Mistake (10 page)

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Authors: Brigitta Moon

BOOK: Mistake
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Lil and Beth pulled into a parking space at Club Ratchett. When they entered the club the men at the door ogled at the ladies and smiled wide grins.

     “Oh baby, you are wearin that little red dress,” one of the men said to Beth.

     “I told you you look good Beth. It was time you showed off that body of yours,” Lil whispered to Beth.

     “Hey if you’re drinkin I’m buyin,” another man yelled.

     The ladies made their way through the noisy crowd over to the bar where they snagged two barstools.

     “Well look who’s back,” the bartender said. “What is your pleasure tonight beautiful lady,” he said smiling at Beth.

     “Two Margaritas, Lil answered.

     “Are you sure,” the bartender said looking at Beth.

     “That will be fine,” Beth said with a sarcastic grin and a roll of her eyes.

     “Spunky and beautiful,” the bartender replied.

     Sitting the two drinks down in front of the ladies he asked, “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

     “Nope,” Lil said sipping her drink. “Oh Beth, the club is hoppin tonight. There are some fine ass men in here.”

     Beth sipped her drink and said, “Lil, what about Richard? Are you two in a serious relationship?”

     “No silly. We are fuck buddies.”

     “What? What is that?”

     “Just as it sounds, fuck buddies. I fuck him, he fucks me. No bullshit.”

     “Lil how can you do that?”

     “You never had a fuck buddy,” the bartender asked ravishing Beth with his eyes.

     “Who was talking to you,” Beth asked rudely.

     “Oops. I think we need to find a booth away from you. You cause problems,” Lil said eyeing the bartender.

     “No, I can handle him,” Beth said finishing off her drink. “And yes there is something else you can get for me; I want the drink I asked for the last time, Sex On The Beach without your commentary.”

     “Feisty in that little red dress,” he said walking away to make the drink.

     “Hey, bring me one too. I want to see what it tastes like,” Lil said.

     “Wow, the music is great,” Lil commented dancing in her seat.

     The bartender delivered the two drinks and watched as Beth drained the glass. Lil paused in the middle of sipping hers to look at Beth.

     “Beth what the hell is going on with you?  You never drink like that,” Lil said.

     “I do now,” Beth said as she stood smoothing down her skin tight little red dress containing what looked like an inch of material. She looked around at all the men eyeing her. “I need a dance partner,” she yelled.

     Without hesitation five men answered the call. Beth began dancing toward the dance floor grabbing the closest man by his arm and dragging him along with her. On the dance floor Beth swayed her body to rhythm of the music. She let herself get lost in the music. There was nothing but her and the music as it moved her body in sync. She closed her eyes and swayed herself erotically as her hands moved over her body. Her dance partner moved in close. He swayed with her. All Beth heard was the beat of the music moving her body. Her partner moved in closer, entwined her in his embrace as the two of them moved in sync to the music as one.

     Lil looked on as Beth danced with the partner she didn’t know looking as if they were engaged in a sexual dance. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
What was going on with Beth
? was all she could think.

     “Your friend….” the bartender began as he was interrupted by the chaos erupting on the dance floor.

     “Oh hell” Lil exclaimed as she watched as Andrew grabbed Beth’s dance partner by the hair and threw him off the dance floor.

     “What the fuck is your problem asshole,” the dance partner yelled getting up off the floor.

     “You see this ring on her finger?” he yelled holding up Beth’s hand. She’s taken. Keep your hands off if you want to keep them.”

     The dance partner backed away as Andrew picked Beth up and carried her out of the club. Lil ran after them.

     “Andrew, I didn’t see you come in,” Lil said.

     “What are you doing here Andrew?” Beth demanded.

     “I came to surprise you, but I guess I was the one who got a surprise.”

     “Déjà Vu,” Beth slurred at Andrew.

     “What is that suppose to mean and how much have you had to drink? What’s going on with you Beth? This isn’t you. And why are you dressed like this?” He asked angrily wrapping his jacket around her.

     “Oh what do you know about me? You don’t know a Damn thing about me!” Beth yelled in a slurred voice.

     “Did she just swear?” Lil asked shocked. “She never swears like that.”

     “She never dresses like this either. She’s dressed like you Lil,” Andrew said.

     “And that’s a bad thing?” Lil asked angrily.

