Moonbeams and magic (14 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

Tags: #Fantasy fiction

BOOK: Moonbeams and magic
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"You acted wisely, Cypher; your analysis program is excellent. I'm glad you're able to make those kinds of decisions."

"Your speculations to Tochar concerning the explosion were clever. The Kalfan affected you strangely again while you were in physical contact with him after the attack and during your ride to the shuttle."

"That doesn't surprise me since I was practically held captive by his body. He's such a unique and complex male; I'm certain there is far more to Dagan Latu than we see on his surface. He may be a nefariant, but he has good traits. I wonder if he could be turned around."

"That is possible, but improbable; few men like him change."

Starla was warmed by the things Dagan had said to and about her when he dichi't know she would discover them and wasn't trying to charm her for a selfish reason. He had seemed surprised by her garments and appearance. She had purchased the outfit in Tochara from a trader. Though it was sexy and feminine, it looked appropriate for that setting and her alleged identity. Perhaps it had sent the point home to him that she was a woman. Yet, his remarks in the rover still befuddled her. If he found her desirable, why would he attempt to persuade her to leave Noy? Unless it was with him or because he feared for her safety. Don't be ridiculous,

Bree, he isn 't the mating kind. He's a carefree loner, and a villite to be defeated.

"Let's go to sickbay so you can examine my injury. I have a hard head, but I don't want any problems with it."

"Your immunity levels are in the upper range, but we do not want to risk an infection. We are far from base, and unknown germs or viruses could exist in this sector and in such primitive conditions."

After Cypher cleaned, sterilized, and sealed the wound with a latron beam, Starla received a communication signal from the Serian ruler. "Bree-Kayah Saar here, sir," she responded.

"I wanted to make certain you are safe and well and the mission is progressing. Are the dangers too great for you to continue working there?" The concern was evident in Raz Yakir's voice.

"I'm fine, sir. I appreciate your concern and your faith in me." She told him about the destruction of a few of the crystals using the device design he had provided. The elderly leader was happy and relieved at the news. "Do not tell anyone—even your closest friends and advisors—about Koteas and Terin and our first triumph," she cautioned. "We don't know who the traitor is, and only Dagan and I were present besides those villites, so Tochar would realize one of us betrayed him. I'm sure you don't want to believe it's one of them, but only a man in the know could tell Tochar the secrets he learns and uses: for example, that flight recording device, and the watchword to convince those androids to let us board the vessel on the last raid. Since the evidence was destroyed, Tochar assumes it's a mystery as to how we accomplished our feat and who's responsible for the theft."

"Your conclusion is logical and must be accurate, though it pains my old heart to experience such doubts. Iverk is

investigating for leaks, but he has found none, perhaps because I do not share my knowledge with him."

Starla recognized the name of the Sedan Ysolte, head of Seri's galactic defense and third in line for rulership. "I'm sorry you must keep secrets from Iverk, but he mustn't learn of my existence and mission. He could make a slip or ask the wrong person a revealing question. If that happens and I'm exposed, I'm dead and the mission is destroyed."

"Do not worry, Bree-Kayah," Raz Yakir assured. "I will keep my lips sealed to protect you. Supreme Commander Sanger keeps me informed of your reports to him. It is safer for you and our critical task because his conversations appear to be about Federation business or friendly chats. I contacted you this time because I needed to hear your voice to make certain all is well."

"It is, sir, and I'm grateful for your concern. I think I know where Tochar is hiding the moonbeams we steal, but the cave I suspect he's using is guarded and inaccessible; the cavern is in the same ridge as his dwelling, but not within close proximity to it. So far, we've only seen Tochar, Auken, and Sach enter it following every moonbeam raid. If I'm given the opportunity, I'll destroy the remaining crystals. Cypher will have another device ready by tomorrow for me to use if an occasion arises; there is no way I can recover them and return them to you and Autorie Zeev."

"The crucial point is to prevent Tochar and others from having them."

"Is there any progress on matching or bettering his firepower?"

"To date, we have not located any white crystals large enough for constructing more weapons like the ones he stole from us."

"They have terrifying capabilities, sir, and there's no way I can get near them to plant destructive devices; they're guarded and off-limits."

