Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found (30 page)

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After Melody finished taking off her other stocking and slipper, she slowly walked over to where Henry was sitting, and she kneeled down at his feet. She huskily said, “You have on too many clothes, so let me see what we can do about that.” She reached up, began to untie his cravat, and dropped it to the floor beside her, and then she pushed off his tailcoat. After she had removed it, she unbuttoned his waistcoat. She took it off and dropped it on the mounting pile of Henry’s clothes. Slowly, she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head. She leaned back to admire his muscular chest. She loved the way his chest hair grew right in the middle between his nipples, which were standing at attention. She could not resist them; she leaned over and licked his right nipple. Henry gasped for breath.


“Are you feeling warm, Henry? Let me see if I can cool you off.” She unbuttoned the flap of his pantaloons, and as it fell down, his huge erection sprang up. Melody wrapped her little hand around his thick shaft and firmly squeezed. Henry held his breath, wondering what she would do next. She lowered her head and kissed the bulbous head of his shaft. Henry felt as if he had died and gone to heaven. Melody slid her luscious lips down his shaft and began to suck as she slid her lips up and down his shaft.
Henry thought,
Melody reached her other hand into his pantaloons and gently cupped his ball sac, and then he really came undone.


“Stop, I can’t take it anymore! I’ll spill my seed right now, if you continue!” He pulled her up as he stood … He picked her up and threw her on the bed, pulled off his pantaloons, and fell on top of her. He started kissing her neck, running his tongue down to her breast, and he took her taut nipple into his mouth and sucked furiously. He squeezed her other nipple, and Melody felt a rush of sharply glittering pleasure. Henry licked and kissed his way down her belly and buried his face between her sweet thighs as he breathed in her fresh womanly scent. He licked and sucked on her little love bud and it sent her spinning over the edge into bliss. Henry crawled back up her delectable body, spread her thighs wide, and thrust deeply inside her tight passage. He was shaking all over, trying to gain control, but he could not; he moved powerfully into her undulating hips. Harder and faster, he rode her until together they crested and flung themselves high over the precipice and into the void. Just as he released his seed into her sweet little passage, he shouted out, “Melody, I love you,” as he fell on top of her. He tried to hold himself up by his arms, but he could not. She wrapped him in her arms and stroked his hair. He slowly pulled out of her body, rolled over, and pulled her into his arms. They lay there for a long time, breathing in and out, as they slowly came back down to earth.

“Melody, I love you so much … I’ve been such a selfish bastard about you marrying when you thought I was dead. I’ve realized you were right to go on with your life. I’ve watched Mary, and I know she needs to do that. Nelson would not want her to be so morose all the time. I would not have wanted you to be like that. I should never have seen your marrying again as a betrayal. You were just doing what you needed to do to survive and take care of our daughter. Can you ever forgive me? I need your love. Please … let us love again.”

“I never stopped loving you, not for a minute. Every waking hour you were in my mind and in my dreams as I slept. I could never love another like I love you. I did care about Brandon, and I loved him as my friend, but never as my lover. I’m overjoyed that you have finally let go of your resentment … of course, I forgive you. As long as we love each other, we can overcome anything.” Henry gently kissed her on the temple, and they both closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When Melody opened her eyes the next morning, she saw Henry lying beside her fast asleep. He was still such a beautiful man. Her heart swelled with love for him. At last, they had found their way back to each other. Melody knew there would be struggles ahead, but as long as they faced them together, they would make it. Henry opened his eyes and gave her a big grin. He looked like an overgrown schoolboy, and she laughed.

He looked over at her and asked, “What are you laughing at, my love? By the way, do you know that you look ravishing this morning?”

“Why, thank you, husband, you don’t look bad yourself. I was laughing at how young you look lying there sleeping. All your little lines around your eyes relax and disappear when you are sleeping. Not that you have many wrinkles, but after all, you’re only nine and twenty today. Happy birthday!” she said.

Henry grinned at her and replied, “You’re right. It is my birthday. I had forgotten all about it. Let’s do something special with the children today. I want to spend the entire day together, Parliament be damned!”


