Mistake (6 page)

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Authors: Brigitta Moon

BOOK: Mistake
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Beth showered and changed into jeans and a navy blue bandeau. She felt so miserable. Her body fell to the bed on her back like a sack of potatoes. She stared up at the ceiling as her thoughts went back to the hospital room. Cornflower was so solemn as she recounted what led her to shun the thought of life.

How could she leave her sweet child? How could she think of ending her life while Tommy lived on? It makes no sense,
Beth thought to herself.

She shifted to her stomach and buried her eyes in the crook of her elbow as hot tears escaped her eyes.

     She would be there for Cornflower. Whatever she needed to survive this, Beth would be there to help her through. Beth lifted herself to sit on the side of the bed. It was time. She needed to pull herself together and return to her cousin whom she loved and had been her idol throughout her life.

The scent of coffee swept under her bedroom door. Beth went into her moderate sized bathroom. She opened her medicine cabinet and starred in; nothing there except period relief pills from the Dollar Store, Tylenol and Aspirin. Although seemingly harmless, these pills could do some damage to a body if used as an overdose. She would find a safe place to store them. She didn’t ever want a repeat of what Cornflower had done.

     Beth bathed her face with cool water from the sink faucet, patted her face dry and descended the stairs. She found her mother sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee. Kelly sat on a chair boosted up with a couple of ancient phone books eating cookies.

     “Good morning mother. May I join you with a cup of coffee?”

     “No need to ask dear. Come, have a seat. Kelly and I were just talking about Cornflower. How was she when you left the hospital dear?”

     “She was tired. She wanted to take a nap, so I came home to shower and change. How long is Kelly staying?”

     “I was willing to keep my sweet little angel until Cornflower was out of the hospital but my sister-in-law said she wanted her grandchild with her.”

     “When will Aunt Jackie and Uncle Ralph pick Kelly up?”

     “They’re on their way. They should be here any minute.”

     No sooner had the words left Kate’s lips, her sister-in-law walked in followed by Ralph and her husband.

     “There’s my grandbaby,” Jackie said playfully as she scooped Kelly up into her arms kissing her chubby cheeks.

     “Sit down and join us for coffee,” Kate said.

     Jackie sat across the table from Beth who was sipping her coffee. Kate placed a mug in front of her sister-in-law and filled it with hot aromatic coffee. Ralph paced around the kitchen sipping coffee from the mug handed to him by Kate. Kate handed her husband a mug of coffee which he took and sat at the table.

     “Beth, how was Cornflower when you left her,” Aunt Jackie asked in such a soft voice Beth had to strain to hear her.

     “She was…”

     Her answer was interrupted by the loud chime of Ralph’s cell phone.

     “Hello. Yes this is Ralph Masters. Yes. Okay. Okay. Alright,” he said into his cell.

     All eyes were fixed on Ralph as he disconnected the call and lowered his head.

     “What’s wrong honey,” Jackie asked full of concern. Who was it?”

     “It was the hospital.”

     “The hospital,” Jackie gasped covering her heart with her hand.

     Ralph’s eyes were worried as he passed on the message. “They want us to come to the hospital. Cornflower has taken a turn.”

     “A turn? What kind of turn?” Jackie demanded as her eyes filled with tears.

     “The doctor didn’t elaborate. He said he will talk to us when we arrive. I guess I need to call Tommy. We used my number as the main contact since Tommy had to work.”

     Beth took in a sharp breath which caught in her throat. She wanted to tell her uncle not to call that bastard, not to tell him anything. He had no right to be there with Cornflower.

     “Beth, honey, are you okay?” her mother asked.

     “Yes, I’m fine. We should leave.”

     Fuck Tommy was what she wanted to say.









     The family was shown to a room referred to as the Family Room noted by a gold plate which hung on the door with those words engraved. Tommy was already there leaning against the far wall. Selena sat on a couch across the room from Tommy sipping a bottle of water. Beth, Jackie carrying Kelly, Ralph, Kate and Father Masters slowly ascended upon the Family Room. Jackie sat Kelly on the couch with her sippy cup.

     “Have you spoken to anyone Tommy?” Ralph asked as the door opened and a man dressed in a white lab coat stepped through. His badge identified him as Dr. Jerome Albright.

     “Doctor, how is my daughter?” Jackie asked in a voice begging for good news.

     Dr. Albright stood in the middle of the room, his expression frozen like a poker player. He folded his hands chest high in front of him and began. “Fifteen minutes ago Jessica expired.”

     “EXPIRED!” Jackie screamed. “What does that mean?”

     “Jessica has passed on,” he added.

     “Are you saying my daughter is dead,” she shrieked with tears rushing down her face.

     “She’s gone. I’m so sorry.”

