Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (25 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon
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“I lied. Shoot me with an arrow, if you wish. I remember now that I placed the hairs in the clay bowl at the wrong angles, and I may have added something… that I shouldn’t have. “

Her lips were set in a grim line, as she reached for Molly’s arm and pulled her aside. Thaney was still at a loss for words, and stared as if she were drugged. Molly released Gwen’s hand.

Her stepmother had gone stark white in the face. All blood had drained away from it. Her eyes were bulging and the muscle in her neck was doing quite the jig.

“You deliberately sabotaged the spell!” Molly pushed herself to her feet and crossed the short distance to where Morgause stood. Thaney still clung to Morgause. Molly wanted to hurl the woman straight across the room for her deception. Instead, she held herself back and remained rooted to the spot. If she lost control now, she just might kill Morgause or worse, hurt Thaney. “You are despicable. I knew you never should have been trusted. You stupid woman!

I will make sure that Arthur banishes you from his kingdom for this!”

“Please, Molly, you must listen to my side of the story…I did not betray your trust. I merely wanted to see the fair Lady Gwen squirm a bit. I didn’t think that Lady Elyzabel would have such a drastic change of heart. Please, you must believe me. Elyzabel was never supposed to have a change of heart. It was just supposed to be a little joke…that’s all. No harm was actually supposed to be done. “

“Story of my life! Well, she did have a change of heart. How are we going to explain this to my father? We can’t possibly expect him to be duped into thinking Gwen is still the same old Gwen. “ Molly fell silent, and her face lit up with joy, as she remembered her ace in the hole.

“Elyzabel, you cannot want to stay in Gwen’s body. Why Gwen is a married woman, and she has her marital duties to perform. “ Yep, there it was. Why would Elyzabel want to sleep with Arthur when she didn’t even love him? Molly was sure that this would cause Elyzabel to balk, and beg to be returned to her own body. So she was stupefied when Elyzabel, grinned like a cat in heat.

“Aye, I know. It will be my honor to share Arthur’s bed. I always have had a hankering for the man,” Elyzabel nearly purred; the confession caused Gwen to start wailing again. “I shall be most dutiful. I think I will take great pleasure in going where Gwen never went before. “ Her grin widened, and Molly’s stomach lurched at the lascivious gleam in Elyzabel’s eyes.


“I think that Elyzabel is more experienced that we had originally thought. Innocent maiden my arse!” Morgause whispered, sending Molly a knowing stare.

The gleam in Elyzabel’s eyes clearly said that she’d probably been through most of Arthur’s knights. Molly’s stomach flip-flopped yet again. She opened her mouth to speak, when a hunting horn interrupted her. Molly scrambled toward the window, and stared at the incoming procession of Knights. Her father was usually at the head of the procession, and yet he was suspiciously absent. Her heart leapt, and then began drumming against her chest. She felt as if she could not breathe. She stumbled out of the bedchamber into the hallway, and nearly tripped over the form of a sleeping serving maid. All thoughts of Elyzabel and Gwen’s switch flew from her mind. Her body had begun to go numb…this couldn’t be happening. Arthur wasn’t meant to die this early in his reign.

Everything was a blur. Arthur was not supposed to die this soon. History would change.

Legend would change. She bolted down the steps, and heard her aunt and cousin following her.

She raised her hands and the large ornate main doors to the castle were flung open. Somewhere amongst her hysteria, she spotted Collin. He looked battle weary and she deduced that he had found her father’s knights while she had been dealing with Gwen. She searched the battle worn knights for any signs of her father. He wasn’t even on the litters that had been constructed for the wounded. By the looks of the blood-spattered knights, it had been a frightful battle, and more then half of her father’s knights were missing. She swallowed, as tears formed in her eyes.

The fight had begun to flow back into her blood. She had to find out what had happened to her father…if he were truly dead she would avenge him. But if he were dead, wouldn’t she sense it?

She felt Collin wrap his arms around her and she sagged into them. She breathed in deeply, and tried to control the riotous emotions coursing through her. She wanted to sob, and sink down to her knees. But as her eyes encompassed the wounded and heartsick knights, she knew that they were in dire need of a champion, and she would have to be that champion.

