Mission: Compromised Submissive (16 page)

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Three days later, they were all sitting first class on the way to the tropics. Dom glanced over at Vice who seemed consumed in the book she was reading and grinned. He had bor
ed of the inflight movie, cross
word puzzles, and games he had installed on his phone for just this occasion and had an idea to make the time go by. He leaned in close to her ear, brushing his lips
“I can’t wait to see you in that tiny little bikini. Just thinking about it makes me hard.” His hand grasped hers and pulled it towards the bulge in his pants, rubbing her palm along the seam.

Without looking up, she smiled and handed him a little remote out of her pocket. “What took you so long?” Her eyes met his and his jaw dropped. He knew the little pink remote well. It was the same one he had used when she had been gifted the pink plug. His finger flipped on the switch, and she squirmed.
Son of a bitch, she had it in

“Mmmm. You naughty little minx. Get to the bathroom
” h
e growled in a whisper. Her saucy little wink about did him in. She was taunting him wickedly, and he was loving every minute of it.

“Yes, Sir. I may have co
me when I put it in before we left…
I might need a good spanking first.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, gazing up through her thick lashes with those turquoise pools of lust and love. Oh, she was going to get a spanking all right, and so much more the minute
they landed. He nodded toward
the restroom and watched as she jumped up and made her way down the
isle. When she got half way, he flipped the remote to high and snickered. Vice twisted and turned. Her legs almost gave out from under her from the intense vibration that roared to life in her ass. If her dead run to the bathroom wasn’t obvious enough, him following was sure to leave no dou
bt. He got a few winks and cat
calls on his way, but with what waited for him in the mile high club
was worth it.



Hulk stepped off the plane, half tempted to turn around and head home. With all that had happened over the past few months, he was having more and more problems containing his PTSD from the others. Admitting it to himself was hard enough, there was no way in hell he could voice it out loud. With the military offering services that half ass assisted
these types of situations and
ended your career, he couldn’t risk it.

Violet must have sensed his unease and walked up beside him, nudging him with her shoulder. “What do you say we drop this
off and find a quiet spot on the beach with something frozen and fruity to drink? I don’t know about you, but
I could use a little R

He couldn’t help but smile. She had a sixth sense at knowing when he was in need of escape, and offered an out.
Over the past few days, anxiety had hit harder than before. The crowded airport, seating in an over packed plane, each time she came to the rescue. He had feelings for her, and knew she felt something too. It just wasn’t fair to act on them until he could pull it together.
“That’d be great.” He offered up a somewhat relieved smile, hoping he could settle down before he erupted in an embarrassing fit of emotion.

“Whatever is great, I’m game.” Kodiak came waltzing up, tossing an arm around them both. Hulk grumbled under his breath, knowing Kodiak was fully aware of his untimely appearance. His shit eating grin said it all. It was evident he had a crush on Violet, and given the circumstances was probably the best choice for her. Hulk just couldn’t let her go. He needed her, as selfish as it sounded. It didn’t piss him off to think of the two together really, which was odd…but the thought of losing her drove him insane.
Jealousy reared its ugly head.

fucker, don’t you have something else to do or somewhere to be? I heard there is a strip club not two blocks from here.” Both Violet and Kodiak turned to look at him in shock. He half laughed, trying to pass it off as normal chiding but by the looks he got, it didn’t work. To add salt to the wound, Kodiak stared him down.

“Why would I want to leave when the view here is perfect? Violet, care for a swim?”

Violet looked at them both, feeling the tension rise like a dense fog. “I…well…Hulk and I were going to go hang out. You can join us if you want. I don’t know about you two, but I need a little quiet time after that flight from hell.” She stepped away from them both unsure what was happening, stepping backwards a few feet. Finally Kodiak backed down, slapping Hulk on the shoulder.

“Sounds good to me.
Nothing like the crashing of the waves and warm sun to melt the stress away.”

” Hulk grumbled sarcastically, walking off to dump his bags in his little cabana room.

Books by Willow Brooke


Twisted Fate Series

Twisted Time

Coming Soon: Book Two


Breaking Protocol

Cadence of Love

Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts

Mission: Compromised Submissive

Coming Soon: Book Four


Standalone Titles


Cabin Fever


I would love to hear from you!


