Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found (7 page)

BOOK: Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found
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“Let me help you remove your gown … I want to see your incredibly lovely breasts. I’ve been dreaming of them ever since I first met you. I love that you’re so voluptuous. You look just as I always imagined you would.”

Melody nodded her head and let Henry remove her gown. He took his robe off and tossed them both over the side of the bed. He began to kiss Melody again, but this time with more urgency. He pulled her up against him, and it felt marvelous to finally be skin to skin with her. He rained kisses all over her face and cheeks. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and he was aroused by her fresh, clean, womanly scent. He nibbled down her neck again and moved lower to take her nipple into his mouth. She gasped with pleasure, and soon he had her moaning and writhing. Her breasts grew heavy, and her nipples became rigid as he circled her areola with the tip of his finger and brushed his thumb across the tight little bud. Henry moved to her other breast, took the nipple into his mouth, and gently suckled. His other hand was roaming slowly downward, and soon he was at the apex of her pretty, plump thighs, where her lovely golden curls were. Melody quivered as Henry touched her there. Soon, she was panting as he moved his hand between her thighs and found her little nubbin. Henry began to circle it, and he felt how wet she was. It amazed him that she was so responsive to his touch. Melody looked embarrassed by what was happening to her body, but he could tell it was feeling so marvelous that she did not want him to stop. Henry took his finger and slowly and gently pushed it inside of her and she stiffened. So he said, “It’s all right, love. I won’t do anything to hurt you. I promise that you’ll enjoy this, so try to relax.” He gently stroked her with his finger and worked a second finger in to gently stretch her so she would be ready to receive him.

He parted her lovely thighs and moved in between. Her thighs were just the way he dreamed they would be—all plump, soft, pink skin. He felt Melody stiffen up when she felt his thick rod nestled against her belly, so he said, “Don’t be afraid, Melody. God made my body in a unique way so that it will fit perfectly inside yours. What you’re feeling is the part of me that will enter your body. If you want, you can call it my love tool. Your body is designed to accept me inside. That’s why you’re so wet. That way, when I enter you, it won’t hurt.”

He kissed her deeply, and he could feel Melody relaxing as she began to moan and toss her head back and forth on the pillow. He carefully placed his shaft at the entrance of her passage. He moved his thick shaft up and down her nether lips, to get it wet with her love juices. He gently entered her, and he could feel how tight she was. He had never felt anything as wonderful before. He knew he would need all the control, he could find, to keep from hurting her. He pushed further in, until he came to her maidenhead. He stopped to gather his strength, and as he kissed her; he pushed through and was buried all the way to the hilt. It was an incredible feeling to know that they were now joined and made one. Melody gave a little whimper and started to tense up, so he said, “I’m sorry. I know this hurts, but I promise that soon you won’t feel any more pain.”

He stayed very still, to give her a chance to get used to him being inside of her. It felt indescribably wonderful to finally be inside her tight sheath. As he felt her begin to relax, he started to move. Soon, Melody had picked up his rhythm and was moving with him. She was making sounds that let Henry know that she was starting to enjoy the friction of his movements. He picked up the pace, moving faster and faster. He could not hold back any longer, but he wanted to make sure Melody was there with him, so he reached down and rubbed her little bud of desire, and he felt Melody’s muscles begin to tighten around his shaft. It was obvious she did not know what was happening; it felt so good to be the first man to bring her to fulfillment, and he knew she did not want him to stop. He watched her face as she went flying, and the waves of pleasure rolled through her delectable body. Her channel tightened around his thick shaft as she reached the heights of ecstasy, and the spasms kept coming. Henry stiffened; then his seed flowed into her, and it felt incredible. There were no words that could describe how wonderful it felt. He gently pulled out of her body, fell to the side, and pulled Melody into his arms and held her tight. “Are you all right?” he asked. “I didn’t hurt you too much, did I? I know there was some pain, but I tried to be as gentle as possible.”

Melody looked at Henry and gave him a soft smile, then said, “That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt. Is it always like that?”

“Oh my darling girl, it just keeps getting better and better.” So … he showed her … all over again!

October 1814

ELODY WOKE UP and looked around the room. It took her a moment to realize where she was.

Melody had never imagined how wonderful lovemaking could be. It was so much more than she ever expected. As she lay there, she felt Henry begin to stretch and knew he was waking up. His hand found her breast, and he gently rubbed her nipple. Henry started kissing the nape of her neck. He pulled her close and whispered, “Good morning, did you sleep well? I hope you aren’t too sore from our lovemaking.”

“I slept better than I ever remember, and I feel marvelous.” Melody closed her eyes in embarrassment and quietly said, “I’m not in any discomfort.”