“My Knights,” she said hoarsely, catching herself before she began crying. The ones that were able sank to their knees, and bowed their heads, in silent homage to her. “My father…” her voice trailed off, and she covered her mouth with her hand and stifled a sob. She might be a warrior witch, but even she had some weaknesses. Losing her loved ones definitely struck her weak spot.

“He fell,” Sir Bedivere whispered. Grief etched his battle worn features. He rose and pulled a gleaming sword from the manmade scabbard that hung at his side.

Molly was overwhelmed. Stars flooded in front of her eyes, as she gasped. It was Excalibur. The Elvin blade of Hard Lightening had survived when Arthur had not .. survived to pass to Arthur’s rightful heir.

“Oh, dear God,” she muttered. She sagged against Collin, all strength left her body for a few seconds. She had to force herself to breathe again. If Excalibur had been recovered…then her father had to be dead. The thought made her insides freeze.

“His Grace fell, with Avalbane by his side. He fought gloriously and died a noble death.

“ Bedivere’s voice remained calm and steady. Molly struggled to focus her thoughts. It almost seemed as if she were listening to everyone though a large tunnel. Only Collin’s firm grip on her shoulders kept her attached to the living world.

Not this. Anything but this, he couldn’t be dead. She hadn’t sensed it. She’d felt nothing. Why wouldn’t her witch’s sense tell her when her father had died? But then…she had been tricked into thinking her mother was dead as well, so maybe she was not as great of a witch as she had always believed.


“Why have you not brought his body back for a Christian burial?” she asked, grimacing painfully as her mouth formed around the words. “And yet, you brought back Excalibur. I would have preferred having my father brought back with his sword, as is tradition. “ Her tone almost seemed cold in contrast to the rolling emotions battling for control within her.

“When he fell, Avalbane fell shortly thereafter, and then both of their bodies disappeared.

Excalibur was the only thing left behind. “ Her familiar dead as well…she should have felt that.

Avalbane and she were linked through an age-old bond of white magic. None of this made any bloody sense!

“My father has to still be alive! If he still carries Excalibur’s scabbard on him, its enchantment will save him from death. It will protect him from all harm!” She met Collin’s sympathetic gaze. Was she grasping at straws? She hoped not. Arthur had survived many battles. He could not leave her now…not when she needed him the most. But she knew that everyone believed him to be dead…and perhaps he had truly fallen.

Indecision plagued her. The cynical side of her believed Arthur to be dead, while the hopeful side of her clung to the belief that he still lived.

Molly’s knees had officially turned to jelly. She prided herself on being prepared for every foreseeable consequence, but this premature death of her father’s was definitely something that she hadn’t prepared for. Bedivere presented Excalibur to Molly, and though her hands were shaking, she steeled herself long enough to accept the precious burden.

“Why are there so few of you left?” she asked, now her voice sounded strangled. Gareth and Gaheris came walking toward her. Gareth’s arm was in a makeshift sling, and Gaheris was limping badly.

“We were betrayed. A civil war broke out, and we were still trying to fight the riders of the East. We were ill prepared; the betrayal could not have come at a worst time. “ Betrayal?

Something niggled at the back of her mind. So that was how Arthur’s knights had been led into ambush after ambush. They had a plant. A spy. Her mind raced.

“Or a more opportune one,” she whispered, rage boiling within her. “Who was the bad seed?” she asked; dread formed a knot in the pit of her stomach. She had to know. She didn’t want to know…but she had a betrayer to kill.

“Need you ask, my lady,” Gareth said, his stunning blue eyes fixed upon Molly’s visage.

Fatigue lined his features and her empathy picked up on his sense of betrayal, loud and clear.

“Agravaine. “ It was one name, and it was all she needed. She would have her revenge against the meddlesome knight.

“He has chosen to side with our father,” Gaheris said, wincing with pain, as he stepped forward. “I must apologize to you, Princess. I feared that Agravaine would turn, but my mother had hope that she had raised him better. Her hopes have been dashed against the rocks. “

Morgause stepped from out of the throng of people. Molly didn’t even spare her a glance.