"Do not take risks, Bree-Kayah; I want you to remain alive."

"Cypher and I are being careftil, sir; we won't be reckless."

"Have you experienced any problems with shapeshift-ing?"

"None, sir; I've used it several times with success and secrecy. I still have an ample supply of the chemical needed for the alteration process."

"Be sure you keep one phial for an emergency, in the event Starla Vedris must vanish swiftly to escape danger."

"I carry that one with me at all times, sir; and Cypher monitors me every preon in case I need assistance or a swift rescue."

"I am glad he is there with you and his intelligence is so advanced."

"So am I, sir."

"I will terminate our transmission now. Farewell and survive, Bree-Kayah Saar of MafFei. I will reward you greatly whether you succeed or not."

"That isn't necessary, sir; my reward is in defeating To-char and saving the Federation from his threat. Bree-Kayah signing off."

"Raz Yakir signing off."

Starla looked at Cypher and said, "I think I'll get cleaned up and see if I can gather any clues from Dagan."

"You told him you would not return to see him tonight."

Starla grinned. "I'm not; Yana is."

"What clues do you seek to extract from him?"

"I want to know what kind of man he really is."

"How will you discern that fact?"

"By seeing how he reacts to Yana when Starla's back is turned."

Cypher analyzed and grasped that response. "What if your plan fails?"

"How can it fail?"

"If he surrenders to Yana's magic, that action will harm you."

"How so, my friend?"

"It will injure your emotions and perhaps become distracting. You do not want him to unite bodies with Yana, but you will tempt him to do so. That is contradictory and hazardous."

"I know, but it's the only way to study him, because I can't do such things as Starla. If Starla ensnares him, he won't divulge anything to her. But as Yana, many secrets are loosened on a sleeper; or so I'm told. Please don't worry," she assured her trusted android. "I haven't made that decision yet, and I won't make it lightly or impulsively or unless it seems imperative to my mission."

"Be careful with the mating scent application; do not use so much that he cannot control his physical responses and actions."

"I'll use it sparingly; I don't want to bring out the carnal beast in him, only enchant him for a while, dull his wits, loosen his tongue."

Yana looked up at light coming through the apertures of the skull-like facade of her destination. She had transported to the rental abode where Yana allegedly lived, and left from there. Music and other sounds of merriment came from speakers in the "skull's ears" to entice regular and new customers inside. She walked between "teeth" columns to enter, and took a deep breath to prepare herself to share time with Dagan if he was present. Even with his back to her, she recognized his black hair and magnificent physique. She strolled to his table. "May I join you?"

Dagan knew that sultry voice and smell. He turned, smiled, and stood to assist her with a chair next to him. "It's nice to see you, Yana."

"It's nice to see you again, Dagan," she echoed. "I was

hoping you would be here. I stay mostly to myself, but I need diversion at times. I hope you don't mind my intrusion, but I feel safe when I'm with you." She watched his blue eyes sparkle and a sexy grin curl up the comers of his full mouth. His teeth were white and straight. His clothes were clean and neat, brown pants and a tan shirt in a material that stretched taut over his muscled torso. He hadn't shaved so dark stubble was visible on his angular jawline, making him appear rakish.

Dagan was aware of her keen study. "That's a stimulating and pleasing compliment, Yana. Why don't I get you a drink? What would you like?"

"Radu knows my favorite drink if it's available. Thank you." She watched the captivating Kalfan almost swagger to the bar and lean against it in a nonchalant posture. He possessed such a commanding aura that no one else in the place could match him in looks or manner, in her opinion.

While Radu fetched a glass and filled it with Clearian wine, Dagan's gaze roved Yana's lovely profile and long sunny gold hair, almost the same shade as his own without his Dagan Latu disguise. Even the aqua tone of her bodysuit beneath a multihued flowing garment in a diaphanous material, a garment as ethereal as the stunning creature herself, matched the real color of his eyes before they were chemically dyed for this crucial mission. Yana, he concluded, was created and adorned by some mischievous force to be an intoxicating temptation to men. Her appeal to him was purely physical, though she was a likable female. She was so different from Starla Vedris, a greater and many-faceted temptation. He didn't normally take up time with women during an assignment and he moved around too frequently and rapidly to be ensnared by romance and never by love, not since a terrible tragedy yings ago played havoc with his emotions and life.