And they did just that. They took the children to the park and had a picnic, and then they went for a drive in Henry’s new barouche. The children had a wonderful time. He kept making funny faces at Mary Elizabeth, and the peels of laughter rang out, for all to hear. After the drive in the park, they went back and played tea with the children. Henry fell over as he tried to sit on one of the little chairs, and Mary Elizabeth cried, “Papa, you so funny!”

Henry froze … and looked up at Melody. He got a tight knot in his throat and had to fight to keep the tears from falling. His little girl … had just called him “Papa,” for the first time. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. As they looked at each other, they knew … their lost pleasures had been found!


LL THE DAYS of the rest of that season were filled with laughter and joy. Kathryn had quite a few beaus, but she still refused to show any interest in them. The Duke of Somerset was playing serious court to Helen, and she seemed very pleased about it. He seemed a little old for her, but she said that she liked mature men. Melody was concerned about this because she did not care for the duke at all, but Henry had checked him out and could not find any reason to discourage him. Mary had gotten very involved at the orphanage, and it was giving purpose to her life. The children were thriving, and Henry found that there was no boundary to his love for both Mary Elizabeth and Brandon. The highlight of his day was the time he spent with them, and the highlight of his nights were spent in his wife’s loving embrace. Life was at its best. Henry had adjusted well to being a member of Parliament, and he told Melody he actually found it quite challenging. He told her that he felt he could help all the soldiers that had returned and were in such drastic situations now.

In August, they traveled back to the country. His mother decided she would go live in Bath, since many of her friends were there. Henry bought her a townhouse on the Royal Crescent, which was the most exclusive part of Bath. It had never been so peaceful at Sanderford Park that fall. They had another bountiful harvest, which meant plenty of bounty for all of his tenants.

Late one night, as they lay in their bed, after they had finished making love, Melody turned to Henry with the most incredibly lovely smile on her face as she said, “I have some wonderful news. We’ll be adding an addition to our family in May. I’m with child!”

Tears filled Henry’s startlingly blue eyes, and he dashed them away with his hand as he lovingly replied, “That is the most wonderful news I’ve ever received! Come here and give me a kiss.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately as they let passion take them away to that special place where only lovers can go.


Christmas came, and everyone enjoyed the holiday season, especially without Uncle Theodore. Kathryn seemed to have truly put all that behind her. Henry was so proud of the young woman she had become. She had finished the formal portrait of him and Melody, and it now hung in the main drawing room, where it could be seen by all. The portrait was absolutely magnificent and by far the best work Kathryn had ever done. She had caught the love shining in both their eyes as they gazed at each other. She still wanted to be an artist, so Henry pulled some strings, and she had been accepted at the London Art Institute. She would be going there in the spring, but because of the child Melody was carrying, she was going to live with Melody’s aunt, Lady Helton.


The winter passed, and then spring came. The gardens were in full bloom, and Melody and Henry spent many happy afternoons there with the children. Kathryn and Helen left for London: Kathryn to study art and Helen to enjoy the season with Lady Helton. Helen told Melody that she was looking forward to seeing the Duke of Somerset, and she had high hopes he would propose to her this year. Melody was trying to come to terms with Helen’s choice because it would probably soon be a reality. There was just something about the duke that made her very uneasy. For Helen’s sake, she hoped she was wrong about him.


Everything settled down after they left. Melody complained that she was as big as a house, and Henry had to admit that her belly was quite large, but he was enjoying every moment of her pregnancy. He loved to place his ear on her belly and try to hear the baby’s heartbeat, and he loved it when the baby would move. Since he had missed her other ones, he wanted to savor everything about this pregnancy. As May rolled around, Melody became very irritable. They were having an unseasonably warm May, and she was extremely uncomfortable. In the middle of the night on May 12, Melody woke up moaning. Her labor had started. She woke up Henry and told him.

He jumped out of bed, started throwing on his clothes, and dashed out of the door, but then he ran back in and gave Melody a quick kiss and said, “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.” Then he ran from the room.