     “Not for you Lil. It’s just not Beth. You know that.”

     “I know. Something is wrong. I intend to find out what it is,” Lil said.

     “Lil take her home and put her to bed. Don’t let her parents see her like this.”

     “Hey, hey, I don’t need anyone to put me to bed. I’m fine and going back to finish my dance,” Beth slurred.

     “Beth, let’s just go home before someone gets hurt.”

     “I’m not going anywhere,” Beth protested as Andrew grabbed her by the arm trying to lead her to the car.

     “Take your Damn hands off me!” Beth yelled at Andrew.

     Lil screamed and bent over holding her stomach. “Oh God, Oh God,” she cried leaning over and letting out another scream.

     Beth and Andrew ran over to her, “What’s wrong Lil!” Beth asked putting her arms around Lil to support her.

     “I don’t know. It’s just terrible pain, pain, help me.”

     “Andrew helped Beth to support Lil as her feet gave way and she collapsed into Andrew’s arms.

     “Get her to the car. We have to get her to the hospital,” Andrew said frantically. “Get my keys out of my pocket and open the doors.”

     Beth grabbed the keys out of Andrew’s pocket and opened the doors. Andrew laid Lil in the back seat. Beth jumped in with her and laid Lil’s head on her lap. “You’re gonna be okay,” Beth said to Lil as Andrew sped the car from the club. “We’re only two miles from the hospital. Drive faster Andrew. Oh God, she’s sweating. Her pulse is weak. Lil, Lil answer me. Don’t give up. We’re almost there.”

     “Oh shit we have a police on our tail,” Andrew yelled back to Beth.

     “Don’t stop! She’s going into shock!”

     “Call 911. Tell them we’re on our way to the hospital,” Andrew called back to Beth.

     Beth pulled out her cell and dialed 911. The operator answered asking, “Do you need fire, police or ambulance?”

     “We have a police chasing us. We need an escort to the hospital. My friend is in the back seat in shock. Please ask him to get in front and help us get to the hospital!” Beth yelled into the phone.

     “Is she breathing” the operator asked.

     “Yes, she’s unconscious. She was screaming in pain, in her abdomen before she passed out! Please help us!”

     “Stay on the line,” the operator said. “The officer will be driving around you and escort you to the hospital. They will be waiting for you.”

     The police car with lights flashing turned on his sirens as he passed the SUV, went in front of them and escorted them to the hospital. They arrived at the ambulance entrance where staff members were waiting with a stretcher and emergency equipment. Lil was pulled from the SUV and placed on a stretcher. An oxygen mask was place over her nose and mouth as she was rushed through the doors to the emergency room. Beth and Andrew thanked the officer profusely.

     “You will have to park your car on the lot and then you can go in and take care of the paper work,” the officer said.

     After parking they hurried in to find out what was happening with Lil. No information was forthcoming.

     “I’m Dr. Conway. I’d like to know the status of Lillian Rush. If you don’t know then get someone who does,” Andrew said to the secretary.

     She picked up the phone and spoke quietly into the receiver. Beth’s eyes widened as a pretty doctor emerged to greet them. She recognized her. She was the one on the steps with Andrew.
Could this night get any worse,
she thought to herself.

     “I’m Dr. Collins,” she said as Andrew put his arm around Beth and drew her close to him. “I’m in charge of Miss Rush’s care. She is on her way to surgery.”

     “Surgery? For what,” Beth asked. “She was fine and now she’s going to surgery?”

     “Are you her next of kin?”

     “Next of kin? Is she dying?” Beth exclaimed.

     “Calm down. We are not able to give out information to just anyone,” the doctor said.

     “Cut the crap Sally! What the hell is going on! Beth is her closest next of kin right now. Now tell us what is happening!” Andrew demanded.

     “She has a ruptured fallopian tube. I’m sure you can fill Beth in on the details,” she said angrily, turning her back on the couple and rushing out.

     “Bitch,” Beth said under her breath.

     “She’s just protecting Lil’s privacy,” Andrew replied. “And just when did these off colored words become part of your vocabulary?

     Beth rolled her eyes and pulled out her cell phone. She called Richard first and then Lil’s parents. Beth and Andrew went to the surgical waiting room to await information about Lil. Half an hour later Lil’s parents and Richard arrived just as the doctor entered.

