Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon (12 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon
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“I shall always love you,” Arthur proclaimed. Her mother’s shoulders slumped. Molly could see their parting did indeed pain her. Mildred kissed Arthur’s chin, and then grazed his lips.


“Never fear, my love. Our story is not over yet. I do not believe the end will ever be written,” she murmured. He brought her to him and swept her against his chest. For one brief moment, a love clinch in one of those old black and white films filled her mind’s eye. Her mother and father were deeply in love. Her breath caught in her throat as her father locked his lips with her mother’s. Mildred molded herself against him and they hungrily kissed each other.

They looked as if they hadn’t eaten for days. Love starved didn’t even begin to express the way they looked.

“Merlin, you should have made sure they ended up together. They belong to each other.

“ Molly angrily rounded on the wizard and wished that she were strong enough to deck him.

“Aye, they do. And their hearts shall always be intertwined. No matter how it may seem to you now, Molly, my sister and Arthur are on the paths that they were always destined for. My dear, you need to have patience, and realize that time does indeed heal all wounds. “ His eyes twinkled. She snorted.

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” she muttered. Scowling at him, she rested her feet on the stepping stool that one had to step on, since the bed was raised high off of the floor. “Well, don’t just stand there, help me, you old goat. “ Merlin smiled, his eyes sparkling at her jibe, and extended his arm to her. She took it gratefully, and then leaned on Adria, as her friend came up to support her on the other side. “I’ve never been this dependent on anybody in my entire life. “

she grumbled, which only caused Merlin to let out a throaty chuckle.

“Mayhap, it is the most fortunate lesson you will ever learn, Mary Pendragon. “ He mused, using the name that Molly hadn’t heard in centuries. Surprisingly, it felt really good to hear it again. Yes, she was home. For the first time in her life she understood the saying, home is where the heart is.

Arthur and Mildred finally parted themselves, and Molly winced as she heard her father’s angry voice.

“Where are you going?” he asked, racing in front of them to block their path. Damn, her father did make a bloody good watchdog.

“Arthur, my boy, move out of my way,” Merlin said. His voice became stern and Molly darted her gaze between the men as Merlin leveled a no-nonsense look at Arthur.

“My rooms are less drafty than Molly’s. She shall be safer here,” Arthur murmured.

Merlin let out a loud scoff and easily moved Arthur out of the way.

“It is her wish to be in her chambers, and if you do not give her this, Arthur, she will leave you for Avalon,” her mother pointed out. A soft smile touched Molly’s lips. Arthur shrewdly narrowed his eyes. He still seemed resistant.

“Molly, you could catch your death,” he pointed out, trying to make her see his side of the coin.

“If I remain here, where will you and Gwen sleep?” She cocked her head to the side, and she nearly laughed as a look of near panic entered his eyes.

“Why…” His voice trailed off.

“My bedchamber would not suit Gwen. I have way too many magical artifacts in my room…and you know how they creep her out. My crystal ball alone could make her go mental!”

“Molly,” A strange glint entered Arthur’s eyes. “I do not know why you speak so strangely. You seem quite changed since the battle. Mayhap, that dark poison has muddled your senses?” At his words, she clamped her mouth shut. Darting a furtive glance toward Adria, her heart skipped when Adria gave her a confused look.


“Your Grace, Princess Mary uses the language of the Faeries of the Fourth Realm. If you knew of their kind you would know that the princess is quite sane, and sound, for that matter. “

Molly exchanged a grateful glance with Adria. No matter what, Adria always came through for her. Her heart thrummed. Adria’s eyes danced but Molly could still see the whisper of a question sparkling in Adria’s brilliant green eyes.

‘We must speak at another time, Molly. Your sudden change in behavior distresses me greatly. Though I must only ascertain that it is magically caused. And where magic is concerned…anything is possible. ’ Adria’s breezy telepathic voice made Molly’s one eyebrow twitch.

