Serian patrol after raiding an orbiting supply station for food, water, and fuel. They chased her across the entire sector, determined to capture her or blast her to pieces. We were on Auken's ship, returning from a raid, when they shot through the stargate, just missed hitting the Adika, and zoomed past us like speeding comets. You should have seen her evading their blasts; she's the best pilot I've ever encountered. We watched and listened to their exchanges. They ordered her to stop and surrender, but she told them they had no authority across the boundary. They said she wasn't escaping them if they had to chase her across three galaxies. When she realized that patrol wasn't going to give up, she turned her ship and went straight at them, firing away. Blasted them into bits of debris. We contacted her

and told her to head for Noy. It took a while to convince her she would be safe here, but she took a chance." "She actually destroyed a patrol ship and crew?" "She had no choice if she wanted to survive, and the fools were in the Free-Zone. She probably confused them by turning and fighting; they didn't think a woman would respond that way. She was lucky to be on this side of the stargate when she destroyed them; that put them out of communication with their force, so life-taking charges didn't go on her record. All the Serians know is that one of their patrol ships vanished while in pursuit of a pirate. Starla's been real careful about working on the sly to keep her record short in case she's ever captured. She's tough, but she doesn't like to kill unless it can't be avoided." "But she does have an incriminating record?" Sach nodded. "Mostly made up of things like that Serian raid, enough to get her sent to a penal colony for life. She planned to leave us as soon as she rested, but Tochar convinced her staying would be safe and profitable."

"How long was she operating in Seri?" Dagan asked after Radu served them another drink.

"That was her third raid; she picked up weapons on one and a part for her cloaking device on the other. That's why she couldn't cloak and elude them, no time to install it. Since she's been here, Cypher repaired it."

"I'm curious. Where did she get the android?" "It was being delivered to her father, a scientist on a skyball when the entire floating city was destroyed by a reactor malfunction. She was bom and raised there, but she had gone with her brother to get the unit, the first time she had been off her world since birth. The android was ready for programing, so she ordered him to serve her. I don't know much about robots and computers and such, but that Cypher talks and acts so like a human sometimes that it's eerie. That's probably why Starla treats him as if he is alive. After that skyball exploded, she traveled with her brother



for a couple of yings. He became a smuggler, but wasn't very successful. He taught her to fly, fight, and use weapons. After he and his men were killed by one of his buyers, she took off in his ship with Cypher as her crew."

"I haven't heard of her before; where was she operating before Seri?"

"Pyropea, Androas, Maffei, and other places. When it got hot for her in one sector, she left for another. She isn't rash or impulsive, but she had no choice about that last raid; she needed supplies and ftael to vanish for a while. Tochar was impressed by her; he said we could use a pilot with a fast ship and somebody with courage, wits, and skills like hers. He offered her sanctuary and asked her to join us. She hasn't failed or disappointed him. The rest of us enjoy working with her; she's good, real good."

Dagan was learning a lot about Starla. He wanted to learn more, so he continued questioning Sach. "Was all of her family killed except her brother?"

Sach nodded. "She's lucky she was gone when its reactor went critical because there was no time for evacuation. The few ships that took flight were caught up in the blast; it must have been a huge explosion."

"That's a real shame. Those incidents must have been tough for her, being a female and one so young."

Sach nodded again and downed his drink. "Starla's educated, intelligent, and well bred; her family was rich and powerfiil. I guess it's hard for a woman to lose everything and not change a lot."

"I understand how she feels. After those Sekis terminated my father and brother for alleged crimes, all I wanted to do was pay them back."

"It sounds like you've given them trouble for a long time. They don't take defeat and humiliation good, and you've given them plenty of both."

"That's part of the excitement and challenge: to bite and run, have them pursue, then elude them and leave them

with singed pride. Do you think Starla's a permanent inhabitant here?"

"I don't know. If she ever gets tired of being a pirate, she could have her looks changed and live elsewhere. I'm sure Tochara doesn't have much to offer a woman like her; that's why she lives on her ship. But after Tochar makes his improvements here, she might stay for good." Sach grinned and jested, "Unless you lure her away when you leave, if you do. You may want to stay here after Tochara becomes a real city. All it needs is more time, wealth, and power, and some of those magic crystals. Best empty many glasses tonight and tomorrow, Dagan, because no drinking is allowed during raids."

"That's a wise precaution. Tell me, why does Moig call her Vedris?"

Sach laughed heartily. "To keep him fi-om thinking of her as a woman. Moig didn't stand a flick of a chance with her; he's finally accepted the fact he isn't her type."

"Am I?"

Sach chuckled as he toyed with his empty glass. "Don't know. As I said, she keeps to herself about men. About the only one here who could match her is Tochar, and he's involved with Palesa."

"That's good news; he would be a tough competitor for her."

"You're lucky he doesn't desire Starla or she would belong to him. If all you need is a woman for your sleeper, there are plenty of Pleasure Givers here."

"That isn't why Starla appeals to me." Give it to him good, Dagan; nothing like supposedly sharing a secret to dupe a person into believing you like him and trust him. "To be truthful, Sach, I don't know why she gets to me and how she did it so fast. She has some kind of powerful magic and pull. I've never been tempted to go after a woman for serious reasons. Maybe that's a warning to avoid her before I'm snared in a crazy trap."

"Just take it slow and easy until you decide. Don't hurt


"I'll take that good advice. I guess I better turn in; it's

late and I have to meet with Tochar in the morning. Been

enjoyable talking with you."

"Same here, Dagan, and good luck."

"With my meeting or with Starla?"

"You'll need plenty of it to succeed with both."

After Sach stood and left, Dagan pondered the Icarian's

parting words. He had a suspicion he was in for a huge

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