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Authors: Kori Roberts

Missing Linc (13 page)

BOOK: Missing Linc
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eagerly over Tracee”s body, exploring her back, her ass, and her breasts. It was Tracee”s turn

to moan as Tomi pulled away from the kiss and dipped her head, taking one of Tracee”s

nipples into her mouth and swirling her tongue around the hardened tip.

“Sí, Tomi,” she whispered. “Que te sientes bien.”

They became a tangled mass of arms, legs, and hands moving greedily over each other,

their oily bodies sliding together, the light and dark hues of their contrasting skin tones

glistening under the soft lights on the boat. They shifted positions, adjusting their bodies

until Tomi lay on top of Tracee, their heads facing in opposite directions, their faces buried

between each other”s legs.

Linc watched them, feeling the pressure of Mitch”s hand on his cock increase. The heat

of Mitch”s breath feathered across Linc”s skin as his lips trailed up the column of his neck.

Linc turned his head, meeting Mitch halfway, pushing his tongue inside Mitch”s mouth,

feeling desperate for a taste of him.

Suddenly, the act of touching Mitch through his jeans seemed far from adequate. Mitch

seemed to share his sentiment, and they moved simultaneously, wasting no time unzipping

and removing each other”s clothes. He glanced briefly at his cousin and saw that Pedro had

already shed his clothes. He sat on the bench with his dick sliding rapidly between his

fingers, watching Tomi and Tracee as he pleasured himself. Linc reached out and wrapped one hand around Mitch”s cock and the other around his

own, stroking them both, feeling the heavy weight of Mitch”s dick in his hands, the heat of it

intense. Their juices dripped down their shafts, adding to the unbelievable friction. He

quickened his strokes, pumping hard until he felt Mitch tighten against him, and then liquid

fire ran between his fingers.

“Fuck,” Mitch whispered. It was just one word, but it was all he needed. As a chorus of

women”s voices rang out with cries and moans of pleasure, Linc felt the shudder start in the

pit of his stomach and work its way out to his extremities until he finally trembled, jerking

hard against his hand, calling Mitch”s name as he came with a gasp.

Mitch”s lips found his, his tongue darting out to map the crease of Linc”s mouth, his

teeth making tiny nips at Linc”s upper lip. As they kissed, Linc”s heart raced. His cock was

still hard as stone and aching between his fingers, demanding more. In that moment, he

looked up and saw Tomi crawling toward him. The look on her face told him she knew

exactly what he needed.




Tomi”s body still vibrated from the aftereffects of the two orgasms she”d already had.

Yet as much as she enjoyed her experience with Tracee, it wasn”t enough. She needed more,

she needed…them. Her body craved her fiancé, who loved her more deeply than she ever

imagined being loved, and their new lover, who pleasured her more completely than she”d

ever experienced. During the last few days, the two of them had given her more joy, more

happiness, than she thought possible.

She reached Linc first. Her mouth traveled up the calves of his legs and over his inner

thighs, her tongue licked a line to his balls and up his shaft. Her lips closed over the crown

and moved downward, taking him all the way to the back of her throat, holding him there,

swallowing several times around his thickness before releasing him and repeating the entire

movement over again. “Oh, Dios, sí. Se siente bien.” Linc”s head fell back, his throat worked as he whispered

words of praise.

As she sucked Linc, Tomi wrapped a hand around Mitch”s dick, working his shaft just

how he liked it, taking him from half-erect to fully hard in seconds. She switched then,

giving Mitch the same treatment that she”d given Linc, moaning at the familiar and welcome

taste of him that mixed with the new but equally pleasing flavor of Linc.

Her body began to tremble; the need to have them fill more than just her mouth was

great. Mitch seemed to sense her urgency, always so attuned to what she needed, when she

needed it. He eased from between her lips and positioned himself behind her, pushing in

deep as Tomi”s mouth closed over Linc”s cock again. The sounds of Tracee and Pedro”s

lovemaking provided the background music as they fucked her deep, turning the blaze inside

her to an all-out inferno that raced through her, setting her body, her soul on fire.

