Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance (121 page)

BOOK: Military Romance Collection: Contemporary Soldier Alpha Male Romance
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A swirl of heat seemed to envelope her, and Aidan must have felt it, too, as he dropped the blanket from his shoulders and set the coffee mug beside him. Eve had no idea what to think of the situation, and it wasn’t like she could furtively text Dani and ask her opinion. She had to figure things out on her own.

And in assessing him more closely, Eve realized he was still in the soaking wet sweater. “Oh, my god, I’m sorry. I should have thought about getting you something dry to wear. You’ve got to get that sweater off before you catch cold. I have some of my father’s clothes here. I don’t know if they’ll fit you but…” She trailed off as she stood because Aidan drew his sweater over his head, giving her a view of the hard muscles and deeply cut lines accenting them. His chest was smooth and broad, and his abs were cut, not an ounce of fat to mar the beautiful muscles.

She knew her mouth hung open as she stared, but she couldn’t help herself. The man was prettier than statues of Greek gods, and she couldn’t seem to get enough of the image. Aidan looked up at her, and she was dumbfounded, especially as he didn’t seem to notice the effect he had on her. “Well, I’m less worried about a shirt. The sweater will dry quicker than the jeans. So if you can find any jeans my size or maybe a pair of jogging pants or stretch pants, that would be great.”

He stood, reaching for his fly, and Eve’s stomach swirled as he peeled the wet material from his legs. She’d always had a problem in that area. So many attractive men had thin legs with no shape, or they had a flat ass. But Aidan suffered nothing of the kind. His ass was full and shapely, and his legs were strong and muscled, like the rest of him.

She let her eyes climb back up to his chest, and before she realized what she was doing, she took a step forward and placed the tips of her fingers on the deep cuts of his six-pack. He sucked in a sharp breath, and Eve jumped back, startled out of whatever trance she’d been in. Embarrassed, she told him, “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking. And I’m sure my hands are freezing. I…oh!”

He cut her off, an arm around her waist yanking her forward so she was pressed up against those incredible muscles, the washboard abs and hard chest. She felt the heat in her veins start to pour into the juncture between her thighs, turning into liquid and leaking a bit as her pulse skyrocketed out of control. She’d been wrong – he was over six feet tall by an inch or so. Clinging to the facts like that, she told herself, would keep her from losing her composure.

“Are you apologizing for touching me?” he asked in a deep, growling tone. It rumbled in his chest, which vibrated against Eve.

“I…I don’t know.” Her mind was fuzzy, and she couldn’t think straight. The physical sensation overwhelmed all sense of reason.

He let his hand slide lower, teasing at her ass, and Eve let out a squeak she hadn’t expected as he squeezed it. “I hope not. The only thing I’d want an apology for is if you decided not to do it again.”

She stared up at him with wide eyes, thinking suddenly that she must have fallen and hit her head or something. This couldn’t be real. But as he dipped his head and captured her lips, the scintillating heat that coursed through her veins was very real, and so was the taste of coffee on his breath as he plied her lips open with his tongue.

Eve sighed as her body went limp, and Aidan had to curl his other arm around her to hold her up. Finding strength in her arms, she threaded them around his neck, her fingers into his hair, and she tilted her head as she held him to her, refusing to release him from the kiss. With the hand slung low on her hips, Aidan pulled her tighter against him, and with nothing but her thin yoga pants and his boxer briefs between them, his arousal was more than obvious. His erection pressed into her, hard and long and thick, and she gasped.

Aidan broke the kiss, his lips lingering just a moment longer, and he spoke with just an inch between them so his breath tickled deliciously along Eve’s cheek. “I’m not cold anymore.”

“Me, either,” she whispered. In fact, she was on fire from head to toe.

He grunted, putting his brow to hers, their noses touching. He ran his hands up her arms, and Eve shuddered with delight. “I should be the one apologizing to you for being so assertive. I couldn’t help it. I had to touch you. And let’s face it, you touched me first.”

