Mission: Compromised Submissive (12 page)

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Michael jumped in, defusing the situation before they pushed her too far. He was more than concerned, but now wasn’t the time to go into detail. “You have something ready
Michael grinned, knowing the answer.

“Now what do you think? The girls and I have been slaving in the kitchen all day. We have so much I’m not sure even this crowd can eat it all.”

“What have you been doing with all the food you girls have been makin
Juju asked, hating the idea of it going to waste. He was an endless pit, and always hungry.

They giggled, eyeing one another before Alaina spoke for them all. “Some of it goes to the other farms when they need a hand during calving season or illnesses, but most of it we are freezing. You can never have too much food prepared and ready.”

“And the rest Alaina eats. We can

t cook fast enough for her.” Violet winked in her direction, only cueing more questioning looks.

“Has our baby been stress eating again?” Rock teased.

“You need to put some weight on your bones. You’re starting to look like a walking skeleton again
sugar.” Maverick
rubbed up and down her arm and kissed her shoulder.

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem for long. She is going to grow p
retty dang fast at this rate,”
Mrs. Sanders hinted. Vice, unable to keep quiet any longer, stood.

“Oh for shit
s sake, Rock. You and Maverick are
dense. Congrats
Alaina! I’m so excited for you. When these boneheads figure it out, they will be too.” She walked over and hugged Alaina tight, shoving Rock and Maverick out of the way. It wasn’t until she bent down and rubbed Alaina’s belly that their blank dumb expression

“You’re pregnant?” Maverick asked, his eyes wide and hopeful.

“Yep. About
months now.” Alaina beamed. Both men attacked her, rubbing and kissing their excitement.

“Geeze. It’s about time. I thought you two would never get it
” Vince joked.
Cheering began.
The group all gave congrats, exploding into baby conversation that carried through lunch.

During dessert, Ro
clinked his fork against his glass and stood. “There is no secret that we have yet to tie the knot with Alaina. Since the work never ends, and the great news we received today, I think it only right we slap a ring on her finger before the baby is born. So, if you all could lend a hand, I propose we give her the wedding of her dreams.” Alaina bu
st out in joy, talking ninety miles a minute. He continued, “Friday. We have until Friday.”

Mrs. Sanders went wild. “We can’t properly put together a wedding in less than a week! There is the caterer, the
, the cake, the dress…
Not to mention the decorations and invitations, the band…”

“Calm down. We have some reinforcements to lend a hand. Plus, there is nothing we can’t do. So, you girls worry about the dress, and make a list. We can handle the rest
” Maverick finished.

“Who are these reinforcements?” Alaina asked curiously.

“Let’s just say, we’re calling in the cavalry.”

“Alrighty then. We’ll have a list after lunch
for you all to get started on.” Mrs. Sanders finished dishing out the hot pie alamode. The girls all chattered wildly about the upcoming surprise, while the men opened discussion over the location and physical aspects of the wedding. It was great being able to disconnect from work, if even for one day. There was no denying it was weighing heavy on all their minds, but all were in a silent agreement to leave all work at the door and start fresh first thing in the morning. The general was scheduled for a debriefing during breakfast, and there wasn’t anything more important than catching up together. With a new baby expected and a wedding, family excitement was
an all time high. The rest of the afternoon was full of love and laughter.
The time came for the kids to get home from school, so, like always, Kodiak took off to go pick them up. When they came in the door, they were not only jumping up and down with excitement, but were hyped up on sugar from the ice cream stop Kodiak had insisted on. When they got the news of Alaina’s pregnancy and the wedding, there was no stopping them. Eventually, Kodiak was sent out in the yard to play with them and Mac. Like promised, the women handed over the first sheet of things to do, and mentioned that there would be another as equally detailed tomorrow. It looked like after the meeting with the General, some things would need to be pushed back until this was over. It would be at least a month before they could act on the
Intel they decoded here in the S
tates, so what was one week?

inner came and went, fueling the
m with more food than a normal human being should stuff themselves with.
Through all the excitement, Dom couldn’t help his eyes from gravitating back to Vice. Dressed in a simple pair of jeans
and red top that hugged her curves in all the right places, she was a walking hard
. Her long dark hair hung free, blanketing her shoulders.
She flashed her bright turquoise bedroom eyes at him on more than one occasion, taunting in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. The evening only dragged on, building up the anticipation higher and higher. He still needed to be careful with her deeper bruising and broken ribs, but tonight was going
to be a night she’d never
forget…and neither would he.