‘As ever my friend, you are correct in your assumption. Thank you, for that quick save with my father. ’ She winked at Adria, and Adria visibly relaxed. Molly, on the other hand, had to inhale a sharp breath. Speaking telepathically to Adria seemed to drain what little energy she had. Lethargy continued pulling at her entire being.

“The Fourth Realm?” Arthur rubbed his temple. “Gracious, all of this magical information is beginning to give me a sick headache. “ Slowly, he smiled. “But I know enough from listening to Merlin’s wise counsel that the magical realms differ greatly from this one. So, I only beg you to watch your tongue around Gwen and the rest of the inhabitants of this castle that frown on your mystical practices. I only look out for your own welfare, my dearest daughter. “ Molly’s soft smile broke into a full out grin. Resting her hand on his muscled chest, she looked up into his loving eyes.

“I know, father. That is why you must allow me to return to my own chambers. I am on my own turf there. “

“Right. Go on then,” he murmured, stepping out of their way. She crept along the hallway at an agonizingly slow speed, as she craned her neck to stare up at Merlin.

“Why don’t you just pop us into my rooms with your magic?” she suggested. Her ears rang when her father let out a loud bellow summoning Sir Gawain. A scurry of hastened activity began in the Great Hall below them, followed by the loud pitter-patter of Sir Gawain’s large feet slapping against the stone steps of the stairwell. An eerie silence enveloped the castle…followed by the sound of loud footsteps ringing down the hall. Shocked, Molly had just made it into her bedchamber when she realized the footsteps were heading straight for her. Whirling around, Molly’s eyes widened when she saw her mother materialize in front of her in a bright flash of multi-colored light. Raising her hand, she used it to shield against the bright glare.

“I just wanted to say farewell to you, Molly. “ Mildred’s eyes lit with love. As the noise drew nearer, Mildred’s eyes flashed with alarm. “I must hasten away,” Mildred murmured, putting her index finger across her lips.

“See, I told you, that we could just use magic. “ She tossed Merlin a look of disgust.

“Why do you always make me do things the hard way?” Her mother blew her a kiss and then in another flash of blinding light she was gone.

“Why, my dear girl, because it builds character. Sometimes one must be able to rely on good-old human invention rather than relying on the wonders of magic. “ Merlin’s eyes flashed with delight. She groaned. Insufferable man. Molly turned her head at the sound of mingled male voices. Adria quickly moved to fetch Molly one of her own nightgowns.

Her father strode into the room, with his hand resting on Excalibur.

“Sir Galahad tells me that my sister and her family will be arriving shortly. They have been spotted from the watchtower. You shall remain here, but I have posted Sir Galahad and Sir LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 51

Gawain outside your door. I do not trust Mordred as far as I can throw him wearing his full armor,” he muttered. He crossed the short distance and came up to stand at her bedside.

“My Lady Knights can watch me,” she murmured. A yawn nearly escaped her.

Widening her eyes, she clamped her hand over her mouth before her father could catch on.

Smiling sweetly at him, she willed him to leave the room. Exhaustion began to tear at her.

Soon, she’d drop off right in front of Arthur. Her eyes began to water as she continued to hold in the need to yawn.

“I shall have need of your Lady Knights, as Merlin well knows; Morgause is well skilled in the magical arts. “ Arthur’s eyes narrowed to slight slits. “I do not trust her either. Though no one can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, I have reason to believe that Morgause strays away from the White Magic that my dearest mama schooled her in. She does not like Merlin, so Merlin shall have to take his leave, albeit momentarily. But Morgause is not aware that Merlin has assembled an Order, and this will be to my advantage. “ She wrinkled her brow. Her father often underestimated her bitch of a step-aunt. Morgause had a feral sense of cunning. Over the years, Morgause had proven to be quite the thorn in Molly’s side, and the sides of all the members of Merlin’s Order.

“Father, I do not want you to think that Morgause will be easily fooled. “ At her words, the look in Arthur’s eyes hardened.

“I know what Morgause is capable of, you needn’t fret over me. You must concentrate on getting your strength back. “ Molly darted her gaze to where Morganna lingered in her doorway. She gave her aunt a pointed look. Recognition dawned in Morganna’s eyes. Molly breathed a sigh of relief. Morganna stepped into the room and loudly cleared her throat.