     The baby started crying. Jackie fell to her knees supporting herself with her hands on the floor. Ralph went down to her and held her. He lifted her to her feet and walked her to the couch where she sat with her face buried in his chest crying uncontrollably. Her body shook as Ralph tried to comfort her in his loving embrace.

     Beth watched as Tommy stood with his back against the wall. When those awful words, she’s gone, escaped the doctors lips, Tommy slid slowly down the wall, his mouth open, his eyes unfocused. Selena screamed and ran from the room. Father Masters ran after her.

     Beth stood, more pain in her heart than she could endure. Her eyes blazed. She hated Tommy for what he had done and what he had caused to happen. She walked over to him, looked down where he was slumped on the floor with his eyes cast down. Her tears fell from her eyes landing on his head.

    “Look what you have done,” Beth said in a low gruff voice.

    She hated him.

   “This is your fault. She loved you. She gave herself to you and only you,” she continued as her voice rose with her anger.

     “You no good bastard,” Beth screamed. “She was three month pregnant. I hope you and Selena burn in hell.”

     The Family room fell silent. Not even Kelly made a sound. All eyes gaped at Beth as she glared down at Tommy with her verbal assault.

     “You no good bastard,” she whispered as she ran from the Family Room.





    Beth lay across her bed with the sunshine beaming through her bay window bathing the six red roses held in a crystal vase. A light tap sounded at her door followed by a whispering voice, “It’s Lil. Are you awake?”

    “Come on in Lil.”

     “Good morning. I just stopped by to see how my favorite friend is doing.”

     Beth sat up giving her friend a bright smile. “I’m doing better,” she said patting the bed beside her for Lil to sit.

     “I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since Cornflower passed. I miss her so much,” Beth confided.

     “I know you do. How are her parents doing?”

     “As well as can be expected, I guess.”

     “That was the saddest funeral I have ever attended,” Lil said.

     “Me too. The saddest part was how Kelly kept pointing at Cornflower in the casket and saying ,
Mommy sleep.
How do you explain death to a twenty-two month old child?”

     “I know her grandparents will find a way,” Lil answered.

     Beth gave Lil a fleeting look, “I feel kind of sorry for Tommy. Before the funeral I despised him. I watched him the entire time.”

     “You did?”

     “Yes, I was feeling he had no right to be there. It was all his doing. But then I began to feel sorry for him. He sat with his head down the entire time and I could see tears falling on his lap. And remember what happened at the gravesite?”

     “Who could forget that?”

     “When he threw himself on Cornflower’s casket sobbing and screaming, apologizing and begging for her forgiveness, I wanted to run to him and console him. Is that a betrayal to my cousin?”

     “No Beth. You are a loving person. Not many people there really knew Cornflower killed herself. So, I guess they were puzzled, but you knew. You felt the depth of his pain. I suspect he is living in his own hell now. And for you to want to reach out to console Tommy despite what he did shows how much empathy you possess,” Lil said as she reached over to hug her friend with one arm as Beth rested her head on Lil’s shoulder.

     “I noticed Andrew by your side at the funeral. How are things going with him?”

     “He’s been great these past weeks. I told him he didn’t need to attend the funeral, but he insisted. He said he liked Cornflower and wanted to pay his respects. He also said he wanted to be there for me.”

     “Oh Beth, you better hold on to him.”

     “I think I will,” Beth said with a renewed smile.

     “Changing the subject, have you cozied up with Andrew yet?”

     “I know exactly what you’re asking,” Beth answered with a chuckle.        

     “And no. You know I’m waiting until I get married.”

     “I don’t know how you can do it,” Lil said smiling and shaking her head.    

     “The way I see it, that’s like hunting for the best pair of shoes on Rodeo Drive; picking the pair you think you love and buying them without trying them on with a no return policy. Then you get home and wear them out for the night and they hurt your feet like hell. They made you miserable and you spent the entire night regretting you bought them. Now you can’t even return them. You’re stuck with them.”

     “Lil stop,” Beth said laughing. You always know how to make me feel better.”

     “Well, they’re your feet. Who am I to tell you how to buy shoes?”

     “I really like Andrew. Oh, I’m so excited! I haven’t told you where he works and what he does.”

     “Wow, I see you’re delighted about it. What gives?”

     “Okay, his name is Dr. Andrew Conway,” Beth said excitedly grabbing Lil’s hands and squeezing them, “and he practices at Midtown University Hospital.”

     Lil leapt from the bed. “You’re serious? He’s a doctor?”

     “I wouldn’t lie to you Lil.”

     “That’s where we’re going to be working. Holy shit Beth, I’m green with envy.”

     “Thank God that green color you’re sporting is envy. I thought you were getting ready to throw up on my plush carpet,” Beth said exploding with laughter.

     “Well at least if you marry him without trying him on and he doesn’t fit, you can always shop for satisfaction with his checkbook,” Lil said playfully.

