Read Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set Online
Authors: Misty Reigenborn
"You need to remember to pay your bills on time. I'm surprised you remembered to pay your rent."
"I wouldn't have if I didn't pay it six months at a time."
"You shell out that much cash at once?"
They got into the car.
"My landlord gives me a discount. The electricity and everything else besides my cell phone bill are all on auto pay."
"So why do you have a lockbox full of cash if you have a bank account?"
"Who can really trust the banks these days?" They pulled out onto the road. "I put enough in there to cover my bills and the rest I stash."
"It's a good thing that guy didn't find your money." She turned the corner towards the grocery store.
He scowled. "Yeah. I can't believe you wouldn't let me kick his ass."
“Babe kicking his ass isn’t going to solve anything.”
Tony scowled as he held open the door of the store for her. “It sure would feel good though.”
She pushed the cart down the aisles of the grocery store. "Even if it did feel good it still wouldn’t be worth it.”
He sighed. "Yeah. I don't have any better ideas other than kicking the shit out of him. And since I've been forbidden to do that. . ."
"Forbidden? What am I? Your mother?"
"Nah baby. You're more like the angel that sits on my shoulder keeping me from doing all the stupid shit that I want to do when I'm high out of my mind. If I didn't have your voice stuck in the back of my head telling me to keep my shit together I'd have been in jail for assault and battery for beating the living hell out of Jude long ago."
"So now I'm an angel."
"Every good angel's gotta have a wild side. And you've got one of the sweetest wild sides I've ever seen."
"Pervert." She moved away as he tried to grab her butt.
"Hey, do you think we should get something to bring to dinner with your parents?"
"Parents ha. Lindsey is the poorest excuse for a mother ever. If you want to meet my real parent we might as well head to Montana and try to track my dad down by his P.O. Box address. Nah, we don't need to bring anything to good old Lindsey and Langston. Anything we'd come up with wouldn't live up to their standards. I'd be perfectly happy to spend Christmas at your house. I hate the holidays."
"Me too.” He pulled her into his arms, ignoring the dirty look that an elderly woman who was passing by on the other side of the aisle gave them. "My dad was still into all the holiday shit. He made me go look at Christmas lights with him when I was seventeen. I probably wouldn't have been such an ass about the whole thing if I'd have known it was going to be his last Christmas."
She stepped out of his arms, giving him a quick kiss. "I'm sorry Tony. Your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man."
"It's okay. I still can't believe that he's gone sometimes. It's really hard to think about what things would have been like if he wouldn't have died. I gotta find something to take to my mom that they deem as harmless. Ah hell, I gotta pick up something for Carl and Uncle Keith and Aunt Lori too. We better hurry up and get groceries, drop the shit off at the house and then get to the mall. It's gonna be packed. Then we can finish cleaning up the house tomorrow and get a good night's sleep before we head out to your house."
She sighed. "Don't remind me. I'm really not looking forward to this."
"Hey baby." He draped an arm around her shoulders. "It'll be okay. I promise that I'll play nice with your mom and stepdad. I clean up well."
"Do you own anything besides jeans and t-shirts?"
He gave her a mock dirty look. "'Course I do love. What respectable drug dealer doesn't?"
She snorted. "I told my mom you were a song writer."
He raised an eyebrow. "You did, did you?"
"You said you wrote songs in high school right?"
He laughed. "Your mama wouldn't want to hear the songs I wrote in high school. My mom found one and had a shit fit. It was rather graphic. It was about my 10th grade English teacher. What I wanted to do to her. Except my mom never knew that I did do most of that stuff to her."
"Whoa.” She put an economy bottle of laundry soap into that cart. "I thought you said you weren't a stud in high school."
He laughed. "I wasn't. You should have seen my English teacher. She was a hell of woman but she won't ever win a beauty contest. There were some other less reputable contests she might win, though. Damn could that woman. . ."
Tory gave him a dirty look as she tossed a pack of dryer sheets into the cart. "Thought we weren't going to talk about sex with other people."
"I know. Sure don't want to hear about you and Jude."
Tony decided that it was time to change the subject. "So do you think we got enough supplies to get us through tonight and tomorrow?"
She looked at the cart which was piled high with cleaning supplies and snack food, and snorted. "I think you've got enough crap to satisfy a couple stoners for a couple days yeah."
"Weed isn't a real drug. If I smoke enough weed maybe I'll be able to convince myself I don't really need the hard shit."
"If you say so."
She followed him toward the check stand. They dropped off the groceries at the house and then headed out to the mall, where Tony agonized over what to buy for his aunt and uncle. He'd already picked out a large box of condoms for Carl and a gift certificate to a video game store.
She'd been trying to sneak away from him to get him a gift but he'd insisted on waiting outside the bathroom for her, telling her that she didn't need to worry about buying him anything; her being with him was enough. She was feeling so sappy by that point that she'd almost started crying. But then he'd dragged her into a lingerie store and bought her a barely there negligee which reminded her that no matter how sweet he could be, he always had sex on the brain.
He settled on a new toolbox for his uncle and a couple of stoner movies and a t-shirt made out of hemp for his aunt. He bought a big box of chocolates and half a dozen romance novels for his mom. He bought Tory’s dad a fancy pocket watch and insisted that they take a picture together to send to him. When she was beginning to wonder how he'd ever have enough money left to cover the money it was going to cost in gas over the paltry amount that her mom was going to send with gas prices what they were; he also insisted on picking up a bottle of expensive scotch from a liquor store on the way home for Lindsey and Langston.
