Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found (12 page)

BOOK: Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found
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Nelson smiled when he heard this and said, “Maybe, I’ll do that. It would save me from the marriage mart. I don’t think I could handle all those giddy young debutants and their marriage-mad mamas.”

Henry yawned as he said, “Excuse me. I really am tired. I think I’ll get Melody and go upstairs. I haven’t slept much in the last twenty-four hours. What with leaving late last night, so I could spend time with Melody this morning. I need some sleep. Good night, Nelson.”

Henry went over to Melody and asked, “Are you ready to retire for the evening? I want to spend some time with my pretty wife, in private.”

“Of course, I’m ready. I’m fairly tired myself, and I would enjoy spending time with my handsome husband.” They went upstairs to their rooms; Melody sent Millie to bed, and Henry told Mansfield to go also. They undressed and got into bed. Henry pulled her close, and after they tenderly made love, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


The next few days went by swiftly. The duchess had everyone working on the arrangements for the party. Henry helped decorate the ballroom for the gala, and Melody helped with the menu. They were still able to break away, so they could spend time alone.

Melody asked Henry about Kathryn and the sleepwalking. He told her that Kathryn had been doing it since she was a small child. It made his parents angry, and they even locked her in her room to make sure she did not wonder the halls at night. He was surprised to hear that Kathryn was having problems with it again. “I’m just glad you found her. My parents would have found someway to punish her if they knew about it. I hope she doesn’t start doing this again, as she used to. I’ll talk with her and see if something is bothering her, but she may not want to confide in me. Why don’t we talk with her together? She may be more willing to talk, if you’re with me. She simply adores you. I’m so glad you have gotten to know my sisters and that you get along with them so well.”

“We can go talk to her right now. I believe she’s in the schoolroom, painting.” They did indeed find Kathryn in the schoolroom, and she was painting. She asked them in and showed Henry some of her recent work. Henry was amazed at how much she had improved in the last two years.

“Kathryn, this work is astounding. I had no idea you were such a talented artist. Have you talked to our parents about getting some formal training?” he asked.

Kathryn woefully replied, “I mentioned it to Mother, but she told me it was fine for a hobby but not for anything else. She said I should stick to watercolors and leave the oils alone. Mother feels that type of painting is for men, and it would be unacceptable for me, especially after I get married. I tried to tell her I might not want to get married. I told her I wanted to be a serious artist, and she just laughed at me.”

Glancing again at some of Kathryn’s work, Henry said, “Well, Melody and I both feel you have a remarkable talent and that you should be able to pursue it. I’ll tell you what, I’ll hire someone to work with you, and I’ll pay for it myself.”

Kathryn threw her arms around Henry and gave him a hug. She was so happy that she was crying. “Oh, thank you, Henry. I know I can be a serious artist with the right instructor.”

“Melody told me about the sleepwalking. I was wondering if you have been having any of those nightmares you used to have?” he asked. “I remember you used to have more trouble with sleepwalking when you had them before.”

Kathryn looked down as she said, “Yes, I had a nightmare the night Melody found me. It’s always the same nightmare, and I wake up finding myself somewhere other than my bed. That’s the first one I’ve had in a very long time.”

“Is there anything that has been bothering you lately? Henry thought if something was bothering you, it could cause the nightmares,” Melody asked.

“I was very disappointed when Mother refused to take my desire to be an artist seriously, but nothing else that I can think of.” Kathryn appeared to be unwilling to make eye contact, so Melody suspected there was more she was not telling them. They would just need to be patient and watch for anything that could be a clue to what was really troubling her.

“Henry, it’s time for us to go and get ready for your mother’s party. It’s already five o’clock, and it will take me awhile, because I still need to bathe, and Millie is going to try a new hairstyle for tonight.” Henry looked at her, and she could tell he was thinking of the bath he had interrupted the other day. It gave her chills just remembering what a sensual experience it had been. She loved the way Henry seemed to want her all the time, and of course, the feeling was mutual. She was astonished at what a wanton she was becoming!

