Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1)
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Ok, ok, I said I would tell you everything that happened even if I hate to, so here goes.

Mr Mayer took us all into the Survival Room to teach the basic art of combat. We gathered outside the cabins ready for our first lesson.

- note: hole in ground had been repaired and the damaged cabins removed.

The atmosphere was a little subdued, with everyone looking around warily for Zombies or Creepers. Yeah I know Zombies won't be out and about during daylight, but we are all a little on edge, ok. Anyway, Darth was his usual bulling self, pushing around Stevie Niles - no doubt named after the great Steve, seems like half this planet is called Steve!

Anyhow, Stevie's not much bigger than I am so I sure he is used to being bullied, but then he surprised me. He picked up a Block of Wood that was laying on the floor and hit Darth across the head. Man, that was beautiful. Darth's jaw dropped open and he took a step back and stumbled over a tree stump, landing on his butt on the floor. As you can guess everyone just fell about laughing, and that set Darth off again. He struggled to his feet but tripped on the same tree stump again, you get that, the very same stump, and fell flat on his face. Well that was it, game on.

Everyone was bent over, splitting their sides with laughter when Numbers shouted out, 'Hey Stumpy, what's the view like from down there?'

I didn't think it was possible for someone to actually change color but Darth did. He went a funny shade of red, if it had been a cartoon I'm sure steam would have blown out of his ears.

He struggled to his feet and started screaming that he would kill every one of us if we did not shut up. Normally, that would have silenced everyone, but I guess some things are just too funny and everyone kept on laughing.

Well, by now Darth was nearly exploding with anger, spinning franticly and screaming for vengeance and then his eyes settled on me.

'You, Wimp. You think this is funny?' he screamed.

I was tempted to make a joke but there was murder in his eyes and I'm pretty certain he would be capable of it. 'Huh Darth, chill, we were all just having a laugh,' I stammered, trying to include everyone into the answer.

'I will tear you limb from limb you little wimp. How dare you laugh at a Blackheath.'

'Darth, come on, everyone was laughing not just me.'

'Take that back Wimp, or I swear I will kill you. TAKE IT BACK.'

Wow, talk about blowing everything out of proportion. Darth was seeing red and there was no talking him down. I was starting to get a little worried that this would end very, very badly when Mr Mayer stepped into the crowd.

'Good morning everyone, are we ready to commence today's lesson. Darth, you seem a little worked up, is everything alright.'

'I'm fine,' he managed to pry out between his gritted teeth.

'Good lad, and how about you Jeb, everything ok over there?'

'Yes thanks Sir, all A ok here,' I replied, and it was. Never had I been so happy to see a teacher in my entire life. A life that could have very easily ended if Mr Mayer had not arrived when he had.

'Good good. Well, lets get on with the lesson shall we. This morning we are going to learn the basic art of combat. Please get out your Wooden Swords and pair up.'

We all moved off in groups, I grabbed Numbers and made a hasty retreat as far from Darth as possible.

We spent the rest of the morning learning how to Jab, Lunge and Thrust. Cool huh, that's what we combat experts call attack moves. Then we learnt how to Parry, Guard and Defend, cool defensive terms. By the end of the morning I was feeling pretty good, ready to advance beyond the basics.

'Right, it's almost time to break for lunch, so let's have a little fun before we stop. Darth, into the center please, so who can you fight, hmm, ah yes, perfect. Jeb, maybe you would like to engage with Darth?'

'No thanks Sir, I'm all good over here.'

This comment got laughs all round.

'Sorry Jeb, you misunderstood me. That was NOT a request, now get over here.'


I ran over and stood facing Darth who gave me a wicked grin and mouthed - Time to die wimp.

*double gulp*

'Right you two, keep it clean and let's see what you have learnt this morning.'

That was like giving permission to lions to eat the gladiators. Darth let out an ear piecing scream and jumped at me, smacking his sword down on my head. THANK YOU Mr Larrson for insisting we only use Wooden Swords until after our training with Mr Mayer was complete.

I fell to the floor and Darth stood over me, grinning. 'Is that it wimp? That was almost a waste of my time.'