Yet, Dagan realized, his gut instinct—^which rarely failed him—^warned him not to trust her, told him she wanted

something from him, something he needed to discern, and fast. He suspected she was either a spy for Tochar or was a cunning scout for one of the man's many enemies, perhaps a rival who wanted to take control of this settlement and the fiendaVs, possessions. If the latter was true, she or her employer could be the person who ran that second check on his Dagan Latu record—an unquestionable one—^to see if he was for real or was approachable as an ally against Tochar. Perhaps the Asisan ruler had sent her to check out the weapons and moonbeams, but Yana had been unable to get close to Tochar since the man had a satisfying lover. Perhaps—^though he could not imagine how—she had failed to entice Auken or Sach into her clutches and extract needed information, so she had focused on beguiling him. There was an almost irresistible allure about the beauty, but no matter how tantalizing or talented she was, Yana would never extricate his secret identity and goal or sway him from it. With his special immunities, neither could Tochar nor anybody else, even with the aid of torture or their ineffective truth serums.

Yana took the glass he handed to her, smiled, and thanked him again. "What was the commotion about earlier this evening outside the settlement?" Yana asked. "I saw and heard those mountaintop weapons firing into the desert. Did Tochara come under attack?"

"It was just a test of the defense system. Perhaps Tochar should have announced it so people wouldn't worry. I'll point out his oversight to him."

"I'm glad that's all it was. It frightened me. To be honest, I'll be happy when I leave this place. It's much too primitive and rough for me."

"When will you be leaving?"

"In another malee or two, or as soon as I receive a certain message. Do you have to leave often for work and remain gone for long periods?"

"I never know my schedule until the last minute. Why?"

She sent him a radiant smile and laughed in a sultry tone. "Because I wouldn't have a trusted escort and bodyguard while you're gone."

Dagan's keen intuition and training told him that wasn't her purpose for signaling him out to receive her attentions. He would not underestimate Yana's cunning and talents, as he had done with Starla on that transporter. As she chatted for a fewpreons with Radu, his mind scoffed that he didn't think any of the other ninety-nine I-GAF agents would believe her, either. Officers like him were selected, tested trained, and skilled at investigating and solving tough and perilous interplanetary and intergalactic crimes; so an /-GAFqt was hard, if not impossible, to dupe or defeat. They had never failed to succeed in their assignments and he would not fail in this mission to destroy Tochar and those dangerous crystals, destroy the samQfiendal responsible for his own personal torment yings ago, a man he hated and wanted dead, but only after his victory was ensured.

Whatever it required, Dagan resolved, Toch^'s reign of terror would be terminated before it reached a critical level. As an I-GAF agent, he had the power and authority to do anything necessary to achieve his goal. He reported only to his superior, commander of an awesome force that was almost a law unto itself; his work and methods could not be questioned and reprimanded by anyone else. Only his superior and the other special agents knew who and what he was, since his birth face had been surgically and chemically altered. Though he used a different disguise for every mission, between assignments he worked and lived as Dagan Latu to keep that role well-established and credible. He recalled how that I-GAF uniform had felt so familiar, and the anger he had experienced at dishonoring it during the commission of a crime. But Tochar lacked the secret of how to create and conceal an I-GAFqt hand badge. The symbol was tattooed into the flesh on the back of the right hand with an invisible dye which was made evident as needed

by smearing a particular chemical over it and was concealed again with a different one. Those chemicals and dye were unreproducible formulas; for that reason, a pretender was easy to unmask.

As he watched Yana work her charms on Radu, Dagan decided he might have to take steps to beguile her into dropping needed clues. Yet, something intangible about her was making his job difficult and uncomfortable, as it was an unfamiliar struggle to keep his arousal in check. The alien beauty was having a potent effect on him. He could not surmise why his body was battling with his mind. Perhaps Asisan women had a magical pull about which he hadn't heard; perhaps one could exude an irresistible phero-mone to enslave her victim. For certain, the next time he lay on a sleeper with a female, he wanted it to be Starla, even if she was one of Tochar's hirelings and his targets.

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