Melody took her bath and was a little disappointed when Henry did not interrupt her again. However, it was a good thing he did not because it would have made them late. If they were late again, they would have had to listen to the duke make derogatory comments about it. She was so glad Henry had found them a place to live, close to the garrison. It would be nice to see Henry everyday, even if it were only for short periods of time. He had made it clear that he would be very busy and that she would need to find ways to keep herself busy. This was not a problem for Melody because as long as she had a good book to read, she would be fine. Millie returned and helped Melody finish getting ready for the gala. She was looking forward to meeting more of Henry’s friends. He had mentioned that Captain Hayden was supposed to attend. He also said his lieutenant, Matthew Bronson and his sister, would be there. Henry had just heard they were at the garrison, and he wanted Nelson to meet the lieutenant’s sister, Mary. He thought they would get along well since she was a widow, and Nelson had told him, she was the kind of woman he would like to meet. Melody hoped for Nelson’s sake, Henry was right. Nelson deserved to find someone he could love again.

Henry came into the sitting room, and they went down to the party. The rest of the family was already in the drawing room. His mother seemed very pleased about the upcoming gala. It was the most animated that Melody had ever seen her since she had started living there. Their graces had even allowed Kathryn to participate in the party. That surprised Melody, but Henry explained that some of the rest of the family would be there and that there would be other younger people attending. They went into the entrance hall to receive the guests.

Soon, the ballroom was full. Henry introduced her to all of his friends. Lord Weston was there along with Captain Hayden. The lieutenant and his sister had arrived, and Melody could see why Henry thought she might suit Nelson. As they were getting to know each other, Nelson came over to them.

Henry introduced everyone to Nelson, “Everyone, this is my brother, Nelson Montgomery, the Marquess of Wyndham. Nelson, this is Lieutenant Bronson and his sister, Mrs. Harrison. Remember, I mentioned them to you the other day. They’ve just arrived in Canterbury, at the garrison. I believe you have met everyone else.”

Nelson bowed and took Mrs. Harrison’s hand, brought it to his lips, and placed a soft whisper of a kiss on her fingers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He looked over at Bronson and said, “Lieutenant, it’s also nice to meet you. My brother has had good things to say in regards to your bravery while serving under him during the conflict with France. I hope both of you will have an enjoyable time this evening.” Nelson bowed to Mrs. Harrison and asked, “Mrs. Harrison, would you care to take a walk around the room with me?”

Mary timidly looked at Nelson as she answered, “That would be lovely, my Lord. I would enjoy that.”

Melody and Henry continued to speak with Henry’s friends as Nelson and Mrs. Harrison left to stroll around the room. Soon, the dancing started, and Henry and Melody began to waltz. Henry noticed that Nelson had asked Mrs. Harrison to dance also and he whispered in Melody’s ear, “I think Nelson likes Mrs. Harrison. I hope so, because he deserves to have someone in his life as wonderful as you are. By the way, have I told you how pretty you look tonight?”

Melody smiled up at him and said, “Why, thank you, husband! Let me return the compliment and tell you how handsome you look. Do you realize this is the first time we’ve danced together since our marriage?”

“Yes, and you dance as divinely as you did last summer. I love to hold you in my arms, but of course, I would rather have you naked than with all these clothes on you!” he said.

“Henry, be quiet. Someone might hear you,” she said, then laughed up at him. Melody gazed up into Henry’s eyes and saw the tenderness shining there for her. Just being in his arms, made her feel so loved and safe.

It turned out to be a splendid evening, and Melody enjoyed herself tremendously. She danced with all of Henry’s friends, and then she danced with Nelson. While they danced, she asked, “I saw you dancing with Mrs. Harrison. What did you think of her? I think she’s very nice, don’t you?”

“Mrs. Harrison seems to be pleasant, and I enjoyed dancing with her. I asked her if I could see her again, and she said yes. I plan to go visit her while she’s visiting her brother in Canterbury. She lives in London with her small son, and if all goes well, I plan on spending more time with her this coming spring, Miss. Nosey!” Nelson replied.

With a concerned look on her face, she said, “I just want you to meet someone and have the type of relationship Henry and I have. I’m sorry if I was prying.”