Website: http://willowbrooke.weebly.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willow.brooke.75?fref=ts


Excerpt from Cabin Fever

by Willow Brooke



Jammi pondered her life, going over the



why didn't I's

the entire trip. She had no collage
besides a few hours at the community building in the small town she had grown up in. Friendship, Texas
wasn't known for much of anything. The jobs were all blue collar with no extra education needed unless you moved a hundred miles in any direction. She had planned on staying there forever, just like her parents had, and some day settling down to have a family and plant roots with Danny Lawson. So much for that idea.
Now, the open road was the door to new opportunities, and she was in the prime of her life. This little thought fueled her to press on, giving her the ray of positivity to bring a small little smile to her face.

With only five miles left to go, Jammi eased down the road, remaining in a hydroplane most of the way. When her tires hit something that had floated into her lane, she set off in a dead spin. “Shit!” Just like her daddy had taught her, she turned the wheel in
attempt to correct
wheels and get the vehicle to a stop. She watched as the edge moved in closer and closer, sending her heart up into her throat. If she didn't get stopped now, she was going to slam into the guardrail. “Please let it hold up!” Her voice squeaked the moment her front bumper made contact with the metal. Three more times she turned, smashing against the tiny barrier that kept her from pummeling over the side to instant death. She finally screeched to a stop, just as the car made a clunking noise and shut off. Her first reaction was relief that she had survived and was alive. “Oh my God. Thank you
Jesus.” Her head leaned back against the headrest. Tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks in rivers of relief.

The throbbing in her fingers came to her attention as she unlocked the death grip she had on the steering wheel. Wiggling and rubbing each hand, she tried to work blood back into them to help with the ache. If it weren't such a dangerous spot, Jammi would have been half tempted to recline her seat back and sleep in her car until daylight. As the weather stood, there was no telling if o
r when the mud slides and drain
off would gush over the side of the cliff, and take her with it. Plus, with her being on the bend of a rather nasty curve, any passerby could slam into her and send her tumbling over the edge.

Rubbing the tears away, she sat back up and cranked the ignition. The first crank resulted in a few sputtering sounds, then nothing. Her second attempt was about the same, and the third
it refused to even turn over. “Shitty-shitballs!”
he yelled in frustration. “Great! I get to walk in a downpour on this twisted, dark
spooky ass road and hope I don't get hit by a friggin' Mack truck. This day keeps getting better and better!” With one final pound to the steering wheel, she unbuckled and turned to the back seat, rummaging for her raincoat buried in the over
stuffed trash bags that held everything she owned. After tearing holes in four bags, she spotted the bright pink plastic material and yanked it out the side, shredding the bag in two. “Ughhh!” Coat in hand and her cell tucked safely in her bra to keep it dry
she grabbed her keys and suited up. With any luck, the coat would keep her from getting totally soaked to the bone and she wouldn't catch pneumonia before she found the small amount of civilization that lay only half a mile from her destination.

count of three, she opened the door and stepped out into the torrential downpour. Her feet were soaked through before she could even step away from the car. With a small shoulder on each side of the road, she knew it was either hurry or risk becoming road kill. The water sloshed up to her knees, making the trek even more rugged. “Lord, please don't let this be how I die. If it is my time, let me go out more gracefully. I don't want to fall to my death from the bumper of a vehicle or from pneumonia. Send lightning or something that will be fast and painless.” She spoke to the darkness, wishing now she would have grabbed the flashlight out of the glove box. The car was at least half a mile back, and there was no way in hell she was going back to get it. The pitch-blackness started screwing with her mind, setting fear into her gut. What if's began snowballing in her mind, making each step pure torture. She began to jog, ignoring the burn that set into her thighs and calves. Oh, she was sooo taking a hot bath when she got to her new home. “Shit! That is going to be kinda hard when all of my dry clothes and toiletries are in the
damn car
!” Now, she ran on anger. It helped some, keeping the negative ways she could die at bay. Lights show
ahead, giving her the little boost of hope she needed. Her feet were so cold and numb
pins and needles shot up her legs, making each step agonizing.