Henry growled as he said, “Roll over then, so I can give you a proper good morning kiss.” He kissed her and slid his tongue into her mouth as he continued to run his hand over her breast and up and down her sides. Before long, he was slowly entering her sheath. She spread her thighs wider and welcomed him inside. He pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his hips, which deepened his thrusts. He was kissing her breasts and sucking on her nipples. She began to feel like she had the night before. The waves of pleasure started rolling over her. Henry was moving faster and faster, and Melody was meeting him stroke for stroke. Suddenly, she stiffened and went sailing over into the amazing sensations she had felt the night before. Henry threw back his head and shouted out her name as he emptied his essence inside her. She loved the way he looked as his seed filled her. He collapsed on top of her, and she felt such tenderness for him. Melody held him in her arms and kissed his shoulder. He rolled off, pulled her to him, and kissed her temple as she ran her fingers through his chest hair and purred with contentment.

“That was a marvelous way to greet the morning. Just think, we can do this everyday for the rest of our lives, but as splendid as this feels, we need to get up because I suspect that it’s quite late in the morning and we have another long day of traveling before us. I’m going back to my room now, so you can get ready to leave. I’ll send Millie up, and I’ll have her bring you some hot water for your morning ablutions. Meet me in the dining parlor when you’re ready, and we’ll have some breakfast before we leave. See you soon, sweetheart.”

Melody lay there and remembered all that had happened last night and again this morning. She decided she was really going to enjoy being married, even more than she had ever dreamed. She got out of bed, and suddenly she realized she was a little sore, but it just reminded her of all the wonderful things she had experienced! She went to the dressing table and began to brush her hair. It was quite tangled, but then again it was worth it because she knew how much Henry loved her hair. There was a knock on the door, and she got up to let Millie in. The steaming hot water helped to soothe the soreness. As she washed herself, there were traces of blood on her thighs, and when she noticed it, she blushed all over, from head to toe. Melody finished her morning ablutions while Millie pulled out a fresh traveling dress. As she dressed in her pale blue gown with light gray trim and matching pelisse, she hoped that Henry would think that she looked attractive. Soon, Melody was dressed and made her way down to the dining parlor. Henry was already seated, and he stood up as she entered and said, “Come in, my lovely one, and take a seat. You look very pretty this morning. Breakfast has arrived. I’m starving, and I’m sure you must be very hungry too. After all, you had a busy night and morning.”

Melody blushed and gave a little laugh, then said, “Please, Henry, I’m embarrassed enough, without you talking about that!”

“I’m sorry, love, but you’re just so much fun to tease. Let’s eat, so we can get our day started. We have a full day of traveling ahead of us.” After they finished their breakfast, they went out to their carriage, and he helped her get seated inside and said, “I’m going to ride Jupiter for a while, since I know he needs a good run. I’ll join you in a few hours. Why don’t you take a nap, since you didn’t get much sleep last night?”

Melody watched him mount Jupiter and ride off. The wind was blowing his thick, red gold hair, and it made her long to run her fingers through all that marvelous hair. She admired how nice he looked in his dark green jacket, buff breeches, and glossy black Hessians. His breeches hugged his buttocks and well-developed thighs, and she felt a tingling sensation between her legs. Melody now knew that this was definitely a sign of desire. What a fortunate young woman she was to have such a handsome, virile, young husband. She settled back and pulled out the book she was reading, and soon, she was lost in the story and did not notice the time. The carriage slowed down and then stopped as they arrived at another coaching inn. Henry helped her out of the carriage, and they went inside. They had a delicious meat pie, a variety of cheeses, and dark bread with some ale for their luncheon. The food was delicious, and soon their appetites were appeased.


He joined her in the carriage after they got back on the road. He started telling her stories about his youth, and he soon had Melody laughing over all the mischief he used to get into. She shared more stories about her childhood, and again he wished he could have had parents like Melody’s. No wonder, she felt sad at leaving them. While Henry was not close to his parents at all, Melody was obviously very close to hers. He promised himself that he would make sure that she was able to see her parents often. Even though they would not live close to them initially, they would be close to them in the not too distant future.

Over the next five days, Melody and Henry grew to know each other much better. The nights were glorious as they filled them with passion and tenderness. He was amazed at how adventurous Melody was in bed. She was more than willing to try whatever he suggested. Her untutored enthusiasm was quite arousing. They were nearing Henry’s home, and the closer they got to Sanderford Park, the more nervous Henry became. He had sent word of his marriage, but he knew that the news would not have been well received by his parents. He felt sure they would feel that Melody was not good enough for him. He would just have to make it clear to them that he loved her and that they must treat her with the respect she deserved. After all, Melody’s father was well born, being a younger son of the Earl of Wyldwood and her mother the daughter of Viscount Millings. Melody was just as highborn as he was. If his parents had not been so set on him marrying Lady Penelope, he was sure they would be more willing to accept her.


