Michaela (23 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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A low hum announced itself from deep within her body. Michaela raised streaming eyes to see Govi hold up a remote. The contraption vibrated, its curve nestled right up against the place inside her sheath that felt best. However, it was not enough stimulation to make her pussy come. She needed her clit rubbed for that, and it had been rendered powerless by the metal covering it. The vibrations against her hotspot also made her cock more demanding of release than ever. Pain overtook pleasure, torturing her with need.

Michaela’s cries grew louder as her body fought for climax and was denied. She was aware of the men watching her closely, monitoring her every reaction.

With little hope but unable to keep quiet, she begged, “Korkla, please. It hurts.”

He did not waver. “Not as much as it’s going to, my Matara. You saw to that. Raxstad, has your anger cooled enough?”

“Yes, my Dramok. I am only interested in correcting her, not doing damage.”

Michaela had forgotten the paddling the Nobek owed her. She cried out as he took his position, the long-handled stretch of wood in his hand.

Before Raxstad’s first swing, Korkla diverted Michaela by kneeling before her and taking her cock in his mouth. She shrieked as wet warmth surrounded her flesh, making need more brutal than before. The sensation of the Dramok’s raspy tongue twining about her avid dick drove all thought from her skull. She fought to come. Agony drove deep into her loins when she was denied yet again.

A mighty cracking sound rang in Michaela’s ears. An instant later, her ass blazed to hellish life. Raxstad’s paddle had found its mark.

Had Michaela been able to speak in those next few seconds, she would not have been capable of telling which was worse: the hell of denied orgasm for both cunt and cock, the white-hot agony of being paddled, or the humiliation of the chastisement.

The full discipline lasted less than half a minute, but each second seemed to stretch into eternity. When the spanking ended, the vibrations stopped. Korkla withdrew his mouth from her prick. Michaela sobbed from equal parts shame and hurt.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she cried. She hung limp from the manacles.

Her Dramok searched her face before shaking his head. “You are sorry for now until the next time. I fear this will never end.” He sighed and turned to their Imdiko. “Govi?”

The beautiful man considered before answering. “She does need something to make her think harder about how she views herself. Let’s keep working on the matter. Maybe she’ll go for a longer period of time without calling herself names.”

The vibrations in Michaela’s pussy started again, though slower. It was enough to bring her back to that horrendous brink of orgasm without taking her over. Raxstad slowly, carefully fucked her ass with the smaller dildo, bringing a deep need to her there as well. Meanwhile, Govi and Korkla mouthed her constricted cock. Their tongues played over her livid flesh, rasping gently over the aching length. Govi’s palm rubbed gently against her scrotum, making it draw up tighter than ever to her body.

They delighted and then denied her. Michaela’s sexes were one fierce, demanding ache, brutalizing her more than Raxstad’s paddling had. She hung there with no choice but to allow the torture. She screamed apologies, pleading with them to let her come. They ignored her.

Michaela’s cock felt as if it was tied into knots. She’d never known such misery, not when her prick was being kissed and licked and sucked with such delightful care. She was swollen as never before, making the ring at the base of her member constrict until she shrieked with pain. Her pussy throbbed as well. The soft vibrations within her channel hummed against her hotspot, teasing without any hope of delivery. The dildo moving in her ass pressed the pussy vibrator harder against that special place within her womanhood, sending hellish darts to feed the growing agony.

Michaela sobbed. They would never stop, she thought. The men would continue to play with her until her cock exploded or she went insane. Her attempts to twist away from her tormentors’ ministrations were too weak to be of any use. All her pleas fell upon deaf ears.

At last she stopped trying to escape. She stopped begging for mercy. She simply hung in her chains, her body shuddering as the men antagonized it. Her resistance crumbled and she waited to be delivered or destroyed.

Only then did Govi rise to stand over her, his sweet face kind again. “All right, one last thing. I think after this, she’ll be less quick to say such vile words.”

