Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (123 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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"Yes ma'am.”

Andi followed suit with Carl and then both girls followed with the last of the clothes, piling them next to the other clothes that Tony and Carl had put on the bed. 

"Wow Tone," Carl said.  "I didn't know you owned this many clothes."

"That's what you get when you don't do laundry for a month.  You started wearing shit that's been buried in the back of your closet for like five years."

"Anything I had five years ago wouldn't fit me Tone," Carl said with a laugh. 

"I know kid." He patted Carl on the head.  Carl rolled his eyes at Andi as they walked out of the room and she laughed. 

"So where should we start?"  Andi said. 

"There's not much left to do.  You should have seen this place before we started cleaning.  I think there's another load or two of laundry.  Then we need to vacuum in here and sweep and mop in the kitchen."

"Okay.  I'll do the kitchen if you want.  I don't mind cleaning.  My mom always made it a game for me and my brother so we never really looked at it as a chore.”  Andi shrugged. 

Wow, Tory thought.  This girl was too good to be true.  Gorgeous, smart if her mom was bragging about her grades to Marcune, and she liked to clean?  If Carl had any sense in his head he'd never let Andi get away. 

Not that he probably had any interest in doing that Tory thought as Andi started wiping down the kitchen counters.  If they'd already had sex, she was any straight man's dream wrapped up in a bright and shiny package.  Tory just hoped she wasn't hiding some major league psycho tendencies underneath because Carl really was a good kid and deserved someone like Andi.

Sometime later Andi said “Hey, do you know what surprise the guys have planned for us tonight?"

"No.  This is the first I've heard about it."

"Oooh that must mean it's a good one." Andi giggled as she went back into the kitchen. 

Surprise she thought?  With the combined efforts of Tony and Carl she couldn't think of what it would be that didn't involve sex.  She held back a laugh as she threw a load of towels into the washer, then drug the vacuum out of the corner and out to the living room. 

Two hours later the kitchen was sparkling, the laundry was put away and the whole house smelled like gingerbread.  Andi had brought over cookies that her mom and Lorelei had formed and popped them in the oven once the cleaning was done. 

A scented candle was lit in the middle of the coffee table.  Carl and Tony had dug a foot tall fiber optic Christmas tree out of a dusty corner of the garage and plugged it in.  Feeling real holiday nostalgia for the first time since her grandparents had died; she leaned up and gave Tony a kiss. 

"Mmm," he said.  "You taste like cookies.  Are you girls ready to go?"

"Go Tony?" She had almost forgotten about the big surprise they had planned.  "You expect me to go anywhere looking like this?" 

Her hair was a mess and she was wearing one of Tony's shirts since she'd somehow managed to spill the contents of the vacuum all over herself while she was trying to dump it in the trash. 

"You're beautiful as always Tor.  You wanna go in my car or are you and Andi gonna follow in yours Carl?"

Carl shrugged.  "Your backseat's got plenty of leg room right?" 

"Yep.  And we can put the rest of the shit in the trunk.  Will you help me start hauling stuff out to the car while the girls do whatever it is girls do to get themselves ready to go out?"


Carl followed Tony out to the garage.

She raised an eyebrow at Andi, and followed her back to Tony's bathroom where she ran a brush through her hair and tucked in Tony's shirt. 

"Carl didn't let anything slip about what they've got planned?" 

"Nope." Andi giggled.  "You know what's so cool?  My mom gave me permission to spend the night here since I told her you were going to be here, too."

"Wow.” Parents sure were more open minded these days she thought. 

“The only thing that Carl let slip was that Tony was picking up some champagne and I think they rolled up a joint of some strain that's supposed to be really good.  So no matter what we're doing it should be a blast." 

Tory laughed, feeling almost giddy herself.  It was funny to see Andi who looked so wholesome, talk about getting high and drunk.  They were leaving the bathroom, Andi in the lead when Tony called from the living room "Kick it in the ass you two.  You were both born beautiful so what's taking so damn long?"