When they returned to the carriage after their last stop, it was apparent that something was bothering Henry because his face gave it away. He was always so open and honest that it was easy to see when he was upset about something. He had shared enough about his parents that she thought that could be what was bothering him. It seemed that the closer he got to his home, the tenser he became. She hoped he was not ashamed of her, as he had shared how high in the instep his parents were. Melody knew she did not bring a dowry to the marriage, and she was sure it would affect how they felt about her.

Finally, they turned onto a long drive, and Henry explained that they had been traveling on Sanderford Park for quite some time. As they approached the house, Melody became nervous when she saw how incredibly large the house was. It was truly magnificent to look at but very overwhelming. She could not imagine living here, but it was to be her new home, so she would have to adjust.

The carriage pulled up to the portico, and several footmen came out to help them out of the carriage. Henry offered her his arm as they walked up the steps and entered through the immense oak doors. The entrance hall had black-and-white marble floors with white marble statues on each side of the entrance. The room was at least three stories high with al fresco art painted on the ceiling. There was a magnificent staircase leading up to the next floor, and it looked as if it went on forever. It was an incredibly beautiful room but a little overwhelming for Melody.
Simpson, the butler, was there and offered to take their outer garments. He called for the housekeeper, Mrs. Milton, and she asked if they would like to go to their rooms to freshen up before they joined the family. They told her they would like that, and she led them upstairs.

The suite of rooms was lovely. There were two bedchambers with dressing rooms attached, and a sitting room was situated between their bedchambers. There was even a bathing room, which Melody had never seen before. The chamber she would be using was decorated in shades of blue and yellow, and it had gilded white French furniture. The counterpane, on the bed, was a lovely shade of blue with ecru lace around the edge and a marching canopy. Melody thought of what it would be like to make love to Henry in that glorious bed and it caused a warm sensation to run throughout her body. There was a small French desk, which would be perfect for her correspondence. French doors led out to a balcony that overlooked a lovely rose garden, and she knew that next spring it would be truly glorious to behold with all the roses in full bloom.

The walls in Henry’s chamber was painted a deep blue with pale gray accents with much heavier dark oak furniture, giving the room a masculine feel to it, and there was an enormous oak bed. It was the biggest bed she had ever seen—two people could easily get lost in it—of that she was sure. She thought she could be very comfortable living here, as long as Henry’s parents accepted her. Before Henry left Melody in her chamber, he said, “Your maid should be up shortly. Why don’t you take your time and rest a bit before you join the family. I’ll return in an hour, and then we’ll go down together to meet everyone.”

Melody met Henry’s eyes and said with trepidation, “Whatever you think is best Henry. I look forward to meeting your brother and your sisters, but I dread meeting your parents. I just know they’re not going to like me.”

Henry shrugged and said, “I don’t want you to worry. Remember what I told you they’re like and that they’re the same way with almost everyone. Try to overlook their rudeness, and I’ll be there to protect you. You’ll love my sisters, and I know they’ll love you. Nelson will be thrilled when he sees how happy you make me, so relax. I’ll return shortly. See you in a bit, my love.”


He rushed through, getting his travel dirt off and hurried down to speak with his parents. When he found his parents in his father’s study, it was obvious, by the expressions on their faces, that they were not happy to see him at all. His father was sitting behind his big desk, and he motioned for Henry to take a seat. His mother was sitting on the couch by the window looking very haughty. Henry took a seat across from his father and said, “Good afternoon, I hope both of you are doing well. My bride and I have just arrived. Melody will be down shortly to meet both of you. I hope you’ll welcome her into the family. I told you in my letter that she comes from a good family and that I love her very much, so please be kind to her. She’s feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, so she needs to feel welcomed.”

With distain on his face, his grace said, “Why should we welcome her? You know you were supposed to marry Lady Penelope. She would have enriched the ducal holdings. What does this little country mouse bring to us? Not a thing! Her father is a vicar with no consequence to speak of, and you did not even have the decency to let us know you were getting married. We did not have a chance to voice our opinion regarding this marriage. This is so like you, Henry. You have always been so impulsive and thoughtless. I guess we should have expected this type of behavior, as you have been this way all your life! Your mother and I are extremely disappointed in you.”

“Regardless of how you feel about me, you’ll treat Melody with respect. Any wrongdoing has been done by me, and I shan’t allow you to punish her for what you see as my misguided decisions.” It was just as he expected; they were going to give Melody a difficult time. At least he would be there to protect her for a few weeks as she settled in, and he would make sure that Nelson took over for him when he had to go back to his garrison. “Melody is the kindest and most tender-hearted young woman you could ever hope to meet, and she is very apprehensive about meeting you. Please keep your opinions to yourselves and be nice to her!”

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