Maverick looked around at all the smiling faces and knew, this was what they fought so hard for. Family had to come second so many times.
Not now.
He caught sight of Dom who seemed overly interested in Vice. All night, Dom’s eyes had never strayed too far from her, and as the evening grew later, his infatuation intensified.
Which, came as no secret. Dom may think no one was on to him, but most of the troop knew sooner or later those two were bound to be together.
He did. He
also noticed Violet’s overly flirtatious behavior whenever Hulk was around, or how Kodiak would go out of his way to sit within a close proximity of her. Michael and Maggie were always connected in some way, whether holding hands, or snuggling. Bella and Joker were the same. Vince kept checking his cell, texting from time to time. He and Rock had been busy fawning over Alaina. The others were nursing more alcohol than the rest under the radar, but it wasn’t anything a night on the town wouldn’t cure.
All in all, love was everywhere. What was meant to be would be, and this was exactly how family was.
He was truly blessed.

The rest of the evening, everyone caught up on what was missed and was to come.
Vice loved being here. She loved everyone in the room more than she could describe. Unfortunately, she couldn’t
get Dom off her mind. She had caught him staring at her every time she glanced in his direction. He had kept her flustered all damn night. Now, with the evening wearing to an end, it was time to pay back the favor. This time, she intentionally let her eyes rake up and down his body, stopping at the bulge in his jeans. The longer she watched, the bigger it got. When her view leisurely found their way up to meet his, she smiled. His ey
ebrows narrowed, boldly outlining his sinister expression. She knew she was playing a dangerous game,
but couldn’t resist. Her teeth raked over her bottom lip seductively before she let it pop free. She traced her tongue over the same spot, moistening her pout. Instead of the snarl she expected, Dom grinned. Not like his normal half smile,
but a full toothed smile. His
eyes twinkled, and his body language softened. No, this was worse than his intimidation roll. Fear rose in her chest, igniting the party in her pants that had been simmering all evening. She was so glad to be home, but
damn it if she couldn’t wait to get alone with him. The little touches and looks had driven her bat shit mad all day
. Tonight, he was going to get it back tenfold.



Vice had said her goodnights over thirty minutes ago and headed back to her cabin. The plan was, once everyone had retired for the night,
Dom would text her and she was to
sneak over to his house t
o spend the night. She sat on
the edge of the couch with her leg twitching and her eyes glued to the screen of her cell. The clock ticked annoyingly slow on the wall, rubbing in the fear that had already planted its seed.
Had he changed his mind? Fuck
she was stupid. Stupid to put this much hope in a man. Stupid to be pining like a love sick school girl, and stupid for sitting here waiting!
I am a grown ass woman. If he calls, good. If not, his loss. I can’t turn into ‘that’ girl. I won’t be that pathetic.
With her mind made up, she stood, tossed her cell on the couch, and marched to the kitchen. One way or another, she was going to have a good night. If high doses of alcohol and bad television was her only other option, then so be it.
Five minutes later, she was plopped on the couch with a Crown and Coke,
an entire season of Ps
yche in cue on Netflix. With a grin, she
kicked her feet up and settled in, mentally psyching herself out.

Half way through the first episode, her phone buzzed. “Shit. I just got comfortable. Figures.” She got up and read the text, unable to stop the huge grin that followed.

Get your sexy little ass over here.

Vice hit reply, thinking of something witty. She wanted to play a little hard to get, but didn’t want to ruin their night. So, she typed, ‘
Say please.’

A few seconds later, it vibrated.
‘Don’t make me come get you.’
“Bully.” She grumped, heading
into the bedroom to change and freshen up. He had no idea what he was in for.

Vice dug in her top drawer, dragging out the new purple corset an
-string she had bought but never had a reason to wear. Tonight, this bad boy was going to be put to use. She shimmied it on, struggling to get her huge tits contained in the tight silk. They still spilled out over the top, but for arguments sake, they were in as much as they were going to go. Next came the lace panties and black thigh highs, attached to her garter with tiny little bows. She dabbed a tiny bit of gloss on her lips, and fluffed her hair before doing a once over in the mirror. To her surprise, she looked like a woman for once. There weren’t many opportunities to show off the results from hours in the gym. It was nice to feel sexy. The baggy hoodie and sweat pants she pulled on ruined the image, but there was no way she could go out dressed like a woman of the night.
Plus, it would add to the surprise, and hopefully have the effect she was hoping for.
Vice slipped her sneakers on and headed out the door.