As her latest orgasm flowed through her, she felt Mitch behind her, pumping hard, his

fingers clenching convulsively on her hips. “Tomi…love you.” His voice shook, his body

shuddered, and he exploded, filling her with his heat.

Linc”s fingers wrapped in her hair, holding her head steady, pumping in and out of her

mouth, his frantic movements signaling how close he was to release.

“Dios, Tomi, gonna come.” He tried to warn her, tried to pull her head away, but she

wouldn”t let him, quickening her pace instead, her mouth demanding he give her everything

he had.

Linc didn”t disappoint as a yell burst from his lips, and he filled her mouth with his

cum. The taste of it was just like him, strong and spicy with sweet undertones. He leaned

against the seat, panting. His dick slid from her mouth, and Tomi sat back on her legs. Mitch

wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her face toward his, covered her lips with his, and

kissed her hard, as if he were searching out Linc”s flavor. Their lips slowly parted, and Tomi felt herself rising as Linc lifted her from the deck

and onto the bench next to him. Mitch sat on her other side, allowing her to snuggle

between the two of them. She looked across the boat at Pedro and Tracee, who sat in a

similar fashion, watching them with smiles on their faces.

“Watching the three of you together is the sexiest thing I”ve ever seen in my life,”

Tracee said.

“Thank you.” Tomi”s gaze settled on Tracee. “By the way, if you ask me, I”d say forget

about going back to college.” She smiled at the other woman. “Massage therapy is definitely

your calling.”

Chapter Ten

Linc pulled open the tinted glass doors and entered the lobby of his limousine

company. Pedro stood at the reception desk talking with Lorna. They were speaking too

softly for him to make out their words, but from the looks on their faces, it wasn”t their

usual, sexually charged exchange.

Their conversation abruptly stopped when they saw him, the expression on Lorna”s

face becoming guilty as she mumbled a greeting and quickly went in the direction of the


He looked at Pedro. “What”s up?”

“You tell me.” Pedro”s brow arched, his gaze scrutinizing. “You”re the one who”s been

MIA for the past week. I haven”t seen or heard from you since we were out on my boat last

Thursday. And Lorna tells me that you”ve been virtually nonexistent around here as well.”

Goddammit. He should have known Lorna wouldn”t be able to keep her big-ass mouth

shut. No wonder she”d hightailed it out of here like her panties were on fire. If he didn”t

need her so badly, he”d pack up her desk and have her box waiting for her when she came

out of her hiding place in the restroom. To Pedro, he said, “Lorna needs to mind her own fucking business and focus on her


“It would seem she”s been focusing on her job and yours as well lately.”

“Tell me, primo.” Linc stared at his cousin, feeling uncharacteristically irritated with

him. “Did you come here for a reason, or are you conspiring with Lorna to fuck up my


That drew laughter from Pedro. “Come on, cousin, you know me better than that.

Besides” — he smiled broadly — “if I wanted to ruin your day, I could think of a lot more

creative ways to do it.” He sobered some. “Seriously, we were just worried about you.”

“Well, don”t be,” Linc snapped. Fuck. He”d been in such a good mood when he came to

work this morning, still riding a high from the last several days he”d spent with Tomi and


Linc glared at Pedro. “I”m fine. I”ve just been busy lately.” He snatched his messages off

Lorna”s desk and headed for his private office with Pedro on his heels. He reached his office

and had a seat behind his desk, completely ignoring Pedro”s presence in the doorway.

“Would those things have anything to do with your two new friends?”

Linc sat back in his chair and stared at Pedro. “What”s your point?” He ignored Pedro”s

question. Why bother responding to something they both knew the answer to?

“Listen, Linc.” Pedro walked farther into his office and closed the door behind him

before taking a seat in one of the chairs. “I like Tomi and Mitch a lot. They”re both good

people, and I can see why you”re so attracted to them. But it doesn”t change the fact that in

just a little over a week, they”re getting married, and they”ll be gone shortly after that.” A

pained look flashed in his eyes. “Don”t forget that I”m the one who found you after

everything happened in New York. I don”t ever want to see you hurt like that again.”