“I guess I did.” Eve didn’t recognize her own voice, low and sultry.

“We can stop now, if you want. Just say the word.”

But Eve didn’t want to stop. She didn’t care if this was crazy or stupid or wrong. She had dreaded being alone for Christmas, and she had to think it was a miracle that she’d been delivered a gift like this. Not just someone to have a few laughs with but a man that stirred up feelings inside she hadn’t known she was capable of. And he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

Rather than answering him out loud, she drew one hand down his chest, forcing them apart far enough to continue down his stomach, and then she dipped her fingers below his waistband, grabbing his base and sliding her hand up his shaft. He was smooth, the skin like velvet, and her attention made him groan and twitch. As she teased at his cock, he took her lips hostage, flicking his tongue in and out, making love to her mouth with enticing, sure strokes.

Eve didn’t protest as he pulled her sweater and shirt off all at once, or as he backed away to ease her pants and panties to the floor, where she stepped out of them. And she stared with open mouth at him as he removed the boxer briefs to reveal the perfection she’d already felt.

She was practically frozen in place, in unfamiliar territory, and she waited, completely bare and vulnerable, as he took the blanket she’d brought him and spread it on the floor beside the hearth. He reached for her hand and drew her to the ground with him, laying her back and covering her with the warmth of his body. She stared into his magical silver eyes and spread her legs as he settled between them, his heavy cock pressing against her folds with insistence.

Eve enjoyed foreplay, but something inside her cried out in desperation to skip that, wanting to feel Aidan inside her. She couldn’t explain it, and she didn’t even want to try as he found her core and pressed just his tip inside. She moaned as the wave of pleasure rolled over her like a gentle, lapping tide with just enough force to drown her.

She saw all his muscles contract and then work together like gears, fluid in their motion as he pushed deeper, stroking her inner walls with a slow, delicate but insistent motion. She clutched at his shoulders, pulling him tight against her and seeking out his lips. Eve dove into the kiss, drinking in his desire, feeding him her need and her passion, and he thrust again, making her arch her back. She begged for more, wrapping her legs around his hips and urging him forward.

Aidan groaned and shook as he slipped further into her, and he stiffened as his cock twitched inside her. The unexpected movement had her reeling again, this wave larger than the first, and she cried out in her ecstasy. He took the cue and pulled out before pushing back in, shoving further and filling her with a frenzy that had her lifting her hips, angling them to invite him to take everything from her.

Now, with each thrust, he drew back and filled her further, until there was no more of him to sheath in her hot, wet core. The waves crashed one on top of the other, and his rhythm took her out of the reality of the cold, snowy darkness and bathed her in a brilliant light. He moved faster, and she could feel his need growing as her inner walls convulsed around him with her orgasms. She welcomed it, fisted her hands in her hair and plowed his mouth with the same force and frantic need that he used to stroke her.

With a swift, violent shove, he found his release, and Eve joined him with an epic storm exploding over her whole body. She wrapped herself around him, never wanting to let go of this feeling. But as her eagerness and tension faded as her body calmed, so did her consciousness, and she fell into a deep, dreamless wonderland.


The scent of bacon and the sound of a sizzling pan drew Eve from the black hole of her sleep, and she opened bleary eyes, trying to figure out where she was. There were no lights on, but something flickered behind her, and she felt heat at her back. She rolled over, realizing she lay next to the fireplace, and a glance at the window showed a dim, whitewashed light piercing the shades. She sat up slowly, her body sore, and took in her surroundings.

She was on the floor, naked and covered with a thick blanket. How on earth…

She gasped as last night came flooding back with the force of a steam roller. Her body reacted, moisture building at her center as she recalled the handsome stranger and the incredible way he ministered to her needs. Now, the aroma of fresh coffee wafted toward her, blending with the salty pork, and her stomach growled. Was Aidan cooking breakfast?

