Moonbeams and magic (5 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

Tags: #Fantasy fiction

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Sach nodded. "She's beautiful but special," he told him, "so be careful with her. She's one of us, so we protect her from annoyances."

"What if I'm not an irritant to her?" Dagan asked.

"That's for Starla to decide," Auken answered.

"Any of you pursuing her? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"We're just friends. Starla comes, goes, and does as she pleases. The inhabitants know she works for Tochar, so they leave her alone. Only an outsider would dare to approach her in an offensive way."

"And then only one time." Moig chortled. "Vedris fights and shoots better than most men, so she can take care of herself. If not, that android of hers would lay a threat low."

Dagan was surprised by that news. "Android?"

"She has one she treats like a real person. Who knows? Maybe that's why she doesn't need a man; maybe old Cypher takes care of her in all ways."

Sach scowled. "Careful, Moig, you know that isn't true."

Dagan noticed how the shortest man defended Starla, and how the golden-haired Auken nodded agreement with Sach.

"I was only teasing. Everybody knows androids aren't equipped like that, only certain cyborgs."

"We don't have any cyborgs here," Auken said, "we don't allow them; they can't be trusted."

"Let's head for the drinker; I'm thirsty and I need a juicy female."

Sach concurred with Moig, "I'm ready for a few pleasures myself. I heard Radu has hired two females with real special skills I'd like to try."

"What I need is a bath and clean garment," Dagan said.

Auken told the newcomer that Radu would take care of his needs, then reminded him not to forget his meeting with Tochar the following day.

"I'll be there," Dagan replied, wondering about the reason for it.

Starla rushed to the bridge of the Liska and took a seat next to Cypher. Her computer system had a memory bank and certain programs that no one could enter except the two of them and members of the Maffei Elite Squad; they

didn't even show up on the screen unless a particular command was given. The advanced system—along with her security clearance level and her android's skills—had the capability and access codes for tapping in to numerous UFG and other sources without being traced back to her unit. She took a deep breath and murmured, "We came close to exposure, but he held silent about our first meeting for some reason. Who is Dagan Latu? Fm certain Tochar or his contacts have already checked his file, and the fiendal seemed impressed by what he learned. That doesn't bode well for my impression of him and gives us an unneeded complication."

The intelligent android pressed a key to display the intruder's record and image on the screen. "Name: Dagan Latu. Age: twenty-eight ;;mg5. Height: seventy-five hapaxs. Weight: two-twenty pedis. Hair: black. Eyes: blue. Origin: Gavas, capital planet of the Kalfa Galaxy Mate status: none. Family status: all deceased. Current location: unknown, recently escaped from a Kalfan Seki after a fuel raid and his capture on Gavas."

The news he had no mate strangely pleased Starla, whose eyes were locked on the magnificent male's image as it was shown from all sides. "Sekis are well trained, my friend, so Dagan must be cunning to perform such a feat. Few men have done so." She listened as Cypher spoke in the humanistic manner of his program, one which made him seem real to her.

"His criminal record is long, but the most serious parts consist of strong allegations and suspicions."

As she read the list and remarks, Starla reaHzed why she had never heard of him in the past because he operated outside of her sectors. Language had not provided an en-hghtening clue, as all people had translator chips implanted in their ears at birth so that any tongue spoken to them was understandable. Too, an intergalactic form of visual language— WEV —was used in multiculture settings so that

anyone could read names, signs, and messages. She was relieved only WEV was used in Tochara where people from many planets lived and worked, though she was skilled in the written and visual forms of several languages.

"If this record is only half accurate, Cypher, he's clever, careful, fearless, and intelligent; those traits are proven by his escape from one of the most sophisticated and highly trained law-enforcement units in Kalfa and in his ability to avoid detection and capture. It says he normally travels and works alone, but it's believed he occasionally hires on to bands of smugglers, raiders, adventurers, and bijonis. His goals appear to be wealth, pleasure, excitement, challenges, and retaining freedom."

