Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (42 page)

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Pressing Excalibur into Arthur’s hand, she was unprepared for the bolt of lightening that connected with Excalibur. The lightening bounced off of Excalibur’s blade and hit Mordred. He let out an agonized scream and fell to his death. His eyes were wide open and sent a shiver of dread through Molly. Gasping for breath, she groaned when Arthur gently pulled her head into his lap. Avalbane was at her side in an instant.

As she fell, the tide of the battle had made a definite change. Soon, her father’s forces would be victorious. She coughed, and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Pain tore through her consciousness.

“Collin,” she moaned.

In her hazy daze, she heard Collin’s voice in her head. Seconds later, he had arrived at her side. Her father reluctantly handed her over to Collin.

“We have to get her to Beatrice,” Collin muttered.

The battle still raged on. Molly knew that she didn’t have enough time to wait for a healer.

“Collin,” she rasped, “You have to listen to me…I don’t have much time left!”

“Time is irrelevant where magic is concerned,” Collin argued.


Molly sighed. “Collin, this timeline needs to be stabilized. I’ve been seeing it all along…ever since we came back from the future. This is my destiny. Don’t you see? I’m supposed to die tonight. It’s all been predestined…if I don’t too many good people will die. If I don’t…another timeline will form…and it will be horrible! My death will balance the shifting power. Please, Collin, let me say my goodbye. “

He shook his head. Tears streamed down his face though he made no sound.

“I won’t let you die…. “

“Collin, my love…you don’t have a choice in the matter. I’m afraid that’s the God’s honest truth. “

“NO! I didn’t find you only to lose you like this…when you met me you knew I was a man that always got what I wanted. Well, I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember.

You’ve haunted my dreams since I was a teenager! I won’t let you die…” He brushed her wet hair off of her forehead. Leaning down, he gave her an agonizingly tender kiss. With a start, she sensed what he intended to do.

“Collin, don’t you dare!”

“You fell in love with me because I was a man of action…you’ll just have to let me do this, Molly. “

Arthur began to fend off the creatures of the dark that were closing in on them. Now that he was armed with Excalibur, the dark riders didn’t stand a chance.

Collin looked to the heavens. “Take me, instead! That will balance everything out…take me!” he shouted. Light streamed down from the clustered clouds above them.

“No, Collin…don’t you do this!” And then she realized what would happen if the powers that be accepted Collin’s plea. His magic would be released. She swallowed, as another wave of pain gripped her. Taking her eyes off of Collin for one split second, she stared at the pool of blood she was lying in.

Her blood.

“I love you, Molly,” he whispered. She let out an anguished sob.

“Not as much as I love you…” she trailed off. A pained expression clouded Collin’s features. Fire lit his emerald eyes. “Collin!” she tried to move toward him, but fell back in an exhausted slump.

A single beam of light engulfed Collin. Moments later, a loud explosion ripped through the landscape. She closed her eyes against the resulting flash of light. Collin’s powers had been released in their full fury. When she cracked one eye open she was met with a scene of carnage.

Lord Cardan and his followers had been destroyed. Collin fell to his knees beside her. He looked as exhausted as she felt. His hands reached toward her.

“No…don’t touch me. “ She knew what he wanted to do. He planned on healing her…but if he did that he’d take on the effects of her injuries. He wasn’t as skilled as Beatrice and the other Elvin healers; he didn’t know how to protect himself from the poison that was at this moment seeping through her bloodstream.

She looked to her side. A male figure garbed in white stood by her. The Angel of Death.

He had come for her. Collin had to live…he had to return to the future.

Collin’s lips met hers. She stared into his eyes while they kissed. They would be denied their happy ending. But at least they had been given some blissful moments together. She could be thankful for that. She would always be thankful for Collin. Her entire family had gathered around them. Collin had started the healing process… no one could intervene now. But he LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 180

didn’t have enough strength to save her. He’d depleted most of it, when he had taken out Lord Cardan and his followers. Collin pulled his lips away from hers, and held her gaze.

“I’m sorry, Molly. “

“You have nothing to apologize for. “ Their hands intertwined.

“I’ll be seeing you in my dreams,” he murmured. With that, he closed his eyelids on the beautiful jewels that were his eyes. At that moment, Molly died inside.

Collin Remington, the Great Black Knight of Arthur’s Roundtable had made the ultimate sacrifice. He had given his life for hers.

She watched as The Angel of Death met Collin’s spirit. She tried calling out…they had to wait for her…but with a smile, Collin blew her a kiss, turned around and disappeared arm in arm with The Angel of Death.

“Wait for me,” she whispered. Her life flashed before her eyes. Images of her mother, father, and the nine mystical ladies of Avalon filled her mindscape. Merlin stood in the mists calling her forward…She saw Lachlan and his cheeky grin, and Branden smiling his wise smile.

Then, Collin appeared before her…he looked different and yet the same. Perhaps, there was hope for the future, the third future after all. Closing her eyes, she left the land of the waking world. As she floated away, she heard the sobs of her loved ones. Life would go on for them. A new timeline had been created…one where Merlin’s High Order would survive and flourish.

Her Lady Knights would protect the world from evil, and her father would have his happy ending with her mother. Just as she slipped away…she heard Merlin speak.

“May it be,” he murmured.



