Misty Moon: Book 1 (10 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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We need to talk,” Dominic
said softly as he came up behind me. I didn’t even hear him

Later,” I said as I walked
out and went back to Ally’s room to make sure Maggie didn’t need
anything else. I was also avoiding Dominic. I had no clue what I
was going to say.

You should go upstairs and
shower. There are some clean clothes that I am sure will fit you,”
Maggie said when I walked back in the room. She was putting
supplies away so I was guessing it was over.

I nodded. “On my way out should I let
Malcom know he can come see her?” I asked watching her.

She nodded then she glanced up at me.
“You did a brave thing Kylie. I am sure if Ally was in Brayden’s
care, her and the baby would have died.”

I sighed. “I don’t think Dominic sees
it that way.”

She smiled. “Dominic will get over it.
Go clean up, I’ll get Malcom.”

I smiled. “Thanks Maggie,” I said
softly and slipped out of the room. I hurried up the stairs and
went to one of the spare rooms. I found a pink tank dress that
would fit me, then I went into the bathroom and took a

When I walked back out into the room
Dominic was waiting. I couldn’t say I was surprised. I knew he
would catch up with me eventually. He was watching me, but he
wasn’t speaking which was annoying.

Just say whatever it is
you are going to say,” I said quietly as I dried my

There are no words for how
angry I am Kylie. At this point I don’t know what to do with you,”
he said angrily.

I rolled my eyes. “I had an
opportunity to get Ally back so I did.”

You brought two of my
wolves along with you on a possible suicide mission, and how is it
you came to talk to Brayden in the first place. I am a little foggy
on that part. Marie and Danny act like they just followed you
blindly,” he said angrily.

They did. Marie and Danny
had nothing to do with anything,” I said without looking at

I think you are lying,” he

I scoffed. “Your pack follows you
blindly. Why is it so hard to believe?”

I believe Danny did. He
has had a hard on for you since the day he saw you. Marie on the
other hand is smarter. She doesn’t do things half assed like you,”
he snapped.

I glared at him. I was tired of him
acting like I was an idiot. “Look, punish me, ban me, do whatever.
I don’t care. Danny and Marie had no part they were just being good
friends.” I was tired of talking to him so I walked out of the room
and of course he followed.

What did Brayden say? How
did you meet him? What did you give him? I need to know these
things Kylie.” He was close on my heels as I went down the stairs.
If I stopped he would have run into me.

I don’t want to fight
Dominic. I didn’t give him anything,” I said tiredly as I walked
into the kitchen.

Dominic scoffed. “Whatever, Brayden
does nothing for free.”

He does if he likes
someone enough,” a woman said as she walked into the kitchen. She
was tall and blond. She had this supermodel look about her and I
immediately didn’t like her.

Who the hell are you?” I
asked annoyed.

Shelia, I came to this
pack with the others. I was in Brayden’s pack for years. I know how
he works,” she said quietly.

Did he say he liked you
Kylie?” Dominic asked angrily.

I don’t have time for
this,” I muttered as I went to the counter and started organizing

A word of advice Kylie
don’t let him in. He does nothing but makes you believe he wants
you then he takes joy in tearing you apart,” Shelia said watching

Funny that seems to be a
thing with pack masters,” I growled as I glared at

His expression darkened and he looked
like he was going to respond, but Maggie came in. “I take it you
are thanking Kylie for getting Ally back safely?” she said

Dominic stiffened. “She was arrogant
to go and meet Brayden on her own.”

I wasn’t on my own,” I

Dominic scoffed. “You would have been
safer alone. Danny and Marie are liabilities.”

I think the point is that
it is over and everyone is safe. You should let it go and move on,”
Maggie argued.

Dominic looked at me with his arms
crossed like he was trying to decide what he wanted to

Where did you get that
necklace?” Shelia asked. Her voice was barely a whisper and her
eyes were on the ruby necklace. It had fallen out of my shirt while
I was working. I didn’t want to take it off and lose it so I
stuffed it in my shirt out of sight.

Nowhere,” I muttered and
put it back in my shirt. “I’m going to check on Ally,” I said
quietly and walked out of the kitchen. She obviously recognized the
necklace and I didn’t want to be in the room when she told Dominic.
I kind of wanted to know why she recognized the necklace. I pushed
the thought away. I didn’t want to care about any of it.


Ally was groggy, but happy. The babies
were healthy and Malcom looked less stressed out. I slipped out of
the room and cussed when Dominic pinned me to the door. He was
furious and I knew why.

You accepted a gift from
him?” His voice was a low angry whisper.

What else was I supposed
to do? I wasn’t in a position to piss him off,” I

Why are you still wearing
it?” he snapped.

I looked at him for a minute and I was
so angry I could barely focus. “Why does it matter? Why do you even
care? All you talk about is how I am too young and now you want to
ban me because I won’t apologize to your precious Audrey. Which is
it? Do you care or not?”

Of course I care. I care
about your safety and the safety of this pack and accepting gifts
from Brayden is not high on the list of safe moves,” he said

I watched him for a minute. He was
saying he wanted me safe and he thought of me like he did the
others. I wasn’t special, I was just another member of his pack. I
shook my head tiredly and looked away. “Neither is falling in love
with an arrogant pack master,” I said quietly and pushed past him.
I hurried down the stairs and out the front door. The cool mountain
air made me feel a little better. I was ready to go home. I started
to run. I ran as fast as I could through the woods. Everything that
had happened was a burden on me. I felt so free as I ran. I didn’t
stop until I made it into the foyer of my father’s house. I felt a
little better as I ran up the stairs to my bedroom.


