Read Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set Online
Authors: Misty Reigenborn
"Your mom really can't be that bad. She does love you obviously. She was bawling her eyes out at your graduation. Maybe part of the reason that she married your stepdad so quickly was because she knew that he could afford to take good care of the two of you."
"I suppose. Sometimes I wish she was more like the all American mom. The kind that bakes cookies and joins the PTA and stuff like that."
He laughed. "If only we could choose our parents. A lot of kids would probably be a lot better off. My parents aren't exactly good old mom and pop either. They were kinda scarce with the affection. Got pissed off when I didn't want to follow in the old man's footsteps. But they do love me. Sometimes rather grudgingly I'm sure but. . . So Miss Collins, have you put any thought in to having children yourself?"
She felt a sudden lump form in her throat and a moment of blind panic kept her from answering right away.
"I haven't really thought about it. Seems kind of weird I guess, because I want to teach other people's kids. But I'm still young and I want to finish school before I worry about any of that."
"Of course.”
She could hear the trace of disappointment in his voice, though it was barely there. Oh shit she thought. What if he tried to propose to her this weekend? What would she do then? She'd been looking forward to spending the next year with him, with few strings attached.
She didn't mind seeing him exclusively. She had never been the type to want to attempt to juggle boyfriends, but with him asking even casually about children she was scared. She was only eighteen and granted he was only twenty-two, but sometimes that could mean a world of difference.
What if he was looking for something she wasn't willing to give she thought? She didn't want to think about breaking up with him. They had fun together. She could talk to him about anything (well almost anything) and the sex was wonderful, better than she'd ever imagined sex could be.
But great sex and good conversations wasn't worth leading him on.
She tried to put it out of her head as they pulled into the parking area of the B&B. It was a huge, nicely restored old house. The town they'd driven through to get there hadn't seemed to have much to it. She wondered what else he had planned for their weekend together.
He was silent as they walked towards the door, moving aside as he held it open for her. There was a pleasant looking woman older sitting behind a desk, who gave them a big smile when they walked in.
"I have a reservation for Stone."
"Yes sir. And this lovely young woman must be your bride?"
Sierra could feel her cheeks get hot, but then it dawned on her that maybe it would be easier for a woman of this lady's generation to believe that they were married, instead of coming here for a weekend so that they could screw in different surroundings.
Luke nodded at her as the woman handed back his credit card, giving them a key and pointing to the stairs, telling them that their room was the last one on the right.
He handed Sierra the key, telling her that he'd bring the bags from the car.
She wasn't sure what to do once she was in the room. It wasn't a bad room she thought. It looked freshly painted with a shade of cheerful yellow paint. The attached bathroom was of a decent size and looked clean. The window had a nice view of a spacious back yard.
She was standing at the window gazing out when Luke brought the bags in. She turned towards him as he threw the bags onto the floor by the bed.
"I didn't say something wrong did I?"
"No.” He stepped over to take her into his arms. "I forget how young you are sometimes."
"Hey." She wanted to restore the usual casual easy banter between them. "I am of consenting age."
"Yes, you are.” He stepped over to lock the door. "And of that I am glad. Wouldn't want to have to register as a sex offender."
She kissed him, and soon clothes were hitting the floor.
Afterward, as she lay naked in his arms, he reached for a cigarette.
"You sure you can smoke that in here?"
He laughed, moving over to open the window and picking up the ashtray off the dresser.
"You think I'd stay anywhere for two days where I couldn't smoke?"
"You really should quit." She reached up, took the cigarette out of his hand and stole a drag.
"And you really shouldn't start. It would be really hard for me to quit."
"It would improve your sex drive, or at least you wouldn't breathe so hard.”
He snorted. "You start to pant the second I touch bare skin."
"Hey yourself. Take a shower and get dressed. I told you I had more planned for this weekend than sex."
"You want to join me?" She gave him a coy look.
"If I joined you the hot water would run out because you'd be too busy getting dirty again.”
He patted her on the rump as she headed towards the bathroom.
"Spoil sport."
He laughed, leaning back on the bed to finish his cigarette.
She took a quick shower, glad that she had washed her hair that morning. She'd forgotten to bring her shampoo.
He squeezed past her on the way to the shower, brushing against her in a suggestive way.
"No fair. Do that again and I may have to be naughty and join you."
He blew her a kiss as he entered the bathroom.
She laughed, bending over to retrieve her clothes. She had to get down on hands and knees to retrieve her panties, which had somehow ended up against the wall at the top of the bed. She was in that compromising position when he came out of the shower. He took advantage, pinching her butt.
"Someone threw my undies all the way under the bed."
"Don't look at me. I wasn't fast enough for you. You took your own damn clothes off."
"Okay, so you're right.”
They both dressed and went out to the car. He wouldn't give her any hints on what he had planned.
He took her to a museum that housed memorabilia from the town's history, then to the town's main drag where they window shopped in the typical small town stores.
They spent the afternoon on the fairgrounds where a traveling carnival had set up. She held on to him tight when they rode the Ferris wheel, as she hadn't completely rid herself of her childhood fear of heights.
He won her a huge stuffed teddy bear at the dart throwing booth, which she secretly thought was hideous. But she didn't have the heart to tell him. He seemed so proud when he handed it to her, almost like a little boy.