Henry was back in record time with the midwife, and it was a good thing, because Melody’s labor was progressing at an alarming pace. The midwife kicked Henry out of the room, and he did not like that at all. He paced back and forth, right outside their bedroom door. After an hour, he was ready to pull out his hair. He heard the door open and out walked Millie carrying a little tiny bundle in her arms. Henry approached and looked at the baby with wonder and amazement in his eyes.

As Millie put the baby in Henry’s arms, she said, “Your grace, you are the proud father of a beautiful baby … boy.” This time there was no holding the tears back as he felt his small son’s body in his arms for the first time. Henry carefully held his son close to his heart as he walked into the room. Melody was laying there, her face glowing with happiness. He went over to her, leaned down, and kissed her on the cheek, then said, “Words can’t express how I’m feeling right now. Thank you, for our beautiful son. I couldn’t be happier. He has your blond hair, and I do believe he’ll have your sherry-colored eyes. Are you sure about the name we picked out?”

Melody smiled as she replied, “Yes, Henry Elliston Magnus Montgomery has a distinguished sound, don’t you think? I know my father would be proud of his namesake, and I’m sure our son will be a marvelous Marquess, because he’ll have you to teach him to be an honorable man.”

The next morning, after Melody had had a chance to sleep, Henry brought the children in to see their new brother. Mary Elizabeth looked up at Henry and said, “Papa, I’m a big guwl now. Aftew all, I’m almoth five yeaws old … so I want to howd my new baby bwothew.” Her parents looked at each other, smiled, and with love shining in their eyes, agreed with their precious daughter.

They knew … that their love would always … see them through whatever life … sent their way.


The End

Love Sneaked In
coming soon …

Spring 1820

As Helen took her morning ride, and looked out over Sanderford Park, she felt an inner peace come over her. Every morning she would ride her dappled gray mare, Ginny to the lake and it recalled to mind all the wonderful summers that she had spent there with her brothers. Sanderford Park was such a wonderful place and she enjoyed spending time here because it was always so peaceful and serene. However, even though she loved her home, she was looking forward to the upcoming season. Helen had been afraid she was not going to get to go to London, because her brother, Henry, the Duke of Sanderford and his wife, Melody were expecting a child in May. Fortunately, Melody’s aunt, Lady Helton was willing to sponsor her and her sister Kathryn for the season. Helen had missed several seasons over the past five years. Her first season in 1815, was cut short in June of that year, because her brother Henry was reported to have died at the Battle of Waterloo. She missed the follow season because she was in mourning for him. Of course, her brother had not died after all. He had had amnesia because of a head injury and it took almost three years before his memory came back. That was in 1818, which was the year she lost her father and elder brother Nelson, so again she missed another season. Even though Helen would be turning three and twenty in June, she had only had two full seasons.

Last year was the best season she had had so far, because she had met Hanford Preston, the Duke of Somerset and he had paid serious court to her at the end of last year. Hanford was so handsome and debonair. He was in his late thirties, so he was more mature than most of the men she had been interested in, in the past. She thought he was so attractive with his dark sable brown hair with touches of gray at his temples. There was a dimple in the center of his strong chin and he had pale gray eyes, which she had seen darken with emotion on several occasions. Hanford was medium height, but very well built. You could tell he was a physically active man, because he was very muscular with broad shoulders, and a trim waist. Each time she had spent time with Hanford, she admired how well dressed he was and he was always impeccably groomed. She was hoping he would continue to pay court to her this coming season.

Once she returned to the house she changed into an afternoon gown and went downstairs to tea. When she entered the drawing room, her sister Kathryn and Melody, her sister-in-law were already there, along with her other sister-in-law Mary, her brother Nelson’s widow. Soon after, Henry entered hurrying as usual. Henry always seemed to be in a hurry these days. Helen knew he had huge responsibilities and took them very seriously. Melody served tea and passed the plate of sandwiches around. Henry ate several as usual.