His hands cupped my
breasts as his mouth trialed kisses down my neck and back. I
couldn’t see him but I could feel him. His hard cock slid inside me
from behind and I pushed against him. His hands moved down to my
hips and he thrust touching every tender spot. He felt so good as
he moved against me. I cried out in ecstasy as pleasure crashed
over me. He pulled out of me and I turned to kiss him. Brayden
smiled back at me; then pressed his lips to mine.

I woke up with a start. I had fallen
off the bed. I was panting and my body was on fire. I cussed and
stood up. I had a sex dream about Brayden. I groaned and flopped
down on my bed face down. My life couldn’t get any more
complicated. I jumped when someone knocked on my door. I went to
the door and opened it.

It was my father. He looked around me.
“I heard a noise,” he said sounding suspicious.

I fell off the bed,” I
said quietly as I walked back to my bed. I sat down and looked at

Are you ok?” he asked
watching me.

I nodded. “Just great, I am going to
get dressed and go to Maggie’s.”

It’s only around two. Why
don’t you get some more sleep?” he said softly.

I sighed. “I don’t think it will work
for me. I might as well get up.”

He nodded. “Get me if you need me,” he
said then shut my door.

I showered and I couldn’t take my mind
off of Brayden. I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. The
necklace caught my eyes and I examined it. I wondered how Shelia
knew about it.

It was my grandmother’s,”
Brayden said from behind me.

I spun around to face him. I hadn’t
even heard him come in my room. I didn’t even know how he got in my
room. “How did you get in my room?” I asked nervously.

He smiled. “I have my ways love. You
didn’t pass through around noon so I decided to check on

You were waiting for me?”
I asked a little startled.

He smiled as he came closer to me. “Of
course love. I wanted to see how well you bringing Malcom his
precious Ally went.”

I caught my breath as he traced the
line of the towel over my breasts. “You shouldn’t be here, my dad
is downstairs,” I said quietly trying to remain calm.

He moved closer to me and kissed my
neck. “Your dad is fucking that whore Shelia. I doubt he will even
be paying attention to anything else.”

How do you know her?” I
asked slightly annoyed as he continued to kiss my neck. I tried to
distract myself by talking. Shelia had warned me about him and she
recognized the necklace.

I used to fuck her why?”
he asked like it was no big deal.

I hated that I was actually jealous. I
pushed him off me and walked out of the bathroom. “You should go
before we both get in trouble,” I said quickly.

He smiled as he followed me out. “Are
you jealous? Because I am sensing a slight tone.”

I don’t know what you are
talking about,” I muttered.

You have nothing to be
jealous over. She was a quick lay, a dumb girl that I fucked for
the hell of it. You, you are special,” he said softly.

I looked at him confused then shook my
head. “I have to get dressed and you can’t stay here.”

Meet me tomorrow, around
noon, in the clearing,” he said watching me.

Part of me wanted to protest. The
other part wanted to meet him. “I’ll think about it.”

He smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow
love,” he said as he opened my door to leave.

I’m not your love,” I
countered and he just smiled and shut the door behind

I groaned and attempted to get dressed
without thinking about Brayden naked.


I was glad Maggie’s house was less
chaotic. Many of the pack member’s had taken some of the new comers
in. The injured were the only ones that remained at Maggie’s house.
I walked through the back door and hesitated when the first person
I saw was Dominic. He straightened like he had been waiting for

We need to talk,” Dominic
said firmly.

I sighed. “Why won’t you just let this

He raised his hands like he wasn’t
going to argue. “This isn’t about Brayden, this is about us. I
don’t think we should see each other anymore.”

I scoffed. “You mean we shouldn’t have
sex at random because I wouldn’t call what we did seeing each

He watched me as I put the pot on to
make tea. “Audrey is a good leader and I am going to try to make it
work with her. She isn’t selfish or arrogant. You and I do nothing
but fight unless we are having sex.”

I wasn’t looking at him and I was glad
because his words hurt. I didn’t understand how I let my feelings
for him get so far. He was an ass that made it clear he didn’t want
anything from me other than sex. “Good luck with that,” I

He didn’t speak immediately. “That is
it? You tell me you love me earlier and now you tell me good luck?”
He sounded offended.

I glared at him. “What do you want? Do
you want to hurt me? Do you want me to cry over you?”

He shifted nervously under my angry
gaze. “I don’t know. I just expected more of a

I have things to do. Do
whatever you think is right,” I said quietly and walked past him. I
walked back to the spare room to make sure everything was clean. He
of course followed me. He never just let anything go.

He caught me by my hand and pulled me
to him. He pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me aggressively. I
wanted to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me. We stumbled to the bed
and he pushed me down onto the bed. He was over me kissing me
hungrily. His tongue touched mine as he pushed my dress up and tore
my panties off. He quickly undid his pants. He filled me with his
hard cock and I moaned in ecstasy. He wasn’t giving me any time to
think about anything. He moved against me barely giving me room to
breathe. I moaned trying to remain quiet. I didn’t want to get
caught, but it was difficult to stay quiet with him moving against
me. I writhed under him in pleasure and dug my nails into his back
as my body released. He groaned and I felt him release.

Dominic…” I moaned

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