Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Minecraft (Diary of a Minecrafter - School of Minecraft - Minecraft Books For Kids, Minecraft Stories For Kids, Diary of a wimpy kid Book 1)
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You don't have to do ANYTHING! You just put the blocks on the Crafting Table, and WHAMO, they change. Mr Larrson said that the secret to great crafting is knowing the recipes, once you have those the rest is easy. You just have to place the right items in the correct squares on the table. What! you've never used a crafting table? Ok, so this is how it works.

There are nine squares on top of the table laid out in a 3 x 3 square. You place your items in certain places and it makes something new. For example, I made a bed, yeah I know, a bed! Anyway, I placed 3 x Wooden Planks in the bottom three squares then placed 3 x Sheep's Wool in the centre three squares and boom (well not an actual boom, there is no noise and that makes it even weirder. I expected a great flash of light and a massive BOOM but nope, it just happens, all nice and calm like) you have a bed sat on the crafting table. Now what's really freaky is that the Crafting Room, just like the Survival Room has Overworld gravity so it was dead easy to just pick up the bed one handed and move it off the table. Being small in Minecraft makes NO DIFFERENCE! I love this place.

The rest of the morning we spent turning Planks into Poles, combining Poles and Wooden blocks to make tools. Yeah, cool right. I made my first Axe by combing two Poles and a Wooden Block. I know a Wooden Axe is not a great tool but I'm going to keep this one as a souvenir.

At the end of the class we all had to make a Wooden Door, what's that all about?

The afternoon class was spent learning some more advanced crafting recipes. Did you know that if you combine 5 x Gunpowder in a cross shape and fill the other 4 squares with Sand you get TNT - that's EXPLOSIVES!

Hoody asked if we could make some in the next class but Mr Larrson just stared at him for so long that we all got a little uncomfortable. Eventually, Hoody asked if Mr Larrson was ok, and he replied that he was trying to make up his mind whether Hoody had a death wish or was just plain stupid. To his credit, Hoody cracked a huge grin and replied.

'Me, well if I had to choose between those two options I think I'll go with Stupid, thick as two planks me. Me ma always said I had fluff in between me ears so I guess she thinks I'm stupid too.' Then he winked at Mr Larrson, no really, I kid you NOT. He actually winked. Mr Larrson stared at him for a few seconds then broke out laughing, 'Hoody, I think you and I are going to get along just fine.'

I can't believe it actually worked. If I had tried that I would have been on a one way trip to Trouble Town, prepaid ticket, no refunds allowed.



Survival Training with Mr Mayer- I love this place!

Today we learnt how build basic structures using the tools we made in yesterdays class. My souvenir Axe didn't last long, guess I'll just have to make another one.

Mr Mayer taught us how to mine for new ore's. We found Coal and Stone pretty near the surface and will use them in tomorrow's Crafting class to make improved tools.

Basic house building was so much fun. Using Soil Blocks from the morning Mining lesson we placed them in a 5 x 5 square leaving a hole in the middle, and proceeded to build a small cabin. Man it's so cool, just like in Mr Mayer's Awesome Beginners Survival Guide. After we finished the walls, Mr Mayer told us to place the Door we had made in Crafting Class into the hole in the wall. Duh, now I know what the door is for,
* forehead slap*

After the walls we built a roof using some Wooden Planks, I can see why Mr Larrson had us making all that stuff now, makes sense.

Lunch has never tasted so good - I was absolutely famished after all that building. I wonder what we will be doing this afternoon?

Mr Mayer has just informed us that we will be staying in our completed cabins tonight. Seems the bed and torches I made will really come in handy. Hang on, he's talking again.

'Right class, tonight, as I informed you earlier, you are sleeping in your cabins. Now does everyone understand what the implications of this are? No, then take a look around.'

We all look around the place, yeah, looks like the Overworld, cabins all over the place, hills in the distance with guards standing watch.
Then it hits me like an out of control freight train.

'Yes Jeb, Monsters, although we call them Mobs,' replied Mr Mayer.

Oh nooooo. What? no not the monster bit, yeah that's scary but I obviously just shouted that out loud, not in my head like I thought. What's Darth going to say....and right on cue.

'Oh, the poor little person is scared of the monsters, ah diddums.' To which he got great screams of laughter, even from Mr Mayer.

'Ok, people, calm down, calm down,' chuckled Mr Mayer. 'But Jeb is correct, there will be Mobs roaming the Overworld when the sun goes down tonight.'

Everyone glanced at each other nervously.

'Good, so I now have your undivided attention,' Mr Mayer smiled wickedly.

'So tonight you will stay in your cabins, two per cabin. You will sleep in your beds and tomorrow we will continue our lessons. You will NOT go outside tonight and you will NOT open the cabin door tonight or you WILL die tonight. Do I make myself clear?"

Oh man, die, for real!

'Good, then lets team up into pairs and start double checking your cabins to make sure they are secure. You have five minutes before dusk so get cracking.'

Pandemonium, that's the only word I can use to explain what happened next. (It's a great word isn't it. It means total confusion and chaos - cool!)

Everyone started grabbing each other, pairing up and then arguing over who's cabin they would use. Gravy and Hoody teamed up together and I grabbed Numbers as my partner, then we checked all four cabins between us and chose the best two. Mr Mayer came up behind us as we were moving our beds inside and whispered in my ear.

'Nice work Jeb, you were the only Avatars to work with another team and you chose your cabins wisely, tell your friends they did well.' Then he patted me on my head.

I just can't catch a break, with one breath he compliments me then smashes me down. Of course Darth saw everything but heard nothing. Missed the compliment but saw the petting.

'Good Little Person, you must be the new teachers pet!' Him and his cronies burst their sides laughing again and only stopped when the horn sounded one minute to sundown.

'Right, everyone into your cabins. Light your torches and when the sun sets get into your beds and I will see you all here at first light. Sleep well and be safe.' He then hurried out of the Survival Room, followed by all the guards.

I guess that means we are on our own.

'Well Numbers, guess it's just you and me,' I said lighting a torch and putting it up on the wall. 'Won't be long until sunset now, might as well get comfy,' I said, as I jumped onto my bed and settled down.

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