Carl helped Andi into her jacket. 

Tony said "Don't forget yours Tor.  You're probably gonna want it." 

She walked back into the bedroom, grabbed her coat and slipped her arms into it, taking one last glance at herself in the bathroom mirror.  She was never going to turn heads like Andi but she looked as good as she had in a long time.  She looked happy she thought, even with the trip home looming ahead of her. 

Oh shit, she thought as she walked back into the living room.  She had forgotten about sending the package to her dad and picking up the money that her mom had wired to her.

"Tony.  What time is it?"

"A little after six.  Why?"

"Damn.  I meant to get that watch sent out to my dad today."

"We'll do it in the morning baby.  It wouldn't have gotten there by Christmas if it had gone out today anyway.  I think you missed the deadline by like three days."

"I still need to pick up the money that my mom sent."

"We'll stop at the convenience store on the way back."


She took his hand as they walked outside. 

Andi and Carl were already in the backseat, steaming up the windows as they made out.  Tony knocked on the window.  Carl jumped back, startled, and then flipped Tony off as he went around to the driver's seat. 

"You're an asshole, Tone." Carl leaned back in the seat, putting his arm around Andi's shoulders. 

"I gotta make Uncle Keith proud don't I?"  He winked at Tory as he backed carefully out of the driveway. 

"At least I was never dumb enough to let Dad catch me making out, let alone half naked in the backseat, Tone.”

"It wasn't me who was half naked in the backseat.  It was Tory.  Tony can get dressed in seconds flat.  I think it's a girl thing."

Tory reached over and smacked him in the arm.  "Did you have to remind me of that Tony?  That was humiliating.  And you wonder why I didn't want to go with you to thanksgiving dinner."

"I forgot you haven't formally met Uncle Keith.  You better tell your dad to go easy on her if she's going to be so defensive Carl."

Tory groaned.  "You're kidding right?" 

Tony paused, as if thinking it over.  "Of course I'm kidding Tor.  Well not really," he said as she started to let out a sigh of relief.  "But I promise you Uncle Keith will be on his best behavior.  Well, until everyone starts to get drunk and high.  Then all bets are off."

Tory could feel color rising to her cheeks, just thinking about it.  "That's it.  I'm going back to school and sitting in my room by myself on New Year's." 

Tony laughed.  "No you ain't darlin’.  If he starts to tease you, I'll remind him of the time he caught me with Kathy Baker at the old make out spot.  That poor girl was mortified.  She was drunk as hell and stoned half out of her mind and kept trying to put both her legs into the same hole on her pants.  Never mind that her chest was still bare.  Uncle Keith could have had himself an eyeful for five minutes if he'd wanted it before I took pity on her and helped her.  She'd been a virgin until like five minutes before he got there.  She was so embarrassed by the whole thing that she made her parents let her go live with her older sister in South Dakota."

“Gee Tony, you're such a gentleman," Tory said sarcastically.

"I was so stoned that it took me five minutes of staring at her tits to figure out that they should probably be covered up."

"Great excuse." She gave him a dirty look.  She'd never let him know that she thought it was pretty funny herself. 

"Or I could always remind him of the time he DID catch Carl making out."

"No," Carl said.  "He never did I swear."

"He did too.  You were all of what; fourteen?  You convinced Uncle Keith to let you stay over at my place, remember?  He comes over at like midnight, walks in the front door like usual.  I was in the bedroom screwing some nasty bitch, you remember Tracy don't you Carl?  My on again off again pity fuck.  You should have seen this girl Tory.  Gorgeous, killer body, but she couldn't get it through her head why her boyfriend had left her.  It was because the bitch didn't know how to take a shower.  Carl, you were making out with what the hell was her name; Amy, from down the street, the one whose parents never gave half a shit where she was?  Uncle Keith caught you copping a feel on my couch."