     “Hello doctor. How is my daughter?” Mr. Rush asked frantically.

     “Your daughter had a ruptured fallopian tube. She lost a lot of blood. We have the bleeding under control but…”

    “What does that mean,” Mr. Rush asked.

    “She had a pregnancy growing in her tube. When the fetus outgrew the tube it ruptured. She is going to need blood. Unfortunately we don’t have any blood here we can give her. She has a rare blood type so she can only have blood from an O negative donor. Would you be willing to give blood for her? Either you or your wife should be able to match her.”

     “Anything for my daughter.”

     “Follow me, the doctor instructed as the Rush’s did as told.








     Andrew sat next to Beth with his arm around her as she slept on his shoulder. Mr. Rush paced the floor. Mrs. Rush flipped through a magazine and Richard sat watching CNN on the television. The doctor entered the room.

     “I’m sorry to tell you that your blood was not compatible for the transfusion. Lil desperately needs the blood. Are you able to get in touch with her biological father?” the doctor asked.

     “What the hell are you talking about? I am her biological father,” Mr. Rush said indignantly.

     “Mr. Rush, that’s not possible. I will leave you to work this out. Please, time is of the essence,” he said leaving the family.

     Mr. Rush glared at his wife. “What is that doctor talking about? I am Lil’s father.”

     Mrs. Rush lowered her eyes to the floor as Andrew, Beth and Richard stared at her waiting for answers.

     Mrs. Rush looked up at her husband saying, “We can talk about this later. Right now Lil’s life depends on getting her the blood. Beth, please call your father and tell him to come now.”

     “No, Lil is not going to die! She doesn’t need last rites!” Beth said frantically.”

     Andrew held Beth tighter as he saw what was coming.

    “Beth, please she needs his blood.”

    “What are you talking about?” Beth asked in confusion standing up.

     Andrew stood up with her and held her closer to him. “Beth,” he whispered, “make the call. Lil may die without him. Please.”

     Beth pulled her cell from her purse and dialed her father. “Daddy, you need to come to the hospital now. It’s a matter of life or death. Come to the Surgical Waiting Room.” She disconnected the call and walked into the hall. Andrew followed her.

     “Beth, stay focused. Lil needs you right now.”

     Beth looked at Andrew with eyes flooded with tears, “And I thought this night couldn’t get any worse.”

     “Lil is going to be okay Beth. She will get the blood and she will be good as new in a few days. I promise you.”

     “Did you hear that? Did I understand incorrectly? My father is Lil’s father?”

     “You heard and interpreted correctly. Let’s focus on Lil right now. Everything else can be handled later.”

     “So easy for you to say,” Beth said as she thought about Lil’s words, all men cheat.

Father Masters and his wife rushed into the waiting area.

     “What’s going on? What’s this life or death situation?” Father Masters asked.

     Beth and Andrew walked in. “Lil had to go to surgery. She had a pregnancy…”

     Her father cut her off, “Pregnancy. She’s not married…”

     Beth interrupted him, “How dare you pass judgment on her you hypocrite. She needs blood or she could die; her father’s blood. You get the picture Father Masters,” Beth said bitterly.

     “Beth control yourself. This is not the time or the place…” her mother was saying as Beth interrupted her.

     “Oh my God. You knew? All these years, you knew. No wonder you knew you could forgive him for a misstep!” Beth said bitterly.

     Mr. Rush stood up. “Beth right now my only concern is for my daughter’s life. Everything else can be put on hold.” He looked at Father Masters. “My daughter needs blood, your blood. Give it to her. It’s the least you could do.”

     “I’ll get the doctor,” Andrew said putting his arm around Beth and taking her with him.

     Father Masters was lead to the lab where his blood was tested and found to be a match. He gave the blood needed for Lil and returned to the waiting room.

     It seemed like hours passed before an update was received. The doctor returned to the waiting room where the families sat divided not wanting to talk to each other.

     “Lil’s condition is stable. We will check her blood count again in the morning. If it’s good, she will be able to go home in the afternoon,” the doctor said. “She should be moved into a room in an hour and you will be able to see her.” The doctor left as relief filled the room.

     “I think you should leave,” Mr. Rush said looking at Father Masters. There is no reason for you to be here now.”

     Father Masters stood in preparation to speak when his wife said, “I think it would be best if we went home.”

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