Henry turned to Helen and asked, “Did you enjoy your ride? At least the weather has warmed up.

As Helen sipped her tea, she replied, “I had a lovely ride today so many of the flowers are starting to bloom that I get excited because I know spring is definitely on its way.

“Are you getting excited about your upcoming season?” Henry asked. “It’s so nice of Melody’s aunt to sponsor you and Kathryn this year. Oh by the way, I’ve set up an account for you and Kathryn to draw on, while you’re in London, so you don’t have to worry about using any of your allowance for new clothes and such.”

“Oh thank you Henry, we’re very fortunate you’re such a generous brother. I can think of quite a few things that I need this season and my allowance would not have covered everything,” she said. “I’m definitely looking forward to this season and as much as I’ll miss you, Melody and the children, I can’t wait to go to London. I know you aren’t able to come for the season, but I’ll miss both of you dreadfully. Please promise to send word immediately when the baby comes. We’ll come home right away because we’ll want to see the baby and make sure Melody’s all right.”

“I promise to let you know as soon as the baby comes.” Henry looked over at Kathryn and said, “Kathryn, I know you’re excited about attending the Art Institute, but I do hope you’ll participate in the season. I want you to have some fun this year.”

“I’m sure I’ll find time to enjoy the season. I only go to classes in the daytime, so my evenings will be free. I look forward to all the other entertainments that London has to offer. I love the ballet and the opera and I’m sure we’ll be attending both this season.” Turning away from Henry, Kathryn gazed fondly over at Melody and asked, “Melody, how are you feeling today?”

“I’m having a very good day. Thank you for asking. I spent most of the afternoon with Mary Elizabeth and Brandon. They were playing knight and damsel in distress and it was so cute.” Melody shifted in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable position, and then she added, “Brandon kept taking his little wooden sword and slaying the dragon so he could save his sister. I just love to watch the children play. They’re going to miss both of you when you go to London.” As Helen watched Melody, she realized that since Melody was such a tiny woman; she was already getting uncomfortable from her pregnancy, even though she still had more than two months before the baby would be born.

After tea, Helen and Kathryn went upstairs to visit their nieces and nephews. Helen loved all four children equally, even though her nephews were not blood related. Helen and Kathryn played with them until it was time to get ready for dinner.

After dinner that night, Mary played the pianoforte, which everyone enjoyed tremendously, since Mary was an extremely gifted pianist. Helen had a pleasant evening and retired to bed at ten o’clock.

As each day passed, Helen grew more excited about the upcoming season and looked forward to it with great anticipation. Thankfully, the next fortnight went by quickly and soon they were on their way to London. It was raining so the trip took longer than usual, but Helen used the time to read her new Minerva Press novel. Helen and her sister arrived at Lady Helton’s, at three o’clock on the afternoon, of March 15. When they arrived at Lady Helton’s house, Bradford, Lady Helton’s butler was there to direct them to their rooms. Helen was impressed with she saw her room. The walls were a lovely soft blue with cream crown molding adorning the ceiling. She found the entire room restful and knew she would enjoy her time here. The counterpane on the bed was soft yellow with pale blue piping around the edge and there were mounds of lovely soft pillows. She could just imagine lying on the bed reading a good book. After she freshened up, she went back downstairs to the drawing room.

As she entered the room, Lady Helton came over to her, gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and said, “I’m so pleased you could stay with me for the season. We’re going to have a wonderful time. I have a great many activities planned for us. How is my dear Melody?”

Helen returned Lady Helton’s hug then sat down on the sofa and said, “Melody sends her regards and she’s doing well. Both Melody and Henry are so excited about the baby and they’re impatient for its arrival. You would think it’s their first child. Of course, in some ways it is for Henry, since he missed Mary Elizabeth’s birth.”