Linc remembered those days in New York City more clearly than he”d like. He didn”t

admit it often, but he truly believed that Pedro had saved his sanity — if not his life — all those years ago when he”d rescued him from his own private hell. He looked at his cousin;

the sincerity and concern were palpable on Pedro”s face and in his voice. In an instant, Linc”s

irritation faded away.

“Look, it”s nice to know you care, but you don”t need to be worried.” Linc tried to keep

his voice light, his expression neutral, so that Pedro wouldn”t see the truth he wasn”t willing

to admit to anyone behind his words. “It”s like you said, Mitch and Tomi are good people,

and I enjoy being with them, but I know this isn”t going to last forever. And when they”re

gone, I”ll move on to someone else like I always do. Really,” he insisted, when Pedro still

didn”t look convinced. “It”s no big deal, okay?”

Pedro studied him for another moment before he sighed and nodded. “Okay.”

Linc smiled, trying to change the subject. “Now, are you ready to tell me the real

reason why you”re here in my office bothering me so early?”

“That”s right.” Pedro”s mood lightened. “I wanted to make sure you were coming next


When Linc looked at him blankly, he said, “Don”t tell me you forgot.” Linc still didn”t

respond, and Pedro”s expression turned incredulous. “You know, La Noche de San Juan, one

of our family”s favorite holidays that we celebrate every year with a big party and lots of food

down at the beach.”

“Of course I remembered.” It was a blatant lie, and they both knew it, but Pedro

seemed willing to overlook it.

“Good,” Pedro said. “You can even bring Tomi and Mitch if you”d like.”

“Thanks, man. I will.”

Pedro stood, stretched. “Well, I gotta run. I”ll see you next week.” He walked toward

the door. “Hey.” He looked back at Linc. “Do me a favor and go easy on Lorna. I know she”s a

pain in the ass and she talks a lot of shit, but she really cares about you — and not just because she wants to fuck you, either.” Pedro chuckled and walked out the door without

waiting for Linc”s response.




Linc stared at his computer, seeing nothing, his brain refusing to focus on anything

other than the two people who had occupied his every waking thought since he met them

nearly two weeks ago.

Pedro”s observation about him was right. In the privacy of his office, Linc would admit

that he had it bad for them. He felt himself sinking deeper and deeper into Mitch and Tomi,

and he made no effort to do anything about it. Since he”d met them, Linc had spent nearly

every day with them, every night wrapped in their arms. It had gotten to the point where he

could barely sleep without them next to him.

The sound of female voices suddenly caught his attention. One he easily recognized as

Lorna. It was the other voice, however, that made him nearly leap out of his seat and all but

sprint down the hallway toward the lobby.

As he got closer, Linc could hear Lorna in full guard-dog mode, ready to attack anyone

who tried to gain access to him without her consent. Typically, that included every woman

who ever asked for him, unless she was seeking the company”s services.

“Tomi?” She practically spat out the word. “What kind of name is Tomi for a woman?”

“Well, I —” He heard Tomi try to speak, but Lorna cut her off midsentence.

“There”s no Tomi on Mr. Castillo”s calendar.” Linc reached the lobby in time to see

Lorna standing less than a foot away from Tomi, her arms crossed in front of her body, her

tone confrontational, the look on her face filled with disdain. “You know, Mr. Castillo is a

very important man. He”s too busy to waste his time talking to just anybody.”

“Relax, Lorna.” Linc felt a smile tugging at his lips in spite of Lorna”s less-than-polite

behavior. “She comes in peace.”

Tomi turned at the sound of his voice, smiling brightly at him, relief evident on her

face. “Hi.” She spoke softly.

“Hi, yourself.” He was grinning like an idiot, but Linc didn”t care. Tomi had that effect

on him. The mere act of being in her presence was more arousing than it had any right to be.

It amazed him the way his body responded to her, as if he hadn”t seen her in days instead of

hours. At that very moment, he felt himself hardening at the memory of waking up this

BOOK: Missing Linc
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