'Very well done Darth, right, next person. Come on Jeb, get out of the way, you have had your go.'

And that was it. I crawled out of the way and Darth went on to demolish everyone who opposed him.  At least I was not the only one to get beaten but I was the first so that's all anyone will remember.



We have our final tests in Crafting and Basic Survival skills next week. Everyone who passes gets to go home for the weekend, all who fail have to stay back and re-test. I am going to study like crazy all weekend.



Today's crafting lesson was the last one before the test tomorrow. The test will be divided into two sections, with a Theory Test in the morning and a Practical in the afternoon. Will sit up all night if necessary, cramming for the final exam.



Ok, today is the day I get to prove I am just as good as these older kids. Test starts in about an hour. Wish me luck.

YESSSSS - I passed the Theory Test this morning. Yeehaaa!!!

It was really easy in the end, probable because I sat up all night cramming, but I knew every answer. Mr Larrson gave me a perfect score, way to go JEB!

Practical Crafting 101 went like a breeze, well more like a hurricane actually. It was a close call but I passed with flying colors. We all had to gather in the Crafting Room and take turns making objects. Mr Larrson drew names from one hat and item descriptions from another, the chosen person then had two minutes to collect everything they needed from the ingredients bench and craft the object on the Crafting Table, which was placed behind a screen in the middle of the room. All the other school teachers were seated in the corner of the room, watching the proceedings. Talk about pressure!

Mr Larrson called my name. 'Jeb, will you please craft a Stained Glass Block, your time starts now.'

'No worries Mr Larrson, I know exactly how to do that,' I replied and strolled over to the ingredients bench. 

Right, 8 x Glass Blocks and some form of Dying agent and I will be set to go. Uh, where's the Glass? I hunted everywhere looking for Glass Blocks and then it hit me, I had to make my own. Ok, don't panic Jeb, I've still got time, I'll just stuff 8 x Sand into the Furnace and noooooo. Where's the Furnace? And that's when I really started to panic.

Ok, come on Jeb, quick. I grabbed 8 x Cobblestone Blocks from the Ingredients bench and dashed over to the Crafting Table, well that's at least one thing I didn't have to make. Laying the Cobblestone out in all the squares except the center, I made my Furnace and quickly stuffed 8 x Sand Blocks and 8 x Wooden Blocks inside.

I retrieved the eight Glass Blocks from the Furnace and I checked the time. OMG - TEN seconds left. I grabbed a piece of Lapis Lazuli from the Ingredients bench and dashed back to the Crafting Table, placed all the Glass Blocks in the squares and the Lapis Lazuli in the center. I grabbed the Blue Stained Glass and held in aloft just as Mr Larrson called time.

'Cutting it a little close there Jeb, but nice job.'

Phew, I'm glad that was over. Well the afternoon preceded a lot smoother after that shaky start. I went on to craft a Beacon, a Bass Fess Banner and some Melon Seeds - yeah that last one was real easy but I guess it's just luck of the draw. Mr Larrson called me in at the end of the test and told me I had passed the Practical exam. Way cool, fist bump Mr Larrson.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have tried that with Mr Larrson. I stuck my fist out there and he left it dangling for so long my arm nearly fell off, then he looked up and grabbed my first and shook it - yeah I know, he shook it!

Anyhow, I passed, Crafting 101 is complete, just Basic Survival Skills 101 and I'm out of here for the weekend.



Last practice day for Survival training was today and I'm so sore I can hardly move. We learnt how to Spawn today. Sound easy doesn't it. You stand next to the Survival Room door and Mr Mayer asks if your ready - sure, go ahead, I'm ready. He presses a button and BOOM you arrive in the Survival Room. Cool huh!

Well it would be cool if I arrived standing up. Seven times he sent me through the Spawner and seven times I ended up flat on my face in the Survival Room. Nearly everyone ended up face down the first couple of times but they all got the hang of it by the end of the afternoon. Mr Mayer has asked me to come back tomorrow and try again. If I can't master Spawning then I will fail on Friday.

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