Lady Helton sat down next to Helen, smoothing down the skirt of her pale pink day dress, she replied, “I’m so happy for both of them. They’ve gone through so much and now deserve to have some happiness in their lives. Oh by the way, I’ve made an appointment for us at Madame Devy’s tomorrow, so we can all freshen up our wardrobes for the season. I do hope Kathryn can find time to participate in the season this year. I know how important her art is to her, but she still needs to have fun! Ah, here she is now.” Lady Helton went over, embraced Kathryn, gave her a kiss and said, “Hello my dear, don’t you look lovely. Are you all settled? I hope your room suits you?”

Kathryn shyly returned her hug and kiss, then quietly replied, “Oh yes, Lady Helton my room is lovely and I know I’ll be very comfortable here. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long?”

“Oh no my dear, we were just chatting as you came in. I’ll just call for our tea.” Lady Helton rang the bell and Bradford came in with the tea tray. Then Lady Helton continued, “As I just explained to Helen, I’ve made an appointment for us tomorrow with Madame Devy so we can add to our wardrobes for the season. When do you start your classes at the Art Institute?” she asked. “I do hope you’ll be able to join us. After all, you’ll still need to freshen up your wardrobe, even if most of your time is spent at the Institute.”

“I don’t start my instruction until next Monday, so I’ll be happy to go with you.” As Kathryn took her seat, she straightened the skirt of her pale lilac tea gown and added, “I do need a few new dresses and various other accessories so I look forward to it. I just love Madame Devy’s designs.”

Once they finished their tea, they went to their rooms to rest before dinner. Dinner was quite enjoyable that evening and Lady Helton shared with them all the latest gossip. Helen had never been much of a gossip, but it was nice to hear about what was going on in town. The season was just getting started, so they had not missed any of the balls or parties.

The next morning they went to Bond Street to do their shopping. Helen ordered quite a few new dresses and evening gowns and so did Kathryn. Helen picked out a particularly fetching silvery blue silk evening gown. As she held the fabric up to her creamy white complexion, she knew it complimented her brilliant blue eyes and would look marvelous when it was finished. Once they were through with their shopping, they went to Gunter’s to have their famous shaved ham sandwiches and ices. Gunter’s was an extremely popular place to go. Many members of the ton went there on a regular basis during the season, and of course, their ices were superb. If you wanted to see who had already arrived for the season, Gunter’s was the place to go. After they had lunch, they took a drive through Hyde Park and again saw several people they knew. After their drive, they returned to the house to get ready for the evening’s entertainment. Lady Helton was taking them to a play in Drury Lane. The play they were to see was
which was one of Helen’s favorite Shakespeare plays.

This season was particularly important to Helen because she just knew she was going to bring Hanford, the Duke of Somerset up to scratch. She had been dreaming of him ever since the end of last season. If she were able to get him to propose, it would be amazing, because he had never shown any signs of being interested in marriage in past seasons. While she had never wanted for beaus, Hanford was the first man that had ever truly interested her. Helen was also looking forward to seeing her friends again. She was very popular with all the other young people because she was such a friendly, fun loving young woman.

The next morning, Helen was up early; she hastily completed her morning ablutions and went down to breakfast. As she enjoyed her morning meal, she thought about the upcoming evening with anticipation. They were going to Lady Crawford’s Ball and she was excited about seeing Hanford again. She could not wait to dance with him because he danced so divinely. Helen wondered if he had missed her and if he would try to kiss her again. They had kissed at the end of last season and she had found it to be quite titillating.
This was so unlike her, but of course, she had never felt this way about someone before.


Lady Crawford’s Ball was one of the first of the season. Most of the ton must have decided to attend because the ballroom was extremely crowded. Lady Crawford should be pleased, because her ball was definitely a crush. Helen surreptitiously glanced around the ballroom looking for Hanford. At first she did not see him, but then she saw him dancing, with of all people, Lady Penelope. They appeared to be in a deep conversation and she wondered what they could be talking about so intently. Lady Penelope was the daughter of the Earl of Stanton and she was supposed to have married Henry at one time, because their estates bordered each other and Helen’s father had greatly desired the match. Of course, Henry had fallen in love with Melody, so the match never happened. Lady Penelope was a witch and Helen had never cared for her at all. She wondered how well Hanford knew her.

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