Present Day, The Isle of Avalon

Prince Collin Fairborn looked toward the Mists of Avalon. The Ancient Isle was the eternal resting place of the great warrior witch, Princess Mary Pendragon aka Molly Pendragon.

Arthur’s firstborn daughter had lain beyond the great waterfall of Avalon for fifteen hundred years. She had been placed into an eternal slumber only to be reawakened when the world called for a champion once again.

That day had come. Collin had spent most of his life visiting with Molly on the dreamscape. His world had become a part of her world. Now, he needed the champion of his heart. He knew all about the other timeline in which he and Molly had married…and he knew that he wanted her in this timeline, just as much as he’d wanted her in the other one. She had become more than his world…he thought of her every moment of every day.

The swan-ship he was traveling on pulled up to the shores of Avalon. Stepping out of it, he looked back to his lone traveling companion.

“I’ll stay here, if it’s all right with you…this is something you must do on your own, Collin. Don’t forget to tell her that King Arthur and Queen Mildred send their love…you might want to hold off on telling her that she has a castle full of siblings now. “ Lachlan’s eyes twinkled as he puffed on his Elvin pipe. “And I’ll give her my own thanks when I see her. “

Collin glanced down at the picture of Morganna that was peeping out of Lachlan’s coat pocket.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” Collin murmured. His heart felt as if it was going to burst right out of his chest. He trekked toward the rushing waterfall.

Water faeries flew out of the water and perused him with interest.

“You are known to us, Collin Fairborn. We bid you safe passage into the tomb of Lady Pendragon. “ The waterfall parted revealing a crystal-lined cave. Collin stepped inside, and glanced back as the waterfall began streaming in full force once again. Then, he fixed his eyes on the beautiful sight floating in front of him.

Suspended magically in the air, Molly’s copper hair flew wildly around her, haloing her like the angel she was. Her hands were crossed on her chest and beneath them she gripped her Elvin silver-steel sword, Anwyn. Collin’s mouth went dry. He took two halting steps toward the dais and fell to one knee. Drawing his own sword, Elwyn, he plunged the blade into the ground, and rested his forehead on the hilt.

“My Lady Knight. My Lady Pendragon. My Love. “ His voice was filled with reverence. Right at that moment, bright light began dancing around the room. He felt power thrum through his blade. For some reason, he could no longer keep control of it. It slipped out of his grasp, and went flying toward Molly. Collin watched in awe, as the two swords sang to each other. He understood the song well, even though it was in an ancient language. The swords sang of how they were finally being reunited. The Elvin Sword Smith Gofannon had created them to be twin swords. They had been separated, and now their reunion was at hand. Collin walked toward Molly. Her face seemed more animated than it had been before.


With a loud crash of silver-steel meeting silver-steel, the two swords fused together. The resulting explosion rocked Collin off of his feet. He fell back, and had to shake off the dazed sensations that had flooded his mind. When his vision finally cleared, he could see his own blade floating back to him.

Molly had reawakened.

She held Anwyn aloft in her hands. Confusion marred her flawless features.

“Collin?” she asked, stumbling forward. Her sword clattered out of her hand as she fell into his arms. He brought her close. Their lips met and a mind-altering sensation rocked his being. His heart throbbed in his chest. Visions of another lifetime filled his mind’s eye. He saw himself as he’d once been. Something tingled on his left hand. Glancing down at his hand, he found an Elvin wedding band on his ring finger.

“Amazing,” he breathed, when their lips parted.

“How did you…” she trailed off, and caressed his cheek. “Collin…how can we be in the waking world?”

“It’s the magic of our love, Molly, my dearest. “

She looked around the cave. “I know this cave…in another lifetime it was my father’s eternal resting place. The nine mystical ladies of Avalon brought him here…. “

“Molly, your father is alive and well…as is your mother…the timeline you created has been much happier for both of our families. Much has changed, and for the most part it has been for the better. “

“Blessed be,” she murmured happily.

“Aye,” he answered.

Her eyes fell to the Elvin brooch he wore. Trailing her fingers over it, she smiled. “This has the mark of Merlin’s High Order on it. “

“Not Merlin’s High Order…I’m a member of another branch of his High Order. I’m the leader, actually. “

“What Order is this?”

“Merlin’s Order of Timekeepers. It seems that Puck needs some help keeping this particular timeline on track…there are many that would see it destroyed. “ Her eyes flared with anger. Then, her gaze softened when she noticed his ears.

“Your ears…they are adorable. “

He laughed. “My grandmother used to say the same thing…as I said…my life has been much happier. Your father and mother send their love…Arthur is the great warrior king that he was in the golden days of Camelot. He resides right here on the Isle of Avalon. We’ll be going to meet them when we leave the crystal cave. “

“You look as if you are in control of your destiny. “

“My destiny is with you. “ Tears filled her eyes.

“Then we can’t keep it waiting, can we?” She reached for his hand and clasped it tightly.

“With you as my guide into this strange new future, I can’t go wrong can I?”

Love surged in his heart. Their love was one for the fairytale books…and maybe, in a way, they were the living image of what true love and happily-ever-after endings could be like.

“No matter what trials or tribulations may come our way, we’ll always have each other,”

he promised.

Hand in hand, they walked out of the crystal cave and into their future together.

The second golden age of Camelot had begun.

The End

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