Misty Moon: Book 1 (12 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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The back door opened and Audrey came
in. She looked at me nervously. I just glanced at her and looked
away. “Hey Kylie, is Dominic here?” she asked quietly.

I nodded. “Second door on the left,” I
said softly. She hurried out and I looked at the clock. I didn’t
want to be here anymore. I needed to go home and get some rest. It
would give me time to clear my head. It was already around nine in
the morning so I doubted Maggie would mind.

I walked back to into the room.
Dominic and Audrey were standing near Michael’s bed and they looked
like they were talking. Maggie looked up at me and smiled. “Hey
Maggie I am going to get out of here,” I said quietly.

She nodded. “Ok I will see you a
little later.”

Ok I may be here a little
later tonight,” I said making a special effort not to look at
Dominic. I needed to go find out what happened to Michael and that
meant going into Brayden’s territory.

Ok dear if you need
anything, just let me know,” Maggie said sounding

Of course,” I said then I
hurried out of the room and back toward the kitchen. I made it
outside when the sound of Dominic’s voice stopped me.

Kylie wait,” he said
annoyed as he followed me out.

I sighed and turned to face him. “What
do you want?” I asked tiredly.

I want you to talk to me.
You are acting weird and you are being evasive. I just need to know
that you are ok.” His tone softened as he spoke like he thought
being nice would get me to talk.

Look I appreciate the
support and everything, but I don’t need to talk. I just need to go
home and go to bed,” I said impatiently. I turned to continue on my
way and he caught me by my wrist. I glared at him, but didn’t

If you love me like you
said, then you will stay away from Brayden. Find someone better,
anyone.” His expression was dark, but I couldn’t tell if he was
angry or not.

If you ever felt anything
for me let me go and stay out of my personal life,” I said angrily
and attempted to pull away.

He pulled me closer to him and I
caught my breath. He was too close. I didn’t want him this close.
When he was this close I said and did stupid things. “Please don’t
push me away. I want to be in your life, but I cannot be your
lover,” he whispered.

Then you can’t be
anything!” I said angrily and pulled my wrist free. I ran into the
woods. I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t want to think about him.
I didn’t want to have feelings for him.


I made it home and attempted to get
some sleep. It seemed impossible. I tossed and turned trying to
forget everything. Around three I gave up and climbed out of bed. I
showered and dressed then hurried downstairs. I hesitated when I
saw Shelia standing in the kitchen wearing just my dad’s shirt. I
was suddenly annoyed, but I kept myself from saying

I didn’t realize you would
be up so early,” she said sounding apologetic.

I’m leaving anyway, don’t
worry about it,” I mumbled as I walked toward the back

Kylie wait. I wanted to
talk to you about Brayden,” she said quickly as she approached

What about him?” I asked

He is really no good. He
is a trouble maker and I would hate to see a girl like you get
hurt,” she said quietly.

I wanted to say something rude, but I
bit my tongue to keep from speaking. “Thanks for the warning,” I
muttered then hurried out the door. I needed to talk to Danny. I
figured he might know where I could find Brayden’s hide


I made it to the tattoo parlor in
record time. It was early, but I knew Danny would be there. I
walked into the place. Becky was standing at the counter next to
her boyfriend. She glared at me, but I ignored her. I didn’t have
time for her. I was on a mission.

I walked back to Danny’s booth. I
smiled when I saw he was making out with Marie. At least she took a
chance, and it worked out. I cleared my throat and they broke

Marie blushed bright red. “Kylie what
are you doing here?” she squeaked.

I had a question for
Danny,” I said amused.

I might have an answer,”
Danny said grinning.

You are not going to like
this, but I need to know where Brayden stays,” I said quickly
hoping he wouldn’t protest too hard.

His expression darkened. “No, I am not
telling you.”

I scowled. “Then I will find it
myself. It would just be easier if you would tell me.”

He crossed his arms and glared at me.
“What is it with you and that guy? He is a cruel to his pack and he
will be cruel to you if you give him enough time.”

It is none of your
business. You can either tell me or don’t regardless I will find
him,” I countered.

Danny just tell her, he
hasn’t hurt her yet. Maybe he has changed,” Marie said

Danny scoffed. “He hasn’t changed. He
is just playing his normal game. He hangs out at a bar called the
New Moon. It’s just outside Dominic’s territory. If you go past the
welcome sign a few miles you will find it.”

Thank you Danny,” I said
relieved. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. I walked back out
toward the exit. I stopped when Becky stepped out in front of

Where are you going?” she
asked like she was in charge.

Wherever I want to, get
out of my way,” I countered. I went to go around her and she
blocked me. I glared at her. “Becky I am not in the

She scoffed and shoved me backwards
into the counter. “I am going to put you in your place now that you
precious Dominic isn’t here to save you.”

I straightened and looked at her. I
really wasn’t in the mood to fight, but I could tell she wasn’t
going to give me a choice. Her friends were gathering which only
encouraged her more. She lunged and I side stepped and caught her
across the jaw. She went backwards and landed sprawled out on the
floor. She didn’t move and I was a little worried.

What the fuck, bitch!” her
boyfriend growled and shoved me backwards into the

Danny jumped in front of him and
growled low in his throat. “Becky started it Alan,” he

Ya well I’m going to
finish it,” Alan snapped trying to move around Danny. Danny refused
to let him by and he shoved Danny. Danny recoiled and punched him
in the stomach. Alan stumbled back then lunged forward. They went
rolling across the floor snarling and growling. I was surprised to
see Danny get the upper hand. He started punching Alan in the

Danny that’s enough!”
Marie said quickly pulling him off. “Kylie go, so they calm down,”
she ordered glaring at me.