Half way there,
her gut twisted. She had no idea what tonight held, and that scared her. The idea of never knowing scared her even more.
She wanted this. She wanted Dom. Could she change enough to make it work?
Could he? There was only one way to find out…

Dom answered the door on the first knock, looking even more wickedly sexy than normal.
He had nothing on but his jeans, st
anding propped against the door
frame. “Hey.” He stepped out of the way for her to enter, not peeling his eyes off her. Before he could get the door shut, she had kicked off her shoes and turned to face him. Slowly, she slid her hoodie up her torso, refusing to break eye contact. Before she pulled it over her head she turned her back to him and tossed it over her shoulder, hitting him in the face. It took all she had to stifle the laugh that threatened at his dumbfounded expression. Without skipping a beat, she tucked her thumbs in the waist of her sweats and
swayed her hips back and forth, working the loose material inch by inch down her legs. As they bunched at her knees, she bent at her waist with her feet partially parted, arching her back all the way down to the floor. With her ass up in the air, Vice let her hands trail back up her legs as she stood, once again flinging her clothing at him playfully. “Hey to you too.”

Dom’s eyes were lethal. If he had super hero powers, his gaze would have burst her into flames. “Damn. And I thought the sweats were hot.”

“Glad you approve. I finally had a reason to wear this.
” She shimmied toward
him, adding in more hip sway than necessary.

mmm. Lo
se the panties. Now.”

Vice quirked an eyebrow at him but did
as he said
, shoving t
em down and over her feet. He held out his hand, so instead of kicking them away, she handed them over.

Dom raised the thin scrap of lace up to his face, inhaling deeply. “
mm. So sweet. Come here.” His short simple sentences were starting to grate on her nerves, but she did as instructed. Instead of a kiss, he just stood there, staring at her.
ust before she started to step away, he grabbed her arm. “Patience, pet. Who am I?”

Vice stared confused, unsure what to say. Dom? Jeremy? Hercules? The man with the iron cock?
Thank God, he answered for her. “I am Sir. Tonight, you will not speak unless I ask you a direct question. Now, we need to go over a few things. Under normal circumstances, you would pick a safe word to use. But, since you aren’t familiar with your boundaries, and we will be testing them tonight, we’re gonna use red light green light. Do you know what that means?”

The first thing that popped into mind was an old game she played when she was a kid at the roller skating
. Guessing it had the same meaning, she nodded.

“I asked you a question

e scolded.

With a half ass eye roll, she said, “Yeah.”
His palm came down on the side of her hip, scaring the shit out of her. “Ouch!”
she yelped. “Yes, S
ir.” Her bottom lip came out in a half pout, making him stifle a grin. She was defiant, stubborn, and so damn adorable. This was going to be more fun than he thought.

“That’s better. Green light means that you are good. Yellow means you aren’t in pain, but might be unsure and need to slow down. What is red?”

he barely caught her mistake and added, “Sir.”
He grinned but didn’t smack her ass again. She found herself somewhat disappointed.
What the hell

“Good. Now, I need to know if there are any things that you know you don’t like, and why. Your fears. Phobias.
That kind of thing.”

She thought about it for a minute, only pinpoi
nting a couple things. “I am c
phobic bad and will freak out. Second, I can’t stand being held down helpless with something over my nose and mouth. It sends me into an immediate panic attack. As for what I like and don’t, I um, I don’t know
Sir. I guess nothing gross
that includes bodily functions,

Vice admitted, unable to look him in the eyes.
It was hard admitting her fears out loud. She never showed weakness, and the mere thought that someone now knew hers was unnerving

even if it was Dom.

“Does being gagged or tied bother you

“No. Only being sm
ir.” Dom found her made up word cute.

“Smuffocated. Got it.” He snickered.
“Tonight, I’m going to push you past your comfort zone. I need to get an idea of
your boundaries are. You are going to get uncomfortable at times. You might get scared. But, I want you to trust me, Alexandria. I won’t hurt you, or give you more than you can take. Can you do that?”

Fear poked
s evil head up once again.
Push me? Boundaries? What the fuck, are we playing
war games?
He cleared his throat impatiently, making her answer with a hesitant, “I’ll try. Sir.”

“Good enough.” Finally, he kissed her. She parted her lips eagerly,
advancing on him with anticipation.

Dom felt his heart swell when she nodded and went to her knees beside the padded chest. It was a special piece of furniture, custom built almost as long as his bed was wide. Once he’d seen one like it in use at an acquaintance

s apartment, he ordered one for himself. Vice watched as he slowly swaggered over and opened the toy closet, made his selections, and brought them back to drop on the end of the bed beside her. He leaned down and ran his hand over her eyes
closing them. “I’m going to blindfold you now.
Since you have a high pain tolerance, I’ve decided not to gag you yet. If you’re in too much pain, I expect you to say so. I want you to climb up on the bench and lie on your stomach.
There are handholds on the end. Do not let go unless I tell you that you can.” His voice was low but still held the power that sent her into action. He watched in satisfaction as she crawled up and positioned herself as he told her to do. Once she was in place, he reached down at the end of the bench and flipped up the wooden board that had holes large enough for her wrists to fit in and clipped it in place.
It was the most compact set of stocks he had seen and the sight of her hands made immobile like this gave him hope that the rest of the box worked as well.

