Mesmerized (11 page)

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Authors: Audra Cole,Bella Love-Wins

BOOK: Mesmerized
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I wake the next morning and it takes me a second to remember where I am. I stretch against Brandon, and then relax into the comforting feel of his arms wrapped around me and his skin against mine.

“Morning, my beautiful girl,” he mumbles into my ear.

“Morning,” I reply. As I roll over to face him, he kisses my forehead, and I smile up at him, amazed by how he manages to look so hot first thing in the morning. He has some definite scruffiness, and it’s making me a little crazy.

It’s really not fair.

Brandon smiles lazily down at me. He traces a finger along my cheek and then down my neck, following the trail with his lips. Little shivers shoot through me with every kiss, and when it hits the hollow underneath my collarbone, I stop thinking altogether.

“Before we get carried away again, I have something to show you,” he says. He lets go of me long enough to pick up some sort of tablet from the bed. He has an excited gleam in his eyes when he turns back to me. “I called my manager yesterday and he is gonna work it out so that I can have the next three months off before starting my next project. I was trying to convince my mom to come to California and see a specialist for a second opinion, before her surgery, to make sure she is getting the best advice. She won’t go to California, but she did agree to let me get her an appointment with someone here.”

He turns on the tablet and pulls up a webpage for one of the most prestigious hospitals in Seattle. He flicks to a page with all sorts of information about their oncology department and starts rattling off all the different statistics regarding a particular team of doctors and how he pulled some strings to get his mom an appointment a week from now.

I ask questions and he does his best to answer them, as he whizzes around the different websites he has saved. I can’t help but smile along as he speaks. Although there’s still an edge of nervousness to his voice, he seems much more hopeful, and I can tell he feels better knowing he can make a contribution to his mom’s care.

“So you’ll be here for the next three months?” I ask, when he finishes showing me everything and sets the tablet aside.

He nods and kisses me again. “Yeah.”

I smile, practically bursting with happiness.

“And then, after that, maybe you would consider coming to California with me?” he asks.

My eyebrows shoot up. “Really? Brandon I—”

He interrupts. “You don’t have to decide right now, you’ve had quite a night, quite a weekend, really. I just want you to think about it. Please?”

I nod in agreement.

Brandon pushes out of bed and declares he needs to find something to eat.

“Typical man,” I tease as he gets dressed. “All you need in life is food and sex. Not necessarily in that order of course.”

He chucks a pillow at me and laughs. “Hey, I didn’t hear any complaints about my
manly ways
last night,” he says.

I grin at him. “Yeah, yeah,” I say. I sit up and gather the sheets around me. “Do you want me to go with you?”

He shakes his head and winks. “Nope, I want you to keep your beautiful ass right where it is,” he answers. “They put out a spread in the lobby every morning that’s not too bad. Muffins, bagels, and coffee. I’ll go load up a plate and be right back.”

He drops a kiss on my forehead before pulling on his hoodie. He stands by the door for a moment, just staring at me with a goofy, sideways smile.

“What? Is my hair totally tweaking?” I ask, running my fingers through the tangled bed head mess.

“No, you look perfect. I just can’t believe you’re here…with me,” he answers.

I feel myself blush.

He gives one last look and then turns and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

I sigh contentedly and lean back against the headboard. The last few days have been such a blur of chaos and emotion, but when Brandon and I were together last night, and again this morning, it seemed like everything else stopped swirling around us and the world moved in slow motion.

Life is better than back to normal. It is perfect.

A soft knock on the door interrupts my playback of some of our steamier moments. I laugh to myself, imagining Brandon standing there, his arms too full of food to do the key card for the door. I get off the bed and wrap the sheet tightly around myself, part of it trailing behind me as I cross the room and pop open the door.

I gasp when I realize Brandon’s ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Blair, in all her Hollywood glory, is standing on the welcome mat.


To Be Continued

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Audra Cole






Bella Love-Wins





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