I felt a little bad about causing the
whole thing, but I needed to go see Brayden so I left like she

I ran through the woods toward the
Luna sign. I ran for miles enjoying the air and the scent of the
woods. I stopped just inside Dominic’s borders. I surveyed the bar
from the tree line. It was getting dark and the bar was coming to
life. It looked like there was a good deal of Brayden’s wolves
around. Many of them were outside, I could imagine there were more

I took a deep breath and stepped out
of the woods and onto Brayden’s territory. I approached the bar and
I could feel the wolves watching me. As I got closer they started
to crowd and it was a little intimidating. I pushed through the
crowd toward the door. They weren’t giving me any space. They
obviously wanted to make sure I knew I was unwelcome. I made it
inside and the entire bar quieted like they had never seen and
outside. I scanned the bar and spotted Brayden near one of the pool
tables. He smiled as I approached. “I didn’t expect to see you here
love,” he said amused as he went to take another shot.

I didn’t want to come
here, believe me,” I countered.

You do know I have a rule
against Dominic’s pack crossing into my territory. I tend to send
them back in very bad shape.” I couldn’t believe he was actually
threatening me. He approached me slowly as he spoke.

Well it’s a good thing I
don’t give a fuck about your rules,” I countered.

He stopped inches from me and I tried
to fight the feeling of excitement that he gave me. His smile
widened at my words. “Such a brave little wolf,” he

Why did you lie about the
hunter and why did you attack Michael?” I asked pushing forward and
ignoring his playful tone.

He scoffed. “The ass shot me. Dominic
must feel pretty weak if he has his border patrol carrying

I was a little startled. I assumed
Brayden had caused the entire problem. I never thought maybe
Michael struck first. “You shouldn’t have been over the border,” I

He grinned. “Funny that is coming from
someone who is currently in my territory.”

I wouldn’t expect any less
from you if you did retaliate against me,” I said

His expression darkened like I had hit
a nerve. “Rick, Carl get this bitch off my territory,” he ordered
like I was a piece of trash he wanted picked up.

The two wolves moved forward. “Rick,
Carl I know my way out and if you touch me I will make you regret
it,” I countered.

They hesitated not far from me and
kept their hands to their selves. Brayden stepped forward and got
in my face. “Leave or I will show you how cruel I can be,” he

Fuck you,” I countered
sounding braver then I felt. We stared at each other for a minute.
The entire bar was silent. I could feel my heart pounding. I was
hoping he wasn’t serious.

He finally sighed. “What do you want?”
he asked tiredly.

Don’t hurt Dominic’s
wolves,” I said watching him.

I won’t agree to that,
next,” he sounded like I was starting to irritate him.

Stay off his territory
then.” I knew if he stayed out of Dominic’s territory there would
be less of a chance of anyone getting hurt.

No, all request denied now
leave,” he ordered.

I crossed my arms defiantly. “No you
have to agree to stop this petty fight.”

Rick, Carl get her out or
you will have to worry about me killing you not her,” he snapped
turning away from me.

They grabbed me and pulled me backward
away from him. I caught Rick in the face with a punch and he went
down. Carl hit me and I fell to the floor. Several others started
kicking me and stomping on me. I felt my bones break and I tasted
blood. I panicked and felt myself shift. I ran for the door as they
continued to kick me. I yelped when someone stabbed me with
something. I felt it go through my side and it burned. I could hear
Brayden yelling, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. I was
panicking and trying to get out of the melee of feet and hands. I
finally made it out of the crowd and bolted. I knew I was hurt, but
I had to get back into Dominic’s territory in order to be safe. As
soon as I crossed the border I collapsed just inside the tree line.
I shifted back to human form because I was unable to maintain wolf
form. I cried in pain when I moved. My side was gushing blood and I
felt like one of my legs were broken.

Kylie!” Brayden’s voice
made me panic.

I got up and tried to run, but I
quickly collapsed and cried in pain. He came into view and he
hesitated when he saw me. “Stay away from me you son of a bitch!” I
yelled at him and even that hurt.

He raised his hands in surrender like
he meant no harm. “I never meant for them to do that, you have to
know that Kylie.”

He sounded sincere, but I didn’t care.
My body was screaming in pain and I just wanted to get to Maggie’s.
“I need to get to Maggie’s,” I said through gritted teeth as I put
pressure on my side wound.

I will take you,” he said
as he peeled his shirt off. He slid it over my head then lifted me.
I didn’t want his help, but Maggie’s house was at least a mile away
and I wasn’t going to get there on my own.

I laid against him trying to breathe
through the pain and keep pressure on my side. Whatever I was
stabbed with was incredibly painful. When Maggie’s house came into
view I was so relieved. He hesitated at the wood line when he saw
Dominic and Audrey come out. “Here is where I depart darling. I
doubt Dominic will take kindly to me being here after this,” he
said softly as he set me on the ground. Before I could speak he
stood abruptly and yelled at Dominic. “Come get your girl Dominic.”
He winked at me then shifted and took off running back through the

I looked back at Dominic and he was
running toward me. He knelt next to me and he looked terrified. I
knew I probably looked really bad. “What the hell

Run in with Brayden’s
pack. I need Maggie, my side won’t quit bleeding,” I said

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