“You didn’t have to lock my hands down
Dom,” Vice protested, earning herself a stinging swat with his calloused hand. “Sir, I meant to say Sir!” When he raised her midsection to put her on her knees, she couldn’t stop the gasp that came from deep inside. His touch made her skin tingle all over and she wanted more. “Er, permission to speak freely
Sir? If you don’t mind how about we get to the part where your cock and my cunt get together and, yeow!” That was not his hand. She vaguely remembered that slender whip she’d seen earlier and decided that shutting up and trying to concentrate on her body’s reactions to his Domination would probably be for the best.

Even as she felt the bites of the whip, she felt the liquid trickle out of her slit. He stopped the stinging punishment and she felt his long fingers slide through the sodden lips of her sex. The way he glided inside with no impediment was almost embarrassing to her, but screw it. Nothing could feel this good, and she wasn’t going to point out to him that her pussy was loose enough to take him without the preparation he was so willing to give. Her wiggling hips earned her yet another smack of his hand, shooting another jolt straight to her clit. He withdrew his fingers and immediately replaced them with something hard, pushing at the entrance of her channel. It was smaller than his dick. This was slender compared to anything she’d experienced with him so far. Once it was seated, she felt him wrapping her thighs together so al
that was not covered in the softer cloth covered rope was just below the cheeks of her ass.

“What color are you?”

“Green. I’m green
ir.” She gasped.

“Now, since you seem to be so eager to enjoy an orgasm, let’s see what we can do to make you happy. I picked up this little baby with you in mind. I plan to fuck this tight ass of yours tonight, pet. It’s only fair that I make sure you’re going to enjoy it too.
He squirted lube on the mushroom shaped plastic toy, using his finger to spread a thick layer over its surface. Once done, he took a considerable amount on his finger and rubbed it up the crack of her ass. Little by little he worked his digit in her pucker, slickening her ass in preparation
. When he had her good and ready, he pulled out, smiling at her w
Now, when I push this in, I want you to push back against me. It will make it easier. Do you understand how I plan on fucking you?”

ice’s breath hitched in her chest at his blunt words. “Ye-e-s-s

he stammered.

can do this. I am a highly trained soldier for shit

s sake. Think of the delicious pleasure to come. Damn that feels good in my pussy. I’m so juicy it’s floating around! Ouch!
That burns!
Her inner dialogue was rudely interrupted. Her tight sphincter was being stretched, and she whimpered. Her thighs began to tremble in reaction to the thick plug he was inserting into her ass. With her legs wrapped together like they were, she couldn’t even try to widen her knees to acco
mmodate the damn thing easier.
It helped when he pulled the plug out a bit then slid it back in further, pumping it in and out slowly. It was massive. If it wasn’t, it damn sure felt like it.
Vice, it’s all good, you can do this

He smiled as he watched the plug slide through her little hole. The way the thing stretched her for the eventual invasion of his cock made him harder still. He’d jacked off in the shower earlier, knowing he would be hard the minute he saw her again. She was taking this training as his sub a hell of a lot easier than he’d feared. He pushed the last inch inside her and pulled it back far enough to make certain the lube was still enough to make it feel good once she got used to having a thicker plug widening her tight ass.

He squatted next to her head to lean in and kiss her shoulder, letting his lips tease her neck just below her ear. “There you go,
baby, have some fun with that while I go take care of something. I’ll be back in a little bit to see how that orgasm is coming.”
His fingers ran down from the top of her split cheeks to her clit and played for a few seconds in the abundant juice her body was providing. “I see you’re already enjoying the party so I won’t worry that you need me yet.”

When the door shut, she was ready to kill the man. When the thing inside her pussy started humming, she began to sweat. Within minutes the humming grew more intense, causing the toy to vibrate against the membrane between her vagina and her rectum. It was causing the thickness in her ass to vibrate too and she started to pant. “Oh God, I fuckin’ swear I’m gonna kill that man.” She tried to jerk her hips to help bring on the pleasure, but when she did the vibration stopped. Each time she moved, that conniving bastard would turn off the vibe. When she screamed, “You rotten sonofabitch!,” for the second time, he came to her side.