For a wild moment, she wondered what Dagan would say if she offered to pay him more than Tochar if he worked with her on her current assignment. She could provide more challenges and adventures than Tochar. As a man, he could get closer, faster, to the other band members and might gather facts she needed to complete her mission and fly home. Working together, perhaps they could find a way to disable the fiendal 's defense system, which would have to take place simultaneously at the two sites; then, the Serians could attack. It was too risky for her and Cypher to make that attempt, as it would leave no one aboard her ship to rescue them if things went wrong. She was determined to win, but she was not foolish and reckless. Villites had crazy codes of honor and loyalty toward the men who hired them, she was aware, even for short spans of time and despite all perils involved. Perhaps a full pardon would ensure Dagan's assistance, as a matter of such grave importance surely justified the rewarding of one.

The only way she could determine his real character was to get close to him, but not as Starla, whom he surely would be watching closely after her defiance. Yet, a sensuous and seductive Yana might be able to entice facts from him if he was a boaster trying to impress her and lure her to a sleeper

beneath him. Besides, he might not live past Tochar's truth serum test in the morning. That thought distressed her more than she cared to admit or consider.

"So, he has been a bijoni as Tochar said, a fighter for hire in matters which meant nothing to him except payment and stimulating risks. That fact strikes me as surprising and peculiar for the kind of man he seems to be, self-contained and self-reliant. What is his loyalty record?"

"He has not betrayed any superior from his past; nor have they exposed him," Cypher revealed. "Since leaving their hire, all are victims of annihilator units, captives on penal colonies, or are hiding in other galaxies. Use caution on him, Bree-Kayah. His physical effect on you could be perilous and distracting. I can detect every time your thoughts drift and you think about him; you did so before speaking again. Is that not accurate?"

Starla laughed. "Perhaps I should remove my wrist device when I'm with him so you can't read my mind and worry about me."

Cypher's silver visual sensors focused on the young woman whom he loved, if that was possible in his nonhu-man state. At a height of seventy-six hapaxs, seven hapaxs taller than his companion, she had to look upward to meet his unreadable gaze. The expression in her eyes troubled him, as did the unknown factor who evoked it. "There is conflict within you concerning him. Do not forget who and what you are and why you are here. Do not forget he is an adversary, the same as Tochar and his space pirates."

"I know, my friend, and I'm grateftil for your concern and affection; I'm glad your program allows you to experience such perceptions. I promise to be careful around Da-gan, if he lives past tomorrow. Tochar will be giving him Thorin to test his credibility, and he might fail that examination. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could infuse Tochar with a dose, question him, and finalize this mission? I doubt the fiendal has had access to Rendelar to make him im-

mune; that chemical and process are guarded too well and only a skilled scientist like my mother can use them properly and safely. Besides, Tochar never allows anyone to get that close to him except Auken, Sach, Moig, and Palesa, who aren't threats to him. I wish his dwelling was penetrable by our probing devices so we could hear what is said at all times; he would have no secrets then to keep us here. Even with the needed coordinates recorded in our system, I can't transport into his chamber to search it, since we can't scan it for anyone's presence. I'm not worried about his session with Dagan tomorrow; I can elude any disclosure problems. But for some crazy reason I can't explain, I want him to survive it."

She changed the subject to her assignment. "We have one important advantage: from what I overheard between Auken and Sach, Tochar is storing the moonbeams we've stolen so far. When he has an ample supply of the five types of crystals, he plans to summon buyers from Ceyx and from his Thracian world. At least the crystals haven't fallen into enemy hands. If we can discover where they're hidden, perhaps we can destroy them before a deal takes place. Since we can't recover them, that was Raz Yakir's order if the opportunity arose. To avoid suspicion, I haven't asked any questions about the moonbeams. If I can earn their complete trust, perhaps I will be told or shown where they are being kept."

"With the Latu complication, it is good Tochar lacks the scientific ability and source to check for the detection of Rendelar in your body."