At his statement, Korkla also left off mouthing Michaela’s cock. The vibrator went still, and Raxstad removed the dildo from her ass. He moved around to stand shoulder to shoulder with Govi.

The Imdiko’s tone couldn’t have been gentler, as if he hadn’t made Michaela’s existance a living hell for the past few minutes. “Tell us ten good things about yourself, Michaela.”

Her mind swirled in a chaos of confusion. She was still in pain from denied orgasm, a gut-wrenching agony that showed no sign of abating even though they were no longer stimulating her. She could barely think, much less put together a coherent sentence.

“Answer your Imdiko, girl,” Raxstad said. “Or would you like more discipline?”

The threat of being made to endure more cleared the fog from Michaela’s head as effectively as a slap in the face. She gazed at the remorseless face through her curtain of sweaty curls. Michaela gulped and fought for an answer.

“I’m – I’m a good dancer,” she managed, her voice thin and whispery.

“A very good dancer,” Raxstad agreed.

“Indeed you are.” Korkla’s approving voice made something within Michaela’s breast warm despite the pain she continued to feel.

“What else?” Govi prodded.

Michaela thought of a second thing quickly. “I’m a good friend to Jessica.”

“She would wholeheartedly agree with that.” The Imdiko’s smile made her heart beat faster. He was happy with her, and that made the warm feeling in her chest expand.

Korkla’s tone filled with encouragement. “That’s two, my love. Keep going.”

Michaela sought for another answer, one that they would like. It was hard when she felt like she’d already run out of the things that mattered. She couldn’t claim to be pretty, not after seeing Feyom. She couldn’t claim to be all that smart either. She wasn’t stupid but she thought her intelligence was only average. She certainly couldn’t say she had a wonderful body.

The faces looking down at her were stiffening again. She had to say she was good at something. She couldn’t endure more of the punishment that should end in pleasure but wouldn’t. It was coming too. She could see it in the way Raxstad’s brows drew together, in how Korkla’s lips thinned, in the clenching of Govi’s jaw.

In desperation, Michaela blurted, “I can out-swear Raxstad.”

There was an instant of surprise from all three faces before the men erupted in laughter. Relief filled Michaela, and she tried to laugh too. The sound she made was more of a sob. She still hurt magnificently from the continuing need to climax.

Guffawing, Raxstad said, “I’ll accept that one. You are a master when it comes to profanity, my beauty.”

“I’m – I’m – uh–” Michaela struggled for something else. Damn it, didn’t they know how difficult this was? There was so little she could offer!

The little bit she’d managed to eat at dinner twisted sourly in her cramping belly. That gave Michaela something else to claim. “I’m a good cook.”

Korkla said, “We look forward to discovering that.”

“I give good blowjobs.”

That made the three men howl with renewed laughter. “No argument from me!” Govi agreed, his bright purple eyes twinkling. “You’re halfway there, my love.”

Only halfway, and Michaela had battled with all her wits to get the first five. Her loins throbbed with brutality. Tears threatened, the need to cry overwhelming Michaela.

She moaned, “Shit. Fuck. I can’t think of anymore. Please, let it stop. I’ll be good.”

Korkla shook his head, his implacable clan leader attitude resuming its place on his face. “There are many, many things I can think of that are wonderful about Matara Michaela of Clan Korkla. All you have to list are five more.”

Michaela wanted to curse him then, to use her immense foul vocabulary as a weapon to make him concede. On the heels of that impulse, however, came a sense of guilt. Michaela knew from experience that words could do more damage than physical chastisement. She could commit more injury with ugly insults than the clan had with the torment she continued to endure.

I would never do that to him, to any of them. No matter how they punish me, it’s something I can get through because I know they would never do anything spiteful to me. They are everything, more than I deserve.

Suddenly, Michaela had the final five things she needed to make amends. In rapid succession, she ran four of them off: “I’m loyal. I’m a survivor. I’ve had moments when I was brave. Sometimes I make my clan happy.”