“I told you before
Alexandria, your orgasms are mine, when you come it will be because I say you can
and not before. When you gave yourself over to me, you consented to my control. It’s a matter of trust. You need to learn to trust that I know when it’s time to come, and when it’s time to deny and prolong the pleasure. Now, I have a little something extra you are gonna love. These little babies are light clamps because you are not used to having your beautiful breasts clamped yet. As we go on, future clamps will be stronger and a bit ro
I’m going to let you cum, baby. Explode for me.

He reached under her ribcage and brought her up to her elbows. As his fingers plucked and twisted her nipples she cried out, shocked at the new sensations.
He placed the first clamp on her right nipple, and by the time he got the second clamped onto the left she orgasmed.
“That’s it. Fuck you are so beautiful. Give me that cream

The pleasure fogged everything. She shook and cried as her body began a spastic dance, each feeling rolling into another. When he began to use a paddle on the cheeks of her ass, she came harder. By the time she’d gotten her breathing under control, her ass was on fire. He was unwrapping her thighs, and she felt her legs being separated as the cushioned top of the box she was on seemed to split with her legs. Her ass was completely wide open now and she couldn’t summon a damn rational thought as to what he was doing. She’d just had the best orgasm of her life and hadn’t needed his dick to get it.

“Are you still green,

” Vice whispered through pants.

The cold metal of the spreader bar in his hands made him smile. She was performing beautifully and he couldn’t wait to see her spread wide open, waiting for him to do with her as he wanted. He situated the metal with its flat ends next to her knees and strapped her creamy flesh to it, enjoying the sight of goose bumps decorating her ass from the cold aluminum. Pulling the plug’s flanged end and twisting it to remov
e it was next, and that demand
got an even more heightened reaction from her. She might be more relaxed now that she’d enjoyed a good orgasm, but she still squealed as he slowly drew the plug from its resting place.

He took his sweet assed time removing that damned toy of his, and his hands, oh fuck, those wonderful hands of his, ran up and down her thighs.
She laid her head down between her arms, and breathed a sigh of relief that she was no longer stuffed with artificial cock.

His lips started a trail down her back as he praised her glorious ass. “You have the perfect ass for a man to dream about.
Did you know that? All smooth muscle and soft skin just waiting for a man’s hand to give it what you need. I’ve had some wicked dreams about this ass. These cheeks fit in my hands and there’s just enough padding for a good grip.” He set the head of his
cock at the hole he was praising
, getting her ready for him. Dom had to focus, wanting nothing more than to shove into her hard. Once her bud was glistening wet, he glo
ed a generous amount on himself
and pushed inside in one long, slow, stroke.

“Oh fuck, damn hell! Just fuck!
That hurts, damn it. Slow down or something.” The plug had stung her asshole, but this burned like fire going throughout her ass and spine. There was a tease of pleasure as his smooth cock slid over the nerves deeper inside, making her still want to see what was to come. So, she wasn’t telling him to take it out, but fuck, the rim of her asshole kept widening as he drove in deeper.

“Still green?”

“No. Maybe.
It burns.”

“Okay, good. Let’s see if this helps bring you back to green, pet.”

Once he was as deep as he could go, she was thankful he stayed still for her to become accustomed to the feel of something stretching those nerves surrounding his prick. She did her best to breathe through the invasion, and the burn. When the toy inside her cunt started to hum and vibrate
all reason was lost.
She felt his breath and wet tongue slowly running up her spine and shivered. It was like fire and ice, contradicting perfectly together in harmony. Her hips needed to move. She had to work her body before she went nuts. The tremors began again, and she went wild.

Dom held on tight, trying to remain in control against the clenching and milking of her tight hole around his rod. It was almost too much to handle. His fingers gripped into her flesh harder in desperation.

Her head went back and she snarled at the big fucker teasing her body. “I want you to move
I need more.” Her words were barely understood since she was growling them at him through her clenched teeth.
She tried jerking her hips up and down to gain the feeling of his flesh tickling those pleasurable nerve endings, and received a few smacks on the ass, which caused her to laugh. If he thought that was going to stop her he was mistaken. He finally gave her what she wanted, pulling back and sliding forward in longer strokes and faster short jabs. She was too far-gone.
he tremors began and she felt her body squeezing his as she fell into the rabbit hole of pleasure.

He hoped she would be able to experien
ce that special euphoria
with him seated deep in her tight rear end, and he’d almost lost it when she demanded that he move. As her tunnel began to spasm, he shouted and gave up holding back. He unsnapped the nipple clamps, hearing her scream in reaction to the blood rushing back into those delicious nubs.
His cum shot from his cock, filling her ass with his hot seed. He stayed hung over her back with his arms wrapped around her, holding her to his heart. She was magnificent in her honest need, and he’d be damned if he’d ever let her go.

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