When they had gotten everything brought into the house and she was sitting on the couch waiting somewhat impatiently for him to load a bowl, he snapped his fingers. "Damn. I need to call my insurance company, make sure that Angel's covered or we ain't goin' anywhere."
"You're naming your new car Angel?"
"She's gonna get my angel home for the holidays isn't she?" He gave her a breathtaking kiss before he went to rummage in his bedroom for the number of his insurance company.
He brought back a rumpled piece of paper and the pink bag from the lingerie store, dropping the bag onto her lap. "Why don't you slip into something a little more comfortable while I take care of business?"
"You call that thing comfortable?"
He fingered the thin strip of material that would wedge firmly up her ass. "That anticipation you were talkin’ about last night baby, well watching you in this thing for more than a few minutes
is going to drive me out of my freakin’ mind. You wanna sit on my lap while I'm on the phone with our friendly neighborhood insurance agent?” His voice got husky. "Convince Tony his bad girl deserves more than a lump of coal for Christmas?"
"You really are a pervert.” She snatched the black lace out of his hands.
"Never said I wasn't darlin'." He smirked as he walked to the kitchen, already dialing the number for the insurance company.
The blinds were firmly closed, so she stepped out of her clothes in the living room, cutting the tags off of the lingerie and eyeing it before she put it on. How come men could get away with being sexy when they were in a pair of jeans and women had to resort to having their tits hanging out and something shoved up their ass she thought?
She shook her head as she stepped into the negligee. She was trying to keep it out of her ass without looking too gross doing it when Tony walked back into the living room and let out a low whistle.
"You never seemed to need any extra help getting turned on." She ran her hands over his chest and sighed as he stepped back to pull his shirt over his head.
"Doesn't mean I don't like it. So what we're gonna do is smoke the last of that weed, pig out on sandwiches and chips and then spend the rest of the night in the bedroom, making up for lost time."
"Sounds good to me." She tried to discreetly remove the lingerie once again from her ass.
He closed his hand over hers, and moved the fabric back into place, then ran his hand lightly over her crotch. "I like it there baby. An-ti-ci-pation remember?”
He kissed her on the neck, pressing his body firmly against hers so she could feel the erection that he was already sporting.
"Ah, the word of the hour." She tried not to stare at his crotch.
"Baby, Tony's gonna make it last more than an hour. Tony's gonna make it last all night long. You're gonna be begging me to marry you after I'm through with you so you can sleep me with me every night without living in sin."
She laughed, trying not to think of what he planned on doing to her. "That's a good one Tony. Let me bring you home to meet Lindsey and I'll introduce you as my fiancé, the guy that I'm marrying because he's so good in bed."
"People have certainly gotten married for worse things.” He gave her a cocky smile, and then turned serious. "You know that I really do love you, don't you Tor? I've never met anyone like you."
"I love you too, Tony.” The words starting to feel almost normal coming out of her mouth she thought. "Now get to your grinding and bowl packing while I make dinner."
"Does it mean I get to stare at your tight ass?"
She flipped him off as she walked into the kitchen.
"Promises, promises."
He put the last of the weed into the grinder.
She walked back into the living room with two plates a few minutes later. His was piled high with chips and a huge sandwich. Hers held a more modest sandwich and about half the chips.
He shook his head at her. "You'd think you needed to go on a diet."
"Like chips and dip are diet foods. And you need to eat so you can put that ten pounds back on that you look like you lost from not eating."
He took a huge bite of the sandwich. "Yep, gonna fatten right up for you."
"It's gonna be pure muscle with the workout I'm gonna make sure you get before I go back to school." She gave him a coy wink.
He groaned, setting aside the plate and reaching for the loaded pipe. "Damn I missed you baby."
She let her shoulder straps slip down slightly so that he could get a better view of her breasts. "And I missed you too, Tony. You'll never know how much I missed you."
"We gotta get married then. Not now of course. But when you're ready 'cause once you've been with the glory that is Tony, you're spoiled for any other man."
"What an ego you have Anthony Wilson."
But she thought he was right. When you'd been with a man who could turn your world upside down with a kiss, let alone what he could do in bed, what hope did you ever have of finding someone else who could live up to what he did to her she thought? Love and lust were two separate things but she was finding herself hopelessly in love and lust with Tony and there would be no going back.
Screw Jude, and screw Molli she thought. Let them live in a crappy apartment while Jude worked two jobs and Molli sat on her ass and watched soap operas, chain smoking and ignoring her children like a white trash version of Tory's mother. She held back a laugh at the thought, feeling almost giddy from the fragrant smoke as well as the almost high feeling she was getting from being back with Tony.
"I fucking love you so much Tony." She let the sensations take her to another place, a better place.
He laughed. "And I fucking love you too, Tory. And damn do I love fucking you. Now on that beautiful thought, let me lead you to my bedroom and teach you a lesson in the wonders of love."
If she hadn't known the true meaning of foreplay previously, he taught her that night. He spent what seemed like hours touching her, kissing her, doing anything but making love to her until she was so frustrated that she started begging him to just do it.
When she was firmly convinced that she would have an orgasm the second that he was fully inside her, he took it slow still. By the time he started moving faster, driving himself into her harder with each perfectly timed thrust, she screamed when she came it was so intense. She lay back on the bed and sighed.
"What?" There was a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
"Give me a cigarette would you? I don't think I can move."