“It’s all right, Melody. I was just teasing you. Actually, I appreciate your concern. It’s just hard to think of being with anyone after losing Nora, but I know it’s time, and Mrs. Harrison just might be the answer. At least she’s a little older and shouldn’t be looking for a love match. After Nora, I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love again,” he said.

Toward the end of the evening, Melody saw Henry across the room, talking with an older gentleman, and he motioned for her to come over. When she joined them, Henry said, “Melody, this is my uncle Theodore, Viscount Manningly. He is my mother’s brother. He’ll be staying with us for the holidays. Uncle, this is my wife, Melody.”

Henry’s uncle gave Melody a very disdainful look, so she knew this was not someone who would be a friend. He reminded her of the duchess in appearance and attitude. She politely said, “My lord, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope we’ll find time to get to know each other during the holidays.”

With a supercilious expression on his face, he said, “My sister told me Henry had married. How did you meet each other?”

“Henry and I met this past summer. I was in London for the season, and soon after we met, he asked me to marry him, and of course I said yes!” Melody said.

“Well, we shall see how long this glow of new love lasts. I am sure Henry will become bored with you. After all, you are nothing like the other women he is usually attracted to,” Henry’s uncle disdainfully replied.

Melody stood there in shock at how rude Henry’s uncle was. She could not imagine anyone saying something like that to another person.

Henry looked his uncle directly in the eyes and said, “Sir, if you were a few years younger, I would take you out to the garden and give you the thrashing you so richly deserve. You will apologize to my wife!”

“I will not apologize! I would remind you, young man that I am your uncle, and I can say whatever I believe to be true!” he said.

Melody touched Henry’s arm and said, “It’s all right. I’m not concerned by what he said. I know you love me, and that’s all that matters. Let’s join your friends. I think they are getting ready to leave.”

They walked across the room, wished his friends a good night, and told them to be careful on the ride back tomorrow. All his friends were staying at the local inn since it was too far to the garrison for them to drive back at night. Henry would have liked to have them stay with him, but with so many family members already there, it was not possible. His friends called out, “Good night and happy holidays! We’ll see you back at the garrison after the holidays are over.”


Finally, all the guests left, and they could retire for the evening. Henry opened the door to their suite and followed Melody into the room. She went to her bedchamber, and Millie helped her get ready for bed. After she was in her night rail, she sent Millie away. Henry opened her door and came into her room. He had changed into his robe, and he had taken a quick wash. He had a lock of hair that always fell over his forehead, and it made him appear younger than his age.

“Come here!” Henry pulled her close and started kissing her. He nibbled on her earlobe, which sent shivers up her back; she was so sensitive there. He slipped his hand inside her robe and started unbuttoning her night rail. She untied the sash of his robe, pushed it off his shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. She then kissed her way down his chest. Henry’s chest had a small patch of hair in the middle, and she gently pulled the hair. He gasped as Melody took his flat male nipple into her mouth and suckled it. Then she trailed kisses down his chest to his navel. Henry could not believe Melody was being so bold. She had never been this way before, and he found it quite arousing. His shaft grew even more swollen and pushed against Melody’s breasts. She tentatively licked the tip of his shaft, slowly lowered her mouth, and started sucking. Henry was in shock, but it felt so incredible that he was not going to complain! He could feel his erection grow even larger and felt his ball sac draw up, and knew he had better stop Melody now, or she would get a big surprise.

“My love, stop. You will unman me if you continue.” Henry pulled her back up into his arms and passionately kissed her. He drove his tongue into her sweet mouth. Melody was kissing him back, just as passionately. He pushed her down to the bed. He spread her thighs wide, and in one quick thrust, he was inside her. Melody tightened her inner muscles around him, and he almost lost control. It felt so incredible, but he wanted to make this last and make sure she reached her fulfillment first. He ran his finger down her belly and touched her core, and she was wet and ready. He started stroking her and then felt her inner muscles contract and knew Melody had found her release. He thrust into her over and over again. Harder and faster, he rode her. Then Henry exploded inside of her, pouring his hot seed deep into her hot, sweet sheath. He fell on Melody gasping for breath. She sighed softly and hugged him close to her. Never had he experienced such satisfaction. He gathered her into his arm, and then they both drifted off to sleep.

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