Her balls and cock and cunt continued to pulse with agony. Michaela managed a smile for her clanmates anyway as she spoke the final words that made her not such an awful excuse of a person. “And when I love, it’s with all my heart. Like how I love you three.”

Raxstad beamed at her, all his anger erased. Korkla also smiled, transforming his too-sharp featured face into breathtaking beauty. Govi blinked very fast, his eyes brightening more than ever.

Korkla stroked Michaela’s hair and bent to kiss her lips. Against her mouth he said, “Those are very good things, Michaela. And they are all true, so you must do all in your power to believe them.”

“I know the last one is for true.”

Korkla said, “And returned. You are the heart and soul of this clan, my love. Please don’t doubt it ever again.”

He looked to Govi. “Are you satisfied?”

The Imdiko nodded. “I am. She’s been well chastised, and I think she’ll think twice before saying those awful things again.”

Korkla turned his attention to Raxstad. “And you, my Nobek? You are our disciplinarian, after all.”

The wonderful brute stared down a Michaela. Raxstad seemed torn. “Damn it, I want to believe she’ll behave herself from now on. The trouble is, she’s the most stubborn thing in the universe.”

Michaela’s heart dropped. She didn’t want any more punishment.

Govi’s tone was conciliatory. “It’s difficult to remove such ingrained thoughts, my Nobek.”

“I know. I agree she’s had enough for now,” Raxstad admitted. His brows beetled together. “My Matara, know that the next time you utter the least ugly thing about yourself, I will discipline you to the point that this will seem like a fun-filled romp. I won’t hear it.”

Michaela swallowed. It was the pain underlying the threat in his voice that made her determined to obey his wishes. “I will not say them then, my Nobek. I swear it to you. If I screw up, you can beat me flatter than a pancake.”

He quirked a smile at that, softening his coarse features. “All right. I’m not sure what a pancake is, but I’m willing to believe it’s something really flat.”

“Let’s take her down and show her the more pleasant side of this room,” Korkla suggested.

Govi was quick to agree, but Raxstad held up a hand to make them pause. “This one time. We always turn to pleasure after punishing Michaela, and I’m concerned she’ll start taking that the wrong way. After today, any time she is reprimanded there will be no reward afterwards.”

His look was one of stern love. “Do you understand what I’m saying here, Michaela?”

She nodded. “I do.”

“Do you agree that it is a necessary step?”

Michaela swallowed.
Raxstad needs this,
she thought to herself.
He needs me to tell him I understand he’s doing it out of love and concern for me.

“I agree, my Nobek. Misbehavior deserves punishment alone.”

“All right.” He reached over her head and made the manacles spring open, freeing her wrists.

Michaela’s arms tumbled to her sides, feeling weak after having them up for so long. Govi set about rubbing them, getting the circulation flowing faster again. “Poor sweetheart,” he murmured as Korkla took the spreader bar from between her feet.

Raxstad took the first nipple clip off her. Michaela hissed as blood returned to her flesh, bringing new and electric pain. “Easy,” the Nobek murmured, kissing the hurt away.

“Oh wait, please,” Michaela whimpered as he reached for the other clamp.

“It will be over soon,” he said reassuringly, but that didn’t take away the flush of torment when her nipple was freed. Raxstad kissed that one too.

Meanwhile, Korkla removed the vibrator/cockring contraption holding her sexual bits prisoner. Michaela’s cock bobbed heavily, still aching for release. Her clit seemed to strain too, as if to entreat any contact in order to realize fulfillment. Instead, Korkla eased the dildo out of her backside, not touching anything else.

Michaela was no longer on the brink of orgasm, but she still hurt with need. If Raxstad could dream up a punishment that surpassed this one, she really must concentrate on not saying the foul names that leapt into her skull when she felt the worst about herself.

“This way, precious,” Govi coaxed her, leading her to one of the tables in the room.

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