Money-Makin' Mamas (3 page)

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Authors: Smooth Silk

BOOK: Money-Makin' Mamas
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“Ray, I had no idea that taking my clothes off and shaking my ass for your posse is what you wanted me to do. I am the mother of your children, you know? Don't you have any respect for me? How or why would you want me to put myself out there, and the truth is, I don't think I can do it.”
He sucked his teeth and stepped forward. His eye twitched. I could tell that I was getting underneath his skin.
“You can do it and you will. And you want me to tell you why? Because my dick ain't been able to get hard since you did what you did with those sharp-ass teeth of yours. I ain't been pissin' right and my shit still hurts when I think about it. This is called consequences. Either do as I say or get the fuck out of my place.”
I just stood there, staring at him. He knew exactly what to say to me, and for a person who didn't have no place to turn right now, there really was no other option. No fucking options, and I laughed to myself at people who judged me and thought that there was a system in place to help my black ass and my babies out of this situation. Back then, people were sadly mistaken. Now, things are different, but at the moment, I was in this shit by myself.
But instead of looking at it from a negative angle, I thought of a way to use this to my advantage. The way to fuck with a nigga as ignorant as Ray was to get at him through his friends.
Ray left the bathroom, but not before telling me to bring my A-game with me. While I had never done anything so ridiculous, the truth was I could dance and I knew how to be and look sexy. That's what attracted Ray to me in the beginning.
I left the bathroom and walked through a cloud of thick smoke. Lorenzo had finally arrived and many of the others greeted him. I was pleased to see another woman in the house. I wondered if she was asked to do the same thing as me. Then again, by the way she was dressed, I doubted it. She rocked a one-piece, blue jean jumpsuit with a belt that tightened at her waist. Unlike me, she was very friendly with the other men.
“Shirley, come on over here and have a seat,” Ray said. “I told Lorenzo that I'ma steal you from him.”
Shirley blushed and sauntered her way over to Ray. I could always tell when Ray had fucked another woman before, and trust me when I say he and Shirley had definitely been there, done that before. Lorenzo looked kind of taken aback by the way Shirley was all over Ray. He fake smiled at them, and then he went to the bar to get something to drink. Afterward, someone cranked up the music. Ray stood and spoke loudly over the music as he asked for everyone to give him their attention. Many of the niggas did, but some continued talking and laughing at Joe, who was a wannabe comedian. He kept telling jokes while Ray was trying to make an announcement.
“Joe, shut yo' fat ass up until I get done talkin'.”
Joe looked embarrassed as hell, but he didn't dare say anything back to Ray. Like many of the niggas in here knew, saying the wrong thing to Ray had dire consequences.
“As I was sayin' before that muthafucka rudely interrupted me, I got a surprise for y'all tonight. All I ask is that y'all show her a li'l appreciation for her time, and send her home with a big smile on her face. Niggas, I give y'all my bitch. Y'all always talking about how y'all would love to get freaky with my woman, so here she is. Touch, but don't get too carried away. 'Cause no matter how hard y'all dicks may get, the only dick that she'll be gettin' tonight will be mine.”
The men laughed and many heads turned in my direction. I stood near a corner with my arms folded. While I was definitely nervous, I did my best not to let it show. A blank expression was locked on my face, and I held back the tears that I wanted so badly to fall. After all, crying wasn't going to save me.
The volume of the music went up several notches and as a new joint spilled through the speakers, it was my time to shine. I swallowed the oversized lump in my throat and boldly strutted through the men who had all gathered around in one big circle. The floor cleared for me to do my thing, and my head was held up high. I shifted my eyes to Ray who was sitting next to Shirley with his arm around her shoulder. With that, I made it my business not to look at him again.
Disrespectful bastard.
“Show us what ya workin' wit', TD,” one man said. “With all that ass you got, I know it shouldn't be a problem.”
I couldn't help but to take another peek at Ray again. He nodded then tossed back the drink in his hand. He slowly winked at me then nodded again.
