Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3
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The woman licked Jeremy’s cock from base to tip, shoring up the wiltage caused by their neighbor.

God knew Jeremy had done a ton of kinky, outrageous and extreme things in his sex life. The consequences of those early indulgences had convinced him to trap his urges in a vault deep in his heart. Now they tore free, filling him with elation and a high so powerful he swore the faction of people who considered sex a drug had nailed the truth.

Still, nothing in his prior experience could top observing Lily perform while another woman, one whose name he hadn’t yet learned, chose to blow him in front of anyone who wished to watch. Denial flew out the window. He couldn’t commit himself to self-flagellation over fundamental needs.

Not tonight. Not with a storm of emotions assaulting him.

Instead, he chose to relish his return. Because he would never be able to stuff all this exhilaration back into a self-manufactured box.

He felt whole.


For the first time in years.

“Yes.” Jeremy hissed when his gift alternated working the oozing head of his cock with lapping at his painfully tight sac. He refused to order her to take more as he might have under different circumstances. “Good girl.”

In the limelight, Lily thrust David toward the slave waiting patiently on the apparatus. “He loves to be fucked. Since I doubt you’d relish using your own equipment, I’ve provided an alternative. Although, if I’m wrong about your orientation, feel free to speak up now.”

David shook his head.

“That’s what I thought. A shame. I do enjoy watching my slaves play together.” Her gentle touch on his shoulder made it clear she accepted his boundaries and wouldn’t push them—not the hard and fast variety. Her undeniable instinct impressed Jeremy.

Lily stood beside her bound slave’s hips. She withdrew a bottle of lube from a utility belt slung around the waist of her latex catsuit. A stream of gel cascaded over the man’s asshole. His gasp morphed into a grunt when Lily probed his back passage. The slave took three of her fingers easily. He thanked her over and over, begging for more.

Lily crooked her finger. David neared in a flash. He positioned himself so that he stood a few feet away then aimed the tip of the dildo at the slave’s ass. It almost seemed as though he engaged in some obscene type of fishing.

“Right there.” Lily notched the blunt head of the instrument at the entrance to her subject’s body. “Steady. Slow at first. Grant him what he likes. But not too hard, even if he insists.”

David nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

Jeremy noted the man’s cock stood at attention despite his initial uncertainty. Even Jeremy couldn’t deny the arousal plumping his hard-on to the max as the large dildo gradually disappeared inside the bound slave’s stretched hole. Lily grabbed one of his ass cheeks in each palm and spread him wide, easing the penetration of her tool. When satisfied with their progress, she smiled at David. “Very nice. Keep going. If you make him come, I’ll treat you to my pussy. I’ll ride you as hard as you like.
you do a good job.”

Several groans echoed through the dungeon. Patrons surrendered to the rapture of her promise alone. Jeremy’s cock jerked in his temporary partner’s warm mouth. She sucked him deeper, harder.

“Now, you…” Lily marched to Ted and threaded her fingers through a ring in his collar. “I have a use for your sexy muscles.”

The giant man shivered beneath the light scrape of Lily’s nails over his pecs. When she flicked the nipple ring decorating the right side of his chest with the tip of her tongue, Jeremy gripped the arms of his chair. He could picture trapping her head to his chest, indulging in hours of her skilled teasing around his similar adornments.

Would it be so bad to grant her control if they needed the same things?

The stray thought jolted him from his daydream. He submitted for no one.

Lily positioned Ted at the head of her shackled slave. The man released a steady stream of moans as David plundered his ass with long, deep strokes. She stepped into the tight space between Ted’s groin and the slave’s face.

“Lift me.” She instructed Ted in a no-nonsense tone that had pre-come bursting from the tip of Jeremy’s cock before he could warn the woman devouring him.

The near stranger didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she hummed her appreciation, drawing more fluid from his body.

“Support me while he eats me. I don’t have to tell you how upset I’d be if you dropped me before I came, right?” Lily’s adorable smile somehow didn’t detract from her authority.

Ted cradled her as if she’d hung the stars in the sky. He cushioned his Mistress against his chest without a tremble in his biceps. Jeremy could attest her slight weight posed no challenge for a man in shape. He’d held Lily in his arms once, sheltered her as she grieved for the loss of one of her submissives.