"If that were possible, he would know I can overpower Thorin and dupe him. But it would require one of the most intelligent and skilled scientists alive, secret formulas, and highly specialized equipment to do such a complicated test: things that fiendal doesn't have, thank the stars. It's also good that Raz Yakir wanted a female for this task; I believe, as he and my Elite Squad superior do, that a woman is less

suspicious. This is a critical assignment, Cypher; we are lucky to be chosen to carry it out for them. I hope we succeed, and soon. I miss my parents, my brother and sister, and their families. This is the longest time and distance I've been away from them."

Cypher placed his hand on her shoulder, knowing that action was used to supply comfort and encouragement. "It will be over soon. I will cloak the Liska and follow the Adika on its next trek. I will search for clues to solve this mystery. I will guard you from harm."

Starla smiled, reached for his hand, and clasped it between hers. "Thank you for being here with me. Now," she added as she released her grip and stood, "it's time for Yana to go to work for us."

Starla went to her quarters and stripped off her green jumpsuit. She opened the hidden compartment, retrieved a phial of unknown chemicals, and drank its contents. She stiffened as strange sensations assailed her body, flesh quivered and altered, colorings changed, and the shapeshifting transformation took place. It was an uncomfortable and weird feeling, but not painfiil. Raz Yakir had given her the supply to use as needed, a secret and powerful discovery a Sedan scientist had developed. While the chemicals completed their task, she selected her garment and accessories.

She entered the bathing unit and remained for a short time, then exited clean and refreshed. A familiar and yet totally different image greeted her gaze in the mirror as she completed her grooming and dressed. She placed a heady fragrance—Yana's scent—on her neck, wrists, and between her breasts, a bosom larger than her own. She strapped a lazette to her right thigh, a small weapon in a holder, to ward off trouble. The only time she was disarmed was when she entered Tochar's chamber and when she was aboard her ship. She made certain she had the chemical—contained in what appeared to be a belt decoration—to return her normal

image if needed before the transmutation's time span— twelve horas —elapsed.

After finishing her tasks, she joined Cypher at the transporter unit. "Is the women's private chamber at the Skull's Den unoccupied?" she asked the android.

"The coordinates are entered. Scanners register no presence there. It is safe to travel. Step onto the pad when you are ready to leave."

As Starla Vedris, she had gathered those coordinates earlier so she could beam in and out without being seen or followed. Since many ships came and went and orbited Noy, Yana's comings and goings could be explained without suspicion. To help protect her other identity, she had rented an abode from Radu where Yana supposedly lived, one which Cypher kept in order and stocked in case Yana had a visitor who needed to be duped. But she had given Radu a false story as to why privacy about her whereabouts was needed. Since others often came to Tochara to conceal themselves for a while, her story and behavior were not suspicious. "How do I look?" she asked, turning for inspection.

"As Yana, you are perfect. The human saying is: you are a woman to evoke uncontrollable desire in most men and envy in other females."

Starla smiled and laughed. "Good, that's Yana's purpose. Raz Yakir certainly chose an alluring facade for me to assume. Bree-Kayah could not dress and behave as she does. I even sound different with the changes in my nose, mouth, and throat. No one could see through this cunning disguise, not even Tochar with his wicked gaze." She closed her eyes and repeated, "I'm Yana, I'm Yana, I'm Yana" to get herself into that identity's character. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath, stepped onto the sensor pad, and told Cypher she was ready to depart. "Wish me luck."

The android did just before her presence shimmered and vanished. He checked the scanners to make certain she reached her destination without discovery. He remained in

the transporter room to be ready to retrieve her in a hurry if necessary, monitoring her words via a device in a neck ring of plantinien and fake jewels. He did not Hke to depend upon the wrist and neck devices to stay in contact with and to monitor her, since they could be removed or broken. Until this mission, a tiny unit had been implanted under the skin of her right forearm, one which had to be removed because of the shapeshifting process. It was at times like this that his emotions chip was a disadvantage, because it permitted him to experience worry.

In her Yana form, Staria left the women's chamber and strolled into the large dome, the exterior of which, with its strange shape and many openings, resembled a skull. It was filled with people from many worids and reverberated with a variety of noises: voices, laughter, music, and the clatter of glasses. She walked to the long bar and ordered a drink.

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