     “You know how daddy is. I’d be crazy to go against the laws of the bible. You know, everyday he prays for Cornflower’s soul. He says she went against God by taking her own life and he’s afraid she won’t make it to heaven.”

     “Your father also teaches that God is a forgiving God.”

     “I guess that’s why he is praying for her everyday; asking God to forgive and accept Cornflower. I hope his prayers are answered,” Beth said in an emotionally filled whisper as Lil stood announcing happily, “Mmm, you smell that Beth? Your mother is cooking bacon and eggs.”

     “I smell coffee too. We should keep her company and maybe she will feed us,” Beth said with a smile, standing and reaching for her robe at the foot of the bed.

      “Hey again Mrs. Masters. Breakfast really smells good,” Lil said taking in an exaggerated breath.

     “Good morning mother. Care for some company? Hey, Kelly’s here awfully early.”

     Beth and Lil pulled out chairs and plopping down began making kissy noises and baby talk with Kelly while cups were placed in front of them followed by streams of coffee.

     “Kelly has been staying with her grandparents. Tommy is all broken up. He can’t take care of himself. Kelly is just too much for him right now,” Kate Masters said.

      “He deserves to suffer,” Lil replied.

     “Now, now Lil. We’re still family. We have to find a way to forgive him. We have Kelly to think of,” Kate said.

     “I guess you’re right. He probably never imagined his world would be turn upside down like this,” Lil replied sipping her coffee.

     Kate Masters placed a plate of bacon on the table followed by scrambled eggs. She walked to the cabinet and took out plates and removed silverware from a drawer. After placing settings in front of Beth and Lil she eased herself into a chair.

     “Where’s daddy?” Beth asked.

     “At the church for his morning prayer. Will you be home for dinner Beth?” Kate answered.

     “I’m having dinner with Andrew tonight.”

     “You two have been spending a lot of time together.”

     “I know. I want to spend as much time with him as I can before I start my new job.”

     “Well Duh,” Lil said. “You’ll be working in the same building with him.”

     “It’s not the same as spending time together,” Beth replied.

     “I hope you don’t get sick of seeing him. You know, working with him and seeing him after work, like all the time,” Lil said shaking her head.

     “I don’t think I could ever tire of Andrew,” Beth said fanning her face with her hand.

     Lil leaned over to Beth and whispered, “You need to try him on.”

     “What was that?” Kate Masters asked wide eyed.

     “Nothing mother. Ignore her. She is just being her usual mischievous self.”

     A light tap sounded on the screen door. Andrew peered through as Kate Masters approached the door.

     “Good morning Mrs. Masters. I was out for my morning run and thought I’d stop by to see Beth,” Andrew said.

     “Come in Andrew. It’s good to see you. Beth and Lil are in the kitchen. Would you like to join us for coffee and breakfast?”

     “Yes, I would. I appreciate the invitation.”

     Andrew followed Kate to the kitchen.

     “Good morning Beth,” he said as he bent down to kiss her cheek.

     Beth smiled up at Andrew as he turned to greet Lil. Kate placed a cup in front of him as he took a seat at the table. Coffee was poured into the cup.

     “Cream or sugar?” Kate asked.

     “No, I take it black. Thank you.”

     Lil eyed Andrew suspiciously, “So, you missed Beth so much, you couldn’t wait until dinner tonight?”

     “Aw, don’t be jealous Lil. You know Richard misses you too.” Beth said.

     “I’m not jealous. After breakfast, I’m going shoe shopping,” Lil announced with a hint of seduction in her voice.

     Beth laughed. Kate and Andrew looked at each other questioning.

    “Don’t pay Lil any attention. She can’t afford to shop for any shoes,” Beth said chuckling.

     “Beth, I had an idea I wanted to discuss with you. Actually I wanted to invite you to go with me to see a play,” Andrew began.

     “A play!” Beth said excitedly.

     “Yes. I remember you were reading Romeo and Juliet when I first spoke to you, so I thought you would like to see a play with me.”

     “Oh, I’d love to Andrew.”

     “Where are you going to see a play around her?” Kate asked between her sips of coffee.

     “This is our one month anniversary, so I wanted to surprise the lovely Beth with something as special as she is,” Andrew said gleaming at Beth and sipping his coffee.

     “Wow, you’re laying it on pretty thick,” Lil said. What’s next, you gonna whisk her off on a private jet to New York?”

     “Lil, you must be psychic,” Andrew said with a chuckle.

     “What?” Lil asked with surprise.

     “Yes, instead of just dinner tonight, I have made arrangements for us to fly into New York. I have two tickets for us to see Romeo and Juliet and I have rented two suites with a view of Central Park,” Andrew said with his eyes holding Beth’s.

     “How romantic!” Lil commented.

     “Two separate suites? Correct?” Kate asked.

     “Yes, of course, Mrs. Masters,” Andrew answered eyeing Beth and sipping his coffee.

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