"Oh shit, now I remember." Carl shook his head.  "That poor girl.  Her parents really didn't give a shit.  Last I heard she was hooking in LA, supposedly doing porn on the side.  Her name wasn't Amy it was Annie remember?  They used to call her little orphan Annie."

"Yeah." Tony let out a quiet sigh.  "I remember the last time I saw that poor girl.  Her mom had come over earlier that day and spent the last of their money on a couple rocks.  The old man had been at work so she hadn't bothered to save any to share with him.  He comes over at like six o'clock at night with empty pockets, looking to score himself a rock.  She'd sold the last of their food stamps for the money for that shit.  He didn't get paid for another week so that piece of shit brings over his daughter.  It was a while later, maybe a year or so.  She might have been fifteen then.  He expects to sell his daughter to me for a couple rocks.  I beat that mother fucker bloody.  You remember that don't you Carl?  You were out fishing with Uncle Keith.  The neighbors called Aunt Lori, told her there were two chicks bawling in my front yard while I was trying to kill some guy.  Uncle Keith pulls up with Carl, has to pull me off of this dude.  I had it in my head I was gonna kill that bastard.  This was like twenty minutes after they got to my place.  Annie had run home and got her mom.  They're just standing there both wailing their heads off while I continue to pound this guy.  Why in the hell that poor girl was upset that I was kicking the ass of the sorry sack of shit that had tried to sell her for crack I'll never understand.   But that's a woman I guess.”

"Yeah, I remember that day," Carl said.  "Annie's mom had a black eye and a fat lip.  But she was still upset when Dad told that asshole to get the hell out of town and never come back.  He was upset at until dad slipped him some cash, the money that he was saving to buy mom a nice birthday present.  Dad looked that guy in the eye and said 'You're lucky I didn't let my boy kill you asshole'.  That dude took off in nothing flat after that.  You would have thought Annie's life would've gotten better after that wouldn't you Tone?  Didn't her mom marry that rich dude?" 

"Yeah.”  Tony threw his cigarette out the window.  "You would've thought so.  Only when you think about it Carl, why did that loaded dude marry Annie's mama?  Woman was ugly as sin, had like three teeth left from smoking too much meth, and could barely put on her clothes in the morning.  If she wasn't high she was drunk off her ass.  What would a rich guy possibly want with a bitch like that?  Uh, couldn't possibly be her hot as hell teenage daughter right?"

"Oh shit," Carl said.  "Yeah.  Annie quit coming to school a couple months after they got married.  People were saying she was knocked up.  The next thing you know she was gone.  I guess I was still too young to really think about it."

"That poor girl," Andi said, leaning over and putting her head on Carl's shoulder.

"Yep," Tony said.  "There are some sorry mother fuckers walking around this planet."

"You really did that Tony?"  Tory reached out and squeezed his leg. 

"Yeah darlin’, I did.  Wasn't one bit sorry I did it either.  I was high out of my mind for a week afterwards, my knuckles hurt so badly from pounding that guy.  But I'd do it again if I had to.  No little girl, hell no grown woman, deserves to have some worthless asshole sell her for drugs.  I’ve seen plenty of women sell themselves, or try to sell themselves for a high, but that's their problem.  They make that choice, so it's on them.  Nobody has the right to take that away."

Tory looked at him as she reached for a cigarette.  He was such a contrast she thought, always surprising the hell out of her with the things he did or said.  He could be crude, and was a notorious pervert, but in more ways than one, he was the sweetest, most honorable man she'd ever met. 

"What you looking at me like that for Tor?"  He said, as he stopped the car in the parking the lot of the small rest area next to the lake. 

"You never cease to surprise me, Tony."  She was trying to keep a light tone in her voice, when she wanted nothing more than to fold herself into his arms and never leave their shelter.

He could almost make her believe that everything would turn out all right.  And wasn't that ironic she thought?  A drug dealer could make her believe in life.  In love, in happiness and safety.  In her best fantasies of a life with Jude she'd always had to wonder if he would really protect her when it came down to it, if he could really provide a life for the two of them. 

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