“Besides,” Morganna, said, flexing her fingers together. “I look forward to teaching my sister a few important lessons,” she smiled and her eyes glinted dangerously. “We shall do you proud, Molly. “ She gave Molly a comforting smile, and then left the room.

“I would not expect otherwise,” Molly murmured. Adria pulled the velvet bed hangings shut, to shield Molly from view while she quickly changed into her nightgown. She felt tired right down to her bones. Just before Adria left, Molly remembered Mordred and shivered. She grasped Adria’s hand and pulled her close.

“Be careful, and watch Queen Gwen with the utmost care,” she murmured. Adria’s eyes widened, but she nodded her head in understanding, and asked no further questions. “You must promise me, Adria. I will have your most solemn vow. I fear for Gwen, as she is in danger whenever Mordred is around. “

“It will be done. You have my word. “ Adria bent down and pecked Molly lightly on the forehead.

Molly watched them all file out of her chamber, and then stared expectantly at her father who had remained behind.

“Pray do not be sore at me,” Arthur murmured, reaching for her hand. She let him take it, as she stared up into his earnest eyes.

“Watch Mordred. He has a devious nature. He will try to assault Gwen; you must make sure she is protected at all times. “

“How do you know this?” he fell silent and then shrugged his shoulders. “I should know not to ask. My own mother had more than a few tricks of magic up her sleeve and I’ve known Merlin all my life. Then, when I fell in love with your mother, magic enveloped every facet of my life. Mayhap, not knowing will be the best for me. “ He pressed his lips lightly against her cheek, and then stood back up to his full height.


“How do I look?” he asked, resting his hand on Excalibur, he gave her a crooked grin.

She tried to keep herself from smiling, but knew it was a lost cause.

“You look like you’re about to ride off to do battle,” she murmured. She let out a light laugh when he winked at her.

“Excellent. That’s just what I need to look like when dealing with my nasty half-sister. “

He ambled toward the door. “Sleep well, lass. “ His voice was filled with tenderness and he quietly closed the door firmly behind him.

In her dream she was dancing with Collin. She was pressed up against his chest, and he was so handsome that he quite literally took her breath away. Turning her head, she shivered when he breathed against her neck. Snuggling closer to him, she was just about to reach up and meet his lips when a loud cacophony filled the air. Frowning, she pretended that she’d never heard the loud noise. Instead, she tried to lose herself in the blissful moment she and Collin were sharing. But the noise was too loud. It jarred her out of her dream, and her eyes stared up at the ceiling and then she wildly searched the room. It took her a moment to realize that the noise wasn’t coming from her room, but from the Ehangwen. She sat rigidly up in bed and let the covers fall loosely around her, as her father’s furious voice carried up to her.

“Mordred will marry my daughter, over my dead body!” he shouted. She winced. Right at that moment Tintagel fell eerily silent.

What was she going to do now? Everything was changing. And it definitely wasn’t for the better.


Chapter Six

Weakly, Molly edged her way to the side of the bed, and swung her legs over it. Fighting the urge to double over, she tried to regulate her breathing. Her nap had helped to refresh her a bit, but she still felt weak. A blackout loomed in the corner of her mind.

Breathe, Molly. You can do this. She snorted at her brave thought of encouragement.

How did she know what she could or could not do in this timeline? Another fresh wave of sickness struck her head on. Pressing her fingers to her temple she tried to focus her chaotic thoughts. A rush of wind flared through her room. Biting her lip, she glanced toward the door.

The forceful wind had been caused by the manifestation of her inability to control her magic.

Venturing into the Grand Hall where a large number of non-magical people were assembled presented quite a risk to her and her father. If she slipped, if her magic took flight…it could have catastrophic results. But she couldn’t leave her father alone. There was no telling what he might do. He’d never held any kind of fondness for his half-sister or her black-hearted son, so she’d have to make sure that he didn’t do anything he’d later regret.

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