MicroLena (3 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance

BOOK: MicroLena
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Lena cocked her head and stared at him, the warmth in her system turning into an aroused slickness beneath her suit. "How do you know that?"

"Communications implant."

"Ah, well, you Nyvil are the masters of technology." She smiled brightly and tried to ignore the tingling in her limbs.

"And to prove it, two sandwiches coming up." He rose from his seat at the table and she wistfully watched his backside as he wandered into the kitchen.

He had just finished assembling the food when a knock sounded at the door.

She flexed her hand and got to her feet, ready to pull her sword if needed. Balfor raised his hand to tell her to stay in place and he went to the door.

Low masculine voices erupted in an argument and she took a few cautious steps to put the doorway within her field of vision.

There were three men waiting outside the door, each with something in their hands. Nothing looked like weaponry, but Balfor's posture was hostile and defensive.

The simmering in Lena's blood cooled as she tried to figure out what the men were doing and what the hell was going on the moment that Balfor let the men into his apartment, locking up behind them.

"Agent Sinclair, this is Norkos, Evendil and Krindar. They are here to see if they can court you." Balfor leaned against the kitchen counter and scowled at the men who wore the same uniform he did.

The men surged forward and then formed a semi-circle around her. They were each holding a gift for her from what she could see. Two of the offerings put her on guard immediately. From what Balfor had told her, there was no way for those men to have been this prepared unless they had the fastest reflexes on history.

Norkos smiled and stepped forward. "Greetings, Agent Sinclair. I offer you the brightest perfume created in Cina, guaranteed to enflame the senses."

She smiled and extended her hand, wincing as he sprayed the interior of her wrist before raising her arm to his face. He inhaled the scent of her body mixed with the flowery scent and a shudder ran through him.

She nodded and jerked her wrist back, punching him in the stomach. "You don't give a gift for your own enjoyment on the first meeting, ass hat."

She glared at Evendil and his flowers before smiling brightly. "As long as those flowers don't have any kind of scent-sedation, you are safe."

He quickly dropped the flowers and backed off.

Krindar was a little nervous, but he offered her a box and smiled at her. "Agent Sinclair, you are the first available female I have met. I offer you my mother's earrings."

She smiled sadly and opened the box. Nestled on dark fabric were two gems and silvery settings. They were lovely, but she could not accept them. "They are truly beautiful, but I cannot accept them. They are for a woman that you truly love. You haven't even met me. I may have horrible habits and my wearing the earrings would be a betrayal of your mother's memory."

He swallowed and nodded, backing away. "I understand."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her, Lena went up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Out of the three of you, you came closest, Krindar. Once you are back to standard size, I am sure there will be a woman worthy of your attentions."

He shivered and she noted a distinct bulge in his trousers. "Are you sure?"

"I am sure. I don't know if breeding with my other species is possible, but you will certainly have fun trying." She patted his cheek.

Turning to the others, she said, "Now, you have to leave. I was just about to have a sandwich. Tell any of the others who are going to try that I am only interested in completing my mission and Balfor. Yes, I am fairly sure that I am interested in Balfor."

Balfor came away from the counter in a second, forcibly escorting them out the door and slamming the locks behind them. He entered something into a keypad and Lena was fairly sure that it was a repulsion field. The Nyvil specialty.

He was in front of her in an instant, "Are you sure you are interested in me?"

She grinned. "No, but I am willing to try anything to keep the others at bay. Besides, you are the only one I have met that arouses me with or without the aphrodisiac wine."

He carefully placed his hands on her waist, moving them slightly. She could feel him unhooking her sword belt. "You caught on to the wine?"

"After one sip."

"You still drank it."

"It has been a very long time since I felt anything like that. I was enjoying it." She smiled up at him, losing her thoughts in his black-on-black gaze. Eyes like that should have been cold, but a pulsing heat ran through them and into her.

"I am all about enjoyment. Would you care to have the sandwiches or something more experimental?" He hung her sword over the back of the chair and returned his hands to her waist.

"Experimentation first as long as those sandwiches are put back into the cooler."

She barely finished her sentence before he was in the kitchen and then back at her side. It was as if he was afraid she would change her mind.

"I am guessing that with your population, you don't have much exposure to women."

"We have simulators. If we didn't we would probably go insane."

He worked at the closures of her suit and then tugged off the gauntlet before starting to slide her uniform from her shoulders.

She sighed as his fingers caressed the smooth expanse of her shoulder, trailed across her clavicle and up her neck. When he pressed his lips to hers, she went up on her toes to increase the pressure.

When he leaned back, surprised at her intensity, she smiled. "I don't have simulators."

Laughing, he let her push him back onto his bed and jump on top of him. Together they rolled on the large mattress, pulling and tugging until they were skin-to-skin.

By the time they were naked, flesh-to-flesh, Lena's arousal had climbed to ridiculous heights. She writhed against his hands when he held her arms above her head while his mouth woke every nerve between her ribcage and jaw line. Her hips pumped against his torso, begging for more than the lightest of touches.

A repeating mantra of, "More, please, more," came from her throat. His teeth taunted her engorged nipple and as the pain and pleasure blended in a firestorm, she broke.

Sweat beaded his forehead and his expression was fierce as he positioned himself between her thighs. The hard length of his cock prodded and pressed in a slick repetition.  He inched into her with single-minded determination.

Lena cried out as her maidenhead gave way beneath the intense pressure. A burning heat filled her as she fought to gain control over the pain. Balfor finally was seated fully inside her and she squirmed against the discomfort of the heated rod touching her cervix. He backed out slightly and the sudden easing of the unbearable pressure brought a return of pleasure.

"Lena, look at me."

She opened her eyes, not realizing that she had closed them, and met his onyx gaze as he began to thrust and retreat with a steady rhythm.