Before I knew it, I started moving my body around like a slithering snake. My hands roamed my curves and I began to feel all over myself. I ran my fingers through my hair, making it messy. I focused in on two men in particular: Lorenzo and Miles. I batted my eyelashes and shot them seductive looks that immediately drew them into my performance. They were definitely tuned in, especially when I lowered one shoulder of my dress and showed my chocolate skin. I could see some of the other men licking their lips with their breath held. They had no idea where I was going to venture to, but as Ray had requested, I intended to go all out.
After I dropped the other shoulder of my dress, I lowered it underneath my breasts. They stood at attention, firm as ever. Every single eye in the room was on me and many of the niggas stood frozen in time. That was, with the exception of one. He walked up to me and eased a twenty dollar bill inside of my panties. He also took a swipe at my breasts and smiled.
“You are finer than red wine, baby,” he whispered. “Ray is one lucky man.”
I was glad he thought so. And even though that was supposed to be a compliment, I had no reason to smile. There was seriousness trapped in my eyes that I wouldn't break for nothing. And no matter how much money these niggas dropped on me tonight, I felt used and disgusted. Still, I had turned my thoughts elsewhere and tried my best to make the best of this situation.
Minutes later, I stood in nothing but my silk black panties that rested high on my hips and showed off my curves. Dollars were tucked inside of my panties, and more money was scattered on the floor around me. I was bent over, exposing my hairless slit to the niggas who stood behind me. I could hear their moans and groans when I moved the crotch section aside and dipped my long finger inside of me.
“Fuck this shit,” one man said. “My dick so damn hard, I can't take it. All I want to do is bust that shit wide open right now!”
The man next to him slammed his hand against his. “I need to taste that sweet mutha. It looks sweet as a sweet potato pie. Ray, what it tastes like, man? I need to know!”
Ray sat there looking as if he was the prizewinner. With all of the money scattered on the floor, of course he was. “Nigga, you ain't got enough money to taste it. Ain't none of y'all got enough money to taste it, so don't get your hopes up.”
“Well, if I can't taste it, I'm damn sure gon' touch it.”
The man waved a hundred dollar bill in the air, showing it to Ray. Everybody looked on as he came up to me and rubbed his hands on my ass. He squeezed it a few times, but there wasn't no chance in hell that I was going to allow him to touch inside of me. I removed the hundred dollars from his hand and placed it between my lips. As I stared him down, I inched forward and pressed my breasts against his chest. I slithered my body against his, and when I turned around, I bounced my ass against him. I could feel his hardness poking me. The muthafucka felt way bigger than Ray's, and I'd be the first to admit that his dick wasn't about nothing.
As the man behind me talked shit and rubbed my ass, so did the others. At ten dollars a pop, Ray invited them to do as they wished, with the exception of sticking their dicks inside of me or using their fingers. I was eaten up inside. I could have gotten a damn bat and beat the shit out of these hungry, thirsty niggas who probably had bitches at home in bed waiting for them. But there they were groping me. Feeling me up, as if I were the last woman on earth.
At this point, I was so angry that I ignored Ray altogether. My eyes stayed locked on Miles, who I could tell didn't approve of this. He appeared to have sympathy for me. He looked as if he wanted to come rescue me. Then again, maybe his eyes were saying how badly he wanted to fuck me. If that were the case, I was in business. Fucking Miles would eat Ray alive, simply because they were competitors more than they were friends. I wanted Ray to see my eyes locked on Miles. It was all in my plan tonight, but for now, I had to get through this madness.
“I ain't ever laid my eyes on an ass this round and pretty,” one nigga said. He wiped across his wet, juicy lips and planted a kiss on my right ass cheek. “I'ma need to get the hell out of here and settle this dick of mine down. Ray, this bitch is bad. My ass gon' have a heart attack.”
Ray didn't respond, and I didn't dare look his way. My eyes remained on Miles. I figured that Ray would notice, and after a while, he surely did. As I stood grinding my body against another man, Ray jumped in front of me.
“That's enough,” he shouted. “Now, y'all niggas done had y'all selves a good time tonight with my woman. She lookin' wore out, so back away from her and let's finish partyin'.”