By the time she made it to the parking lot of the small little store, she couldn't fight the tears that flowed. The past few days had taken its toll, and now her walls were finally starting to crumble. She ran into the parking lot of the tiny convenience store using the last little bit of energy she had left. Most of the lights were off, but there was a pick
up truck parked in the front, and she prayed someone was still there cleaning up for the night. Her hand felt like it would fall off as she rapped against the glass door. Jammi looked in, watching for any sign of movement. She huffed a deep sigh of relief when a figure walked out of the back toward her. She couldn't make out his face from the rain that gushed down her face, but knew inside meant warmth and dryness, and if she was lucky
something hot to drink.

Excerpt from A Place for Her

Hades Temple Book One

by Lynn Ray Lewis


As Ventura walked into the building that her father helped build, she tried to feel a sense of pride. Not an ounce would come to her call. She didn’t remember the place at all. She told herself it was just as well she had no emotional ties to the company. Obviously, the building had been redecorated and refitted several times over the last twenty years. Everything was sleekly modern and shiny. Even the reception desk was new, and the receptionist was a man who tried to stop her from entering the elevator to get to the fourth floor.

While he was busy with her attorney, she looked around the main floor and reception area. If she planned to keep the business, which she was not, she would tighten up the wasted spaces. There would be a wall dividing the cavernous reception room, and workers on the other side of that wall. From what she had read about the company, Kenneth wanted to expand the building to accommodate another twenty computer operators and various vague job descriptions for expansion. She could see a great deal of improvement would remove the need for expansion.

Finally, her lawyer gave up attempting to explain their presence to the young man and began walking to the elevator. Her personal bodyguard for today was highly recommended by Thom Crandall. When she was introduced to him, she had to stop from fanning herself. The man was hot with a giant H. She guessed him to be well over six feet tall, with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She had never actually met a man with eyes that color before. His were almost a dark golden color framed by thick dark brown lashes. She wanted to see him smile, but he wasn’t co-operating. He was all business. One thing was for certain, he filled out his expensive suit really well. Yes indeed, Thornton Trebor was the kind of man to make a woman dream about cool sheets and hot sex.

Thorn followed her closely. She felt his presence and probably should have felt intimidated, but all she felt was security. Fred Barbarino was talking on his cell phone telling the person on the other end to send four security people to Burnside to take over and help make the transition run smoothly. “I want two on the main floor, and the first thing you tell them to do is remove the receptionist. The man is too ignorant to believe. Tell Jonathon to take over the network now. Tell Ralph to make certain no documents leave the building, I don’t care if it is Kenneth Burns himself. No documents are to be taken off the premises. Search anyone leaving, purses, briefcases, anything.” He listened for a moment and made a disgusted noise, “What about the words “no one” is so hard to understand? I have given the two men in front of the building instructions already. We need two more men to cover the back exit of the building.”

When Fred noticed there were no up and down buttons, only a key-card slot, he lost his temper. He yelled into the phone, “You tell Jonathon to get this fucking elevator to open right now or he will be working in a deep basement the next time anyone hears from him.”

Within seconds the elevator doors slid silently open. Fred and Thorn waited for Ventura to get inside before they joined her. Within seconds they were at the top floor. The doors swished open and they stepped into the executive floor of Burnside Corporation. The reception area was decorated in soothing, tan colored wallpaper. The executive secretary was attempting to make a phone call, but the phones weren’t working. Her long red fingernails kept punching the buttons as if they would suddenly begin to work from sheer force of will. Her beautifully made up face couldn’t hide the petulant expression she made no effort to change. When she spied Thorn, the sudden interest in her eyes caused her to smile widely and address him.

“Can I help you?” She actually stood to greet him with her hand held out in front of her body.

Ventura wanted to smack the brazen bitch. How dare she try to fascinate Thorn. He was hers, well, he was when he was with her. She walked up to the woman and took her hand. “I am Ventura Sidewell, and you are?”

Miss redhead was one Lana Banes, executive secretary to Mr. Kenneth Burns. “He is not here today, and is not taking any calls. I can give him a message if you like. Or we can make an appointment for you to meet with him next week. Mr. Burns is a very busy man you know.”

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