Her body hesitantly followed his lead, her hips lifting and pressing to his as he surged and retreated. As she responded, his movements took on a leashed violence that was reflected in the fierce look in his eyes.

The visual contact as their bodies struggled intensified her feelings and her body shook as she cried out again. Her body trembled and twisted while skewered on his, a second wave overtook her as he bared his teeth and snarled as his cock jetted into her, the sharp jerks within her giving her another shiver of sensation.

He rolled quickly to one side, curling her against him. She sighed in repletion, enjoying the flutter of her channel in aftershocks. The coppery scent of blood was in the air, but she wasn't in a hurry to jump in the shower. Wonder still had a tight grip on her.

Balfor pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck and left the bed. He brought several warm washcloths back with him and he wiped the traces of blood and semen from her thighs.

She yawned and stretched, clean and replete. He disappeared for a moment again and then brought in a tray with the sandwiches, the wine, and some napkins.

"You look exhausted."

She laughed. "You could have mentioned that before we…uh…"

He grinned, his teeth white against the deep mahogany of his skin. "No, I couldn't have."

She snickered and took the proffered sandwich and sipped delicately at the wine. Her body warmed, but not with the desperation she had felt earlier. Her body's repletion was bone deep.

When she finished her meal, he put the tray aside and cuddled her against him, engaging an invisible thermal blanket over them both.

Warm, replete and physically satisfied on all levels, Lena snuggled back against Balfor's nude form and fell asleep.

"Agent Sinclair!" The councillor cleared her throat.

Lena darkened with embarrassment, her thoughts trapped on the previous night and the several times in the darkness with Balfor. He stood at her side with an implacable look, but the tiny curve to his lips belied his indifference.

"I am sorry, what was the question?"

"How do you propose to take the reconstituting mechanism back to them? You are the same size as we are."

She grinned. "I am adaptable. I can transfer between this height and my normal stature quite easily and without mechanics."

The councillors were seated at the table, but as it was not a public session today, they were more casual about their discussions.

"I don't understand, Agent Sinclair."

"I am a Nyvil-Earther hybrid. The genes used to create me were adjusted so that my height fluctuated as I wished it to. As far as I know, I was the only successful test subject to achieve this ability."

"So you can enlarge the item?"

"I can."

"Can you do it immediately?"

Lena blinked. "Of course. It isn't a time sensitive thing. I can grow and shrink at will."

The councillors nodded and the woman pressed a lever in the centre of the table.

A crack appeared in the flooring and a spiralling opening formed, raising a platform that contained a long tube with a handle and a trigger.

"Agent Sinclair, this is our one and only re-generator. It will have the city back to its normal size within ten minutes from the moment you pull the trigger and surround the city in the neutralizing energy."

"Thank you, councillor. When can I do this?"

"We have warned the citizenry. All you need to do is take the article and exit the city of Cina. Once you are at your normal size, fire at the protective energy screen."

Lena nodded and reached out to take the mechanism. "I will have you back to the Coalition in no time."

The councillor nodded. "I hope they will be ready for us and what we have become."

Looking seriously at the council, turning to nod to her guards, she smiled. "I am sure that they will be willing to deal with whatever you bring to the table. Now, which is the fastest way out of here?"

Balfor lifted her into his arms. "That would be me. Hold on."

He bounded out of the upper window and she buried her face in his neck as they rose and fell in long leaps. She clutched the mechanism carefully and when they reached the end of the cityscape, a shudder of relief went through her.

"Ease up, Lena. You have your ability, I have mine." He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he let her get back on her feet.

Bemused she hesitated, unsure of whether or not to kiss him before she left. "Umm."

"I will see you as soon as you get back to your normal height, I am sure that you will block out the natural light." He grinned.

She turned quickly and pressed a kiss to his lips, licking his lower lip with her tongue before she backed away. "See you soon."

Her hand pressed to the wall caused a crackling effect, but it didn't let her out. Grimacing, she bit at her wounded finger and used the blood to exit the dome. It had read her Nyvil DNA on the way in and must be reading her Earther DNA on the way out.

She turned and saw Balfor, his hand pressed against the interior of the dome. The energy crackled against his skin, but he remained in place as she backed away from the city, getting larger as she walked away.

She returned to the area next to her shuttle and knelt to take aim at the city of Cina. Lena hoped with all her might that she wasn't about to blow up a bunch of tiny folk.

The beam that emanated from the mechanism was a friendly blue. It surrounded and absorbed into the small city. When the mechanism made a sad noise and ceased to produce its light, a flicker of alarm burned in Lena.

She really, really hoped that nothing had happened while she had been bounding across the cityscape.

The city didn't react for several minutes, but then a violent blue emanated from Cina and a pulsing began.

It didn't grow in a smooth movement, but rather in violent jerks that soon had the city expanded across the entire plateau.

Lena was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Balfor right in front of her eyes. He was still on the other side of the barrier, but she was once again looking up into his dark eyes.

He grinned and looked around him. He pressed a few buttons on his belt and stepped toward her, leaving his city and joining her next to her shuttle.

"Lena, this is a lovely world. Our scientists and biologists have been dispatched, we will know what this world has to offer within the day. Our council of elders is already at work contacting the Coalition." He walked toward her and placed his hands on her waist again.

She smiled up at him, struck by a sudden insecurity. "I am sure that you and your people will be only too happy to be normal size and able to dip into other genetic pools."

"The only thing I wish to dip anything into is you. Will you stay with me, here, at Cina?"

She bit her lip. "I can't leave my mother. She and my stepfather have supported me my entire life, helping me to become the person I am today."

He soothed her with a stroke starting at her forehead and smoothing her hair down her back. "There are plenty of empty homes here. You will have a great deal of pull if you wish to bring them here."

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