She glanced at the clock to find it dead. So, the power wasn’t back yet, but at least the gas cooktop worked. Wrapping herself in the blanket, Eve crept quietly toward the kitchen, peering around the corner to see the man in his jeans, bare from the waist up, frying bacon and scrambled eggs. Her mouth watered, but it wasn’t the food that got her. The jeans were slung low on his hips, and his narrow waist and angled hips were exposed in all their glory.

Her stomach growled, betraying her, and Aidan turned to her with a smile as she straightened. “Good morning.”

She leaned against the wall and gave him a quizzical look. “What are you doing?”

“I was hungry, and I knew you would be when you woke up. You said the stove was gas, so I thought I’d make us some breakfast.” He stepped away from the range and toward Eve, dropping a kiss on her that brought back every bit of pleasure she’d experienced with him before.

He pulled back, his eyes expressing hunger for more than just the bacon and eggs, and as he turned off the burner, he said, “I don’t know about you, but I slept like a baby. Sometimes it’s nice to get away from technology and power.”

He was right about that, but Eve didn’t think it had anything to do with how well they’d slept. She took in a deep, shuddering breath, still trying to rationalize her reaction to him. “It smells delicious.”

He gave her a crooked grin with a mischievous look in his eyes. He crept toward her now, and her heart thudded wildly in her chest before he ever reached her. He stopped two feet away and reached one hand out, tugging swiftly at just the right angle that the sheet fell from her clutches and pooled on the floor. She gasped as he grabbed the backs of her thighs and lifted her onto the counter, then again as her ass hit the cold marble.

He scooted her to the edge and then reached for his jeans, releasing the hard on she was surprised to see imprinted. She hadn’t seen that coming. But as he teased at her folds with his head, she braced herself with hands on his shoulders and threw her head back at the delightful sensation. But when he pierced her with one long thrust, filling her to the brim, the pleasure was almost unbearable, and she dug her nails into his flesh to keep from thrashing around.

“Oh, god, you’re tight,” he sighed. The words escalated her release, and Eve moaned. He pounded her, pumped into her flesh with bruising force, and the brink of pain bringing her to a height of ecstasy she hadn’t known was possible. Their interlude was fast and furious, and Aidan finished with a wild growl, clenching his teeth and burying his face in her neck.

Eve cradled him there, loving the way he felt still inside her as his body calmed and her breathing evened out. But eventually, she smiled to herself and kissed the top of his head. “Aidan?” He made a noise of acknowledgement, and she chuckled, “I think the eggs are getting cold.”

He lifted his head, his eyelids drooping, and kissed her cheek. “I guess we should go ahead and eat.” He picked her up, set her on her feet, and smacked her ass. “You might want to put something on. I like the view, but I wouldn’t want you to spill hot coffee on those beautiful breasts of yours.”

Eve blushed and tiptoed quickly to her bedroom, grabbing a pair of cotton shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt to pull on. She stopped for just a second to look at herself in the mirror, finding her hair mussed and her eyes twinkling. Her cheeks were especially rosy, and she couldn’t get the smile off her face. It wasn’t just the sex, was it? That might give her a boost in energy, but she couldn’t believe it made her feel giddy and light.

She combed her fingers through her hair until she had it pulled back in a ponytail that at least gave it a modicum of control, and then she hurried back out to find Aidan setting the table. “How exactly did you know where to find everything in my kitchen?” she asked, just realizing that he’d been toiling around in there since before she’d woken up.

“I didn’t. But it wasn’t hard to find everything. The spices were over the stove, where it makes sense. Plates and silverware and all that were simple. All I really had to look for was the coffee.” He motioned for her to have a seat, and the smell of breakfast blended with the scent of Aidan still on her skin had her appetite flaring.

As she delved into the plate and the delicious coffee, she watched Aidan from the corner of her eye, finding him watching her much more overtly. She slowed down, and finally met his gaze, not quite sure why she’d avoided it to start with. “It’s Christmas Eve, isn’t it?”

He nodded. “All day long.” He suddenly looked worried. “You aren’t regretting the invitation to stay, are you? I can find somewhere else to go.”

“What? Why would you think that?” She was flustered now.

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