They ate dinner at a local diner where the food reminded her of home cooked meals that she'd only wished she'd been able to eat growing up. Though she figured she probably wouldn't have been able to keep her trim, 125 pound figure with so little exercise if she had.
He took her to a drive in movie to end the day, which brought back a memory of her father.
She remembered being about two years old; sitting in the front seat of their car between her parents, gazing up at the movie on the screen in awe.
The movie was a tense thriller and was enough to keep their minds off sex until they returned to their cozy room at the B&B.
She thought he was rummaging in his bag for his pajama bottoms when she pulled the slinky nightgown out of her bag that she'd secretly bought without her mother's knowledge for the occasion. She was surprised when he pulled out a sheet of unlined paper and taking her hand, led her to the bed.
In a voice that was shaking with nervousness, he sang the song that he'd written for her. Though it was a little sappy and his voice was slightly off key, she felt so proud of him at that moment she could hardly stand it.
He threw the paper on the dresser when he had finished, not looking at her. "I should've brought my guitar. Told you I couldn't sing."
She threw her arms around him and kissed him. "It was beautiful Luke."
Standing on her tiptoes, she pulled his t shirt over his head, reaching down to unbutton his jeans. She stripped herself quickly and led him to the bed, pushing him gently back and straddling him.
She lay on his chest for a moment, listening to the pounding of his heart. She could feel his erection prodding at her and she raised her head to look at him.
She cupped his face in her hands, kissing him long and hard. "Mmm," she murmured into his ear, as he moved his hips, teasing her with erection. "I love you Lucas Stone."
She moved back, taking him inside her slowly, and then moving down quickly, as she accepted him fully inside her.
He moaned out her name as she moved above him, her passion almost frenzied. Her head was thrown back, long hair trailing down her back, eyes closed.
Her movements slowed as she felt a sudden onrush of doubts and fears threaten to overtake her and she pressed her body fully onto him, moaning as her breasts rubbed his chest. He leaned up to take her mouth with his, his tongue hot and wet in her mouth.
She broke the contact as she felt herself start to come, leaning back and grinding her hips on his.
A single tear dropped onto his chest as his own climax claimed him.
He pulled her down onto his chest holding her against him for a long time, saying nothing, not breaking to reach for the after sex cigarette that usually followed their couplings almost
immediately. She began to wonder if he had taken the tear for what it was and not for the sweat that she had hoped that he had.
She pulled away from him when she began to cramp up, and rolled off of him. "Luke."
"Yes, love?" He reached over to grab a cigarette.
"Can I borrow your shampoo? I forgot mine."
"Of course."
It sounded to her as if he wanted to say something else but he was silent as he dug in his bag, cigarette clamped lightly between his teeth. He handed the bottle to her, watching as she walked to the bathroom.
He was dozing on the bed when she got out of the shower, still nude. She trailed kisses down his chest as she climbed onto the bed, not sure whether to be turned on or grossed out by the smell of sex and sweat that clung to him.
"Luke. Aren't you going to shower?"
He cracked an eye open lazily, reaching over to pull her to him. "In the morning."
She pulled the sheet over them, having pushed the heavy comforter to the foot of the bed and snuggled comfortably back into his arms.
The next morning, she awoke to the sound of the shower and reached for his cigarettes, not thrilled that she was letting herself get addicted but wanting one nonetheless.
"Damn woman. You're going to have to get a job so you can help me support my habit."
"Don't remind me of jobs." She groaned. "I hope all the halfway decent ones aren't taken by now, with kids out of school for the summer."
"If worse comes to worst I could always pay you to cook and clean for me. Or." He gave her a sly grin. "I hear live in sex slaves get top dollar these days."
She threw his dirty t shirt at him. "I doubt you could afford me.”
"You're probably right.” He threw the shirt back at her. "But with your new found sex drive, you'd probably end up paying me."
She scowled at him, throwing the shirt onto the floor on top of her clothes from the day before.
He kissed her. "Get that look of your face before it gets stuck that way."
She reached into her bag for her hair brush, glad that she had at least remembered that, going into the bathroom.
When she had brushed her teeth and washed her face, she dressed for the day in a pair of light blue shorts and a matching tank top. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, and exited the bathroom.
He raised an eye brow at her, since he wearing a pair of jeans and a t shirt. "You sure you don't want to rethink your outfit?"
She bent down, reaching for her sandals, shrugging her shoulders at him. "You're the one who was so mysterious about what you had planned."
He shrugged back at her, giving her a wink. "Hope you brought your sun screen."
She reached into her bag, pulling out the large bottle of SPF 45 that she carried everywhere with her in the summer because of her fair skin. "I didn't forget everything."
"Bring it with you.” He took her hand. "We've got a busy day ahead of us."
She followed him out to the car, wondering what he could possibly have planned.
When she tried to question him about what they were doing that day, he gave her a mock scowl and turned the radio up.
Sierra sat back in her seat, pulling her sunglasses out of her purse. She had herself fully slathered in sun screen by the time he pulled onto a back road forty five minutes or so later.
She was surprised when he pulled up in front of a building seemingly in the middle of nowhere several minutes later which had a large sign hung across it bearing the words "Welcome to Camp Sutter: Proud Home of the Area's Only Day Camp for Children with Juvenile Diabetes". A smaller sign beneath it read "Congratulations on Our Tenth Year."
They got out of the car. Luke was immediately surrounded by a dozen children of varying ages, saying "Luke."