Finally, I spoke up. “I'm not tired, Ray. Actually, I was kind of enjoying myself. Leave these niggas alone. They're just having fun.”
Ray's eyes narrowed as he looked at me. The fools around me were very happy that I wasn't ready to call it quits. One even had his hand on my breast, massaging it.
Ray smacked his hand away and winced at me. “I said you're done. Get yo' clothes back on and go sit yo' ass in the car and wait for me.”
Inside I was kind of smiling. On the outside, my expression didn't change. I swiped up my dress and threw it over my shoulder. As I made my way to the bathroom, several men smacked my ass and continued to touch me with their grimy hands. More money was dropped at my feet, but Ray ordered that trick Shirley to pick it all up.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door. Right then, I released a deep sigh and allowed some tears to fall. I wanted to shower so badly. I couldn't wait to get home to do so. That's all I wanted, along with a bed that I would, hopefully, sleep in alone tonight.
After I cleaned myself up in the bathroom, and put my dress back on, I walked out the door. Miles stood right outside of the door waiting for me.
“You got a minute?” he said.
My eyes shifted toward the living room area. I figured Ray would be looking for me, or that he would make sure I'd gone to the car as I was told.
“Don't worry about him,” Miles said. “He's drunk as hell, and as you know, he's being entertained by someone else.”
I guess Miles thought that would hurt my feelings, but it didn't. I was about to shrug, but I caught myself. Instead, I moved away from the door and followed Miles outside. We stood close to the house, smoking a blunt and talking.
“I don't know what's up with Ray, and if I could apologize for what that nigga has put you through, I would.”
“Nobody can apologize for Ray but him. And at this point, an apology is not what I need from him.”
Miles took a hit from the joint then swallowed the smoke. He pulled his leather jacket back and stared at me with lust in his hazelnut addictive eyes. I couldn't stand to look into them, so I lowered my head to gaze at the ground. Miles lifted my chin and made me look at him.
“Then what is it that you need? Tell me, TD. I promise not to say a word to Ray about this.”
I wasn't sure if I could trust Miles. As I said before, the only person I trusted was Honey. He'd been my little soldier. I truly felt like he was really in my corner.
I swallowed and did my best not to show weakness. “What I need is my freedom. I want to get away from Ray and find an affordable place for me and my children. I want to never see his face again, and I also need some serious money. I'm broke. I don't have shit to call my own and this is not how I want the rest of my life to be.”
Miles nodded as I spoke. I couldn't read him at all, but he came across as being sincere. “Your freedom? All you have to do is walk away. After that, why don't you come see me? I'll help you take care of that money problem, but you may have to be willin' to give me somethin' in return, too. As for not seein' Ray again, are you sayin' that you want him dead?”
I hesitated, but told the truth. “Yes, I do. I know he's your friend, but I hate him, Miles. You just don't know all that he's done to me. I'm telling you that you have no idea what he's capable of.”
“Trust me, I do. But, I'll tell you what, maybe I can help you with that little problem, too. Who knows? There could be a chance that we can all get some of the little things that we want.”
I stared into Miles's eyes and didn't hesitate to ask. “What do you want? I know you're not as eager to get rid of Ray as I am, are you?”
Miles shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe, but we'll talk about that at another time. As for what I want, let me show you what that is.”
Miles flicked the joint in the grass and leaned in closer to me. He pressed his lips against mine, and then forced his tongue into my mouth. At first, I didn't reciprocate. But the more I'd thought about it, why not? This was the opportunity I had been waiting for. I could be free of Ray, and also make that nigga's head spin by fucking with his friend. But Miles was definitely no friend. He proved that when he lifted my dress and stretched my panties to my ankles. I stepped out of them and assisted him with lowering his jeans. They gathered at his ankles, along with his boxers. It wasn't long before he hiked me up to his waist and started grinding. My pussy locked on him like it had been there before. I had to admit that his dick felt much better than Ray's, and I loved the way Miles turned circles in my pussy and made it glaze his entire shaft. Without saying one word, I held on tight to his neck, as he pounded my insides and gave me the sexual pleasure I so desperately needed.

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