She placed her wicked heels on her trapped slave’s shoulders.

Jeremy noted how the prick of pain caused by the point of her stilettos seemed to drive her boy wild. No wonder she’d insisted on the neck restraint. If she hadn’t, he could very well have bucked hard enough to dislodge his body from the pipe framework, potentially injuring himself or one of his playmates.

Lily spread her legs, bent her knees, unzipped the access panel in the crotch of her specialty apparel and tucked her pussy immediately before her slave’s lips. He devoured her without instruction, burying his face as deep as possible in the moist heat of her sex. She sighed and ruffled his hair.

Jeremy silently thanked David for having the presence of mind—or more likely, the proper training—to stand to the side as he reamed the bound slave, leaving the view of Lily free and clear.

She didn’t shy from Jeremy’s bold stare. No, she returned his heat with interest.

The woman between his legs increased the swirl of her tongue along the underside of his shaft, occasionally tracing the defined ridge of the head before taking him into her throat. Lily grinned, her eyelids drooping a little as her slave treated her clit and pussy to similar pleasure.

Jeremy and Lily gazed at each other, sharing the moment despite the physical distance between them. The appreciative moans, curses and grunts of the spectators faded into the background as they indulged their kinky sides.

Come, Lily. Show me your pretty blue eyes darken with lust. You love his tongue strumming your clit. You can’t resist the men who do your bidding because you’ve earned their trust. Give us what we want. Take your enjoyment as payment. Do it. Come.

Lily lauded the man devouring her with urgent yet clear praise as she came on his face.

The woman between Jeremy’s legs encircled the base of his cock and squeezed just as he suspected he would join Lily. The pressure alleviated the danger of an early orgasm. He laid his fingers on her shoulder as he witnessed Lily wring every drop of rapture from her pet’s gift.

Jeremy hummed when Lily’s eyes opened, revealing her hunger. The explosion, though impressive, hadn’t fully satisfied her.

Ted lowered her to her feet, continuing to band his arms around her frame until she whispered something to him and nodded. He placed his hand beneath her elbow when she wobbled, but she stood tall.

She swiped some of her juice from her slave’s lips then turned, feeding it to Ted. He groaned. Jeremy would have killed for a taste of her sweetness.

“I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me, Ted.” He flushed beneath her approval. “I have an offer for you.”

“Yes, Mistress?”

“David is working hard, plowing this slave’s ass. Isn’t he?”

Ted squirmed a little as he peeked at the toy stretching the other man’s hole. “Yes, Mistress.”

“But he won’t earn my pussy if he doesn’t make our friend here erupt.”

Ted retreated a miniscule step, unsure of where she led him.

“Don’t you want to help, Ted?” She arched an eyebrow when he hesitated.

“If it pleases you.”

“It does.” She beamed at him. “And I have a feeling you’ll like it too. This slave loves to be used. The more people who fill his holes, the better. Isn’t that right?”

The man’s cries escalated.

“Would you like to try feeding him?” Lily grabbed Ted’s crotch and rubbed his hard cock. She unsnapped the leather decorating the long shaft along with the ring stretching his balls, and rubbed out a few of the impressions the material had made over the past hour or so he’d probably worn it.

“W-what do you mean, Mistress?”

“Let him suck your cock, Ted. He’s quite good at it. Or so I hear.”

“Yes!” the slave pleaded for the treat.

Ted didn’t withdraw farther. Instead, he inched closer to the bound man before him.

“That’s right. Go ahead. Slip inside his warm, wet mouth. You know you’d like his velvety tongue rubbing on you. He’s a come slut. His cheeks will hollow as he draws every last bit of seed from your balls. His mouth is larger than a female’s. He’ll probably take all of your shaft. Something you must not experience often.” Lily measured Ted’s long, thick cock with her hand.

The woman working over Jeremy’s hard-on mimicked Lily’s promises. He gritted his teeth.

Ted surrendered with a strangled groan. He inserted his erection between the open lips of the bound slave.

“Nice and easy.” Lily wrapped her fist around the base of Ted’s cock, preventing him from jamming his tool fully into the slave’s throat on the initial pass, too eager to revel in his first male-to-male blow job. “That’s right, good boys.”