“That bastard. I hope he realizes that his betrayal is tantamount to signing his own death warrant,” she seethed. Collin still supported Molly, and though she was suffering, he eased it by giving her silent comfort. Morgause remained silent.

Suddenly from out of the clearing, a wild-looking Millicent appeared on horseback.

“Come quickly,” she cried out. “Broceliande is burning!” She reared back on her horse, as it let out a mournful neigh. Then, she turned and galloped back toward the enchanted faerie forest.


Chapter Thirteen

Molly sped into action. She whistled for Wind Spirit. With a loud curse, Collin pulled her around. She stared up into his green orbs.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked gruffly. Touched by his concern, she reached up to caress his soot-stained face. In another time and place she would have been deeply offended by his reluctance to let her go, but now after all that she’d been through, she knew better. His concern for her came straight from the heart. He wasn’t trying to smother her or control her…he was looking out for her. But if they were going to do this, if there was ever going to be anything between them, he had to learn to trust in her abilities.

“I’m going where I belong. My Light Bearers need me, Collin,” she lowered her voice.

“You have to trust me on this one. I know what I’m doing. “ She still held Excalibur in her hands, and it thrummed beneath her fingers. She snapped her fingers and conjured up a scabbard for it on her back. She slipped the light yet powerful Elvin blade into it.

“You belong with me,” he whispered. There was a strange power in his voice. It caused her to shiver with a renewed thrill. They held each other’s gaze for a split-second. “I understand where you’re coming from; I know you have to do this…and I trust you to get the job done right.

But…” he trailed off. She couldn’t argue with him. She didn’t have time.

“Then come with me. “ He seemed surprised by her request. His eyes softened. Wind Spirit was galloping toward her. He pulled up beside her, and affectionately nudged her.

“Greetings, my friend,” she murmured, rubbing him, and running her hands through his silky soft blond mane as she swung up into the Elvin saddle. She was still wearing her white gown, and knew that she didn’t have time to change, even if she used magic. Time was of the essence.

“Galahad,” she called out, as Lancelot’s son turned from tending to one of the injured knights.

“My Lady,” he said, bowing briefly, his wise eyes fixed on her.

“You must make haste, and travel to the Lady of the Lake. We shall require Lady Vivienne’s assistance. She may already be there. “

Galahad bowed again solemnly, and rested his hands on his sword. Placing his fingers up to his lips he whistled for his horse.

“It shall be done. “ Galahad was gone in an instant, riding as if the Hounds of Hades were plaguing him.

At that precise moment, Collin came up beside her on Arlen, and Morgause came speeding up to her on foot. She had returned suddenly from the castle for reasons unknown to Molly. Morguase’s red tresses waved frantically in the air, and she clutched Thaney’s hand tightly.

“I have awakened the castle. I found Lachlan’s flute, he must have left it behind. He is quite the absent-minded leprechaun. Blessed be that Lachlan’s flute contains the magic of the ancient ones. The goblin’s enchantment spell was no match for its lovely melody. The Ladies of the Court are preparing for the wounded knights. “ She gasped for breath and darted a furtive gaze toward her injured sons. Seemingly satisfied that they would be all right she turned back to Molly.


Morgause waved her hand, and whistled an unusual melody. Two horses came galloping from the stable areas. One was a chestnut color, and the other was a grayish purple color.

Thaney’s normal color had returned, and her eyes brightened.

“Nay. Morgause, you must stay here. With Gwen taken to her bed, and Elyzabel walking around in her body, you must watch out for them. Elyzabel may get up to some dangerous mischief. Besides, the knights shall require your healing knowledge. “ Molly’s hands clutched Wind Spirit’s leather reigns tightly beneath her hands. Wind Spirit had become increasingly restless. He too could sense the trouble brewing from the Enchanted Forest.

“Bryn and Milynda are well skilled in the healing arts, and they shall watch over the castle and the inhabitants. Tintagel is in wise hands. You shall require our help. I am quite good at controlling the weather with my powers, and Thaney is an excellent weather witch. She is highly gifted. “ Morguase’s eyes were filled with pride. Molly didn’t have time to convince Morgause against accompanying them. Morgause seemed resolute in her cause.

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