Both men cried out, her sanction enhancing their passion. She peeled her fingers off Ted’s cock one by one until the slave swallowed Ted’s entire length at the height of each stroke.

“You may come as soon as you’re able. Both of you.” The men tensed, primed for release. How long had they battled the sizzling arousal boiling their blood? “Faster, David. Fuck him a little harder now.”

Both men impaled the slave, working in tandem to stuff him full. Lily crouched near his strapped hips, providing Jeremy with another glimpse of her spread, glistening pussy. She traced the ring of her slave’s anus around the inserted fuckpole with her gloved finger then tickled the seam decorating his sac. Finally, her index finger brushed the tip of his cock.

The slave shuddered. His toes curled tight, and his back arched.

“If you don’t come soon, I’ll think you don’t appreciate Ted and David’s hard work. That would make me unhap—”

Lily never finished her sentence.

Thick blasts of cum shot from the slave’s cock. She encircled his pulsing erection with her fingers and milked it dry. Jet after jet of pearly fluid spilled onto the apparatus. As the stream of his release began to ebb, Ted threw back his head and roared.

Lily halted David’s motion with the fuckpole, easing it from her slave while he still lingered in a sensual haze. She glided to Ted’s side, rubbing his shoulders and kneading his ass as he poured the last traces of his release into the bound slave’s mouth. She played each man with precision, providing exactly what they required.

When Ted quieted, she tugged him lower, kissed him on the cheek then whispered in his ear.

He hugged her tight then nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

The pure affection radiating from her subjects made Jeremy jealous. Until the steady sucking of the woman who treated him to a world-class blowjob declared him a hypocrite.

Ted liberated the slave, tending to him as Lily had obviously instructed.

“You, David.” She pointed to an inclined platform less than ten feet away. The black leather surface tipped toward the audience, which had thinned a bit when the lightweight spectators succumbed to their own arousal then headed for the bar. The remaining hardcore witnesses fucked in the aisles or simply enjoyed the thrill of the complete mastery Lily wielded as surely as a knight with a broadsword.

She escorted David to the furniture she’d selected then shoved with one palm on his chest. He stumbled, falling backward with an
when his shoulders landed on the lightly padded surface. In less than five seconds, she’d clamped him in place at wrists and ankles.

Lily teased his cock with light strokes until David thrashed in his bindings. Soon both of them had no doubt he was well and truly held. She removed the cock harness he stretched and rolled a condom over the man’s straining erection.

“Tell me what you desire.”

“I need you to fuck me. Please, let me inside your pussy. Use me. Come on me. Please.

“Very nice, David.” Lily climbed two stairs built into the side of the slab. She swung one leg over her captive, her boot landing on the top of the stair on the opposite side. Towering over the man, she granted him an unhindered view of her crotch as she posed, hands on hips, facing the onlookers. “You like to watch my ass as I ride you, don’t you?”

“God, yes.”

She bent at the waist to smack the inside of his thigh. “What did you say?”

“Yes, Mistress. I love your ass. So sexy.”

“That’s better.” Lily crouched, making a show of wiggling her buttocks as she reached for David’s cock. She held him perpendicular to his body as she lowered herself onto his solid length. She had to raise and lower herself several times, working his shaft into her bit by bit.

Jeremy groaned. If Lily had to stretch to take this man, Jeremy would overflow her pussy.

He put one hand on his charge’s elbow, warning her. He couldn’t stand much more torture. She didn’t stop her delicious treatment.

Lily braced herself behind her back with one palm, splaying her fingers on David’s six-pack abs. She worked her pelvis like a stripper intent on retiring early through proceeds from epic lap dances. The fluid motion mesmerized Jeremy. He imagined flipping her to her hands and knees, pounding into her while she tried to fuck him from below.

His nostrils flared and his balls drew tight to his body.

She smiled at him and licked her lips.


Lily slipped one finger between her bright red lips, showing him how she’d suck his cock if it were her between his thighs. Then she trailed the digit over the outline of her diamond-tipped breasts, evident through the latex hugging her form.

BOOK: Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3
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